200 research outputs found

    The effect of dung beetle size on soil nutrient mobilization in an afrotropical forest

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    Despite recognition of its importance, little is known about functional aspects of soil macrofauna. Here, we investigated the effect of dung beetle body size on macronutrient movement (N, P, K, and C) from elephant dung into soil over 112 days in an Afrotropical forest. We report a large overall effect where more macronutrients are moved into soil over time when beetles are present compared to a control treatment. We also report a large effect of beetle body size on the amount of macronutrient movement, with larger dung beetles moving more nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and carbon from baseline measurements when compared to smaller sized dung beetles. The presence of smaller sized dung beetles showed a significant positive effect on potassium and phosphorus transfer only. We provide the first experimental evidence that the body size of African dungs directly influences the type of macronutrients recycled and discuss the importance of dung beetle body size for maintaining soil fertility

    Coulomb-gas formulation of SU(2) branes and chiral blocks

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    We construct boundary states in SU(2)kSU(2)_k WZNW models using the bosonized Wakimoto free-field representation and study their properties. We introduce a Fock space representation of Ishibashi states which are coherent states of bosons with zero-mode momenta (boundary Coulomb-gas charges) summed over certain lattices according to Fock space resolution of SU(2)kSU(2)_k. The Virasoro invariance of the coherent states leads to families of boundary states including the B-type D-branes found by Maldacena, Moore and Seiberg, as well as the A-type corresponding to trivial current gluing conditions. We then use the Coulomb-gas technique to compute exact correlation functions of WZNW primary fields on the disk topology with A- and B-type Cardy states on the boundary. We check that the obtained chiral blocks for A-branes are solutions of the Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equations.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, revtex4. Essentially the published versio

    Landscape configuration, organic management, and within-field position drive functional diversity of spiders and carabids

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    Abstract Agricultural management intensity and landscape heterogeneity act as the main drivers of biodiversity loss in agricultural landscapes while also determining ecosystem services. The trait-based functional diversity approach offers a way to assess changes in community functionality across agroecosystems. We focused on carabids and spiders, because they are an important component of crop field biodiversity and have significant biological control potential. We assessed the effect of small- vs. large-scale agricultural landscapes, organic farming, and within-field position on functional diversity of spiders and carabids. We sampled pairs of organic and conventional winter wheat fields in small-scale agricultural landscapes (former West Germany) and in neighbouring large-scale agricultural landscapes (former East Germany). We sampled arthropods with funnel traps in transects at field edges, field interiors (15 m from edge), and field centres. The gradient from field edges towards the centres played an important role: spider body size decreased; ballooning ability increased, and hunting strategy switched from active hunters to more web-builders?presumably, due to higher microhabitat stability in the field centre. Higher trait diversity of spiders in field edges suggested higher biocontrol potential in small-scale agriculture. In contrast, carabid feeding switched from herbivores to carnivores, presumably due to higher pest densities inside crop fields. Furthermore, small-scale agricultural landscapes and organic management supported larger, i.e., less dispersive carabids. Synthesis and applications. In our research, spiders were more sensitive to edge effects and less sensitive to management and landscape composition than carabids. Smaller fields and longer edges, as well as organic management increase carabid functional diversity, which may increase resilience to environmental change. Since many spider species are confined to field edges, the effect of within-field position on functional diversity is more important in small-scale agricultural landscapes with more edge habitat than in large-scale agricultural landscapes. Our findings suggest that European Union policy should acknowledge the high benefits of small-scale agriculture for the functional role of major predators such as spiders and carabid beetles, as the benefits are equal to those from a conversion to organic agriculture

    Birth weight is associated with brain tissue volumes seven decades later but not with MRI markers of brain ageing

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    Birth weight, an indicator of fetal growth, is associated with cognitive outcomes in early life (which are predictive of cognitive ability in later life) and risk of metabolic and cardiovascular disease across the life course. Brain health in older age, indexed by MRI features, is associated with cognitive performance, but little is known about how variation in normal birth weight impacts on brain structure in later life. In a community dwelling cohort of participants in their early seventies we tested the hypothesis that birth weight is associated with the following MRI features: total brain (TB), grey matter (GM) and normal appearing white matter (NAWM) volumes; whiter matter hyperintensity (WMH) volume; a general factor of fractional anisotropy (gFA) and peak width skeletonised mean diffusivity (PSMD) across the white matter skeleton. We also investigated the associations of birth weight with cortical surface area, volume and thickness. Birth weight was positively associated with TB, GM and NAWM volumes in later life (β ≥ 0.194), and with regional cortical surface area but not gFA, PSMD, WMH volume, or cortical volume or thickness. These positive relationships appear to be explained by larger intracranial volume, rather than by age-related tissue atrophy, and are independent of body height and weight in adulthood. This suggests that larger birth weight is linked to more brain tissue reserve in older life, rather than age-related brain structural features, such as tissue atrophy or WMH volume

    Re-emerging syphilis: a detrended correspondence analysis of the behaviour of HIV positive and negative gay men

