953 research outputs found

    Modelling the effects of disopyramide on short QT syndrome variant 1 in the human ventricles

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    The short QT syndrome (SQTS) is a recently identified genetic disorder associated with ventricular and/or atrial arrhythmias and increased risk of sudden cardiac death. The SQTS variant 1 (SQT1) N588K mutation to the hERG gene causes a gain-of-function to IKr which shortens the ventricular effective refractory period (ERP), as well as reducing the potency of several drugs which block the hERG channel. This study used computational modelling to assess the effects of disopyramide (DISO), a class 1a anti-arrhythmic agent, on human ventricular electro-physiology in SQT1. The O'Hara Rudy dynamic (ORd) model of the human ventricle action potential (AP) was modified to incorporate a Markov chain model of IKr/hERG including formulations for wild type (WT) and SQT1 N588K mutant hERG channels. The blocking effects of DISO on IKr, INa, ICaL, and Ito were modelled using IC50 and Hill coefficient values from the literature. The ability of DISO to prolong the QT interval was evaluated using a 1D model of human ventricular cells with transmural heterogeneities and the corresponding pseudo-ECG. At a clinically-relevant concentration of 10 μM DISO, the action potential duration (APD) at the single cell level was increased significantly through inhibition of mutant SQT1-hERG channels. The corrected QT interval in tissue was prolonged. This study provides further evidence that DISO is a suitable treatment for hERG-mediated SQTS

    Modelling the effects of disopyramide on short QT syndrome variant 1 in the human ventricles

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    The short QT syndrome (SQTS) is a recently identified genetic disorder associated with ventricular and/or atrial arrhythmias and increased risk of sudden cardiac death. The SQTS variant 1 (SQT1) N588K mutation to the hERG gene causes a gain-of-function to IKr which shortens the ventricular effective refractory period (ERP), as well as reducing the potency of several drugs which block the hERG channel. This study used computational modelling to assess the effects of disopyramide (DISO), a class 1a anti-arrhythmic agent, on human ventricular electro-physiology in SQT1. The O'Hara Rudy dynamic (ORd) model of the human ventricle action potential (AP) was modified to incorporate a Markov chain model of IKr/hERG including formulations for wild type (WT) and SQT1 N588K mutant hERG channels. The blocking effects of DISO on IKr, INa, ICaL, and Ito were modelled using IC50 and Hill coefficient values from the literature. The ability of DISO to prolong the QT interval was evaluated using a 1D model of human ventricular cells with transmural heterogeneities and the corresponding pseudo-ECG. At a clinically-relevant concentration of 10 μM DISO, the action potential duration (APD) at the single cell level was increased significantly through inhibition of mutant SQT1-hERG channels. The corrected QT interval in tissue was prolonged. This study provides further evidence that DISO is a suitable treatment for hERG-mediated SQTS

    Identifying Improved Sites for Heterologous Gene Integration Using ATAC-seq

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    Constructing efficient cellular factories often requires integration of heterologous pathways for synthesis of novel compounds and improved cellular productivity. Few genomic sites are routinely used, however, for efficient integration and expression of heterologous genes, especially in nonmodel hosts. Here, a data-guided framework for informing suitable integration sites for heterologous genes based on ATAC-seq was developed in the nonmodel yeast Komagataella phaffii. Single-copy GFP constructs were integrated using CRISPR/Cas9 into 38 intergenic regions (IGRs) to evaluate the effects of IGR size, intensity of ATAC-seq peaks, and orientation and expression of adjacent genes. Only the intensity of accessibility peaks was observed to have a significant effect, with higher expression observed from IGRs with low- to moderate-intensity peaks than from high-intensity peaks. This effect diminished for tandem, multicopy integrations, suggesting that the additional copies of exogenous sequence buffered the transcriptional unit of the transgene against effects from endogenous sequence context. The approach developed from these results should provide a basis for nominating suitable IGRs in other eukaryotic hosts from an annotated genome and ATAC-seq data

