11 research outputs found


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    Women as the first source of information in their families need to understand the internet access as a source of information. The rises of hoax information, negative effects from internet use and the influence of internet in educating children are the purpose of training for smart internet women. This training is conducted by lecturing method, sharing and practice of using social media. It is expected that with this training women can use the internet to improve their quality of life, prevent the spread of hoaxes and have the skills to become parents in the digital era

    Pemanfaatan Media Sosial dalam Sosialisasi Kesehatan Reproduksi dan Nutrisi untuk Perempuan

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    Aisyiyah as one of the Muhammadiyah women's organizations has a means of communication through social media that aims to provide information for progressive women. The Instagram account Aisyiyah currently has 7425 followers with the amount of material posted 561. One of the materials that is the focus of socialization on reproductive health and women's nutrition. As an interactive media tool, Instagram is used to provide knowledge through means of live IG, posting photos, and polling. What is the effectiveness of using Aisyiyah's Instagram account in the dissemination of reproductive health and women's nutrition. The theory used in this study, computer mediated communication. This type of research is qualitative - descriptive with data collection carried out through interviews, observation and literature studies. The results of this study can illustrate the use of social media by Aisyiyah especially in reproductive socialization and nutrition for women

    Affective interpersonal touch in close relationships: a cross-cultural perspective

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    Interpersonal touch behavior differs across cultures, yet no study to date has systematically tested for cultural variation in affective touch, nor examined the factors that might account for this variability. Here, over 14,000 individuals from 45 countries were asked whether they embraced, stroked, kissed, or hugged their partner, friends, and youngest child during the week preceding the study. We then examined a range of hypothesized individual-level factors (sex, age, parasitic history, conservatism, religiosity, and preferred interpersonal distance) and cultural-level factors (regional temperature, parasite stress, regional conservatism, collectivism, and religiosity) in predicting these affective-touching behaviors. Our results indicate that affective touch was most prevalent in relationships with partners and children, and its diversity was relatively higher in warmer, less conservative, and religious countries, and among younger, female, and liberal people. This research allows for a broad and integrated view of the bases of cross-cultural variability in affective touch

    Sex differences in mate preferences across 45 countries: A large-scale replication

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    Considerable research has examined human mate preferences across cultures, finding universal sex differences in preferences for attractiveness and resources as well as sources of systematic cultural variation. Two competing perspectives—an evolutionary psychological perspective and a biosocial role perspective—offer alternative explanations for these findings. However, the original data on which each perspective relies are decades old, and the literature is fraught with conflicting methods, analyses, results, and conclusions. Using a new 45-country sample (N = 14,399), we attempted to replicate classic studies and test both the evolutionary and biosocial role perspectives. Support for universal sex differences in preferences remains robust: Men, more than women, prefer attractive, young mates, and women, more than men, prefer older mates with financial prospects. Cross-culturally, both sexes have mates closer to their own ages as gender equality increases. Beyond age of partner, neither pathogen prevalence nor gender equality robustly predicted sex differences or preferences across countries


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    The government through the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (KPPA), urges the importance of the media's role in gender equality in society (Zulfikar, 2020). This shows the importance of the issue of gender equality being socialized through the mass media with various patterns of distribution of the message. This is the focus of this research in examining the effect of messages about gender equality that are socialized through the @magdaleneid Instagram account for their followers. This study aims to analyze the effect of the Magdaleneid Instagram account on the information needs of followers regarding gender equality, and also the interaction of the Magdaleneid Instagram account in meeting the information needs of gender equality. In this study, the authors use the Uses and Gratification Theory and the concept of Social Media and Information Needs as the basis. This research is a quantitative research by distributing questionnaires to 49 samples through a non-probability sampling technique using purposive sampling and open questioners for 7 followers to added more information about their need for gender equality information. And based on the results of this study, there is also a significant effect on the use of @magdaleneid Instagram account, which has an effect on followers' knowledge of gender equality


