81 research outputs found


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    The objectives of this research are (1) to identify the types of commands employed by the main character in the film entitled Elizabeth: the Golden Age, (2) to find out the forms of commands used by the main character in the film entitled Elizabeth: the Golden Age, and (3) to know the strategies of how commands are expressed by the main character in the film entitled Elizabeth: the Golden Age. This research applied a descriptive qualitative approach. The data of this research were in the forms of dialogues in the transcript or text of the film Elizabeth: the Golden Age which indicate speech act of commands. The sources of the data were the film Elizabeth: the Golden Age and its script. In collecting the data, the film was watched; the transcript was reread and re-transcribed comprehensively and interpretatively. The data were, then, identified using the limitation provided, coded into the data sheets, interpreted as what are found based on the context of each datum, discussed into a deeper story lined explanation, and then concluded for the research questions. The results of the research are as follows. Firstly, there are two types of commands uttered by the main character in Elizabeth: the Golden Age. The most dominant of the types is direct commands. It shows that most of commands in this film are to show the authority of the main character. Secondly, there are seven forms of commands which occur in Elizabeth: the Golden Age. The forms which are included in direct commands are base form of verb, imperative + modifier and let + first person pronoun, while the forms which are indirect commands are you + imperatives, embedded agent, verb ellipsis, and hints. In the application of the forms, the main character mostly applies base form of verb in commanding people since it is the simplest and clearest form. Lastly, in the way of expressing commands, the main character proposes four strategies. They include bald on record, positive politeness, negative politeness, and off record. Bald on record is mostly applied by the main character since she is a queen and has the greater authority among the others. Keywords: the film Elizabeth: the Golden Age, speech acts of commands, politeness strateg


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    Saving is an action that can produce positive results. Through saving, someone can prepare funds for the unexpected, or maybe saving activities used as preparation for the needs that have been previously predicted. Saving should be used as a habit. However, not all people have the habit of saving, it needs to be used as a habit in one's life, for that it needs to be educated since childhood so that saving activities become a habit so that in the end the saving culture is never passed until the child becomes an adult. Age 4-6 years is an important age in human life because the imagination and duplication power of children is very high. Therefore it is necessary to education about "saving culture". If a child has been accustomed to setting aside some of his allowance for savings, it will become a habit when growing up. Based on this, the article titled: A training of saving culture for OSCAR Kindergarten Students in Serang, discusses the importance of saving culture starting early. The technique used in this training is Persuasion Communication with contexts tailored to kindergarten students

    Implementasi Canva dalam Digitalisasi Mata Pelajaran Seni Budaya di Madrasah Tsanawiyah

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    Tujuan – Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan implementasi Canva dalam digitalisasi mata pelajaran seni budaya pada siswa kelas VIIIB MTsN 1 Yogyakarta. Metode – Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif. Subjek penelitian terdiri dari guru seni budaya dan siswa kelas VIIIB di MTsN 1 Yogyakarta yang menggunakan Canva dalam pembelajaran mereka. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara mendalam, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Metode analisis konten digunakan untuk menganalisis data yang terkumpul. Validitas data diperoleh melalui triangulasi data dari berbagai sumber. Hasil – Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan Canva dalam pembelajaran seni budaya di MTsN 1 Yogyakarta meningkatkan minat dan pemahaman siswa terhadap materi. Guru dapat efektif menyampaikan materi seni rupa melalui aplikasi Canva, terutama dalam pembuatan poster dan komik. Implementasi Canva didukung oleh program Madrasah Digital dari Kementerian Agama, melibatkan komitmen, dukungan, partisipasi, dan pendanaan. Inovasi pembelajaran Canva menjadi solusi dalam meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran seni budaya di era digital, mengatasi kendala dalam pendidikan, dan menjawab tuntutan zaman yang semakin maju. Penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi penting dalam pengembangan metode pembelajaran yang inovatif dan rekomendasi bagi guru dalam menggunakan Canva sebagai alat bantu pembelajaran di masa depan. Implementasi Canva dalam pembelajaran seni budaya di MTsN 1 Yogyakarta adalah contoh bagaimana inovasi pendidikan dapat mengatasi kendala dan menjawab tuntutan zaman

    Analysis of Crout, Lu, Cholesky Decomposition, and QR Factorization: A Case Study On The Relationship Between Abiotic (Carbon and Nitrogen) and Biotic (Macrobenthos Diversity) Factors

