1,102 research outputs found

    Training and testing dogs on fenced brown bears (Ursus arctos) : longterm effects on behaviour

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    The main cause of adult Brown bear (Ursus arctos) mortality in Sweden is due to legal hunting and there has been a game culture for this specie since 1943. Today there is two game enclosures for brown bears located in Sweden, one in Almunge and one in Junsele. The main reason for training dogs on bears in these enclosures is to ensure bear-safe dogs both for encounters when tracking bears that been wounded due to hunting or accidents, for bear hunting and in case of bear encounters when hunting other game species in bear-tight areas. Although the ideas would be favourable for either the safety of the hunters and their dogs or the welfare of potentially injured wild bears, the welfare of the animals used in these operations must be taken into consideration. In Chapter 3 1§ p.1 of the Swedish Animal Protection Act it states that it is forbidden to use animals in training or tests in such a way that they are subject to suffering. In 2019, a government assignment came to the Swedish National Board of Agriculture and the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency to investigate whether training for pre-trial and predatory tests in game fences will cause suffering for the animals involved. This pointed out that there was a need for studies within the subject and this study is carried out in collaboration with SCAW without any connection to the mentioned government assignment. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects on the behaviour of fenced bears after being exposed to training/test with dogs. This was made to give an insight into the welfare of the bears from an ethological perspective. Results showed that the inactive behaviours had the highest proportion of observations throughout the study for all three bears. It also showed that one of the individuals performed stereotypic behaviour, pacing, before and after exposure but not during control observations. There was a connection between stereotypic behaviour and whether a training/test had been carried out. A pattern was seen between proportion of observations of stereotypic behaviour and number of trainings/tests that same day. Active behaviours were most frequent on the day with the highest number of trainings/tests and the proportion of observations of inactive behaviours increased with the number of trainings/tests. A conclusion was made that the behaviour was affected by the number of trainings/tests to some extent. There was also a pattern for fence usage and training/test under the conditions that the bears were not disturbed more than normally. Lastly the results showed that humans and more than one dog at the same time resulted in a stronger stress response than usually observed and the results exhibited an individuality in the experience and eventual stress management after exposure. The study showed that behaviors that correspond to stress and negative experiences of exercise were noted in the study, which indicates that there are welfare problems. Training with dogs on wild animals that subject the animal to stress can cause suffering, based on the above study this cannot be ruled out. To be able to understand with greater certainty how training / test occasions with dogs affect the well-being of bears, more studies on the behavior and physiological stress response of bears are needed. Research should also be devoted to exploring different alternatives to live animals. Keywords: Ursus arctos, brown bear, dog, dog training, behaviour, stress, welfare, natural behaviou


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    Tujuan yang ingin dicapai pada penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh Pemikiran Moral dan Locus of Control terhadap Perilaku Etis Mahasiswa Pendidikan Profesi Akuntansi (PPAk) Fakultas Ekonomi Unversitas Syiah Kuala. Dengan menggunakan metode Sensus, terdapat populasi sasaran sebanyak 41 responden mahasiswa Angkatan VII Pendidikan Profesi Akuntansi.Jenis data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah data primer, yaitu dengan menggunakan kuesioner yang diberikan langsung kepada mahasiswa Pendidikan Profesi Akuntansi. Dari 41 kuesioner yang diberikan, sebanyak 35 kuesioner yang kembali. Analisis regresi linear berganda yang distandarkan digunakan untuk menguji hipotesis.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Pemikiran Moral berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Perilaku Etis mahasiswa Pendidikan profesi Akuntansi. Mahasiswa yang mempunyai pemikiran moral yang tinggi cenderung lebih bertindak secara etis dalam menyelesaikan masalah-masalah akuntansi. Demikian pula hasil penelitian untuk pengaruh Locus of Control terhadap Perilaku Etis Mahasiswa. Mahasiswa yang mempunyai locus of control internal cenderung bertindak lebih etis karena mampu untuk berfikir bahwa dia dapat mengendalikan situasi. Kata Kunci: Pemikiran Moral, Locus of Control, dan Perilaku EtisBanda Ace

    Gender and Sustainability: An International Research Review

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    Aiming to enhance knowledge and understanding on gender and the 2030 Agenda, this international research review published by GENDERACTION provides an overview and analysis of peer reviewed articles from the period of 2015-2021. The report is written by research coordinator Kajsa Widegren (PhD) and analyst Jimmy Sand at the Swedish Secretariat for Gender Research, University of Gothenburg. Sanna Hellgren, librarian at KvinnSam at the University of Gothenburg Library, have been enlisted for her expertise in literature searches. Together with fve policy briefs and a benchmark of policy development on gender and SDGs, the report is the result of a GENDERACTION task with the purpose of strengthening the contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) by European funds for R&I

