62 research outputs found

    Attitude, Knowledge, Awarness Toward Behavior For Protecting Environment Base on Islamic View

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    The aim of this research to highlight the corelation among numerous of variable including attitute, knowledge, awarness toward behavior for protecting environment base on Islamic perspective. The method use is quantitative with simple regression testing. Respondents are collected by purposive action. The results are there is corelation between attitude to behavior for protecting nature. The value The results is there are relation among variable to behavior for protecting nature base on Islamic view. Base on testing show that attitude have positive relationship towards behavior with value of correlation about 0.112. While the regression value is abround 0.052 or about 5.2% attitudes affect student behavior. While awareness variable is positive related to behavior with value 0.289. If seen from the calculation of the regression coefficient, awareness affects attitude by 0.043. While the pearson correlation value for Knowledge is positive linkage to behavior with value 0.373. When viewed from the regression value, the value obtained is 0.332. In this variable have meaning that belief affects behavior by 33.2%.Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menyoroti hubungan di antara banyak variabel termasuk sikap, pengetahuan, kesadaran terhadap perilaku untuk melindungi lingkungan berdasarkan perspektif Islam. Metode yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif dengan pengujian regresi sederhana. Responden dikumpulkan dengan tindakan sengaja. Hasilnya ada hubungan antara sikap dengan perilaku untuk melindungi alam. Nilai Hasil adalah ada hubungan antara variabel dengan perilaku untuk melindungi dasar alam berdasarkan pandangan Islam. Berdasarkan pengujian menunjukkan bahwa sikap memiliki hubungan positif terhadap perilaku dengan nilai korelasi sebesar 0,112. Sedangkan nilai regresi sekitar 0,052 atau sekitar 5,2% sikap mempengaruhi perilaku siswa. Sedangkan variabel kesadaran berhubungan positif dengan perilaku dengan nilai 0,289. Jika dilihat dari perhitungan koefisien regresi, kesadaran memengaruhi sikap sebesar 0,043. Sedangkan nilai korelasi pearson untuk Pengetahuan adalah hubungan positif dengan perilaku dengan nilai 0,373. Jika dilihat dari nilai regresi, nilai yang diperoleh adalah 0,332. Dalam variabel ini memiliki makna bahwa kepercayaan mempengaruhi perilaku sebesar 33,2%

    Indigenous Cipatat Kolot Society Resilience Based on Leuit in Bogor, West Java

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    The purpose of this research is to investigate the community resilience based on Leuit (traditional storage of paddies) in Cipatat Kolot customary community in Bogor, West Java. The research method exerts an ethnographic qualitative approach. To assemble data, an in-depth interview with the Cipatat Kolot customary community leaders and observation and documentation was used. The primary information sources of the research come from the leaders of Cipatat Kolot. The result is that the Cipatat Kolot community conserves traditional storage, namely leuit as a traditional building to store paddies from disasters like flooding. It can strengthen cultural resilience because storing paddies in leuit is a traditional heritage from their forefather. Directly, the cultural value can be nurtured from vanishing amid environmental and cultural changes, which can encourage people’s resilience. When storing paddies, there are rules like people must keep half of the overall paddy yields in leuit, and a half of paddy yields must be store at home. People can directly adapt to climate, environmental issues, and eco-catastrophe because they have ample staple food in traditional storage and house

    Social and Tradition In Local Knowledge For Dealing With Nature Disaster

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    Natural disasters as a result of natural damage due to human behaviour and natural behaviour. The main objective of this research is to find out the traditions and forms of social capital applied by the indigenous people of Urug from the perspective of key figures in dealing with disasters. At the same time find the mitigation that is done in the face of disasters. The research method used is the ethnographic method qualitatively. The sample collection technique in this study used the purposive sampling technique. The results of the study show that helping is a tradition to help residents affected by disasters. The unaffected community provided basic needs including rice, food, clothing, blankets and shelter before aid from the government arrived. This tradition is related to the principle of brotherhood in society. The findings are that there is disaster literacy carried out to respond to disaster events such as the relationship between river areas and the potential for disasters to occur. Another way of responding is to become a trader outside the village, such as going to trade in big cities so that they get additional income to overcome economic problems. In fact, there is a wise way to do this, namely, when someone owes a debt to someone else, someone who has debt can replace the debt not with money but in other ways such as working at the person's place until the debt can be paid off

