24 research outputs found

    Pengembangan olahraga woodball di Provinsi Jawa Tengah

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) Mengetahui keberadaan organisasi olahraga woodball di Provinsi Jawa Tengah. (2) Mengetahui upaya pengembangan cabang olahraga woodball yang dilakukan di Pengprov IWbA Jawa Tengah. (3) Mengetahui kondisi sumber daya manusia di Pengprov Jawa Tengah untuk mengembangkan olahraga woodball. (4) Mengetahui sarana dan prasarana yang dimiliki Pengprov Jawa Tengah. (5) Mengetahui penggalian sumber dana oleh Pengprov Jawa Tengah. (6) Mengetahui pembinaan prestasi olahraga woodball yang diterapkan di Pengprov Jawa Tengah. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Indonesia Woodball Association (IWbA) dan Pengprov IWbA Jawa Tengah. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan subyek penelitian Pengembangan olahraga woodball di Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Sumber data berupa wawancara dan catatan-catatan mengenai organisasi, sumber daya manusia, sarana prasarana, pendanaan dan pembinaan prestasi yang dimiliki oleh IWbA dan pengurus Provinsi IWbA Jawa Tengah dan informan dengan menggunakan teknik snowball sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu mengkaji dokumen dan arsip (content analysis), wawancara mendalam (in-depth interviewing) dan observasi (observation). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) Indonesia woodball association dan Pengprov IWbA Jawa Tengah mempunyai peran penting dalam proses pengembangan olahraga woodball. (2) Pengprov IWbA Jawa Tengah telah melakukan berbagai upaya untuk mengembangkan olahraga woodball dengan melakukan sosialisasi, pelatihan dan pembinaan bagi pelatih dan atlet. (3) Sumber daya manusia di Pengprov IWbA Jawa Tengah mulai dari pengurus, pelatih dan juga atlet mempunyai potensi dan kualitas yang baik. Hal tersebut ditunjukkan oleh minat, bakat dan banyaknya prestasi yang diraih oleh atlet woodball Provinsi Jawa Tengah. (4) Sarana dan prasarana yang dimiliki oleh Pengprov Jawa Tengah sudah sesuai dengan kualitas dan kuantitas yang di tetapkan. Namun pada saat penggunaan fasilitas olahraga, Pengprov IWbA Jawa Tengah masih harus bekerja sama dengan beberapa pihak dikarenakan belum mempunyai fasilitas pribadi. (5) Penggalian sumber dana didapat dari KONI dan PB IWbA. Selama ini pemerintah belum turut serta dalam pengembangan olahraga woodball khususnya dalam bidang pendanaan. (6) Pengprov IWbA Jawa Tengah belum maksimal dalam melakukan pembinaan prestasi. Keterbatasan pendanaan mengakibatkan beberapa program pembinaan prestasi belum terlaksana dengan baik, seperti belum adanya pusat pelatihan atlet dan juga perekrutan atlet junior


