839 research outputs found

    A comparison of new occupational progressive lens versus the Varilux for occupational use

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    Seventeen presbyopic subjects with a need of an occupational lens for intermediate distance tasks were selected from the Pacific University faculty and staff for fitting with the Varilux progressive addition lens (PAL) and an experimental PAL manufactured by Essilor Corporation. Subjects wore each set of lenses for a period of three weeks and responded to a questionnaire assessing adaptability, visual comfort, visual acuity, and effectiveness at intermediate tasks. Subjects were then given both sets of lenses for one week. When finished they were asked to make a choice of which lenses they preferred for occupational and recreational tasks. The results indicate that the experimental lens is not significantly better than the Varilux for occupational or recreational use

    Current Mathematical Models for Analyzing Anti-Malarial Antibody Data with an Eye to Malaria Elimination and Eradication.

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    The last decade has witnessed a steady reduction of the malaria burden worldwide. With various countries targeting disease elimination in the near future, the popular parasite infection or entomological inoculation rates are becoming less and less informative of the underlying malaria burden due to a reduced number of infected individuals or mosquitoes at the time of sampling. To overcome such problem, alternative measures based on antibodies against specific malaria antigens have gained recent interest in malaria epidemiology due to the possibility of estimating past disease exposure in absence of infected individuals. This paper aims then to review current mathematical models and corresponding statistical approaches used in antibody data analysis. The application of these models is illustrated with three data sets from Equatorial Guinea, Brazilian Amazonia region, and western Kenyan highlands. A brief discussion is also carried out on the future challenges of using these models in the context of malaria elimination

    Ejection of Supernova-Enriched Gas From Dwarf Disk Galaxies

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    We examine the efficiency with which supernova-enriched gas may be ejected from dwarf disk galaxies, using a methodology previously employed to study the self-enrichment efficiency of dwarf spheroidal systems. Unlike previous studies that focused on highly concentrated starbursts, in the current work we consider discrete supernova events spread throughout various fractions of the disk. We model disk systems having gas masses of 10^8 and 10^9 solar masses with supernova rates of 30, 300, and 3000 per Myr. The supernova events are confined to the midplane of the disk, but distributed over radii of 0, 30, and 80% of the disk radius, consistent with expectations for Type II supernovae. In agreement with earlier studies, we find that the enriched material from supernovae is largely lost when the supernovae are concentrated near the nucleus, as expected for a starburst event. In contrast, however, we find the loss of enriched material to be much less efficient when the supernovae occur over even a relatively small fraction of the disk. The difference is due to the ability of the system to relax following supernova events that occur over more extended regions. Larger physical separations also reduce the likelihood of supernovae going off within low-density "chimneys" swept out by previous supernovae. We also find that, for the most distributed systems, significant metal loss is more likely to be accompanied by significant mass loss. A comparison with theoretical predications indicates that, when undergoing self-regulated star formation, galaxies in the mass range considered shall efficiently retain the products of Type II supernovae.Comment: 16 pages, 14 figures, to appear in Astrophysical Journal; higher resolution figures available through Ap

    Reducing Plasmodium falciparum malaria transmission in Africa: a model-based evaluation of intervention strategies.

