251 research outputs found

    Cohomology theory of the kenematical groups

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    A number of applications of S. Eilenberg and S. Maclane's cohomology theory of groups to the kinematical groups of physics are presented. Within this field, we apply the theory of group exten sions by Abelian and non-Abelian kernels to the study of the algebraic structures of the Galilei, Static and Carroll groups, and introduce to physics the mathematical concepts of group enlargements and prolongations. The global algebraic structures of the kinematical groups are analysed in depth using these tools and a generalisation of kinematical groups is attempted. The use of the methods of homological algebra in classical mechanics is discussed from the new view point of Lagrangian mechanics introduced by Lévy-Leblond. In this direction two advances are made. Homological algebra is introduced to the study of Hamilton's principle and then a reformulation of Levy-Leblond's free Lagrangian mechanics is obtained. Whilst the above author concentrates on a certain second cohomology group, we see that it is a first cohomology group which is more relevant to this approach. The group theoretic discussion of non-inertial motions is initiated using the theory of the loop prolongations of a group Q by a group K, where a loop is a 'non-associative group'. Our preliminary results enable us to give a cohomological description of constant Newtonian acceleration

    Effect of excess iron on oxidative dehydrogenation of 1-butene over a series of zinc ferrite catalysts

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    The influence of excess Fe3+ in ZnFe2O4 for the catalytic oxidative dehydrogenation of 1-butene to 1, 3-butadiene was investigated to try to clarify inconsistencies in the existing literature. A series of nanoscale zinc ferrite powders were produced with increasing Fe: Zn ratios. The materials were characterized by a range of techniques, which showed the presence of α-Fe2O3 as a distinct phase with an increasing excess of Fe3+ and SEM highlighted the increased presence of surface structures on the ferrites at higher Fe: Zn ratios. Reaction testing showed α-Fe2O3to be virtually inactive for the oxidative dehydrogenation of 1-butene. Results for the ferrite catalysts showed a significant decrease in both conversion and yield with an increasing excess of Fe3+. Therefore an excess of Fe3+ has a negative effect on catalytic activity and selectivity of zinc ferrite for the oxidative dehydrogenation of 1-butene, but acts as a promoter for competing hydrogenation and combustion side reactions

    Effect of excess iron on oxidative dehydrogenation of 1-butene over a series of zinc ferrite catalysts

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    The influence of excess Fe3+ in ZnFe2O4 for the catalytic oxidative dehydrogenation of 1-butene to 1, 3-butadiene was investigated to try to clarify inconsistencies in the existing literature. A series of nanoscale zinc ferrite powders were produced with increasing Fe: Zn ratios. The materials were characterized by a range of techniques, which showed the presence of α-Fe2O3 as a distinct phase with an increasing excess of Fe3+ and SEM highlighted the increased presence of surface structures on the ferrites at higher Fe: Zn ratios. Reaction testing showed α-Fe2O3to be virtually inactive for the oxidative dehydrogenation of 1-butene. Results for the ferrite catalysts showed a significant decrease in both conversion and yield with an increasing excess of Fe3+. Therefore an excess of Fe3+ has a negative effect on catalytic activity and selectivity of zinc ferrite for the oxidative dehydrogenation of 1-butene, but acts as a promoter for competing hydrogenation and combustion side reactions

    Exploración vocacional en adolescentes: evaluación de una intervención en clase

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    Analisa-se o impacto de uma intervenção psicológica na exploração e tomada de decisão vocacional em adolescentes portugueses. Em contexto curricular e de classe, desenvolveram-se actividades de exploração do meio e do Eu com 39 alunos e 43 alunas do 9o ano, entre 13 e 17 anos (M=14,4, DP=0,95). Em um design pré/pós-teste, aplicaram-se o Career Exploration Survey (CES) e o Career Decision Difficulties Questionnaire (CDDQ). Os resultados do teste do sinal evidenciaram ganhos significativos (p<0,01) nas dimensões de exploração e diminuição significativa da falta de informação profissional (p<0,01) e do total das dificuldades de decisão (p<0,05). Observou-se um padrão de correlações negativas (ró de Spearman) entre as duas medidas vocacionais, evidenciando uma relação entre a informação explorada na intervenção e a diminuição das dificuldades de decisão por falta de motivação. Em geral, os resultados suportam a importância do papel da exploração da carreira na diminuição das dificuldades de tomada de decisão.This study analyses the impact of a psychological intervention to promote vocational exploration and decisionmaking in Portuguese adolescents. Activities to foster exploration of self and environment were developed in a classroom program with 39 boys and 43 girls, all 9th grade students, between 13 and 17 years of age (M=14,4, SD=0.95). Following a pre/post-test design, the Career Exploration Survey (CES), and the Career Decision Difficulties Questionnaire (CDDQ) were administered. Results of sign-test showed significant increments (p<0.01) in all of the exploration dimensions, significant reduction of lack of occupational information (p<0.01) and of the total of career decision-making difficulties (p<0.05). Negative correlations (Spearman’s rho) between the two career measures was observed, evidencing a relationship between information explored during intervention and decreased difficulty with decision-making due to lack of motivation. In general, results support the importance of career exploration on diminishing decision-making difficulties.Evalúa-se el impacto de una intervención psicológica que fomenta la exploración y la decisión vocacional en adolescentes portugueses. Fueran efectuadas actividades de exploración del medio ambiente y del yo en contexto curricular de clase con 39 alumnos y 43 alumnas del curso 3º ESO, 13 hasta 17 años (M=14,4, DP=0,95). Utilizó-se un diseño pre/posteste, con aplicación del Career Exploration Survey (CES) y Career Decision Difficulties Questionnaire (CDDQ). Resultados del test del señal evidencian beneficios significativos (p<0,01) en las dimensiones de la exploración, reducción significativa de ausencia de información ocupacional (p<0,01) y total de dificultades de decisión (p<0,05). Ha sido observado un patrón de correlaciones negativas (ró de Spearman) entre las dos medidas vocacionales, mostrando relación entre la información explorada e la disminución de las dificultades de decisión por falta de motivación. En general, resultados sostienen la importancia de la exploración de carrera en la disminución de las dificultades de decisió

