49 research outputs found


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    Kappaphycus alvarezii merupakan salah satu spesies rumput laut yang mayoritas dikembangkan di kawasan pesisir dan memiliki nilai ekonomis yang cukup tinggi. Upaya dalam mengembangkan kawasan budidaya rumput laut membutuhkan pendekatan yang memperhatikan indikator kesesuaian dan daya dukung untuk menjamin keberlanjutan produksi rumput laut jenis tersebut di masa depan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kawasan budidaya rumput laut jenis K. alvarezii berdasarkan analisis kesesuaian dan daya dukung perairan dengan pendekatan konsentrasi nitrat (NO3-). Penelitian ini dilakukan di Pesisir Kota Baubau, Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara pada bulan Februari–Maret 2020. Data parameter fisik dan kimia perairan dikumpulkan secara langsung di lokasi penelitian, sementara satuan konsentrasi nitrat yang mampu diserap rumput laut diperoleh dari data sekunder yang tersedia. Data parameter lingkungan diolah dengan metode weight sum overlay pada aplikasi image processing dan dilanjutkan dengan analisis daya dukung berdasarkan konsentrasi nitrat. Hasil analisis kesesuaian perairan diperoleh mencapai 3240,6 ha. Kategori sangat sesuai seluas 920,58 ha dan kategori sesuai 2320 ha. Daya dukung berdasarkan konsentrasi nitrat yang dapat ditampung oleh perairan adalah 0,497 kg-N/hari dengan total jumlah rumput laut yang dapat dibudidayakan dalam satu tahun adalah 7317,90 ton. Berdasarkan angka tersebut maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa sebagian besar Pesisir Kota Baubau potensial untuk dijadikan sebagai kawasan pengembangan budidaya rumput laut dengan jumlah produksi yang tinggi.Kappaphycus alvarezii is one of the seaweed species which is mostly developed in coastal areas and has a highly economic value. Development areas that pay attention to the suitability and carrying capacity indicators of the waters is an effort that can be done to ensure the sustainability of this species production in the future. This study aims to analyze the development area of seaweed farming based on the suitability and carrying capacity indicators. This study was conducted in the coastal of Baubau City, Southeast Sulawesi Province, from February to March 2020. Data on physical and chemical parameters of the waters were collected directly at the research site to determine suitability categories, while the concentration of nitrate (NO3-) that can be uptake by seaweed is obtained from available secondary data. Environmental parameter data was processed using software image processing with weight sum overlay method and continued with carrying capacity analysis based on the nitrate absorption of seaweed. The results of the analysis suitability category obtained reached 3114.9 ha, with the most suitable category covering 1033.3 ha and the suitable category 2081.6 ha. The carrying capacity of the nitrate concentration that can be accommodated by the waters is 0.497 kg-N/day, with the total amount of seaweed that can be cultivated is 7317.90 tons. Most of the coastal waters area of Baubau City has the potential to be utilized as a seaweed aquaculture development area with a high amount of production. &nbsp

    Intensive Litopenaeus vanamei pond performance with irrigation system based on Distribution of Vibrio spp.

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    Intensive shrimp ponds are characterized by the high stocking density of shrimp and artificial feeding and are equipped with an irrigation network system. The purpose of this study was to analyze the intensive L.vannamei pond with an irrigation system based on Vibrio spp. distribution to determine environmental quality degradation in terms of the treat of pathogenic bacteria. This study was carried out for one production cycle from March toJuly 2021 in an intensive shrimp farm in Sarjo Village, Pasangkayu Regency, West Sulawesi. The parameters analyzed in this study consisted of Total Bacterial Count (TBC), Total Vibrio Count (TVC), yellow and green colony Vibrio spp. in water using the spread plate method. Water samples for bacterial analysis were taken from 1) source water: (a) surface (0–50 cm depth) and (b) pump mouth; 2) treatment pond; 3) aquaculture pond; 4) Waste Water Treatment Ponds (WWTP); 5) outlet (before discharge into public waters). The results showed that the distribution of bacteria from seawater to WWTPs pond still increased the abundance of Vibrio spp., although the abundance of Vibrio spp. is still safe or below the maximum limit of 104 CFU/mL. Distribution of Vibrio bacteria in Intensive L.vannamei Pond Sarjo Village, West Sulawesi gave a relatively good pond performance because it was characterized by an abundance of Vibrio bacteria in the pond irrigation system from inlet to outlet which was still below the maximum limit and high pond productivity.Keywords:Intensive shrimp pondPathogenicVibrio spp.Pond performanceAquaculture


