1,522 research outputs found

    Frustrated Hubbard ladders and superconductivity in Îș\kappa-BEDT-TTF organic compounds

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    Half-filled two-leg Hubbard ladders have spin-gapped short-range antiferromagnetic correlations while three-leg ladders have power law antoferromagnetic correlations, and both systems have d_{x^2-y^2}-power law pairing correlations when they are doped. Thus these ladders exhibit some of the phenomenology seen in the layered cuprates. Here we report results for half-filled frustrated Hubbard ladders, based upon ladder segments taken from a tight-binding model of kappa-BEDT-TTF. Although these ladders are half-filled, varying the degree of frustration can drive them across an insulator-metal transition. We suggest that the spin, charge and pairing correlations of these frustrated ladders near the insulator-metal transition provide support for the notion that kappa-BEDT-TTF is a strongly correlated superconductor

    Phase diagram of the one-dimensional Holstein model of spinless fermions

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    The one-dimensional Holstein model of spinless fermions interacting with dispersionless phonons is studied using a new variant of the density matrix renormalisation group. By examining various low-energy excitations of finite chains, the metal-insulator phase boundary is determined precisely and agrees with the predictions of strong coupling theory in the anti-adiabatic regime and is consistent with renormalisation group arguments in the adiabatic regime. The Luttinger liquid parameters, determined by finite-size scaling, are consistent with a Kosterlitz-Thouless transition.Comment: Minor changes. 4 pages, 4 figures. To appear in Physical Review Letters 80 (1998) 560

    The identification of mitochondrial DNA variants in glioblastoma multiforme

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    Background: Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) encodes key proteins of the electron transfer chain (ETC), which produces ATP through oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) and is essential for cells to perform specialised functions. Tumor-initiating cells use aerobic glycolysis, a combination of glycolysis and low levels of OXPHOS, to promote rapid cell proliferation and tumor growth. Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is an aggressively malignant brain tumor and mitochondria have been proposed to play a vital role in GBM tumorigenesis. Results: Using next generation sequencing and high resolution melt analysis, we identified a large number of mtDNA variants within coding and non-coding regions of GBM cell lines and predicted their disease-causing potential through in silico modeling. The frequency of variants was greatest in the D-loop and origin of light strand replication in non-coding regions. ND6 was the most susceptible coding gene to mutation whilst ND4 had the highest frequency of mutation. Both genes encode subunits of complex I of the ETC. These variants were not detected in unaffected brain samples and many have not been previously reported. Depletion of HSR-GBM1 cells to varying degrees of their mtDNA followed by transplantation into immunedeficient mice resulted in the repopulation of the same variants during tumorigenesis. Likewise, de novo variants identified in other GBM cell lines were also incorporated. Nevertheless, ND4 and ND6 were still the most affected genes. We confirmed the presence of these variants in high grade gliomas. Conclusions: These novel variants contribute to GBM by rendering the ETC. partially dysfunctional. This restricts metabolism to anaerobic glycolysis and promotes cell proliferation

    Density Matrix Renormalization Group Study of the S=1/2 Anisotropic Antiferromagnetic Heisenberg Chains with Quasiperiodic Exchange Modulation

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    The low energy behavior of the S=1/2 antiferromagnetic XY-like XXZ chains with precious mean quasiperiodic exchange modulation is studied by the density matrix renormalization group method. It is found that the energy gap of the chain with length N scales as exp⁥(−cNω)\exp (-cN^{\omega}) with nonuniversal exponent ω\omega if the Ising component of the exhange coupling is antiferromagnetic. This behavior is expected to be the characteristic feature of the quantum spin chains with relevant aperiodicity. This is in contrast to the XY chain for which the precious mean exchange modulation is marginal and the gap scales as N−zN^{-z}. On the contrary, it is also verified that the energy gap scales as N−1N^{-1} if the Ising component of the exhange coupling is ferromagnetic. Our results are not only consistent with the recent bosonization analysis of Vidal, Mouhanna and Giamarchi but also clarify the nature of the strong coupling regime which is inaccesssible by the bosonization approach.Comment: 8 pages, 15 figures, 1 table; Proceedings of the workshop 'Frontiers in Magnetism', Kyoto, Oct. 199

    Analytical approach to the quantum-phase transition in the one-dimensional spinless Holstein model

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    We study the one-dimensional Holstein model of spinless fermions interacting with dispersion-less phonons by using a recently developed projector-based renormalization method (PRM). At half-filling the system shows a metal-insulator transition to a Peierls distorted state at a critical electron-phonon coupling where both phases are described within the same theoretical framework. The transition is accompanied by a phonon softening at the Brillouin zone boundary and a gap in the electronic spectrum. For different filling, the phonon softening appears away from the Brillouin zone boundary and thus reflects a different type of broken symmetry state.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures included; v2: completely revised and extended; v3: minor changes, final version, to be published in Eur. Phys. J.