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    BACKGROUND: Recent syphilis outbreaks in the UK have raised serious concerns about the sexual health of the population. Moreover, syphilis appears more likely to facilitate HIV transmission than any other sexually transmitted infection (STI). METHODS: The sexual and other risk behaviour of a sample of HIV positive and negative gay men with and without syphilis was subjected to a detrended correspondence analysis (DCA). RESULTS: A DCA plot was used to illustrate similarity of individuals in terms of their behaviours, regardless of their infection status. The majority of those with syphilis (78%; 18/23) fell into a high-risk group with more partners, and use of anonymous sex venues and drugs during sex. However, 16% of uninfected controls (8/49) and 62% of HIV positive individuals without syphilis (8/13) also fell into this high-risk group. CONCLUSIONS: Using a statistical technique that is novel for this type of investigation, we demonstrate behavioural overlaps between syphilis-infected individuals in an ongoing UK outbreak and uninfected HIV positive and negative controls. Given the high-risk behaviour of a significant proportion of uninfected individuals, ongoing transmission of syphilis and HIV in this population seems likely

    Fluctuation spectrum of fluid membranes coupled to an elastic meshwork: jump of the effective surface tension at the mesh size

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    We identify a class of composite membranes: fluid bilayers coupled to an elastic meshwork, that are such that the meshwork's energy is a function Fel[Aξ]F_\mathrm{el}[A_\xi] \textit{not} of the real microscopic membrane area AA, but of a \textit{smoothed} membrane's area AξA_\xi, which corresponds to the area of the membrane coarse-grained at the mesh size ξ\xi. We show that the meshwork modifies the membrane tension σ\sigma both below and above the scale ξ\xi, inducing a tension-jump Δσ=dFel/dAξ\Delta\sigma=dF_\mathrm{el}/dA_\xi. The predictions of our model account for the fluctuation spectrum of red blood cells membranes coupled to their cytoskeleton. Our results indicate that the cytoskeleton might be under extensional stress, which would provide a means to regulate available membrane area. We also predict an observable tension jump for membranes decorated with polymer "brushes"

    Folding transitions of the triangular lattice with defects

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    A recently introduced model describing the folding of the triangular lattice is generalized allowing for defects in the lattice and written as an Ising model with nearest-neighbor and plaquette interactions on the honeycomb lattice. Its phase diagram is determined in the hexagon approximation of the cluster variation method and the crossover from the pure Ising to the pure folding model is investigated, obtaining a quite rich structure with several multicritical points. Our results are in very good agreement with the available exact ones and extend a previous transfer matrix study.Comment: 16 pages, latex, 5 postscript figure

    Tetracritical behavior in strongly interacting theories

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    We suggest a tetracritical fixed point to naturally occur in strongly interacting theories. As a fundamental example we analyze the temperature--quark chemical potential phase diagram of QCD with fermions in the adjoint representation of the gauge group (i.e. adjoint QCD). Here we show that such a non trivial multicritical point exists and is due to the interplay between the spontaneous breaking of a global U(1) symmetry and the center group symmetry associated to confinement. Our results demonstrate that taking confinement into account is essential for understanding the critical behavior as well as the full structure of the phase diagram of adjoint QCD. This is in contrast to ordinary QCD where the center group symmetry associated to confinement is explicitly broken when the quarks are part of the theory.Comment: RevTex, 5 figures. Final version to appear in PR

    A statistical comparison of spatio-temporal surface moisture patterns beneath a semi-natural grassland and permanent pasture:From drought to saturation

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    Some 60% of the agricultural land in the UK is grassland. This is mostly located in the wetter uplands of the west and north, with the majority intensively managed as permanent pasture. Despite its extent, there is a lack of knowledge regarding how agricultural practices have altered the hydrological behaviour of the underlying soils relative to the adjacent moorland covered by semi‐natural grassland. Near‐surface soil moisture content is an expression of the changes that have taken place and is critical in the generation of flood‐producing overland‐flows. This study aims to develop a pioneering paired‐plot approach, producing 1536 moisture measurements at each of the monitoring dates throughout the studied year, that were subsequently analysed by a comparison of frequency distributions, visual‐cum‐geostatistical investigation of spatial patterns and mixed‐effects regression modelling. The analysis demonstrated that the practices taking place in the pasture (ploughing, re‐seeding and drainage) reduced the natural diversity in moisture patterns. Compared to adjacent moorland, the topsoil dried much faster in spring with the effects requiring offset with moisture from slurry applications in summer. With the onset of autumn rains, these applications then made the topsoil wetter than the moorland, heightening the likelihood of flood‐producing overland‐flow. During the sampling within one such storm‐event, the adjacent moorland was almost as wet as the pasture with both visibly generating overland‐flow. These contrasts in soil moisture were statistically significant throughout. Further, they highlight the need to scale‐up the monitoring with numerous plot‐pairs to see if the observed highly dynamic, contrasting behaviour is present at the landscape‐scale. Such research is fundamental to designing appropriate agricultural interventions to deliver sustainable sward production for livestock or methods of mitigating overland‐flow incidence that would otherwise heighten flood‐risk or threaten water‐quality in rivers

    Discrete approaches to quantum gravity in four dimensions

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    The construction of a consistent theory of quantum gravity is a problem in theoretical physics that has so far defied all attempts at resolution. One ansatz to try to obtain a non-trivial quantum theory proceeds via a discretization of space-time and the Einstein action. I review here three major areas of research: gauge-theoretic approaches, both in a path-integral and a Hamiltonian formulation, quantum Regge calculus, and the method of dynamical triangulations, confining attention to work that is strictly four-dimensional, strictly discrete, and strictly quantum in nature.Comment: 33 pages, invited contribution to Living Reviews in Relativity; the author welcomes any comments and suggestion