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    Pesisir Kabupaten Lampung Timur merupakan sentra budidaya udang vaname (Litopenaeus vannamei). Namun, daerah ini mengalami fluktuasi produksi, di mana produksi periode tahun 2019-2021 mengalami penurunan dari 10.504 ton menjadi 5.903 ton. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengevaluasi kesesuaian fisik lahan serta kualitas air dan tanah tambak pemeliharaan udang vaname yang diklasifikasikan ke dalam dua tingkat teknologi budidaya: tradisional dan semi-intensif atau intensif. Lokasi penelitian berada di pesisir Kabupaten Lampung Timur. Parameter yang diukur (1) kesesuaian fisik lahan meliputi ketinggian lahan, penggunaan lahan, jarak dari pantai, dan jarak dari sungai; (2) kualitas air terdiri dari suhu, salinitas, pH, oksigen terlarut, alkalinitas, amonia, nitrit, nitrat, serta fosfat; dan (3) kualitas tanah berupa pH dan jenis substrat sedimen. Tingkat kesesuaian fisik lahan dianalisis menggunakan sistem informasi geografis dengan metode tumpang susun (overlay) peta. Kesesuaian kualitas air dan tanah berpedoman pada Peraturan Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan Nomor 75 Tahun 2016. Hasil evaluasi kesesuaian lahan untuk tambak tradisional menunjukkan 491,45 ha masuk kategori sangat sesuai (S1) dan sesuai (S2) serta 9.662,61 ha sesuai marjinal (S3). Untuk tambak semi-intensif atau intensif seluas 11,61 ha masuk kategori S1 dan S2 serta 10.416,58 ha kategori S3. Nilai hasil uji kualitas air dan tanah bervariasi di tiap titik pengujian, namun umumnya sesuai, hanya salinitas tambak semi-intensif atau intensif tercatat tidak sesuai standar budidaya udang vaname. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan lokasi tambak di lahan S3 dan ketidaksesuaian salinitas menjadi faktor yang memengaruhi secara langsung keberhasilan budidaya dan stabilitas produksi udang.The coastal area of East Lampung Regency is one of the main centers for whiteleg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) aquaculture in Lampung Province. However, the area’s shrimp production has highly fluctuated. For example, in 2019-2021, the production decreased from 10,504 tons to 5,903 tons. This study aimed to evaluate the land suitability, water and soil quality of shrimp ponds located in the coastal of East Lampung Regency which use two types of farming technology: traditional and semi-intensive or intensive. The measured parameters included: (1) physical suitability parameters: land height from sea level, land use, distance from the beach and river; (2) water quality parameters: temperature, salinity, pH, dissolved oxygen, alkalinity, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and phosphate; and (3) soil quality parameters: pH and types of sediment. The level of land suitability was determined using the geographic information system (GIS) approach, in which a weighted overlay method was employed. The suitability classification of water and soil quality was based on the standard in the Decree of the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Number 75/2016. The results showed that 491.45 ha was categorized as highly suitable (S1) and suitable (S2) and 9,662.61 ha as marginally suitable (S3) for traditional farming. For semi-intensive or intensive farming were located in the S1 and S2 of 11.61 ha and S3 category of 10,416.58 ha. Water and soil quality varied in each research site but generally still met the required standard, only the water salinity of the semi-intensive/intensive did not meet the required standards of whiteleg shrimp farming. The study concludes that the location of the ponds in S3 land and the inappropriate salinity directly affect the success and stable production of shrimp farming in the area