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    Many real world problems can be represented by a system of linear equations, such as in the field of ecology, i.e, the relationship of carbon and nitrogen with macrobenthos diversity. There are many methods to solve linear equations system, then it is necessary to do an analysis of which method is the best so that the user can choose the most efficient method. The methods that will be analyzed are LU, Crout, Cholesky decomposition, and QR factorization. From the calculation of arithmetic operations obtained Cholesky decomposition method is the most efficient method because it has the fewest arithmetic operations. Further, to verify the proposed method we demonstrated simulation with a case study of the relationship between carbon and nitrogen with the macrobenthos diversity based on data from the area of polyculture system and PT. Kayu Lapis Indonesia coastal, Mororejo village subdistrict Kaliwungu district Kendal. From the simulation resultsis obtained that computing time the smallest is the Cholesky decomposition is equal to 1.4664 seconds, which means that the Cholesky decomposition is the most efficient method than the method of LU, Crout decomposition and QR factorization


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    AbstractCritical thinking is a process directed in solving problems and become a much-needed ability to make students better prepared in the learning process. Critical thinking skills in learning proces needs to be facilitated bysuitable appropiate teaching materials that isstudent worksheet based on Reading, Questioning and Answering (RQA) model.RQA learning model is a learning model which train student in construct their own knowledge so the students not only getting the concept but understand the material critically. One of the alternatives to help students to understanding material by facilitating student worksheet to train student’s critical thinking skill.The research was intended to describe the validity of student worksheet based on RQA model in Invertebrate material for train critical thinking skill senior high school student. This research was a developmental research was done based on 4-D model which modified to 3-D model (Define, Design, develop). Validation results indicate that the developed of student worksheet was categorized very valid with the percentage reaches 95,13%. Keywords: Student Worksheet, RQA model, Critical Thinking Skill, Invertebrat

    Analysis of the Tourism Sector and GDRP Contribution To Local Own-Source Revenue in West Kalimantan

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    This research is aimed to analyze contribution of the number of tourists, the number of hotel occupancy, gross regional domestic product, waterfrontcity Pontianak, and openness indicator on locally generated revenue through the tourism sector in West Kalimantan Province with the period 2012 to 2019. The method used in this study is a panel data regression model. Variables of this research indicate that from 2012 to 2019, the number of tourists, the number of hotel occupancy and waterfrontcity Pontianak, gross regional domestic product, and openess indicator. The results of this research indicate that from 2012 to 2019, the number of tourists, the number of hotel occupancy and waterfrontcity Pontianak has a insignificant effect on locally generated revenue. While gross regional domestic product have a positive and significant effect on locally generated revenue. Openess indcator has a negative and significant effect on locally generated revenue

    The Influence of Motivation, Leadership and Job Satisfaction Toward Employee Turnover Intention at PT. Asuransi Jiwa Syariah Bumiputera Semarang.

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh Motivasi, Kepemimpinan, dan Kepuasan Kerja terhadap Turnover Intention pada PT Asuransi Jiwa Syariah Bumiputera Semarang.Data yang digunakan adalah data primer yang dikumpulkan melalui kuesioner dan studi pustaka. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah karyawan PT Asuransi Jiwa Syariah Bumiputera Semarang. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang dilakukan yaitu purposive sampling dan diperoleh sampel sebanyak 40 karyawan PT Asuransi Jiwa Syariah Bumiputera Semarang. Model analisis menggunakan teknik analisis regresi linier berganda dengan program SPSS versi 22. Teknik analilis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini Uji F, Uji Koefisien Determinasi (R2) dan Uji t.Dari hasil pengujian hipotesis menunjukkan bahwa motivasi berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap turnover intention, kemudian kepemimpinan berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap turnover intention, kepuasan kerja berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap turnover intention


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    Memasuki era globalisasi saat ini banyak perusahaan-perusahaan yang terus memperbaiki diri melalui berbagai perubahan, baik secara fisik maupun mental dari para karyawannya. Tampilan fisik tentu saja lebih kepada bagaimana manajemen perusahaan dapat menampilkan tataan gedung, ruangan-ruangan yang asri, logo termasuk juga kerapihan karyawan dengan berbagai atribut perusahaan dan juga seragamnya. Berkaitan dengan hal itu, perusahaan dan organisasi saat ini sedang mengalami perubahan yang signifikan dalam abad 21 ini. Perubahan perubahan ini merupakan hasil dari berbagai skandal korporasi yang muncul pada tahun 2000-an, kebutuhan untuk bekerja bersama dalam lingkungan kerja yang lebih beragam secara budaya, dan fakta bahwa hanya sedikit pekerjaan dapat diselesaikan tanpa bantuan dari orang lain (West & Turner, 2008:271)
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