2,856 research outputs found

    The Microstratigraphy of Two Peat Sequences from Northeastern Newfounland

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    Commonly, the ombrotrophic peats of Newfoundland have a well-defined banded appearance. Each band consists of a light-coloured lower section and a dark upper component. The bands are separated by abrupt recurrence surfaces. The regularity of the bands implies cyclicity. The physical, elemental, micro- and macro-stratigraphies of two banded profiles from the Wesleyville area were examined in an attempt to document the differences and to provide insight into cause. Ash content, fibre content, bulk density, water content and water retention were measured. The latter three showed consistent changes through each profile. There were no obvious patterns in the values for the biologically active elements that were measured (Mg, Cl, Ca, Na, Al, Mn and I), but the curves for Br, V, and U, biologically inert elements, showed systematic variations that appear to reflect variations in peat accumulation rate. The pollen, spore and macrofossil stratigraphies were generally complacent, although the representation of Sphagnum macrofossils and spores varied regularly as did pollen and spore concentrations. Each light-dark sequence appears to reflect a cycle of self-sustaining hydrologie changes involving changes in community composition, and in oxidation and accumulation rate, rather than climate. The cycles appear to be ca. 700 years in length, and are system-wide, but with variable lag times.Les tourbes ombrothrophes de Terre-Neuve présentent d'ordinaire des couches nettement définies. Chaque couche comporte une partie inférieure claire et une partie supérieure foncée. Les couches sont séparées par des surfaces de récurrence abruptes. La régularité des couches suppose l'existence d'un phénomène cyclique. Les micro et macrostratigraphies physique et celles des éléments de deux coupes de deux profils rubanés de la région de Wesleyville ont été étudiés en vue d'en observer les différences et de déterminer les causes de ces différences. Les teneurs en cendres et en fibres, le poids volumétrique, la teneur en eau et la rétention d'eau ont été mesurés. Les trois dernières propriétés ont montré des changements uniformes dans chacune des coupes. Aucune configuration évidente n'est ressortie des valeurs des éléments biologiquement actifs qui ont été mesurés (Mg, Cl, Ca, Na, Mn et I), mais les courbes de Br, V et U, biologiquement inertes, ont montré des variations systématiques qui semblaient refléter les variations du taux d'accumulation de la tourbe. Les stratigraphies du pollen, des spores et des macrofossiles étaient dans l'ensemble insensibles, bien que la représentation des macrofossiles et des spores de Sphagnum variait de façon régulière, tout comme les concentrations de pollen et de spores. Chacune des séquences claire-foncée semble correspondre à un cycle de changements hydrologiques autogénérateurs impliquant des modifications dans la composition de l'association végétale et dans les taux d'oxydation et d'accumulation, plutôt que dans le climat. Les cycles, qui s'étendent à l'ensemble du système, semblent durer environ 700 ans, mais avec des décalages variables.Im allgemeinen treten die ombrotrophen Torfe Neufundlands in gut erkennbaren Streifen auf. Jeder Streifen besteht aus einer leichtgefàrbten unteren Schicht und einem dunklen oberen Teil. Die Streifen werden durch plôtzlich zu Tage tretende Grenzhorizonte getrennt. Die RegelmâBigkeit der Streifen setzt Periodizitàt voraus. Die Milkro- und Makrostratigraphie des physikalischen und elementaren Aufbaus zweier Streifenprofile aus der Gegend von Wesleyville wurden untersucht, um die Unterschiede aufzuzeichnen und um die Ursachen zu ergrùnden. Gehalt an Asche und Fasern, spezifische Dichte, Wassergehalt und Wasserzurùckhaltungsvermôgen wurden gemessen. Die drei letzteren wiesen konstante Wechsel in jedem Profil auf. Keine deutlichen Muster in den Werten der biologisch aktiven Elemente konnten gemessen werden (Mg, Cl, Ca, Na, Al, Mn und I), aber die kurven von Br, V und U, den biologisch inaktiven Elementen, zeigten systematische Variationen, welche die Variationen von Torfansammlungsraten wiederzuspiegeln schienen. Die Pollen-, Sporen- und makrofossilen Stratigraphien waren im allgemeinen unveràndert, wenn auch das Vorkommen von Sphagnum-Makrofossilen und Sporen genauso wie Pollen- und Sporen- konzentrationen regelmâBige Verànderungen aufwies. Jede helldunkel Sequenz scheint einen Zyklus sich selbsttragender hydrologischer Verâderungen wiederzuspiegeln, die viel mehr Verànderungen in der pflanzlichen Zusammensetzung, der Oxydierung und der Akkumulationsrate zur Folge hatten als klimatische Verànderungen. Die Perioden scheinen etwa 700 Jahre gedauert zu haben, betreffen das ganze System aber mit variablen Verzôgerungen

