22,498 research outputs found


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    Abstract The common problems of concrete are brittle failure and low of tension. Fiber reinforced plastic concrete is one of the alternatives to solve the problems. This research aim is to demonstrate a contribution of Polyethylene to revise the weakness of its properties. An experiment has been conducted to observe compressive strength, toughness, modulus of rupture and stiffness of fiber-polyethylene-reinforced concrete. The results show that by adding Polyethylene as a fiber in concrete material, compressive strength increases to 120.36%, moment capacity of beam increases to 115.79% and toughness increases to 318.6% compared with normal concrete. Hence, it can be stated that the addition of Polyethylene fiber has a significant contribution to increase the concrete performances. Keywords: concrete, fiber, polyethylene, stiffness, toughness

    Nagarakertagama dan trowulan

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    Ada dua sumber utama untuk mengetahui fisik kota zaman Majapahit. Yang pertama adalah kitab Nagarakertagama (=Nag.) yang djgubah oleh Prapanca tabun 1365, khususnya pupuh 8-12; yang kedua adalab daerah Trowulan di kabupaten Mojokerto (Jawa Timur) yang hingga kini diperkirakan menjadi lokasi ibukota Majapahit. Namun sayangnya kita masih belum mampu untuk memadukan kedua sumber itu menjadi satu. Tidak satupun bal yang disebutkan Prapaiica dapat secara pasti diidentifikasikan dengan salab satu peninggalan arkeologi di Trowulan. Atau, sebaliknya, tidak satupun peninggalan arkeologi yang dijumpai di Trowulan dapat kita carikan padanannya dalam Nag

    Studi Stabilitas Fungsi Tabungan di INDONESIA PERIODE TAHUN 1980-2009

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    Penelitian ini dengan judul “STUDI STABILITAS FUNGSI TABUNGAN DI INDONESIA” dengan perumusan masalah mengetahui stabilitas fungsi tabungan di Indonesia, sehingga dilakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui bagaimana arah dan besarnya faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi tabungan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan uji Stabilitas Chow dan untuk mendapatkan hasil estimasi dilakukan pengujian asumsi klasik dan pengujian statistic. Variable-variabel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah produk domestic bruto, pajak, subsidi, tingkat bunga (variable independen) dan tabungan (variable dependen). Berdasarkan analisa regresi dengan metode chow test tampak bahwa produk domestic bruto, pajak, dan tingkat bunga mempunyai pengaruh signifikan terhadap Tabungan di Indonesia. Dari hasil uji F menunjukkan bahwa Produk Domestik Bruto, Pajak, Subsidi dan Tingkat Bunga secara bersama-sama berpengaruh terhadap Tabungan di Indonesia. Untuk koefisien determinasi R2 dengan penduga kepercayaan 95% diperoleh nilai sebesar 0,946460 pada periode 1980-1996 yang menunjukkan bahwa model penduga yang digunakan 94,65% baik, pada periode 1997-2009 diperoleh nilai 0,918195 yang menunjukan bahwa model penduga yang digunakan 91,82 % baik dan pada periode tahun 1980 – 2009 diperoleh nilai sebesar 0,942636 yang menunjukan bahwa model penduga yang digunakan 94,26 juga baik. Dalam penelitian ini uji asumsi klasik lolos dalam pengujian Multikolinieritas, Normalitas, Heteroskedatisitas, Otokorelasi Namun untuk asumsi Ramsey pada periode Tahun 1980 – 2009 tidak lolos karena model tidak linier. Jadi hasil penelitian ini sudah cukup baik digunakan dalam pengambilan keputusan, karena telah lolos dari tiga uji asumsi klasik. Sebagai saran jumlah Tabungan yang meningkat disebabkan banyak faktor diantaranya PDB, Tingkat Bunga dan Pajak. Tingginya penerimaan PDB dan Pajak akan meningkatkan jumlah Tabungan Nasional. Maka pemerintah harus bijak dalam pengendalian pendapatan dan pengeluaran negara


