197 research outputs found

    Development and validation of a mathematical equation to estimate glomerular filtration rate in cirrhosis: The rfh cirrhosis Gfr

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    Current expressions based on serum creatinine concentration overestimate kidney function in cirrhosis leading to significant differences between "true" and calculated glomerular filtration rate (GFR). We compared the performance of MDRD-4, MDRD-6 and CKD-EPI with "true" GFR and the impact of this difference on MELD calculation. We subsequently developed and validated a GFR equation specifically for cirrhosis and compared the performance of the new derived formula with existing GFR formulas. We included 469 consecutive patients who had a transplant assessment between 2011 and 2014. "True" GFR (mGFR) was measured using plasma isotope clearance according to a technique validated in patients with ascites. A corrected creatinine was derived from the mGFR after application of the MDRD formula. Subsequently, a corrected MELD was calculated and was compared with the conventionally calculated MELD. Stepwise multiple linear regression was used to derive a GFR equation. This was compared with the measured GFR in independent external and internal validation sets of 82 and 174 patients with cirrhosis respectively. A difference>20 ml/min/1.73m(2) between existing formulae and mGFR was observed in 226 (48.2%) patients. The corrected MELD score was ≥3 points higher in 177 (37.7%) patients. The predicted equation derived (R(2) =74·6%) was: GFR=45·9x(creatinine(-0) ·(836) )x(urea(-0) ·(229) )x(INR(-0) ·(113) )x(age(0) ·(129) )x(sodium(0) ·(972) )x1·236(if male)x0·92(if moderate/severe ascites). The model was a good fit and showed the greatest accuracy compared to that of existing formulae. CONCLUSION: We developed and validated a new accurate model for GFR assessment in cirrhosis, the RFH cirrhosis GFR, using readily available variables. This remains to be tested and incorporated in prognostic scores in patients with cirrhosis

    Bacterial diversity and community composition from seasurface to subseafloor

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    © The International Society for Microbial Ecology, 2015. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in ISME Journal 10 (2016): 979–989, doi:10.1038/ismej.2015.175.We investigated compositional relationships between bacterial communities in the water column and those in deep-sea sediment at three environmentally distinct Pacific sites (two in the Equatorial Pacific and one in the North Pacific Gyre). Through pyrosequencing of the v4–v6 hypervariable regions of the 16S ribosomal RNA gene, we characterized 450 104 pyrotags representing 29 814 operational taxonomic units (OTUs, 97% similarity). Hierarchical clustering and non-metric multidimensional scaling partition the samples into four broad groups, regardless of geographic location: a photic-zone community, a subphotic community, a shallow sedimentary community and a subseafloor sedimentary community (greater than or equal to1.5 meters below seafloor). Abundance-weighted community compositions of water-column samples exhibit a similar trend with depth at all sites, with successive epipelagic, mesopelagic, bathypelagic and abyssopelagic communities. Taxonomic richness is generally highest in the water-column O2 minimum zone and lowest in the subseafloor sediment. OTUs represented by abundant tags in the subseafloor sediment are often present but represented by few tags in the water column, and represented by moderately abundant tags in the shallow sediment. In contrast, OTUs represented by abundant tags in the water are generally absent from the subseafloor sediment. These results are consistent with (i) dispersal of marine sedimentary bacteria via the ocean, and (ii) selection of the subseafloor sedimentary community from within the community present in shallow sediment.This study was funded by the Biological Oceanography Program of the US National Science Foundation (grant OCE-0752336) and by the NSF-funded Center for Dark Energy Biosphere Investigations (grant NSF-OCE-0939564)

    Expression and Membrane Topology of Anopheles gambiae Odorant Receptors in Lepidopteran Insect Cells

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    A lepidopteran insect cell-based expression system has been employed to express three Anopheles gambiae odorant receptors (ORs), OR1 and OR2, which respond to components of human sweat, and OR7, the ortholog of Drosophila's OR83b, the heteromerization partner of all functional ORs in that system. With the aid of epitope tagging and specific antibodies, efficient expression of all ORs was demonstrated and intrinsic properties of the proteins were revealed. Moreover, analysis of the orientation of OR1 and OR2 on the cellular plasma membrane through the use of a novel ‘topology screen’ assay and FACS analysis demonstrates that, as was recently reported for the ORs in Drosophila melanogaster, mosquito ORs also have a topology different than their mammalian counterparts with their N-terminal ends located in the cytoplasm and their C-terminal ends facing outside the cell. These results set the stage for the production of mosquito ORs in quantities that should permit their detailed biochemical and structural characterization and the exploration of their functional properties

    A herbivore tag-and-trace system reveals contact- and density-dependent repellence of a root toxin

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    Foraging behavior of root feeding organisms strongly affects plant-environment-interactions and ecosystem processes. However, the impact of plant chemistry on root herbivore movement in the soil is poorly understood. Here, we apply a simple technique to trace the movement of soil-dwelling insects in their habitats without disturbing or restricting their interactions with host plants. We tagged the root feeding larvae of Melolontha melolontha with a copper ring and repeatedly located their position in relation to their preferred host plant, Taraxacum officinale, using a commercial metal detector. This method was validated and used to study the influence of the sesquiterpene lactone taraxinic acid β-D-glucopyranosyl ester (TA-G) on the foraging of M. melolontha. TA-G is stored in the latex of T. officinale and protects the roots from herbivory. Using behavioral arenas with TA-G deficient and control plants, we tested the impact of physical root access and plant distance on the effect of TA-G on M. melolontha. The larvae preferred TA-G deficient plants to control plants, but only when physical root contact was possible and the plants were separated by 5 cm. Melolontha melolontha showed no preference for TA-G deficient plants when the plants were grown 15 cm apart, which may indicate a trade-off between the cost of movement and the benefit of consuming less toxic food. We demonstrate that M. melolontha integrates host plant quality and distance into its foraging patterns and suggest that plant chemistry affects root herbivore behavior in a plant-density dependent manner. © 2017, Springer Science+Business Media New York