    Local Wisdom to Overcome Covid-19 Pandemic of Urug and Cipatat Kolot Societies in Bogor, West Java, Indonesia

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    Local wisdom can be interpreted as principles of life, behaviour, rules, and punishments, as well as a view of life that regulate life, so that it can regulate and managing natural resources in the natural, social, and economic environments. Even local knowledge have adapted to environment obstacle. This research aims to investigate traditionally local knowledge for confronting Covid-19 pandemic. The method used is qualitative with an ethnography approach and literature review. Data are collected through in-depth interviews with leaders of Urug and Cipatat Kolot societies. In order to investigate Baduy and Ciptagelar communities used a literature review. Data are supported by documentation and observation sources. The sample is selected using a purposive sampling technique. The result is analysed through triangulation, which is by mixing some gathered data methods. The result is that Urug society allocates rice each year from their paddy yields to the vulnerable groups such as orphans, elderlies, widows, and persons need most. Secondly, collective action is used to jump the capacity of people like women through nujuh bulanan. Thirdly, societies exert taboo to combat disaster and Covid-19, including by prohibiting community from trading paddies and rice. Another finding is that indigenous knowledge uses some life strategies and utilizes natural capital optimally for overcoming life perturbances. The last finding is that local knowledge has preserved agriculture jobs as a venue to survive

    The Existence Condition Of Environment And Disaster Literacy At Elementary School Student Mother In Bogor West Java

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    This study aims to determine disaster education to increase environmental and disaster literacy, the role of the Disaster Agency in increasing knowledge about disasters. Another objective is to determine the behavior of student mothers in dealing with disasters through disaster literacy. The method used is qualitative with descriptive analysis. This method is applied because the research is related to the survey. Data collection was carried out through questionnaires, interviews, observation and documentation. Selection of informants using purposive sampling technique. The results are scrutinized through analysis of percentages. The results showed that the students' mothers were involved in disaster education so as to improve attitudes, knowledge and behavior. Another finding is that the students know about the role and function of disaster institutions to increase their literacy, usually information about disasters. Lastly, the behavior of the student's mother that has not been implemented properly, such as disaster risk reduction and environmental improvement of the house, includes not harvesting rainwater properly, less behavior in cultivating plants and fruit trees. At the same time, they have not created catchment areas for storing rainwater.Rsearch have contribution to goverment to create disaster literasy policy as well as the private sector which participate in disaster literac

    Tradition and Social Value of Drinking Coffee

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    Drinking coffee is a tradition and social value. This study aims to find the cultural values and traditions of drinking coffee in Acehnese society, precisely in Takengon. Another goal is to find out the social, economic values and changes in coffee drinking. The research method used is a qualitative research method. The research sample was taken using a purposive method. The results of the study indicate that there are socio-cultural changes in Indonesia, one of which is the tradition of drinking coffee, precisely in Central Aceh district, Takengon. If in the past, most people drank coffee in ordinary coffee shops at affordable prices, now coffee shops are designed more modern with attractively packaged marketing so that many customers are interested. Another finding is that there are social values such as the value of friendship, the value of brotherhood and social relations with fellow friends when drinking coffee. There are even values of conversation about social life in coffee shops. Another finding is that there are livelihood values because coffee shops will generate livelihoods for coffee shop owners and coffee producers. Finally, there are ethical values that must be used especially to produce quality coffe

    Religion Value and Social Capital for Resilience to Combat Covid-19 In Society Environment