    Alpha B-crystallin protects retinal tissue during Staphylococcus aureus-induced endophthalmitis

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    Bacterial infections of the eye highlight a dilemma that is central to all immune-privileged sites. On the one hand, immune privilege limits inflammation to prevent bystander destruction of normal tissue and loss of vision. On the other hand, bacterial infections require a robust inflammatory response for rapid clearance of the pathogen. We demonstrate that the retina handles this dilemma, in part, by activation of a protective heat shock protein. During Staphylococcus aureus-induced endophthalmitis, the small heat shock protein αB-crystallin is upregulated in the retina and prevents apoptosis during immune clearance of the bacteria. In the absence of αB-crystallin, mice display increased retinal apoptosis and retinal damage. We found that S. aureus produces a protease capable of cleaving αB-crystallin to a form that coincides with increased retinal apoptosis and tissue destruction. We conclude that αB-crystallin is important in protecting sensitive retinal tissue during destructive inflammation that occurs during bacterial endophthalmitis

    Oxidative dehydrogenation of 1-butene to 1,3-butadiene over metal ferrite catalysts

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    The oxidative dehydrogenation (ODH) of 1-butene to 1,3-butadiene was studied over a series of AFe2O4 catalysts, where A = Zn, Mn, Ni, Cu, Mg and Fe. The catalysts were characterised by XPS, EPR spectroscopy, BET surface area analysis, Raman spectroscopy and XRD. All the ferrites were active for ODH and gave an order of activity after 80 h on-stream of ZnFe2O4 &gt; NiFe2O4 &gt; MnFe2O4 &gt; MgFe2O4 &gt; CuFe2O4 &gt; FeFe2O4. All catalysts lost significant surface area (up to ~ 80%) under reaction conditions of 0.75:1:15 oxygen:1-butene:steam with an overall GHSV of 10,050 h−1 at 693 K. Fe3O4 was unstable under reaction conditions and was converted to Fe2O3, which showed very low activity. Nickel ferrite was the only material that gave carbon dioxide as a significant product, all others were selective to 1,3-butadiene. Zinc ferrite gave a steady-state yield of 1,3-butadiene of ~ 80%. Inversion parameters were determined for the ferrites from XPS and a correlation was obtained between 1,3-butadiene yield and inversion parameter, indicating that Fe3+ in an octahedral hole is a key species in the mechanism of oxidative dehydrogenation. Butene isomerisation and ODH were shown to occur on different sites

    Clinical and ethical challenges in undertaking LIMPRINT in vulnerable populations

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    Background and study objective: To estimate the prevalence of CO and wounds within two vulnerable populations a male, high security prison in the East Midlands (UK) and residential and nursing homes in the UK and Australia. Methods and results: Methods for screening for chronic oedema (CO) and wounds were adapted from the main LIMPRINT methodology. Prison population. In total, 195 inmates were recruited with 22(11%) having CO. While the majority were white Caucasian (156 / 83.4%) a further 20 (10.7%) were dark skinned with 11 (5.95%) from other minority populations. Co-morbidities included 123 (63%) smokers, 22 (11%) alcohol dependant, 60 (31%) with mental health problems and 35 (18%) a history of self- harm. Only three had a current wound with 30 (16%) having had a traumatic stab wound. Residential and nursing homes (UK and Australia): In the UK, the total population available for inclusion was 189 with only 137(73%) recruited. Seventy two of the 137 (52%) suffered from CO and a further 16 (23%) had a history of cellulitis. Results from the Australian residential care facilities have been published in full. In summary, of the 37 participants 20 (54%) experienced CO with 25 (68%) having co-morbidities and 11 (30%) having a concurrent wound. Conclusion: Obtaining an accurate picture of the prevalence and impact of CO in vulnerable populations is extremely challenging due issues of access and consent. Lack of reliable data for these populations will contribute to poor service provision

    Laboratory practice is central to earlier myeloma diagnosis:Utilizing a primary care diagnostic tool and laboratory guidelines integrated into haematology services

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    Treatment advances have greatly improved survival, but myeloma is among the worst of all cancers for delayed diagnosis, causing serious morbidities and early deaths. This delay is largely because the symptom profile of myeloma has very low specificity, and in primary care, myeloma is rare. However, initiating the journey to diagnosis simply requires considering myeloma and sending blood to test for monoclonal immunoglobulin. Laboratory tests reliably detect monoclonal immunoglobulin, which is present in 99% of myeloma cases, so why do health care systems have such a problem with delayed diagnosis? The Myeloma UK early diagnosis programme has brought together diverse expertise to investigate this problem, and this article was prepared by the programme's working group for laboratory best practice. It reviews evidence for test requesting, analysis and reporting, for which there is large variation in practice across the United Kingdom. It presents a ‘GP Myeloma diagnostic tool’ and how it can be integrated into laboratory practice alongside a laboratory best practice tool. It proposes improved requesting and integration with haematology services for reporting and interpretation. Here the laboratory has a central role in creating efficient and cost-effective pathways for appropriate and timely bone marrow examination for myeloma diagnosis.<br/