199 research outputs found

    Shear bond strengths of seven self-etching primers after thermo-cycling

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    Objective: Self-etching primers are widely used in restorative dentistry. However, only one primer has been developed for orthodontic applications. The objective of this study was to assess the suitabiliy of restorative self-etching primers on unabraded enamel. Material and Methods: Seven self-etching primers (Transbond™ SEP +, Xeno®III, Clearfil™SE, Futurabond®NR, OneCoat, M-Bond and OptiBond®) were compared with two conventionally-etched control groups (Transbond™ MIP). All groups with the exception of one of the two control groups underwent thermo-cycling (1000x, 5-55°C). Bovine teeth stored in physiological saline solution were used for the purpose of this study. Results: Both before and after thermo-cycling, the control groups presented very similar shear strengths which did not differ significantly from each other or from the Transbond™ SEP +  and Clearfil™SE specimens. During thermo-cycling, all groups except the control group and the Transbond™ SEP +  specimens displayed losses from the shear bodies. These losses occurred on all of the OptiBond® samples. The adhesive remnant index (ARI) and enamel tear-outs correlated closely with the adhesive values. Conclusions: Our adhesive value assessments support the conclusion that only Transbond™ SEP +  and Clearfil™SE can be recommended for clinical us

    Exclusion of Mucorales Co-Infection in a Patient with Aspergillus flavus Sinusitis by Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH)

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    Invasive fungal infections are associated with increased mortality in hematological patients. Despite considerable advances in antifungal therapy, the evaluation of suspected treatment failure is a common clinical challenge requiring extensive diagnostic testing to rule out potential causes, such as mixed infections. We present a 64-year-old patient with secondary AML, diabetes mellitus, febrile neutropenia, and sinusitis. While cultures from nasal tissue grew Aspergillus flavus, a microscopic examination of the tissue was suggestive of concomitant mucormycosis. However, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) using specific probes targeting Aspergillus and Mucorales species ruled out mixed infection. This was confirmed by specific qPCR assays amplifying the DNA of Aspergillus, but not of Mucorales. These results provided a rational basis for step-down targeted therapy, i.e., the patient received posaconazole after seven days of calculated dual therapy with liposomal amphotericin B and posaconazole. Despite clinical response to the antifungal therapy, he died due to the progression of the underlying disease within two weeks after diagnosis of fungal infection. Molecular diagnostics applied to tissue blocks may reveal useful information on the etiology of invasive fungal infections, including challenging situations, such as with mixed infections. A thorough understanding of fungal etiology facilitates targeted therapy that may improve therapeutic success while limiting side effects.Peer Reviewe

    Evaluation of Various Culture Media for Detection of Rapidly-Growing Mycobacteria from Patients with Cystic Fibrosis.

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    Isolation of nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) from the sputum of patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) is challenging due to overgrowth by rapidly growing species that colonize the lungs of patients with CF. Extended incubation on Burkholderia cepacia selective agar (BCSA) has been recommended as an expedient culture method for the isolation of rapidly growing NTM in this setting. The aim of this study was to assess five selective media designed for the isolation of Burkholderia cepacia complex, along with two media designed for the isolation of mycobacteria (rapidly growing mycobacteria [RGM] medium and Middlebrook 7H11 agar), for their abilities to isolate NTM. All seven media were challenged with 147 isolates of rapidly growing mycobacteria and 185 isolates belonging to other species. RGM medium was then compared with the most selective brand of BCSA for the isolation of NTM from 224 sputum samples from patients with CF. Different agars designed for the isolation of B. cepacia complex varied considerably in their inhibition of other bacteria and fungi. RGM medium supported the growth of all isolates of mycobacteria and was more selective than any other medium. NTM were recovered from 17 of 224 sputum samples using RGM medium, compared with only 7 samples using the most selective brand of BCSA (P = 0.023). RGM medium offers a superior option, compared to other selective agars, for the isolation of rapidly growing mycobacteria from the sputum of patients with CF. Furthermore, the convenience of using RGM medium enables routine screening for rapidly growing NTM in all submitted sputum samples from patients with CF

    Haemanthus coccineus extract and its main bioactive component narciclasine display profound anti-inflammatory activities in vitro and in vivo