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    This study aims to (1) Figure out the existence of woodball sports organization in the province of Central Java. (2) Determine the efforts in the development of sports woodball conducted in IWbA Central Java Pengprov. (3) Find out of the status of human resources in Central Java Pengprov to develop sports woodball. (4) Knowing facilities and infrastructure owned by Central Java Pengprov. (5) Find out the source of funds by Central Java Pengpov’s excavation. (6) Knowing coaching achievements of woodball sports applied in Central Java Pengprov. This research was conducted in Indonesia Woodball Association (IWbA) and IWbA Central Java Pengprov. The method used was descriptive qualitative research with woodball Sports Development in Central Java province as subject of the research. Sources of data in the form of two data; first, interviews and records of the organization, human resources, infrastructure, funding and coaching achievements of the IWbA and administrators IWbA province of Central Java and the second data was from informants, they both were gained by using snowball sampling technique. Data collection techniques used in this research were examining the documents and archives (content analysis), in-depth interviews (in-depth interviewing) and observations (observation). The results showed that (1) Indonesia woodball association and IWbA Central Java Pengprov had an important role in the process of woodball sport development. (2) IWbA Central Java Pengprov had made various efforts to develop the sport woodball with socialization, training and coaching for coaches and athletes. (3) Human resources in Central Java IWbA Pengprov ranging from administrators, coaches and athletes also have the good potential and quality. This is shown by the interest, talent and the many accomplishments achieved by athletes’ woodball in Central Java province. (4) Facilities and infrastructure owned by Pengprov Central Java were in accordance with the quality and quantity in the set. However, the use of the sports facilities, Pengprov IWbA Central Java still needed to work with several parties due to its less private facilities. (5) Excavation of funding sources were obtained from KONI and PB IWbA. So far, the government had not participated in the development of sport woodball particularly in the areas of funding. (6) Pengprov IWbA Central Java did not maximize in fostering achievement. Limitations of funding resulted, several achievements coaching program had not done well, such as the lack of a training center athletes and junior athlete’s recruitment.  Article visualizations

    The Correlation of Body Anthropometry and Volleyball Movement Skills

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between body anthropometry and mastery of volleyball movement skills for students at SMA Negeri 1 Kajen. This type of research is Explanatory Research using survey methods. The independent variable is body anthropometry and the dependent variable is volleyball movement skills. The subjects of this study were students of SMA Negeri 1 Kajen who actively participated in volleyball extracurricular activities. The research sample was selected using total sampling technique. The number of samples in this study were 24 subjects. The data collection technique used body anthropometric tests, namely: height, weight, arm length, and leg length as well as volleyball movement skill tests using the American Association for Health, Physical Education Recreation and Dance test guidelines for ages 10-18 years, namely volleyball, service, passing, and set-up tests. Data were analyzed using multiple correlation tests and canonical correlation tests. The results showed that all components of body anthropometry were positively correlated with each component of volleyball movement skills, there was a close relationship between height, arm length and leg length with volleyball, service and set up skills. There is no correlation between all components of body anthropometry and all components of volleyball movement skills together. The conclusion of this study is that the anthropometric components of the body are not correlated with the components of volleyball movement skills togethe

    E-Learning System For Physical Education In IAIN Salatiga Using Google Classroom

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    This study aims to analyze the process of lecturing the theory and practice of physical education at the Salatiga State Islamic Institute (IAIN Salatiga) using the google clasroom media. The method used is qualitative with a phenomenological approach and case study design to examine in depth the aspects that influence the use of google classroom media in the physical education learning. The results of this study are the physical education e-learning using google classroom at IAIN Salatiga can be used as a solution to the limitations of theoretical and practical in the physical education learning. Furthermore, it makes it easier for lecturers to deliver physical education material and makes it easier for students to learn physical education material. Internet signal access is a major obstacle in e-leraning physical education using google classroom at IAIN Salatiga

    Penyuluhan Cidera Akibat Olahraga Pada Atlet Persani Kabupaten Pekalongan

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    Cidera Olahraga yang terjadi pada atlet olahraga prestasi selain mengganggu kesehatan  juga dapat mengurangi kesempatan atlet tersebut untuk berprestasi secara maksimal. cedera olahraga yang terjadi, penyebab cedera olahraga, jenis cedera dan cara penanganan cedera olahraga. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuan  dan edukasi terkait macam-macam cidera olahraga dan memaksimalkan proses pemulihan cedera serta untuk meminimalkan terjadinya resiko cedera ulang. Metode yang digunakan dengan memberikan penyuluhan dan pelatihan penanganan cidera olahraga. Resiko dari kegiatan berolahraga adalah cedera, mulai dari cedera ringan hingga cedera berat sangat mungkin terjadi pada atlet yang melakukan latihan rutin.  