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    ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan struktur komunitas fitoplankton di tambak danperairan sekitarnya dan mengkaji korelasinya dengan kualitas perairan di lingkunganpertambakan udang intensif. Pengambilan sampel air dan fitoplankton dilakukan pada tujuhstasiun di lingkungan dan pada lima tambak. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah indekssimilaritas dan analisis komponen utama. Komunitas fitoplankton yang ditemukan terdiri dari47 genera dari enam kelas yaitu Bacillariophyceae, Dinophyceae, Cyanophyceae,Chlorophyceae, Euglenophyceae, dan Chrysophyceae, dengan dominasi umum KelasBacillariophyceae. Sementara pada tambak didominasi oleh Cyanophyceae danChlorophyceae. Kelimpahan fitoplankton di tambak cenderung meningkat seiring denganbertambahnya DOC (Day Of Culture). Kelimpahan fitoplankton menurun pada saluranpembuangan utama (canal main outlet). Penurunan ini diduga akibat adanya percampuran airbuangan dengan air laut dan efek sedimentasi di sepanjang saluran tersebut. Indeks similaritasmemperlihatkan bahwa air buangan tambak tidak mempengaruhi kelimpahan fitoplankton dilingkungan perairan sekitar area pertambakan dikarenakan konsentrasi limbah yang mencapailingkungan telah menurun akibat pengenceran pada saluran pembuangan utama. Kelimpahanfitoplankton di lingkungan perairan berkorelasi erat dengan Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen(DIN), Dissolved Inorganic Phosphate (DIP), dan TSS. Sedangkan di kolam budidaya(tambak), kelimpahan fitoplankton berkorelasi erat dengan DIP, kecerahan, dan salinitas.Kata kunci: fitoplankton, kualitas air, tambak udang, korelasiABSTRACTThe research was amied to reveal phytoplankton community in shrimp ponds and thesurrounding waters, and to study the correlation between phytoplankton community and waterquality. Water sample and phytoplankton collections were made in seven stations in thesurrounding waters and in five shrimp ponds. Similarity index and principal componentanalyses are used for data analyses.The results showed that 47 genera phytoplankton from sixclasses (i.e. Bacillariophyceae, Dinophyceae, Cyanophyceae, Chlorophyceae,Euglenophyceae, and Chrysophyceae) were found, and it is dominated by ClassBacillariophyceae in the surrounding waters. While in the shrimp ponds, Cyanophyceae andChlorophyceae were the two dominants. The abundance of phytoplankton tended to increasewith DOC (Day Of Culture). In the shrimp pond area, especially in canal main outlet theabundance decreased due to mixing processes with sea water in the canal. Similarity index indicated that shrimp pond effluent did not affect phytoplankton community of thesurrounding waters. In the surrounding waters, phytoplankton abundance was significantlycorreated with Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen (DIN), Dissolved Inorganic Phosphate (DIP),and TSS. While in shrimp ponds, it was significantly correlated with DIP, transparency andsalinity.Keywords: phytoplankton, water quality, shrimp pond, correlatio