    Recent advancements in monolithic AlGaAs/GaAs solar cells for space applications

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    High efficiency, two terminal, multijunction AlGaAs/GaAs solar cells were reproducibly made with areas of 0.5 sq cm. The multiple layers in the cells were grown by Organo Metallic Vapor Phase Epitaxy (OMVPE) on GaAs substrates in the n-p configuration. The upper AlGaAs cell has a bandgap of 1.93 eV and is connected in series to the lower GaAs cell (1.4 eV) via a metal interconnect deposited during post-growth processing. A prismatic coverglass is installed on top of the cell to reduce obscuration caused by the gridlines. The best 0.5 sq cm cell has a two terminal efficiency of 23.0 pct. at 1 sun, air mass zero (AM0) and 25 C. To date, over 300 of these cells were grown and processed for a manufacturing demonstration. Yield and efficiency data for this demonstration are presented. As a first step toward the goal of a 30 pct. efficient cell, a mechanical stack of the 0.5 sq cm cells described above, and InGaAsP (0.95 eV) solar cells was made. The best two terminal measurement to date yields an efficiency of 25.2 pct. AM0. This is the highest reported efficiency of any two terminal, 1 sun space solar cell

    Discrete Model of Ideological Struggle Accounting for Migration

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    A discrete in time model of ideological competition is formulated taking into account population migration. The model is based on interactions between global populations of non-believers and followers of different ideologies. The complex dynamics of the attracting manifolds is investigated. Conversion from one ideology to another by means of (i) mass media influence and (ii) interpersonal relations is considered. Moreover a different birth rate is assumed for different ideologies, the rate being assumed to be positive for the reference population, made of initially non-believers. Ideological competition can happen in one or several regions in space. In the latter case, migration of non-believers and adepts is allowed; this leads to an enrichment of the ideological dynamics. Finally, the current ideological situation in the Arab countries and China is commented upon from the point of view of the presently developed mathematical model. The massive forced conversion by Ottoman Turks in the Balkans is briefly discussed.Comment: 24 pages, with 5 figures and 52 refs.; prepared for a Special issue of Advances in Complex System

    Critical Dynamics of a Vortex Loop Model for the Superconducting Transition

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    We calculate analytically the dynamic critical exponent zMCz_{MC} measured in Monte Carlo simulations for a vortex loop model of the superconducting transition, and account for the simulation results. In the weak screening limit, where magnetic fluctuations are neglected, the dynamic exponent is found to be zMC=3/2z_{MC} = 3/2. In the perfect screening limit, zMC=5/2z_{MC} = 5/2. We relate zMCz_{MC} to the actual value of zz observable in experiments and find that z2z \sim 2, consistent with some experimental results

    Stability of a Nonequilibrium Interface in a Driven Phase Segregating System

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    We investigate the dynamics of a nonequilibrium interface between coexisting phases in a system described by a Cahn-Hilliard equation with an additional driving term. By means of a matched asymptotic expansion we derive equations for the interface motion. A linear stability analysis of these equations results in a condition for the stability of a flat interface. We find that the stability properties of a flat interface depend on the structure of the driving term in the original equation.Comment: 14 pages Latex, 1 postscript-figur


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    This paper investigates the role of visitor location and other related contributing factors in determining motivation to attend the Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery in the regional city of Launceston, Tasmania. It carries out an assessment of the literature on visitor motivation to attend museums and galleries, including visiting as a learning experience and as an environment for wellbeing. It also considers the role of visitor location in determining the factors behind the visit. Following our adoption of a visitor survey, this paper carries out a demographic visitor profile before considering our findings on geographical location, engagement with the museum and marketing engagement (including by visitor location). The study then carries out a series of independent t-tests with respect to visitor location, followed by ANOVA calculations with respect to the overall mean findings for different subgroups. Following this, confirmatory factor analyses determine item suitability, with four factors being identified. Following discussion of the findings and the drawing of conclusions, a series of recommendations for theory and practice are made, beginning with implications for QVMAG itself before broadening insight for other museums, galleries and cultural attractions more generally

    Incorporating prior knowledge improves detection of differences in bacterial growth rate

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    BACKGROUND: Robust statistical detection of differences in the bacterial growth rate can be challenging, particularly when dealing with small differences or noisy data. The Bayesian approach provides a consistent framework for inferring model parameters and comparing hypotheses. The method captures the full uncertainty of parameter values, whilst making effective use of prior knowledge about a given system to improve estimation. RESULTS: We demonstrated the application of Bayesian analysis to bacterial growth curve comparison. Following extensive testing of the method, the analysis was applied to the large dataset of bacterial responses which are freely available at the web-resource, ComBase. Detection was found to be improved by using prior knowledge from clusters of previously analysed experimental results at similar environmental conditions. A comparison was also made to a more traditional statistical testing method, the F-test, and Bayesian analysis was found to perform more conclusively and to be capable of attributing significance to more subtle differences in growth rate. CONCLUSIONS: We have demonstrated that by making use of existing experimental knowledge, it is possible to significantly improve detection of differences in bacterial growth rate