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    Literasi digital menjadi salah satu solusi untuk melawan kecepatan disinformasi dan misinformasi yang tersebar melalui internet. Namun, bagaimana sebuah mekanisme Pendidikan tersebut dapat melawan deras dan cepatnya serbuan disinformasi dan misinformasi? Paparan ini menyajikan studi kasus mengenai pemahaman dan rasionalitas perempuan pada penggunaan internet dan penyebaran hoaks, serta melihat potensi kuasa (power) perempuan sebagai agen perubahan (agent of change) dalam menyebarkan virus anti hoaks dan mengklaim kembali manfaat positif internet bagi mereka sendiri, anak-anaknya, keluarganya, dan juga komunitas di sekitar mereka. Studi dilakukan bersama perempuan kelas menengah bawah di tiga wilayah sub-urban Indonesia, dengan usia 35-50 tahun, dan pengguna internet aktif. Studi menemukan pengetahuan dan kemampuan perempuan dalam penggunaan internet sangat terbatas pada media sosial seperti facebook dan whatsapp, tanpa pengetahuan mengenai peramban atau browser serta kredibilitas pembuat berita. Keterbatasan pengetahuan ini menjadikan pengecekan fakta tidak pernah dilakukan. Penggunaan internet oleh perempuan sebagai generasi digital immigrant bergantung pada generasi digital native dalam mengoperasikan internet. Namun, studi ini juga menemukan bagaimana perempuan yang menjalankan berbagai peran sentral dalam ranah publik dan domestik secara simultan memiliki potensi kuasa (power) dalam menularkan virus anti hoaks secara cepat; serta dalam menjalankan peran gatekeeper dalam menangkis hoaks bagi keluarga dan sistem sosialny

    Female Sensuality on Screen

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    Mass media is one of the important things in human life to get information and entertainment. Mass media, one of which is television, has been around for a long time and has used women as an attraction. Women are used for their bodies and sensuality in television programs to make them more attractive and serve as entertainment content. This study aims to determine the semiotic analysis of the exploitation of women's sensuality and to find out the semiotic representation of the exploitation of women's sensuality in the Tonight Show NET.TV program, especially the episode on February 21, 2020. The method used is Roland Barthes' Semiotics and the theory of Gender, Expression, and Feminism as theory supporting this research. In general, the results of the analysis of this study found that the denotative, connotative, and mythical meanings contained in the NET.TV Tonight Show Program were seen from several signs such as the appearance of female guest stars, facial expressions, and dialogue between the host and guest stars that showed sexual context so that the show is entertaining and funny. This ultimately represents the exploitation or use of women's sensuality even in the form of jokes or chatter. For that, a great awareness is needed not to use women in the mass media industry, as well as educating the public about gender equality

    Universality of the triangular theory of love: Adaptation and psychometric properties of the triangular love scale in 25 countries

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    The Triangular Theory of Love (measured with Sternberg\u27s Triangular Love Scale - STLS) is a prominent theoretical concept in empirical research on love. To expand the culturally homogeneous body of previous psychometric research regarding the STLS, we conducted a large-scale cross-cultural study with the use of this scale. In total, we examined more than 11,000 respondents, but as a result of applied exclusion criteria, the final analyses were based on a sample of 7332 participants from 25 countries (from all inhabited continents). We tested configural invariance, metric invariance, and scalar invariance, all of which confirmed the cultural universality of the theoretical construct of love analyzed in our study. We also observed that levels of love components differ depending on relationship duration, following the dynamics suggested in the Triangular Theory of Love. Supplementary files with all our data, including results on love intensity across different countries along with STLS versions adapted in a few dozen languages, will further enable more extensive research on the Triangular Theory of Love

    Modernization, collectivism, and gender equality predict love experiences in 45 countries

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    Abstract Recent cross-cultural and neuro-hormonal investigations have suggested that love is a near universal phenomenon that has a biological background. Therefore, the remaining important question is not whether love exists worldwide but which cultural, social, or environmental factors influence experiences and expressions of love. In the present study, we explored whether countries’ modernization indexes are related to love experiences measured by three subscales (passion, intimacy, commitment) of the Triangular Love Scale. Analyzing data from 9474 individuals from 45 countries, we tested for relationships with country-level predictors, namely, modernization proxies (i.e., Human Development Index, World Modernization Index, Gender Inequality Index), collectivism, and average annual temperatures. We found that mean levels of love (especially intimacy) were higher in countries with higher modernization proxies, collectivism, and average annual temperatures. In conclusion, our results grant some support to the hypothesis that modernization processes might influence love experiences

    Contrasting Computational Models of Mate Preference Integration Across 45 Countries.

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    Humans express a wide array of ideal mate preferences. Around the world, people desire romantic partners who are intelligent, healthy, kind, physically attractive, wealthy, and more. In order for these ideal preferences to guide the choice of actual romantic partners, human mating psychology must possess a means to integrate information across these many preference dimensions into summaries of the overall mate value of their potential mates. Here we explore the computational design of this mate preference integration process using a large sample of n = 14,487 people from 45 countries around the world. We combine this large cross-cultural sample with agent-based models to compare eight hypothesized models of human mating markets. Across cultures, people higher in mate value appear to experience greater power of choice on the mating market in that they set higher ideal standards, better fulfill their preferences in choice, and pair with higher mate value partners. Furthermore, we find that this cross-culturally universal pattern of mate choice is most consistent with a Euclidean model of mate preference integration