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    Terjadinya instrusi air laut di wilayah Jakarta dan termasuk pula daerah Bekasi dan sekitarnya, makin lama mengkhawatirkan, dalam arti wilayah yang terkena instrusi air laut makin meluas. Untuk itu perlu diketahui dampak yang mungkin timbul akibat yang terjadi instrusi tersebut terutama pada beton. Dalam hal ini beton yang digunakan sebagai pondasi ataupun konstruksi lainnya yang berhubungan langsung dengan tanah maupun air tanah. Penelitian ini melihat seberapa besar pengaruh air laut pada kuat tekan beton normal. Metodologi Penelitian yaitu dengan melakukan serangkaian uji material sehingga dinyatakan memenuhi syarat, kemudian dilakukan pembuatan dan pencetakan benda uji dengan mutu beton K-175 dan kemudian dirawat dengan air laut dan air tawar sesuai umur rencana lalu diuji dengan Alat Uji Kuat Tekan beton. Hasil Pengujian menunjukkan Beton normal K-175 yang dirawat menggunakan air laut mengalami penurunan kuat tekan sebesar 1,18 % pada usia 3 hari, 1,05% pada usia 7 hari , 1,24% pada usia 14 hari, 1,1% pada usia 28 hari. Untuk beton yang menggunakan air laut sebagai campuran beton mengalami penurunan kuat tekan beton terhadap beton normal sebesar 8,1 % pada usia 3 hari dan 7,24 % pada usia 7 hari. Kata Kunci: Air laut, Air tawar, Beton, Kuat Tekan, Agrega

    “Effectiveness of using Pictures in Teaching and Learning English Vocabulary to the 4th grade students of SDN I AMPEL BOYOLALI”

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    This report is written based on the job training done by the writer as an English teacher in SDN 1 Ampel Boyolali. There are two objectives stated in this final object report. They are: (1) to describe the process of teaching English Vocabulary using pictures, (2) to explain the effectiveness of using pictures in teaching English vocabularies. This final project report is divided into four chapters. They are; chapter I: Introduction, chapter II: Literature Review, chapter III: Discussion, chapter IV: Conclusion and suggestion. The data of this report is obtained from the writers’ observation and experience when he taught English lesson. During conducting the job training, the writer used some steps to make the English teaching and learning process run smoothly. The steps covered greeting, motivation strategies, presentation strategies, skill practice, assessment and ending the lesson. The result shows that there are some effectiveness of using picture such as the explaining material during the teaching and learning process of English vocabularies can run better


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    The purpose of this study is to develop a new product in the form of a computer assembly module in SMA N 1 Bantul. Another purpose of this study was to determine the feasibility stage of development and computer module assembly in accordance with the Education Unit Level Curriculum (SBC) in SMA N 1 Bantul. The research method used is the method of research and development ((Research and Development)). New product development in the form of modules ICT subjects through several stages, namely (1) a preliminary study, (2) planning, (3) initial product development, (4) revision of the design, (5) initial field trials, (6) revision I , (7) main field trials; (8) revision II; (9) operational field trials; (10) revision of the final product, and (11) product improvement. The research was conducted at Grade X SMA N 1 Bantul. Data was collected using a questionnaire instrument. The analysis technique used is the qualitative and quantitative analysis to determine the feasibility of a computer assembly module. Results of this study was generated in the form of instructional media products shaped modules ICT subjects. Based on the syllabus, standards of competence and basic competences materials then developed into two (2) materials and learning activities. Subject matter of the module, namely (1) the introduction of hardware (hardware) computer, (2) assemble a computer. According to expert faculty assessment materials obtained an overall average score of 4.17 with a good assessment criteria, ICT teacher as expert material 1 1 earned an average overall score of 3.94 with a good assessment criteria, ICT teacher as expert material 2 2 obtained average The average overall score of 4 with good assessment criteria, from 1 media specialists earned an average overall score of 4.11 with a good assessment criteria, from 2 media specialists earned an average overall score of 3.89 with both criteria, and from field trials to obtain an average overall score of 4.10 with a good assessment criteria. Eligibility standard module when overall average score of not less than a minimum standard that is good. Based on these data it can be concluded that the computer module assembly in SMA N 1 Bantul are already well developed so worthy used to support learning activities. Keywords: modules, computer assembly