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    Haemanthus coccineus extracts (HCE) have traditionally been used to treat a variety of diseases, like febrile colds or asthma. Since new therapeutic options against inflammatory processes are still urgently needed, we aimed to pharmacologically characterise the anti-inflammatory potential of HCEin vitro and in vivo and to identify the underlying bioactive component(s). The action of HCE on oedema formation and leucocyte infiltration were analysed in two murine models of inflammation (dermal oedema induced by arachidonic acid and croton oil;kidney injury caused by unilateral ureteral obstruction). The interaction of leucocytes with endothelial cells (ECs) as well as the activation parameters of these two cell types were analysed. Moreover, the nuclear factor B (NFB) pathway was investigated in detail in ECs. Using different fractions of HCE, the bioactive principle was identified. In vivo, HCE (450mg/kg orally or 2mg/kg intraperitoneally) inhibited oedema formation, leucocyte infiltration and cytokine synthesis. In vitro, HCE (100-300ng/ml) blocked leucocyte-EC interaction as well as the activation of isolated leucocytes (cytokine synthesis and proliferation) and of primary ECs (adhesion molecule expression). HCE suppressed NFB-dependent gene transcription in the endothelium, but did not interfere with the NFB activation cascade (IB degradation, p65 nuclear translocation and NFB DNA-binding activity). The alkaloid narciclasine was elucidated as the bioactive compound responsible for the anti-inflammatory action of HCE. Our study highlights HCE and its main alkaloid narciclasine as novel interesting approach for the treatment of inflammation-related disorders

    Dynamics of UF[6] Desublimation with the Influence of Tank Geometry for Various Coolant Temperature

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    Mathematical model of UF[6] desublimation in a vertical immersion tank is presented in the article. Results of calculations of the filling dynamics of the tanks with 1m3 volume at various coolant temperatures, with and without ellipticity of the end walls are given. It is shown that allowance for the ellipticity of the end walls of the tanks leads to a significant increase in the time of desublimation of UF[6]

    Haemanthus coccineus extract and its main bioactive component narciclasine display profound anti-inflammatory activities in vitro and in vivo

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    Haemanthus coccineus extracts (HCE) have traditionally been used to treat a variety of diseases, like febrile colds or asthma. Since new therapeutic options against inflammatory processes are still urgently needed, we aimed to pharmacologically characterise the anti-inflammatory potential of HCEin vitro and in vivo and to identify the underlying bioactive component(s). The action of HCE on oedema formation and leucocyte infiltration were analysed in two murine models of inflammation (dermal oedema induced by arachidonic acid and croton oil;kidney injury caused by unilateral ureteral obstruction). The interaction of leucocytes with endothelial cells (ECs) as well as the activation parameters of these two cell types were analysed. Moreover, the nuclear factor B (NFB) pathway was investigated in detail in ECs. Using different fractions of HCE, the bioactive principle was identified. In vivo, HCE (450mg/kg orally or 2mg/kg intraperitoneally) inhibited oedema formation, leucocyte infiltration and cytokine synthesis. In vitro, HCE (100-300ng/ml) blocked leucocyte-EC interaction as well as the activation of isolated leucocytes (cytokine synthesis and proliferation) and of primary ECs (adhesion molecule expression). HCE suppressed NFB-dependent gene transcription in the endothelium, but did not interfere with the NFB activation cascade (IB degradation, p65 nuclear translocation and NFB DNA-binding activity). The alkaloid narciclasine was elucidated as the bioactive compound responsible for the anti-inflammatory action of HCE. Our study highlights HCE and its main alkaloid narciclasine as novel interesting approach for the treatment of inflammation-related disorders

    Glycopeptide resistance in Enterococcus spp. and coagulase-negative staphylococci from hospitalised patients in Germany: occurrence, characteristics and dalbavancin susceptibility