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    BACKGROUND: Over the past decade malaria intervention coverage has been scaled up across Africa. However, it remains unclear what overall reduction in transmission is achievable using currently available tools. METHODS AND FINDINGS: We developed an individual-based simulation model for Plasmodium falciparum transmission in an African context incorporating the three major vector species (Anopheles gambiae s.s., An. arabiensis, and An. funestus) with parameters obtained by fitting to parasite prevalence data from 34 transmission settings across Africa. We incorporated the effect of the switch to artemisinin-combination therapy (ACT) and increasing coverage of long-lasting insecticide treated nets (LLINs) from the year 2000 onwards. We then explored the impact on transmission of continued roll-out of LLINs, additional rounds of indoor residual spraying (IRS), mass screening and treatment (MSAT), and a future RTS,S/AS01 vaccine in six representative settings with varying transmission intensity (as summarized by the annual entomological inoculation rate, EIR: 1 setting with low, 3 with moderate, and 2 with high EIRs), vector-species combinations, and patterns of seasonality. In all settings we considered a realistic target of 80% coverage of interventions. In the low-transmission setting (EIR approximately 3 ibppy [infectious bites per person per year]), LLINs have the potential to reduce malaria transmission to low levels (90%) or novel tools and/or substantial social improvements will be required, although considerable reductions in prevalence can be achieved with existing tools and realistic coverage levels. CONCLUSIONS: Interventions using current tools can result in major reductions in P. falciparum malaria transmission and the associated disease burden in Africa. Reduction to the 1% parasite prevalence threshold is possible in low- to moderate-transmission settings when vectors are primarily endophilic (indoor-resting), provided a comprehensive and sustained intervention program is achieved through roll-out of interventions. In high-transmission settings and those in which vectors are mainly exophilic (outdoor-resting), additional new tools that target exophagic (outdoor-biting), exophilic, and partly zoophagic mosquitoes will be required

    What role should the commercial food system play in promoting health through better diet?

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    Martin White and coauthors consider that the commercial food system has the potential to show leadership and support for dietary public health, but systemic change is needed first and this is likely to require governmental actio

    Mini-twistors and the Cotton Double Copy

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    The double copy relates quantities in gauge, gravity and related theories. A well-known procedure for relating exact classical solutions is the Weyl double copy in four spacetime dimensions, and a three-dimensional analogue of this -- the Cotton double copy -- has recently been found for topologically massive gauge theory and gravity. In this paper, we use twistor methods to provide a derivation of the position-space Cotton double copy, where this is seen to arise from combining appropriate data in so-called minitwistor space. Our methods rely on a massive generalisation of the Penrose transform linking spacetime fields with cohomology classes in minitwistor space. We identify the relevant transform from the twistor literature, but also show that it naturally arises from considering scattering amplitudes in momentum space. We show that the Cotton double copy in position space is only valid for type N solutions, but that a simple twistor space double copy is possible for non-type N solutions, where we use anyons to illustrate our arguments

    Phase Transition of the Ising model on a Hyperbolic Lattice

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    The matrix product structure is considered on a regular lattice in the hyperbolic plane. The phase transition of the Ising model is observed on the hyperbolic (5,4)(5, 4) lattice by means of the corner-transfer-matrix renormalization group (CTMRG) method. Calculated correlation length is always finite even at the transition temperature, where mean-field like behavior is observed. The entanglement entropy is also always finite.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    A Systems Biology Approach Reveals a Calcium-Dependent Mechanism for Basal Toxicity in Daphnia magna.

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    This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Environmental Science & Technology, copyright © American Chemical Society after peer review and technical editing by the publisher.The expanding diversity and ever increasing amounts of man-made chemicals discharged to the environment pose largely unknown hazards to ecosystem and human health. The concept of adverse outcome pathways (AOPs) emerged as a comprehensive framework for risk assessment. However, the limited mechanistic information available for most chemicals and a lack of biological pathway annotation in many species represent significant challenges to effective implementation of this approach. Here, a systems level, multistep modeling strategy demonstrates how to integrate information on chemical structure with mechanistic insight from genomic studies, and phenotypic effects to define a putative adverse outcome pathway. Results indicated that transcriptional changes indicative of intracellular calcium mobilization were significantly overrepresented in Daphnia magna (DM) exposed to sublethal doses of presumed narcotic chemicals with log Kow ≥ 1.8. Treatment of DM with a calcium ATPase pump inhibitor substantially recapitulated the common transcriptional changes. We hypothesize that calcium mobilization is a potential key molecular initiating event in DM basal (narcosis) toxicity. Heart beat rate analysis and metabolome analysis indicated sublethal effects consistent with perturbations of calcium preceding overt acute toxicity. Together, the results indicate that altered calcium homeostasis may be a key early event in basal toxicity or narcosis induced by lipophilic compounds
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