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    The writer realized that literature can be used to know and add the experience of life. Literature \ud is one of sources that someone may find the description of real life. It covers many aspects of life \ud and it is considered as a mirror of society that is created based on the author's imagination. In this \ud study, the writer appreciates the novel about the main character's psychological pressure in \ud facing the difficulties. \ud The purpose of this study is to discover the three issues stated in problems statements. Some \ud activities were done to reach the purpose of the study. Firstly, analyzing, understanding, and \ud comprehending the novel. Secondly, searching problems dealing with the purpose of study. \ud Then, drawing conclusion based on result data analysis. \ud Moreover, this study uses descriptive method, and this method is used to review the literary \ud research to provide the data. Then, the data are carefully selected and examined to reach the best \ud result of study. And the technique used in this study is library research in which most of \ud information used as sources of study are taken from references: books, dictionaries, and \ud encyclopedias in library. \ud In this novel, there are three main characters, they are Mary Stuart, Tanya Thomas, and Dr Zoe \ud Phillips. The result of this study shows that there are three main characters' psychological \ud pressure. First, Mary Stuart has psychological pressure when she feels lonely in her family and \ud she doesn't have happiness that she had ever had. She needs love and attention from her husband \ud when she loses her son, but her husband always blames her on their son's death. Second, Tanya \ud Thomas has pressure when she loses her husbands. She doesn't have true love, and she lost \ud everything in her life. The third is Dr Zoe Phillips who has been infected by AIDS. She worries \ud about her daughter because of AIDS, and she has to be careful and patient caring her baby. \ud Beside the main characters' psychological pressure above, this study also discussed about the \ud effects of the main characters' psychological pressure toward themselves. First, the effects of \ud Mary Stuart's psychological pressure toward herself are: 1) She decides to evaluate herself what \ud she must do in the future. 2) She wants to divorce her husband because their family is not \ud harmony anymore. 3) There was someone in Wyoming who cared about her and loved her, but \ud she didn't have guts to say it, because she still chose her husband. Second, the effects of Tanya \ud Thomas's psychological pressure toward herself are: 1) She wants to forget her bad experience. \ud 2) She has new life when she felt interest with Gordon who worked as wrangler in ranch. Third, \ud the effects of Dr Zoe Phillips's psychological pressure toward herself are: \ud 1) She wanted to take a vacancy in Wyoming because of AIDS. 2) She didn't feel worried \ud anymore because her friends were willing to take care her daughter when next she died


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    Pembuatan alat pendeteksi dini kebocoran gas menggunakan sensor gas MQ-6 bertujuan untuk mencegah kebakaran karena terjadinya kebocoran gas elpiji yang dapat menimbulkan kerugian. Dengan adanya alat ini maka seseorang dapat mengetahui apabila terjadi kebocoran gas elpiji. Metode yang digunakan untuk membuat alat pendeteksi kebocoran gas elpiji ini adalah metode rancang bangun yang terdiri dari beberapa tahap yaitu, (1) Identifikasi Kebutuhan, (2) Analisis Kebutuhan, (3) Perancangan Sistem, (4) pembuatan, (5) Pengujian Alat, (6) Pembahasan. Alat ini terdiri beberapa bagian, terdiri dari rangkaian catu daya yang menghasilkan tegangan 5 Volt dan -5 Volt, rangkaian sensor MQ-6 sebagai pendeteksi gas elpiji, rangakaian komparator untuk pembanding tegangan dari sensor dan tegangan referensi, rangkaian driver relay dan buzzer sebagai indikator apabila terjadi kebocoran gas elpiji. Alat pendeteksi dini kebocoran gas elpiji menggunakan sensor gas MQ-6 telah berhasil dibuat sesuai rancangan. Berdasarkan pengujian alat, ketika sensor MQ-6 tidak mendeteksi adanya gas elpiji tegangan keluaran sensor ± 1 Volt. Tegangan ini lebih kecil dari tegangan referensi komparator, karena itu tegangan keluaran komparator belum dapat mengaktifkan transistor yang mengakibatkan relay dan buzzer belum aktif. Terdeteksinya gas elpiji oleh sensor MQ-6 menyebabkan tegangan keluaran sensor menjadi ± 3,69Volt. Tegangan keluaran ini lebih besar daripada tegangan referensi komparator, karena itu tegangan keluaran komparator dapat mengaktifkan transistor yang menyebabkan relay dan buzzer aktif. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa alat pendeteksi dini kebocoran gas elpiji menggunakan sensor MQ-6 bekerja sesuai dengan yang diharapkan

    Analisis Kualitas Pelayanan Jasa Pembiayaan Yang Mempengaruhi Kepuasan Mitra USAha Pada PT Adira Dinamika Multi Finance Tbk Cabang Purwokerto

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    Penelitian ini berujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dimensi kualitas pelayanan yang terdiri dari tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, dan empaty yang dipertimbangkan konsumen dalam memilih jasa pembiayaan. Alat analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis faktor, analisis kepausan konsumen dan importance performance analysis. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah:1. Faktor kualitas pelayanan berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan konsumen 2. Tingkat kepuasan konsumen terhadap kualitas jasa pelayanan yang diberikan oleh Perusahaan adalah berkisar antara 61,76 persen – 87,15 persen. 3. Atribut yang tergabung dalam variabel reliability berada dalam kuadran A yang berarti atribut tersebut yang belum memenuhi harapan konsumen, sehingga membuat konsumen merasa belum puas