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    Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the occurrence of glycopeptide resistance in enterococci and coagulase-negative staphylococci (CoNS) and to determine the susceptibilities of the identified glycopeptide-resistant isolates to dalbavancin. Methods: Twenty-two medical laboratories participated in the study conducted in 2016/17 by the Paul-Ehrlich-Society for Chemotherapy. Each laboratory was asked to collect 30 Enterococcus spp. (limited to Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium) and 30 CoNS isolates consecutively from hospitalised patients with a proven or suspected infection. Results: A total of 1285 isolates were collected, comprising 364 E. faecalis, 291 E. faecium and 630 CoNS. No E. faecalis isolates (0%) but 76 E. faecium isolates (26.1%) were vancomycin-resistant, of which 21 showed the VanA type and 55 the VanB type. The proportion of vancomycin-resistant strains among E. faecium isolates from patients in intensive care units (21.6%) was significantly lower than that from patients on regular wards (30.5%). Among the CoNS, 67 isolates (10.6%) were teicoplanin-resistant but none were vancomycin-resistant, with resistance only detected in Staphylococcus epidermidis (12.2%), Staphylococcus haemolyticus (17.9%) and Staphylococcus hominis (13.2%). Dalbavancin at ≤0.25 mg/L inhibited all VanB-type enterococci and 95.5% of teicoplanin-resistant CoNS. Conclusion: The level of glycopeptide resistance in E. faecalis remains very low in Germany but achieved 26% in E. faecium and was >10% in CoNS. Dalbavancin appears to be a feasible option for treating infections caused by VanB-type vancomycin-resistant E. faecium and teicoplanin-resistant CoNS.Peer Reviewe

    Elevated prevalence of multidrug-resistant gram-negative organisms in HIV positive men

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    Background: Routes of transmission of multidrug-resistant gram-negative organisms (MDRGN) are not completely understood. Since sexual transmission of MDRGN might represent a potential mode that has not been noticed so far, this study evaluated transmission of MDRGN in HIV positive men. Methods: Between November 2014 and March 2016, we retrospectively investigated the MDRGN prevalence in rectal swabs of n = 109 males tested positive for HIV (HP). These findings were compared to the MDRGN prevalence in n = 109 rectal swabs in age-matched males tested negative for HIV (HN) within the same period. According to the infection control protocol of University Hospital Frankfurt, Germany (UHF), patients admitted to intensive/intermediate care units have to be screened for MDRGN on day of admittance. Patients without HIV testing or MDRGN screening were excluded. Results: MDRGN prevalence in rectal swabs was significantly higher (p = 0.002) in male HP (23.9%;95% confidence interval 16.2-32.9%) than in age-matched male HN (8.3%;3.8-15.1%). In total, 35 MDRGN species were detected. The most frequent MDRGN species was Escherichia coli with resistance due to ESBL expression and additional resistance to fluoroquinolones with n = 25/35 (71.4%;53.7-85.4%). Thereof, n = 19/26 (73.1%;52.2-88.4%) were detected in HP and n = 6/9 (66.7%;29.9-92.5%) in HN, respectively. Conclusions: Prevalence of MDRGN is significantly higher in male HIV positive than in male HIV negative individuals. This might indicate sexual transmission of MDRGN within the male HIV positive population. As treatment options in case of MRGN infections are limited, prevention of MDRGN transmission is strongly emphasized

    N-Aryl mercaptoacetamides as potential multi-target inhibitors of metallo-β-lactamases (MBLs) and the virulence factor LasB from Pseudomonas aeruginosa

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    Increasing antimicrobial resistance is evolving to be one of the major threats to public health. To reduce the selection pressure and thus to avoid a fast development of resistance, novel approaches aim to target bacterial virulence instead of growth. Another strategy is to restore the activity of antibiotics already in clinical use. This can be achieved by the inhibition of resistance factors such as metallo-β-lactamases (MBLs). Since MBLs can cleave almost all β-lactam antibiotics, including the “last resort” carbapenems, their inhibition is of utmost importance. Here, we report on the synthesis and in vitro evaluation of N-aryl mercaptoacetamides as inhibitors of both clinically relevant MBLs and the virulence factor LasB from Pseudomonas aeruginosa. All tested N-aryl mercaptoacetamides showed low micromolar to submicromolar activities on the tested enzymes IMP-7, NDM-1 and VIM-1. The two most promising compounds were further examined in NDM-1 expressing Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates, where they restored the full activity of imipenem. Together with their LasB-inhibitory activity in the micromolar range, this class of compounds can now serve as a starting point for a multi-target inhibitor approach against both bacterial resistance and virulence, which is unprecedented in antibacterial drug discovery
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