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) menilai kesesuaian pelaksanaan dan capaian tujuan program penberdayaan melalui penilaian Indeks Pelaksanaan Program dan Indeks Pencapaian Tujuan;  (2) mengidentifikasi  pengaruh  variabel  pelaksanaan  sebagaimana  disebutkan  dalam  pedoman pemberdayaan terhadap tujuan program pemberdayaan dalam dimensi ekologis, ekonomi, dan  sosial, serta; (3) merumuskan strategi perbaikan yang perlu dilakukan sehingga pelaksanaan program pemberdayaan masyarakat pesisir dapat terlaksana dan berlanjut secara efektif. Metode penelitian  yang digunakan adalah metode survey. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Indeks Pelaksanaan Program adalah sebesar 2,39 dengan kategori ‘Baik’. Indikator yang memerlukan upaya perbaikan  yaitu indikator ketepatan waktu penyaluran bantuan; (2) Indeks Pencapaian Tujuan sebesar 2,11 dengan kategori Cukup. Indikator capaian tujuan peningkatan kualitas lingkungan dan peningkatan kelembagaan kelompok memerlukan upaya perbaikan guna pencapaian kategori yang lebih baik; (3) Terhadap pencapaian tujuan dalam dimensi ekonomi berupa peningkatan produksi budidaya, variabel ketepatan waktu penyaluran, kecukupan jumlah bantuan, dan aktivitas pendampingan berpengaruh positif, sedangkan variabel kejadian kekeringan berpengaruh negatif; (4) Untuk pencapaian tujuan dalam  dimensi  sosial,  hanya  variabel  aktivitas  pendampingan  yang  berpengaruh  signifikan  terhadap peningkatan kelembagaan kelompok, dan; (5) Keseluruhan variabel pelaksanaan tidak berpengaruh terhadap capaian tujuan dalam dimensi ekologis berupa peningkatan kualitas lingkungan. Dengan memperhatikan hasil analisis, beberapa opsi kebijakan yang perlu dilakukan oleh Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan yaitu: (1) penyesuaian waktu penyaluran bantuan dengan musim tanam untuk meningkatkan efektifitas capaian tujuan dalam dimensi ekonomi; (2) peningkatan dukungan terhadap aktivitas pendampingan oleh tenaga penyuluh, untuk meningkatkan capaian tujuan dalam dimensi sosial, dan; (3) peningkatkan capaian tujuan dalam dimensi ekologis, berupa peningkatan kualitas lingkungan melalui pemberian intensif bagi pembudidaya yang memiliki sertifikat cara budidaya ikan yang baik (CBIB)(Title: Implementation Study of The Coastal Communities Empowerment Program Based on Sustainable Management of Milkfish Cultured In The Coastal Regency of Karawang)This study aimed to: (1) assess the suitability of the empowerment program implementation and  goals through the introduction of programs implementation Indexes and achievement of goals indexes;  (2) identify influences of enforcement variable mentioned in empowerment guidelines against goals of empowerment programs, the objectives in the form of economic, social, and ecology dimensions, and; (3) formulate strategy that needs to be done so the program can continue and be implemented effectively  in achieving its goal. Survey was used as the research method. The result of studies have shown that:  (1) Program Implementation Index that states performance level of coastal community empowerment program is worth 2.39 with the Good category. Performance indicators that require improvement efforts in order to achieve a better category , i.e. punctuality indicators of aid distribution; (2) Achievement Index that states the level of achievement goals of empowerment program is worth 2.11 with moderate 14 categories. The whole purpose of indicators that include increased production, increased institutional  farmer group, and improving the quality of the environment in the category of quite and require attention  and improvement efforts in order to achieve a better category; (3) against the objectives in the form of economic, variable aid delivery timeliness,adequacy of the amount of aid, and mentoring activity has a positive effect, while the incidence of drought has negative impact; (4) against the objectives in the form of social, only mentoring activities has a positive effect, and; (5) all of implementation variable hasn’t  effect against the objectives in the form of ecology. By considering the results of the analysis, some policy options that need to be done by Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries are: 1) timing adjustment aid to the fish cultivation to increase the effectiveness of objectives in the form of economic; (2) Improved support for mentoring activities, to increase the objectives in the form of social; (3) and improvement of objectives in the form of ecology objectives through the rovision of intensive to the farmers who are  certified best aquaculture practice


