72 research outputs found

    Electric Ladyland: And the Gods Made Love

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    My discussion of Electric Ladyland relates to narratives of gender and sexuality – sometimes misplaced, sometimes elusive – an exploration that relates to the liminal quality of Hendrix's musical language. More specifically I discuss how he communicates the erotic, the supernatural and the extraordinariness of experience through his relationship to his guitar, his Electric Lady. As bluesman, Tom Attah, observed, ‘with Hendrix the physical becomes a frame of reference for the quality of the extra-ordinary experience. Time and again this is not only represented but actually given to us in his music; instrumental music becomes voices, voices become percussion, percussion becomes time; time becomes stretched and condensed and the whole becomes a Proustian rush that is a remembrance of the future’, ‘a spiral in which every curve inspires and propels the next arc of itself forward, downward and/or outward’. (Foucault, 1988: 35) What follows is my interpretation of the spiral, prefaced by earlier excursions into the Hendrix ‘experience’. It is hoped that this will lead to a broader debate on the ways in which the historical, demographic, sociological context itself determines other perceptions, representations and appropriations.Mon analyse d’Electric Ladyland porte sur ses logiques narratives de genre et de sexualitĂ© – parfois dĂ©calĂ©es ou fuyantes –, une exploration qui est en rapport avec la qualitĂ© liminale du langage musical de Jimi Hendrix. Plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment, mon objectif est de comprendre comment il vĂ©hicule une expĂ©rience Ă©rotique, surnaturelle et extraordinaire par le biais de sa relation Ă  sa guitare, l’Electric Lady. Comme l’écrit dans ces pages le bluesman Tom Attah, « avec Hendrix, la dimension physique devient un cadre de rĂ©fĂ©rence pour dĂ©terminer le caractĂšre extra-ordinaire de l’expĂ©rience. À maintes reprises, ceci n’est pas seulement reprĂ©sentĂ©, mais concrĂštement offert dans sa musique ; la musique instrumentale se mue en voix, les voix en percussions, les percussions en temps ; le temps s’étend et se condense et l’ensemble devient une rĂ©miniscence proustienne qui est souvenir du futur », « une spirale dans laquelle chaque courbe inspire et propulse son prochain arc vers l’avant, le bas et/ou l’extĂ©rieur » (Foucault, 1998 : 35). Ce texte est ma propre interprĂ©tation de cette spirale, elle poursuit d’autres excursions que j’ai pu faire dans « l’expĂ©rience » Hendrix. J’espĂšre qu’elle ouvrira un dĂ©bat plus vaste sur la maniĂšre dont le contexte historique, dĂ©mographique et sociologique conditionne d’autres perceptions, reprĂ©sentations et appropriations

    From countercultures to suburban cultures : Frank Zappa after 1968

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    Publisher's description of book: ’Counterculture’ emerged as a term in the late 1960s and has been re-deployed in more recent decades in relation to other forms of cultural and socio-political phenomena. This volume provides an essential new academic scrutiny of the concept of ’counterculture’ and a critical examination of the period and its heritage. Recent developments in sociological theory complicate and problematise theories developed in the 1960s, with digital technology, for example, providing an impetus for new understandings of counterculture. Music played a significant part in the way that the counterculture authored space in relation to articulations of community by providing a shared sense of collective identity. Not least, the heady mixture of genres provided a socio-cultural-political backdrop for distinctive musical practices and innovations which, in relation to counterculture ideology, provided a rich experiential setting in which different groups defined their relationship both to the local and international dimensions of the movement, so providing a sense of locality, community and collective identity

    « Tangerine trees and marmalade skies » : bouleversement culturel ou simple besoin d’évasion ?

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    Cet article examine les paroles de l’album Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band en cherchant Ă  comprendre si elles traduisent un dĂ©sir de fuir la rĂ©alitĂ© ou si elles expriment au contraire l’idĂ©e qu’une page est en train de se tourner, ouvrant ainsi la voie Ă  la contre-culture britannique.This essay examines the lyrics from the Beatles 1967 album, Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, and raises the question as to which it constituted optimistic escapism, or whether it gave voice to a feeling that the old ways were out, so setting the agenda for the counterculture in Britain

    « Tangerine trees and marmalade skies » : bouleversement culturel ou simple besoin d’évasion ?

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    Cet article examine les paroles de l’album Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band en cherchant Ă  comprendre si elles traduisent un dĂ©sir de fuir la rĂ©alitĂ© ou si elles expriment au contraire l’idĂ©e qu’une page est en train de se tourner, ouvrant ainsi la voie Ă  la contre-culture britannique.This essay examines the lyrics from the Beatles 1967 album, Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, and raises the question as to which it constituted optimistic escapism, or whether it gave voice to a feeling that the old ways were out, so setting the agenda for the counterculture in Britain

    Countercultures n°2: Utopias, Dystopias, Anarchy

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    Our December publication of Volume !’s Countercultures issues moves from the opening discussion on Theory and Scenes that appeared in the September edition, to articles that explore Utopias, Dystopias and Experimentations. Andy Bennett’s opening article on ‘Re-appraising Counterculture’, which also appeared in the September edition and which establishes so many of the debates, is not being repeated here, but you are urged to read this if you have not already done so. My introduction picks up,..