    Estimating uncertainty in ecosystem budget calculations

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    © The Authors, 2010. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial License. The definitive version was published in Ecosystems 13 (2010): 239-248, doi:10.1007/s10021-010-9315-8.Ecosystem nutrient budgets often report values for pools and fluxes without any indication of uncertainty, which makes it difficult to evaluate the significance of findings or make comparisons across systems. We present an example, implemented in Excel, of a Monte Carlo approach to estimating error in calculating the N content of vegetation at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest in New Hampshire. The total N content of trees was estimated at 847 kg ha−1 with an uncertainty of 8%, expressed as the standard deviation divided by the mean (the coefficient of variation). The individual sources of uncertainty were as follows: uncertainty in allometric equations (5%), uncertainty in tissue N concentrations (3%), uncertainty due to plot variability (6%, based on a sample of 15 plots of 0.05 ha), and uncertainty due to tree diameter measurement error (0.02%). In addition to allowing estimation of uncertainty in budget estimates, this approach can be used to assess which measurements should be improved to reduce uncertainty in the calculated values. This exercise was possible because the uncertainty in the parameters and equations that we used was made available by previous researchers. It is important to provide the error statistics with regression results if they are to be used in later calculations; archiving the data makes resampling analyses possible for future researchers. When conducted using a Monte Carlo framework, the analysis of uncertainty in complex calculations does not have to be difficult and should be standard practice when constructing ecosystem budgets

    Elective Open Suprarenal Aneurysm Repair in England from 2000 to 2010 an Observational Study of Hospital Episode Statistics

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    Background: Open surgery is widely used as a benchmark for the results of fenestrated endovascular repair of complex abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA). However, the existing evidence stems from single-centre experiences, and may not be reproducible in wider practice. National outcomes provide valuable information regarding the safety of suprarenal aneurysm repair. Methods: Demographic and clinical data were extracted from English Hospital Episodes Statistics for patients undergoing elective suprarenal aneurysm repair from 1 April 2000 to 31 March 2010. Thirty-day mortality and five-year survival were analysed by logistic regression and Cox proportional hazards modeling. Results: 793 patients underwent surgery with 14% overall 30-day mortality, which did not improve over the study period. Independent predictors of 30-day mortality included age, renal disease and previous myocardial infarction. 5-year survival was independently reduced by age, renal disease, liver disease, chronic pulmonary disease, and known metastatic solid tumour. There was significant regional variation in both 30-day mortality and 5-year survival after risk-adjustment. Regional differences in outcome were eliminated in a sensitivity analysis for perioperative outcome, conducted by restricting analysis to survivors of the first 30 days after surgery. Conclusions: Elective suprarenal aneurysm repair was associated with considerable mortality and significant regional variation across England. These data provide a benchmark to assess the efficacy of complex endovascular repair of supra-renal aneurysms, though cautious interpretation is required due to the lack of information regarding aneurysm morphology. More detailed study is required, ideally through the mandatory submission of data to a national registry of suprarenal aneurysm repair

    IL8 polymorphisms and overall survival in pazopanib- or sunitinib-treated patients with renal cell carcinoma.

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    BACKGROUND: We evaluated germline single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) for association with overall survival (OS) in pazopanib- or sunitinib-treated patients with advanced renal cell carcinoma (aRCC). METHODS: The discovery analysis tested 27 SNPs within 13 genes from a phase III pazopanib trial (N=241, study 1). Suggestive associations were then pursued in two independent datasets: a phase III trial (COMPARZ) comparing pazopanib vs sunitinib (N=729, study 2) and an observational study of sunitinib-treated patients (N=89, study 3). RESULTS: In study 1, four SNPs showed nominally significant association (P≤0.05) with OS; two of these SNPs (rs1126647, rs4073) in IL8 were associated (P≤0.05) with OS in study 2. Because rs1126647 and rs4073 were highly correlated, only rs1126647 was evaluated in study 3, which also showed association (P≤0.05). In the combined data, rs1126647 was associated with OS after conservative multiple-test adjustment (P=8.8 × 10(-5); variant vs reference allele hazard ratio 1.32, 95% confidence interval: 1.15-1.52), without evidence for heterogeneity of effects between studies or between pazopanib- and sunitinib-treated patients. CONCLUSIONS: Variant alleles of IL8 polymorphisms are associated with poorer survival outcomes in pazopanib- or sunitinib-treated patients with aRCC. These findings provide insight in aRCC prognosis and may advance our thinking in development of new therapies