    Plasmodium falciparum Merozoite Invasion Is Inhibited by Antibodies that Target the PfRh2a and b Binding Domains

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    Plasmodium falciparum, the causative agent of the most severe form of malaria in humans invades erythrocytes using multiple ligand-receptor interactions. The P. falciparum reticulocyte binding-like homologue proteins (PfRh or PfRBL) are important for entry of the invasive merozoite form of the parasite into red blood cells. We have analysed two members of this protein family, PfRh2a and PfRh2b, and show they undergo a complex series of proteolytic cleavage events before and during merozoite invasion. We show that PfRh2a undergoes a cleavage event in the transmembrane region during invasion consistent with activity of the membrane associated PfROM4 protease that would result in release of the ectodomain into the supernatant. We also show that PfRh2a and PfRh2b bind to red blood cells and have defined the erythrocyte-binding domain to a 15 kDa region at the N-terminus of each protein. Antibodies to this receptor-binding region block merozoite invasion demonstrating the important function of this domain. This region of PfRh2a and PfRh2b has potential in a combination vaccine with other erythrocyte binding ligands for induction of antibodies that would block a broad range of invasion pathways for P. falciparum into human erythrocytes

    Differential Gene Expression and Adherence of Escherichia coli O157:H7 In Vitro and in Ligated Pig Intestines

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    BACKGROUND: Escherichia coli O157:H7 strain 86-24 grown in MacConkey broth (MB) shows almost no adherence to cultured epithelial cells but adheres well in pig ligated intestines. This study investigated the mechanisms associated with the difference between in-vitro and in-vivo adherence of the MB culture. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: It was found that decreased adherence in vitro by bacteria grown in MB was mainly due to lactose, possibly implicating the involvement of carbon catabolite repression (CCR). Expression of selected virulence-related genes associated with adherence and CCR was then examined by quantitative PCR. When bacteria were grown in MB and Brain Heart Infusion with NaHCO(3) (BHIN) plus lactose, pH was reduced to 5.5-5.9 and there was a significant decrease in expression of the locus of enterocyte effacement (LEE) genes eae, tir, espD, grlA/R and ler, and an increase in cya (cAMP), and two negative regulators of the LEE, gadE and hfq. Putative virulence genes stcE, hlyA, ent and nleA were also decreased in vitro. Reversal of these changes was noted for bacteria recovered from the intestine, where transcripts for qseF and fis and putative virulence factors AidA(15), TerC and Ent/EspL2 were significantly increased, and transcripts for AIDA(48), Iha, UreC, Efa1A, Efa1B, ToxB, EhxA, StcE, NleA and NleB were expressed at high levels. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Presence of lactose resulted in decreased expression of LEE genes and the failure of EHEC O157:H7 to adhere to epithelial cells in vitro but this repression was overcome in vivo. CCR and/or acidic pH may have played a role in repression of the LEE genes. Bacterial pathogens need to integrate their nutritional metabolism with expression of virulence genes but little is known of how this is done in E. coli O157:H7. This study indicates one aspect of the subject that should be investigated further

    Does public awareness increase support for invasive species management?:Promising evidence across taxa and landscape types

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    Management of invasive species often raises substantial conflicts of interest. Since such conflicts can hamper proposed management actions, managers, decision makers and researchers increasingly recognize the need to consider the social dimensions of invasive species management. In this exploratory study, we aimed (1) to explore whether species’ taxonomic position (i.e. animals vs. plants) and type of invaded landscape (i.e. urban vs. nonurban) might influence public perception about the management of invasive species, and (2) to assess the potential of public awareness to increase public support for invasive species management. We reviewed the scientific literature on the conflicts of interest around the management of alien species and administered two-phased questionnaires (before and after providing information on the target species and its management) to members of the public in South Africa and the UK (n = 240). Our review suggests that lack of public support for the management of invasive animals in both urban and non-urban areas derives mainly from moralistic value disagreements, while the management of invasive plants in non-urban areas mostly causes conflicts based on utilitarian value disagreements. Despite these general trends, conflicts are context dependent and can originate from a wide variety of different views. Notably, informing the public about the invasive status and negative impacts of the species targeted for management appeared to increase public support for the management actions. Therefore, our results align with the view that increased public awareness might increase the public support for the management of invasive species, independent of taxonomic position and type of landscape

    Modulation of host cell processes by T3SS effectors

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    Two of the enteric Escherichia coli pathotypes-enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC) and enterohaemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC)-have a conserved type 3 secretion system which is essential for virulence. The T3SS is used to translocate between 25 and 50 bacterial proteins directly into the host cytosol where they manipulate a variety of host cell processes to establish a successful infection. In this chapter, we discuss effectors from EPEC/EHEC in the context of the host proteins and processes that they target-the actin cytoskeleton, small guanosine triphosphatases and innate immune signalling pathways that regulate inflammation and cell death. Many of these translocated proteins have been extensively characterised, which has helped obtain insights into the mechanisms of pathogenesis of these bacteria and also understand the host pathways they target in more detail. With increasing knowledge of the positive and negative regulation of host signalling pathways by different effectors, a future challenge is to investigate how the specific effector repertoire of each strain cooperates over the course of an infection
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