    Contre-cultures n° 2 : utopies, dystopies, anarchie

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    Ce second volet de notre dossier dĂ©diĂ© aux contre-cultures migre des aspects thĂ©oriques et des scĂšnes contre-culturelles Ă  un ensemble d’articles qui explorent les concepts d’utopie, de dystopie et d’anarchie. Nous renvoyons le lecteur au prĂ©cĂ©dent pour les Ă©lĂ©ments thĂ©oriques qui demeureront ici implicites. Ce second numĂ©ro est l’occasion pour nous de creuser les nombreuses ambiguĂŻtĂ©s de la contre-culture des annĂ©es 1960 ; en effet, Ă  travers cette seconde sĂ©lection de textes, nous proposons..

    “When You Wish Upon a Star”

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    While myths and historical memory provide distinctive ways of shaping national identity, not least in times of conflict and war, fairy stories “relate to day-dreams and wish-fulfilment fantasies, in which the questing self meets helpers and enemies, and in which the ending is always happy” (Byatt, 2004: xx). As such, it is not too surprising that so many war time songs, like fairytales, are optimistic, encouraging us to think of a future world where bombed cities will rise, like a phoenix, from the ashes. My chapter explores songs from World War II which draw on fairy tale imagery and the characterisation associated with heroes, heroines, and the homeland. These include “Comin’ in on a Wish and a Prayer”, “A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square”, “We’ll Meet Again”, “I’ll Be Seeing You” and “There’ll Always Be An England”.Tandis que l’identitĂ© nationale puise dans les mythes et la mĂ©moire historique pour y trouver des formes spĂ©cifiques, notamment dans des contextes de conflits et de guerre, les contes de fĂ©es « renvoient Ă  la rĂȘverie et aux fantasmes d’accomplissement des dĂ©sirs, dans lesquels le soi curieux rencontre des aides et des ennemis et dans lesquels la fin est toujours heureuse » (Byatt, 2004, xx). Ainsi, il n’est pas si surprenant que tant de chansons des temps de guerre, Ă  la façon des contes de fĂ©es, soient optimistes, nous encourageant Ă  imaginer un monde futur oĂč les villes bombardĂ©es renaĂźtront, tel le phƓnix, de leurs cendres. Mon article explore les chansons de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, qui s’inspirent de l’imagerie des contes de fĂ©es et des crĂ©ations de personnages associĂ©s aux hĂ©ros, aux hĂ©roĂŻnes et Ă  la mĂšre patrie. J’analyse notamment « Comin’ in on a Wish and a Prayer », « A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square », « We’ll Meet Again », « I’ll Be Seeing You » et « There’ll Always Be An England »

    Countercultures: Music, Theory and Scenes

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    Introduction Our first edition of Counterculture(s) and Popular Music offers readers the opportunity to explore its history and how it has been theorised. It also provides an insight into the ways in which it emerged and took shape internationally in scenes that embraced its challenge to the dominant culture. In December, our sister edition, “Utopias, Dystopias, Anarchy” explores utopias and dystopias and sonic anarchy and freaks, focussing on the ways in which the 1960s counterculture embrac..

    Contre-cultures : Musiques, Théorie et ScÚnes

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    Je voudrais remercier mon co-directeur Jedediah Sklower pour son soutien et son enthousiasme tout au long de l’élaboration de ce projet « musiques populaires et contre-cultures ». Ce qui aurait pu ĂȘtre une tĂąche laborieuse fut de ce fait une exploration joyeuse de l’histoire et des diffĂ©rentes manifestations des contre-cultures. Notre premier dossier « contre-cultures et musiques populaires » offre au lecteur l’occasion d’explorer l’histoire de la notion de contre-culture et de comprendre com..

    Effects of antiplatelet therapy on stroke risk by brain imaging features of intracerebral haemorrhage and cerebral small vessel diseases: subgroup analyses of the RESTART randomised, open-label trial

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    Background Findings from the RESTART trial suggest that starting antiplatelet therapy might reduce the risk of recurrent symptomatic intracerebral haemorrhage compared with avoiding antiplatelet therapy. Brain imaging features of intracerebral haemorrhage and cerebral small vessel diseases (such as cerebral microbleeds) are associated with greater risks of recurrent intracerebral haemorrhage. We did subgroup analyses of the RESTART trial to explore whether these brain imaging features modify the effects of antiplatelet therapy