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    ABSTRAKBanyak petambak udang vaname L. vannamei di pantai utara Jawa menggunakan air tanah (groundwater) sebagai media budidaya dengan tujuan untuk menghindari berbagai kontaminan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi komposisi mineral utama air tanah di kabupaten Karawang (Jawa Barat), serta pengaruhnya terhadap performa pertumbuhan, fisiologi dan histologi udang vaname. Penelitian dengan metode ex post-facto didasarkan pada pengamatan tiga kolam budidaya selama 83 hari masa pemeliharaan. Antar kolam penelitian terdapat perbedaan nyata (p<0,05) pada parameter salinitas (12-16 ppt), SO42‾ (148-642 mg/L) dan Na/K (26,6-45,2). Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan udang memiliki bobot tubuh rata-rata (ABW) sebesar 8,83; 17,3; dan 18,5 g serta sintasan (SR) sebesar 37,7; 81,7; dan 78,3% masing-masing untuk kolam A, B dan C. Rendahnya ABW dan SR kolam A diperkirakan karena pengaruh infeksi Enterocytozoon hepatopenaei. Udang dari kolam C (Na/K=45,2) memiliki konsentrasi glukosa hemolim lebih tinggi dibanding kolam B (Na/K=26,6), yang mengindikasikan bahwa udang kolam C lebih terpapar stres. Hepatopankreas udang kolam C mengalami beberapa kelainan berupa atrofi tubulus, sloughing cell, dan penurunan jumlah sel sekretori, sementara kelainan tersebut tidak ditemukan pada kolam B. Meskipun relatif tidak ada perbedaan performa pertumbuhan antara kolam B dengan kolam C, namun secara fisiologis dan histologis terdapat perbedaan yang dimungkinkan akibat dari perbedaan rasio Na/K media. ABSTRACTMany shrimp farmers on the northern coast of Java used groundwater as a culture media in order to avoid various contaminants. This study aimed to evaluate the major mineral composition of inland saline groundwater (ISGW) in Karawang (West Java, Indonesia) and its effects on the growth, physiology, and histology of L. vannamei. Ex post-facto study was done based on observations of three ponds during 83 days of shrimp culture. Between ponds there were significant differences (p <0.05) on salinity (12-16 ppt), SO42‾ (148-642 mg/L) and Na/K (26.6-45.2). The results showed that shrimp’s average body weight (ABW) and survival rate (SR) of pond A, B and C was 8.83, 17.3, and 18.5 g; and 37.7, 81.7, and 78.3% respectively. The low ABW and SR of pond A were possibly due to the influence of Enterocytozoon hepatopenaei infection. Pond C (Na/K=45.2) significantly has a higher shrimp’s hemolymph glucose concentration than pond B (Na/K=26.6), indicated more exposed to stress. Similarly, shrimp’s hepatopancreas of pond C has some abnormalities that were not found in pond B. Although relatively there was no difference in the growth performance between pond B and pond C, but physiologically and histologically there were some differences that possibly due to the difference in Na/K ratio of the media

    Kesesuaian budidaya keramba jaring apung (KJA) ikan kerapu di perairan Teluk Sabang Pulau Weh, Aceh

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    Weh Island is one of the coastal region that has high prospect in fisheries, one of it is floating net cage. Unfortunately, the unavailability of the classification zone for fish net culture and the oceanographic conditions of the coastal water become the main issues of the success of the fish net cage (KJA) culture activities.  The aim of this study is analyze suitability of floating net cage culture for grouper in Sabang Bay. The method use in this research is Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW) method. There were 10 water quality variabels measured, such as protection, bathimetry, water transparency, current velocity, temperature, salinity, pH, dissolved oxygen, nitrate and phosphate. Area suitability divided into three suitability criteria, i.e very suitable, suitable and not suitable were used to determine the suitability of floating net cage. The result of the analysis are obtained show that the area for grouper culture Sabang Bay covering 11.3 % or 9.08 Ha of Sabang Bay were classified as very suitable (S1), suitable class (S2) covering an area of 39.8 % or 32.08 Ha of Sabang Bay, and not suitable class (N) covering 49 % or 39.54 Ha of Sabang Bay. Based on this percentage can be concluded that some of the coastal of the Sabang Bay can be utilized as a floating net cage culture of grouper fish activities.Keywords: Grouper culture, GIS, Suitability, Sabang Bay, Aceh Province ABSTRAKPulau Weh merupakan salah satu wilayah yang memiliki potensi perikanan yang cukup besar. Akan tetapi dengan belum tersedianya penentuan lokasi budidaya keramba jaring apung serta data kondisi perairan yang tersedia menjadi kendala utama dalam peningkatan keberhasilan dan pengembangan budidaya keramba jaring apung (KJA). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis luasan kesesuaian perairan budidaya keramba jaring apung ikan kerapu di perairan Teluk Sabang. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW). Terdapat sepuluh parameter yang diukur, yaitu keterlindungan, kedalaman, kecerahan, kecepatan arus, suhu, salinitas, pH, oksigen terlarut, nitrat dan fosfat. Tingkat kesesuaian perairan dibagi menjadi 3 (tiga) kelas kesesuaian, yaitu sangat sesuai, sesuai dan tidak sesuai. Hasil analisis yang didapat menunjukkan bahwa luasan untuk budidaya ikan kerapu Teluk Sabang sangat sesuai (S1) seluas 9,08 % atau 11,3 Ha dari Teluk Sabang, kelas sesuai (S2) seluas 39,8 % atau 32,08 Ha dari Teluk Sabang, dan kelas tidak sesuai (N) seluas 49 % atau 39,54 Ha dari Teluk Sabang. Berdasarkan persentase tersebut dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa sebagian perairan Teluk Sabang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai usaha budidaya keramba jaring apung ikan kerapu.Kata kunci: Budidaya ikan kerapu, SIG, Kesesuaian perairan, Teluk Sabang, Provinsi Ace