    Disclosures Regarding Impairment Testing of Goodwill - Does Enforcement Matter

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    Towards practical earth abundant reduction catalysis : design of improved catalysts for manganese catalysed hydrogenation

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    The authors thank EPSRC (grant code: 1654521) for DTG funding for MBW.Manganese catalysts derived from tridentate P,N,N ligands can be activated easily using weak bases for both ketone and ester hydrogenations. Kinetic studies indicate the ketone hydrogenations are 0th order in acetophenone, positive order in hydrogen and 1st order in catalyst. This implies that the rate determining step of the reaction was the activation of hydrogen. New ligand systems with varying donor strength were studied and it was possible to make the hydrogen activation significantly more efficient; a catalyst displaying around a 3-fold increase in initial Turn-Over Frequencies for the hydrogenation of acetophenone relative to the parent system was discovered as a result of these kinetic investigations. Ester hydrogenations and ketone transfer hydrogenation (isopropanol as reductant) are first order for both the substrate and catalysts. Kinetic studies also gained insight into catalyst stability and identified a working range in which the catalysts is stable throughout the catalytic reaction (and a larger working range where high yields can still be achieved). The new more active catalyst, combining an electron-rich phosphine with an electron-rich pyridine is capable of hydrogenating acetophenone using as little as 0.01 mol% catalyst at 65 oC. In all, protocols for reduction of 21 ketones and 15 esters are described.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Manganese-catalysed transfer hydrogenation of esters

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    Authors thank the University of St Andrews, and the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Critical Resource Catalysis (CRITICAT) for financial support [Ph.D. studentship to CO; Grant code: EP/L016419/1].Manganese catalysed ester reduction using ethanol as reductant in place of dihydrogen is reported. High yields can be achieved for a range of substrates using 1 mol% of a Mn(I) catalyst, with an alkoxide promotor. The catalyst is derived from a tridentate P,N,N ligand.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Attityder kring följsamhetsproblematik vid handskanvändning

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    I Sverige befinner sig djursjukskötaryrket i nuläget i en unik situation där personer inom samma yrkeskategori; legitimerade djursjukskötare, har helt olika utbildning. Studien ämnar undersöka befintliga attityder gällande handskanvändning samt tidigare uppmärksammad följsamhetsproblematik, hos legitimerade djursjukskötare. Vidare undersöks även hur skillnader i utbildningsbakgrund påverkar dessa attityder. För att undersöka detta gjordes sex djupintervjuer med legitimerade djursjukskötare från fyra olika djursjukhus och kliniker. Grupp 1 utgörs av tre informanter vars legitimation har förvärvats via jordbruksverkets övergångsregler som gällde fram till 31 december 2014. Grupp 2 utgörs av informanter som har förvärvat legitimationen via Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet. Intervjuerna transkriberades och texterna analyserades sedan via en kvalitativ innehållsanalys med en induktiv ansats. Med analysen som grund framkom ett resultat där en viss skillnad mellan grupperna kunde ses. Skillnaderna låg i hur ofta informanterna gör egna bedömningar kring när det behövs handskar. Dock var skillnaderna inte samstämmiga då en av informanterna i grupp 1 svarade annorlunda än de andra två. Den informant som stack ut svarade att hen aldrig gjorde egna bedömningar och använde handskar mest frekvent av alla informanter i studien. De övriga två informanterna från grupp 1 svarade däremot oftare än informanterna i grupp 2 att de gjorde egna bedömningar kring handskanvändning och använde handskar mer sällan än övriga informanter. Dessa två informanter har även gemensamt att de är äldst i studien och har längst yrkeserfarenhet. Vilket gör det svårt att dra några egentliga slutsatser kring hur utbildning påverkar attityden till handskanvändning. Informanterna inom grupp 2 svarade till stor del enhetligt. Det bör dock beaktas att informanterna i grupp 2, till skillnad från de i grupp 1, alla arbetar på samma arbetsplats. Detta faktum är något som även det kan bidra till den homogena attityd som informanterna i grupp 2 uppvisar. Den orsak till bristande följsamhet vid handskanvändning som mest frekvent angavs var stress. Andra orsaker som framkom var att informanterna bedömde att handskar inte behövdes samt brister i arbetsplatskulturen. Hur universitetsutbildning inom djuromvårdnad påverkar attityder till handskanvändning är svårt att avgöra utifrån den här studien, men resultatet tyder på att det har en viss inverkan. Kanske inte så mycket genom att studera den grupp som saknar universitetsutbildning och deras splittrade attityder, men genom den homogena attityd kring handskanvändning som de som har studerat hos Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet uppvisar.In Sweden, the occupation of licensed veterinary technicians is in a unique situation. The educational background of people within the same profession varies greatly. This study intends to explore attitudes regarding glove use and compliance with glove use among licensed veterinary technichians. Furthermore the study aim to explore how differences in education affects these attitudes. Six in-depth interviews were conducted to investigate these questions. The interviews were carried out with veterinary technicians from four different veterinary hospitals and clinics. Group 1 included three informants that acquired their licenses to perform the profession, that is required in Sweden, through transitional provisions which were valid until the 31 of December 2014. Group 2 included three informants that acquired their licenses through the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. The interviews were transcribed and the texts were analyzed by the means of a content analysis taking an inductive approach. The differences that surfaced when reviewing the results was regarding how often the informants from the different groups made their own evaluation of whether gloves were needed. However, one of the informants in group 1 gave different answers from the other two. The informant claimed to never make any own evaluations of when to use gloves and was the one informant in the study that used gloves most frequently. The other two informants from group 1 most frequently claimed that they made their own evaluations and had the lowest compliance regarding glove use. These two informants also have in common that they are the two oldest informants and have the longest work experience. These facts make it hard to make any real assumption’s regarding how graduate studies affects the attitudes towards glove use and compliance. The informants in group 2 were, to a great extent, unanimous. Though it should also be taken in consideration that all the informants in group 2, in comparisons to the informants in group 1, are employees at the same place of work. This may contribute to the homogenous attitudes found in group 2. The most frequent answer to why the compliance in glove use is low was stress. Other factors that were mentioned were that the informants evaluated the situation and felt that gloves were not needed and shortcomings in the workplace culture. It is difficult to come to any conclusions about how graduate studies in veterinary nursing science is influencing the attitudes towards glove use, but the result of this study suggests that there may be an certain affect. Maybe not by studying the scattered attitudes among the informants in the group that lacks graduate studies, but by the homogenous attitude showed by the group educated at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