    Effect of the Cretaceous Serra Geral igneous event on the temperatures and heat flow of the Parana Basin, southern Brazil

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    We investigate the effects of the cooling of intrusive and extrusive igneous bodies on the temperature history and surface heat flow of the Parana Basin. The Serra Geral igneous event (130–135 Ma) covered most of this basin with flood basalts. Associated with this event numerous sills and dykes intruded the sediments and basement, and extensive underplating may have occurred in the lower crust and upper mantle beneath the basin. We develop an analytical model of the conductive cooling of tabular intrusive bodies and use it to calculate temperatures within the sediments as a function of time since emplacement. Depending on the thickness of these igneous bodies and the timing of sequential emplacement, the thermal history of a given locus in the basin can range from a simple extended period of higher temperatures to multiple episodes of peak temperatures separated by cooling intervals. The cooling of surface flood basalts, sills and dykes is capable of maintaining temperatures abovc the normal geothermal gradient temperatures for a few hundred thousand years, while large-scale underplating may influence temperatures for up to 10 million years. We conclude that any residual heat from the cooling of the Serra Geral igneous rocks has long since decayed to insignificant values and that present-day temperatures and heat flow are not affected. However, the burial of the sediments beneath the thick basalt cap caused a permanent temperature increase of up to 50°C in the underlying sediments since the beginning of the Cretaceous.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/72088/1/j.1365-2117.1994.tb00087.x.pd

    Metal-insulator transition in the one-dimensional Holstein model at half filling

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    We study the one-dimensional Holstein model with spin-1/2 electrons at half-filling. Ground state properties are calculated for long chains with great accuracy using the density matrix renormalization group method and extrapolated to the thermodynamic limit. We show that for small electron-phonon coupling or large phonon frequency, the insulating Peierls ground state predicted by mean-field theory is destroyed by quantum lattice fluctuations and that the system remains in a metallic phase with a non-degenerate ground state and power-law electronic and phononic correlations. When the electron-phonon coupling becomes large or the phonon frequency small, the system undergoes a transition to an insulating Peierls phase with a two-fold degenerate ground state, long-range charge-density-wave order, a dimerized lattice structure, and a gap in the electronic excitation spectrum.Comment: 6 pages (LaTex), 10 eps figure

    Posterior cricoid region fluoroscopic findings: the posterior cricoid plication.

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    The region posterior to the cricoid cartilage is challenging to assess fluoroscopically. The purpose of this investigation is to critically evaluate the posterior cricoid (PC) region on fluoroscopy and describe patterns of common findings. This was a case control study. All fluoroscopic swallowing studies performed between June 16, 2009, and February 9, 2010, were reviewed for features seen in the PC region. These findings were categorized into distinct patterns and compared to fluoroscopic studies performed in a cohort of normal volunteers. Two hundred patient studies and 149 healthy volunteer studies were reviewed. The mean age of the referred patient cohort and the volunteer cohort was 57 years (±19) and 61 years (±16), respectively (p > 0.05). The patient cohort was 53% male and the control cohort was 56% female (p > 0.05). Four groups were identified. Pharyngoesophageal webs were seen in 7% (10/149) of controls and 14% (28/200) of patients (p = 0.03). A PC arch impression was seen in 16% of patients (32/200) and controls (24/149) (p = 1). A PC plication was demonstrated in 23% (34/149) of controls and 30% (60/200) of patients (p = 0.13). No distinctive PC region findings were seen in 54% (81/149) of controls and 42% (84/200) of referred patients (p = 0.02). Four patients (2%) had both a web and a PC plication. Four categories of PC region findings were identified (unremarkable PC region, web, PC arch impression, and PC plication). Both patients referred for swallowing studies and healthy volunteers demonstrated esophageal webs, PC arch impressions, and PC plications. Only webs were more common in patients than in control subjects (p = 0.03). The PC impression and PC plication are likely to represent normal variants that may be identified on fluoroscopic swallow studies