    Gaining Aquaculture Blue Growth with Low Carbon Emission Shrimp Farming Technology

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    Carbon emissions and their relation to shrimp farming activities getting more attention by researchers and environmentalists. Emissions of carbon and other greenhouse gases are concluded as drivers of climate change due to global warming. On the contrary, climate change is proven to determine the continuity and sustainability of shrimp farming activities. The dynamics of carbon and profitability are different for the three cultivation technologies (extensive, semi-intensive, and intensive), it caused by differences in the number and types of production inputs, and facilities and infrastructure, and also differences in productivity. This study aims to formulate the blue growth of aquaculture areas in the coastal area of Karawang Regency-West Java related to carbon emission within the DPSIR framework and use trade off analyses to obtain shrimp farming technologies alternative that are low in carbon emissions. Our conclusion to be able to reduce the carbon emissions, and increase the carbon sequestration and stock as effort for shrimp farming blue growth through optimize the spatial use supervision and increase the productivity of shrimp farming. The lowest carbon emission of shrimp farming technology are semi-intensive, intensive and extensive, respectivelyEmisi karbon dan kaitannya dengan kegiatan budidaya udang semakin mendapat perhatian peneliti dan pemerhati lingkungan. Emisi karbon dan gas rumah kaca lainnya disimpulkan sebagai penyebab perubahan iklim melalui fenomena pemanasan global. Sebaliknya, perubahan iklim terbukti menentukan kelangsungan dan keberlanjutan kegiatan budidaya udang. Dinamika karbon dan keuntungan usaha berbeda pada 3 (tiga) teknologi budidaya (tradisional, semi intensif dan intensif), hal tersebut disebabkan adanya perbedaan jumlah dan jenis input produksi, fasilitas dan infrastruktur, serta perbedaan produktivitas. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk merumuskan pertumbuhan biru kawasan akuakultur di wilayah pesisir Kabupaten Karawang-Jawa Barat terkait dengan emisi karbon dalam kerangka DPSIR dan menggunakan analisis trade off untuk mendapatkan alternatif teknologi budidaya udang yang rendah emisi karbon. Kami menyimpulkan untuk dapat mengurangi emisi karbon dan meningkatkan penyerapan dan simpanan karbon sebagai upaya mewujudkan pertumbuhan biru budidaya udang dapat dilakukan dengan optimalisasi pengawasan penggunaan ruang dan meningkatkan produktivitas budidaya udang. Emisi karbon terendah secara berturut-turut adalah teknologi budidaya udang semi intensif, intensif dan terakhir tradisional

    Comparison of Morphological Characters of Freshwater Crayfish (Cherax quadricarinatus) from Different Ecosystems in Indonesia

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    Freshwater crayfish (Cherax quadricarinatus) as an invasive species has high capability to adapt in most waters in Indonesia. The extant distribution of this species in Indonesia causes observation of morphological characters  is important to be established. This study purpose is to compare the morphological characters of Cherax quadricarinatus from several locations in Indonesia waters, such as the river in Bintan Island, Toba Lake, and Lido Lake. The total of morphological characters was measured in twenty-two characters. The result of the Kruskal-Wallis test represented nine different characters between Toba, Bintan, and Lido. Cluster analysis illustrated the highest level of similarities between Toba and Lido. The growth rate of the dactyls, and carapace width, and ocular carapace length between Toba and Lido were similar, meanwhile between Toba and Bintan were different. C. quadricarinatus originating from river waters in Bintan Island has a different morphological character from Lake Lido and Lake Toba. The differences in morphological characters between locations are caused by differences in habitat characteristics in rivers and lakes