    Introduction of heifers to an automatic milking system

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    Automatic milking systems (AMS) are part of a growing trend in Sweden and the number of milk-producing farms is decreasing rapidly. One main reason for the AMS is its ability to facilitate work for the farmer. The effects of introduction prior to calving have not been documented earlier and farmers are not in agreement, however they seldom see a problem with the introduction. The aim of this report is to find differences between two groups of heifers, where one group is trained i.e. introduced to the AMS before calving and the other group is introduced after calving. Collected data is from a period of four years. Introducing a system to the heifer prior to calving, has in this study proved to have positive effects on milking intervals, visits to the feeding station and milk production. The ranks in the herd prior to introduction were also compared to those after the admittance. The results indicated that an introduction had no larger effects on the cow’s rank in the herd. In summary, training results in a higher milk production, however an introduction during the late part of pregnancy should be avoided as it may have negative effects on the rank of the heifer. Another study shows that cows close to parturition avoid conflicts and can therefore lose their rank in the herd.Automatiska mjölkningssystem (AMS) växer i antal i Sverige men samtidigt minskar antalet mjölkprocucerande gårdar kraftigt. Ett viktigt skäl till AMS framgång är att de underlättar arbetet för lantbrukaren. Tidigare har ingenting dokumenterats vad gäller effekten av olika sätt att introducera kvigor till AMS före kalvning. Lantbrukare har olika uppfattningar om detta men de anser att det sällan blir problem med introduktionen. Syftet med denna rapport är att finna skillnader mellan kvigor som introduceras före kalvning och kvigor som inte introduceras till AMS förrän efter kalvning. Datan som sammanställts är från fyra år. Att introducera en kviga före kalvning har i denna studie visat sig ha positiva effekter på mjölkningsintervaller, besök till foderstation och mjölkproduktion. Kvigans rang i flocken före en introduktion jämfördes även mot efter introduktionen. Resultaten indikerar att en introduktion inte hade några större effekter på rangordningen i flocken. Sammanfattningsvis, träning resulterar i en högre mjölkproduktion. Dock borde en introduktion under den senare delen av dräktigheten undvikas eftersom den då kan ha negativa effekter på rangordningen för den individen. En annan studie visar att högdräktiga kor undviker konflikter och kan därför förlora sin rang i hjorden