    Fitment Assistance and Training For Practices “Sedentary Lifestyle”

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    T The purpose of this community service activity is to introduce and provide assistance in efforts to improve physical fitness and design a fitness program for PJOK teachers so that later they can implement it in physical education learning in schools. After analyzing the situation, several problems were identified as follows: (1) There are still PJOK teachers who are not optimal in delivering physical fitness-based physical education materials during the COVID-19 pandemic (2) There is still a lack of knowledge of PJOK teachers about how to form physical fitness programs for students. children, (3) There are still PJOK teachers who tend to focus more on giving assignments, giving monotonous material which causes students to get bored. Therefore, this workshop is a solution for PJOK teachers to try to open scientific horizons regarding physical fitness learning in physical education

    Relationship between Abnormalities the Arcus Form Static and Dynamic Balance Levels In Class 1-4 Students for Primary School Muhammadiyah Ambokembang Academic 2018/2019 in Pekalongan District

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    This study was conducted to determine the relationship between arch deformity with dynamic balance and static balance in students at SD Muhammadiyah Ambokembang. Arch deformity data was obtained from the pedis arch test, namely the wet footprint test, dynamic balance was obtained from the balance beam test and the static succession was obtained from a one foot stand test. This research was conducted on boys and girls at  Muhammadiyah Ambokembang class 1-4 Primary School. In this study, there is a relationship between arch deformity with dynamic equilibrium (p <0.05) with value (p = 0,000) and static balance with values (p = 0,000). Many factors can affect a person's dynamic balance, namely physical, biomechanical, musculoskeletal, and somatosensory factors. However, from the results of this study it can be seen that musculoskeletal factors in the form of a pedis arch form in particular the arch form deformity turned out to greatly affect the dynamic balance in the elementary school students studied. Arche deformities can affect dynamic balance because the flat foot shape without curvature is less able to function as a rigid lever for leveraging the body when the foot will leave its footing in the walking process. This study provides the results that respondents experience impaired balance, especially when doing a static balance test that is by walking on long beams

    Profil Kebugaran Jasmani Pesilat Remaja Berprestasi di Kota Pekalongan

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    Pencak silat merupakan tradisi asal dari Indonesia yang sangat kental terhadap kebudayaannya. Pencak silat dapat di katakana sebagai olahraga prestasi dalam semua kalangan usia, prestasi pencak silat berpengaruh pada keadaan kebugaran jasmani seseoranng, salah satunya kondisi fisik. Dengan begitu wajib dilakukannya tes kebugaran jasmnai agar setiap atlet mengetahui keadaan tubuh dan menyadari akan pentingnya kondisi fisik dalam melakukan olahraga pencak silat. Tujuan dari penelitian tersebut adalah agar dapat mengetahui kebugaran jasmani seorang atlet pencak silat remaja. Berdasarkan hasil dari survey yang di dapat serta pengambilan angket yang diberikan kepada 10 pelatih di setiap perguruan pencak silat Kota Pekalongan maka di dapatkan bahwa 80%&nbsp; atau 8 dari 10 perguruan belum pernah melakukan tes dan pengukuran kebugaran jasmani dan 20% memberikan keterangan sudah melakukan tetapi tidak menyertakan hasil yang fakta mengenai tes dan pengukuran kebugaran jasman

    Understanding On The Management Of Sport Injuries Through Sport Massage And Rice Method For Ipsi Pencaksilat Athletes In Pekalongan District

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    The aim of this The aim of this community service is to provide knowledge in the field of handling sports injuries through sports massage and the rice method for pencak silat athletes in Pekalongan Regency theoretically and practically in increasing knowledge of handling sports injuries in the field. This community service is carried out in Pekalongan Regency. The material presented at this seminar is about handling sports injuries through sports massage and the rice method. The results of the implementation of this community service activity are expected to provide knowledge to athletes, especially pencaksilat athletes in Pekalongan Regency and can produce quality masseurs for the recovery needs of athletes in Pekalongan Regency