    Generalized quark-antiquark potential at weak and strong coupling

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    We study a two-parameter family of Wilson loop operators in N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory which interpolates smoothly between the 1/2 BPS line or circle and a pair of antiparallel lines. These observables capture a natural generalization of the quark-antiquark potential. We calculate these loops on the gauge theory side to second order in perturbation theory and in a semiclassical expansion in string theory to one-loop order. The resulting determinants are given in integral form and can be evaluated numerically for general values of the parameters or analytically in a systematic expansion around the 1/2 BPS configuration. We comment about the feasibility of deriving all-loop results for these Wilson loops.Comment: 43 pages: 15 comprising the main text and 25 for detailed appendice

    Limited polymorphism in Plasmodium falciparum ookinete surface antigen, von Willebrand factor A domain-related protein from clinical isolates

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    BACKGROUND: As malaria becomes increasingly drug resistant and more costly to treat, there is increasing urgency to develop effective vaccines. In comparison to other stages of the malaria lifecycle, sexual stage antigens are under less immune selection pressure and hence are likely to have limited antigenic diversity. METHODS: Clinical isolates from a wide range of geographical regions were collected. Direct sequencing of PCR products was then used to determine the extent of polymorphisms for the novel Plasmodium falciparum sexual stage antigen von Willebrand Factor A domain-related Protein (PfWARP). These isolates were also used to confirm the extent of diversity of sexual stage antigen Pfs28. RESULTS: PfWARP was shown to have non-synonymous substitutions at 3 positions and Pfs28 was confirmed to have a single non-synonymous substitution as previously described. CONCLUSION: This study demonstrates the limited antigenic diversity of two prospective P. falciparum sexual stage antigens, PfWARP and Pfs28. This provides further encouragement for the proceeding with vaccine trials based on these antigens

    Linking like with like: optimising connectivity between environmentally-similar habitats

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    Habitat fragmentation is one of the greatest threats to biodiversity. To minimise the effect of fragmentation on biodiversity, connectivity between otherwise isolated habitats should be promoted. However, the identification of linkages favouring connectivity is not trivial. Firstly, they compete with other land uses, so they need to be cost-efficient. Secondly, linkages for one species might be barriers for others, so they should effectively account for distinct mobility requirements. Thirdly, detailed information on the auto-ecology of most of the species is lacking, so linkages need being defined based on surrogates. In order to address these challenges we develop a framework that (a) identifies environmentally-similar habitats; (b) identifies environmental barriers (i.e., regions with a very distinct environment from the areas to be linked), and; (c) determines cost-efficient linkages between environmentally-similar habitats, free from environmental barriers. The assumption is that species with similar ecological requirements occupy the same environments, so environmental similarity provides a rationale for the identification of the areas that need to be linked. A variant of the classical minimum Steiner tree problem in graphs is used to address c). We present a heuristic for this problem that is capable of handling large datasets. To illustrate the framework we identify linkages between environmentally-similar protected areas in the Iberian Peninsula. The Natura 2000 network is used as a positive ‘attractor’ of links while the human footprint is used as ‘repellent’ of links.Wecompare the outcomes of our approach with cost-efficient networks linking protected areas that disregard the effect of environmental barriers. As expected, the latter achieved a smaller area covered with linkages, but with barriers that can significantly reduce the permeability of the landscape for the dispersal of some species
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