    In vitro gas production in different grass species using equine faecal inoculum

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    Hästar är grovtarmsjäsare och basen i deras diet består av grovfoder som utgörs av gräs i ren eller blandbestånd. Gräsarternas genetiska egenskaper och reglerande mekanismer styr i interaktion med yttre faktorer arternas tillväxtmönster och näringssammansättning. Det råder idag kunskapsbrist gällande vilka gräsarter som lämpar sig för grovfoder till olika hästkategorier, och för att kunna ge tillförlitliga rekommendationer behövs mer forskning inom området. I den här studien användes ett in vitro-system för att mäta gasproduktionen och därmed den potentiella mikrobiella nedbrytningen av olika gräsarter hos häst. Gräsarterna som analyserades var timotej, ängssvingel, engelskt rajgräs, hundäxing, rörsvingel samt foderlosta. Gräsarterna odlades i ett randomiserat blockförsök med nio parceller per art och skördades vid tre olika skördetillfällen. Inokulatet bestod av färskt hästträck. Alla gräsprover inkuberades i duplikat. Målet var att utvärdera om gasproduktionen från olika gräsarter och skördetidpunkter skiljde sig åt. Resultatet visade att det fanns interaktionseffekter mellan skördetidpunkt och gräsart både avseende ackumulerad gasvolym och fermentationshastighet. Det fanns även skillnader mellan gräsarter samt mellan skördetidpunkter avseende fermentationshastigheten (NmL/h). I tidig skörd hade engelskt rajgräs högst ackumulerade gas-volym (NmL) (P<0,03) och fermentationshastigheten (NmL/h) (P<0,005) efter 6 respektive 5 h inkubation. Efter 6 h inkubation hade sent skördad hundäxing lägst ackumulerad gasvolym av alla kombinationer av gräsart och skördetidpunkt (P<0,04). Utifrån den här studien drogs slutsatsen att valet av gräsart och skördetidpunkt kan ha betydelse för hur gräset fermenteras i hästens grovtarm. Vidare studier behövs för att jämföra hur väl in vitro-metoden reflekterar den nedbrytning som sker in vivo.The horse is a hindgut fermenter and the basis of its diet consists of forage composed of grass in pure or mixed stands. Different grass species have their own characteristic growth pattern and nutritional composition. The ratio of different components is reflected by interaction between external environ-mental factors and the grasses genetic properties and regulatory mechanisms. There is a lack of knowledge on which grass species are most suited for different types of horses, and to be able to give reliable recommendations more research is needed in this area. In this study, an in vitro gas system was used to measure gas production and thus the potential microbial degradation of different grass species in horses. The analysed species were, timothy, meadow fescue, perennial ryegrass, orchardgrass, tall fescue and smooth bromegrass. The grasses were cultivated in a randomized block trial with nine parcels per species and with three different times of harvest. The inoculum consisted of freshly voided horse faeces. All grass samples were incubated in duplicate. The aim was to evaluate whether gas production differed between grass species and time of harvest. The result showed that there were effects of interaction between time of harvest and grass species both in terms of accumulated gas volume and fermentation rate. There were also differences between grass species and between time of harvest regarding the fermentation rate (NmL/h). In early harvest perennial ryegrass had the highest accumulated gas volume (P<0,03) and fermentation rate (NmL/h) (P<0,005) after 6 and 5 hours respectively. After 6 h incubation late harvested orchardgrass had the lowest accumulated gas volume of all combinations of grasses and time of harvest (P<0.04). Based on this study, it was concluded that the choice of grass species and time of harvest may have a significant effect on how the grass is fermented in the horse's large intestine. How well the in vitro method reflects what happens in vivo, regarding the fermentation of different grass species, needs to be investigated further

    Fluid and electrolyte balance in the athletic horse

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    Vid träning och tävling förlorar hästen stora mängder vatten och elektrolyter genom svett vilket kan rubba kroppens homeostas. Konsekvenserna kan bli en försämrad fysisk prestation till följd av bristande termoreglering, utmattning och nedsatt muskelfunktion. Syftet med den här litteraturstudien var att undersöka om vätske- och elektrolytbalansen kan påverka hästens fysiska prestation. Studien tar upp funktionerna runt törstmekanism, hydreringsstatus samt vad effekterna blir av att tillföra elektrolyter före och efter en fysisk arbetsinsats. Slutsatsen blev att det kan vara fördelaktigt för hästens återhämtning och prestation att tillföra elektrolyter i samband med träning och tävling. Det går inte att elektrolytladda i förbyggande syfte men det är möjligt att undvika att hästen underpresterar genom att upprätthålla en stabil balans mellan vätska och elektrolyter.During athletic performance, the horse loses substantial amounts of water and electrolytes due to sweating. Prolonged exercise can lead to lack in body function where the consequences may be reduced physical performance. The purpose of this literature study was to investigate whether the fluid and electrolyte balance can affect the horse's physical performance. This study addresses the function of the thirst mechanism, hydration status, and the effects of electrolyte administration before and after exercise. The conclusion was that it could be beneficial for the recovery and performance of the horse to give electrolytes in connection to training and competition. It also shows that the horse can´t be pre-loaded with electrolytes for preventive purposes. However, it is possible to avoid the horse underperforming by maintaining balance between fluid and electrolytes that ensures a proper plasma volume, effective thermoregulation and blood flow in the active muscles