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan modal sosial pada masyarakat dan nilai-nilai agama untuk mengatasi covid-19. Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan pendekatan etnografi. Metode ini digunakan karena berkaitan dengan tradisi tolong menolong dan masyarakat. Untuk mengumpulkan data yang digunakan sebagai wawancara mendalam. Sampel dipilih melalui teknik purposive. Hasilnya diteliti dengan cara teknik triangulasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa modal sosial masyarakat yaitu adanya kedekatan secara sosial sehingga memperkuat masyarakat untuk menghadapi wabah covid-19. Ditambah lagi dengan jaringan sosial antara masyarakat dan lembaga pemerintah untuk menanggulangi covid-19 sehingga masyarakat mampu bertahan menghadapi wabah covid-19. Selain itu, modal sosial seperti saling membantu membantu, saling bahu-membahu dan saling berbuat baik menjadi tradisi pada masyarakat menghadapi covid-19. Nilai ini terkoneksi dengan ajaran Islam sebab agama memotivasi untuk berbuat kepada tetangga dan kepada orang lain. Masyarakat menjadi tangguh karena nilai agama menjadi prinsip dalam hidup. Bagi masyarakat musibah covid-19 sebagai ujian yang datang dari Allah. Manusia tidak boleh mengeluh dengan ujian tersebut dan manusia harus sabar menghadapi wabah covid-19. Kemudian, masyarakat beradaptasi untuk menanggulangi covid-19 dengan cara tidak menggunakan pertemuan face-to face atau membatasi jumlah anggota yang datan

    Prevention of Coastal Erosion-Sediment using the Building with Nature Approach in the Coastal of Indramayu

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    Research that aims to obtain a model for preventing coastal erosion-sedimentation using a building with nature approach has been carried out on the coast of Indramayu Regency during August-October 2018. Physical building modeling data were obtained through bathymetry surveys, and sediment and bottom sediment concentrations as well as tracing literature on tidal elevation and wind speed and direction. Other primary data, namely the availability of building materials, socio-economic and institutional conditions were obtained through a survey of related informants. The modeling results use the Coastal Modeling System 4.1 release cms2d_v4p1r37 model which is free software from USACE-CIRP. Based on a 15-day simulation and throughout the year (west season, east season and transitional season) it shows the effectiveness of the building in the form of raised soil originating from sedimentation of approximately 1 hectare which is then functioned as an ecotourism area. Ampel bamboo (Bambusa vulgaris) is planted on the banks of the Sigadang River along the 1000 meters to meet the needs of building maintenance in the future. Maintenance of the building as well as its adoption in other locations in the future as well as the cultivation of ampel bamboo is carried out in a participatory manner by the community through the Community Group of Conservation (KOMPAK)

    Stimulating Agriculture Education in Early Chilhood

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    Generasi pemuda pertanian dalam keadaan gawat darurat sebab regenerasi petani gagal terlaksana. Sementara pembangunan pertanian tidak mungkin terlupakan ditengah-tengah kebutuhan pangan, sayuran dan buah harus terpenuhi. Sebagai negara pertanian maka pertanian harus tetap berlanjut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan berbagai stimulant yang bias digunakan untuk mendorong generasi pemuda pertanian agar mau berkecimpung dalam dunia pertanian. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu metode penelitian kualitatif yang bersifat descriptive dengan pendekatan studi literature. Pendekatan ini bermaksud untuk mengumpulkan berbagai literature yang berkaitan dengan tujuan penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada beberapa cara yang digunakan untuk menanamkan jiwa pembanggunan pertanian diantaranya siswa diberikan film tentang pertanian sehingga siswa merasakan langsung dan melihat sehingga bisa menjadi bagian dari perilaku suatu saat nanti. Selain itu, anak-anak sebaiknya diberikan pendidikan pertanian semenjak dini disekolah sehingga perilaku bertani akan ternam dikemudian hari kepada anak. Sekaligus dilakukan oleh keluarga dirumah seperti berkebun

    The Impact and Strategy for Combating the Outbreak Covid-19 in Student

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    This study aims to find the social impact, morals, and strategies for dealing with COVID-19 among students. Another goal is to find out the social, religious and psychological impact of COVID-19 on students at Ibn Khaldun University, Bogor. The research method approach uses a descriptive qualitative approach. Data were collected by in-depth interviews with the head of the student class. The sample was selected through a purposive technique. The results were carefully examined through triangulation. The results showed that students could not establish social relations between students and did not participate in campus social organizations. Another finding, the Covid-19 outbreak has an impact on student morals because online meetings are more difficult to foster student morals because teachers do not meet students. In addition, students experience various stresses due to piling tasks and online learning does not face various obstacles such as difficulty communicating with lecturers and not understanding the material. Students take various ways to overcome stress such as listening to favourite music, watching YouTube, playing games, getting enough rest, eating favourite foods such as eating meatballs, straightening intentions, and also strengthening worship and getting closer to God