647 research outputs found

    Power And Influence In Establishing Continuing Professional Education: A Case Study

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    Studying power and influence tactics and the contexts in which they are used in program planning can advance understanding of establishing continuing professional education (CPE) programs. Researchers (Caffarella, 2002; Cervero & Wilson, 1994; Yang, et al 1998) have primarily focused on power and influence tactics used by adult educators (Caffarella, 2002; Cervero & Wilson, 1994; Yang et al, 1998). This case focuses on identifying and measuring the power and influence tactics in the context of an organization deciding whether or not to establish a CPE program. The author uses the samples of positive and influences (Caffarella, 2002), and Power and Influence Tactics Scale (POINTS), (Yang,Cervero, Valentine, & Benson, 1998) to identify and measure the tactics that were used to ensure establishment of a CPE program. The findings lend support to the planning theory offered by Cervero and Wilson (1994) in that “planning practice is a social process of negotiating personal and organizational interests in contexts of structured power relations” (p. 253)

    Bone cross-sectional geometry in male runners, gymnasts, swimmers and non-athletic controls: a hip-structural analysis study.

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    Loading of the skeleton is important for the development of a functionally and mechanically appropriate bone structure, and can be achieved through impact exercise. Proximal femur cross-sectional geometry was assessed in the male athletes (n = 55) representing gymnastics, endurance running and swimming, and non-athletic controls (n = 22). Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (iDXA, GE Healthcare, UK) measurements of the total body (for body composition) and the left proximal femur were obtained. Advanced hip structural analysis (AHA) was utilised to determine the areal bone mineral density (aBMD), hip axis length (HAL), cross-sectional area (CSA), cross-sectional moment of inertia (CSMI) and the femoral strength index (FSI). Gymnasts and runners had greater age, height and weight adjusted aBMD than in swimmers and controls (p < 0.05). Gymnasts and runners had greater resistance to axial loads (CSA) and the runners had increased resistance against bending forces (CSMI) compared to swimmers and controls (p < 0.01). Controls had a lower FSI compared to gymnasts and runners (1.4 vs. 1.8 and 2.1, respectively, p < 0.005). Lean mass correlated with aBMD, CSA and FSI (r = 0.365-0.457, p < 0.01), particularly in controls (r = 0.657-0.759, p < 0.005). Skeletal loading through the gymnastics and running appears to confer a superior bone geometrical advantage in the young adult men. The importance of lean body mass appears to be of particular significance for non-athletes. Further characterisation of the bone structural advantages associated with different sports would be of value to inform the strategies directed at maximising bone strength and thus, preventing fracture

    Student teamwork: developing virtual support for team projects

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    In the 21st century team working increasingly requires online cooperative skills as well as more traditional skills associated with face to face team working. Virtual team working differs from face to face team working in a number of respects, such as interpreting the alternatives to visual cues, adapting to synchronous communication, developing trust and cohesion and cultural interpretations. However, co-located student teams working within higher education can only simulate team working as it might be experienced in organisations today. For example, students can learn from their mistakes in a non-threatening environment, colleagues tend to be established friends and assessing teamwork encourages behaviour such as “free-riding”. Using a prototyping approach, which involves students and tutors, a system has been designed to support learners engaged in team working. This system helps students to achieve to their full potential and appreciate issues surrounding virtual teamwork. The Guardian Agent system enables teams to allocate project tasks and agree ground rules for the team according to individuals’ preferences. Results from four cycles of its use are presented, together with modifications arising from iterations of testing. The results show that students find the system useful in preparing for team working, and have encouraged further development of the system

    A comparison of ground-based and space flight data: Atomic oxygen reactions with boron nitride and silicon nitride

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    The effects of atomic oxygen on boron nitride (BN) and silicon nitride (Si3N4) have been studied in low Earth orbit (LEO) flight experiments and in a ground-based simulation facility at Los Alamos National Laboratory. Both the in-flight and ground-based experiments employed the materials coated over thin (approx 250 Angstrom) silver films whose electrical resistance was measured in situ to detect penetration of atomic oxygen through the BN and Si3N4 materials. In the presence of atomic oxygen, silver oxidizes to form silver oxide, which has a much higher electrical resistance than pure silver. Permeation of atomic oxygen through BN, as indicated by an increase in the electrical resistance of the silver underneath, was observed in both the in-flight and ground-based experiments. In contrast, no permeation of atomic oxygen through Si3N4 was observed in either the in-flight or ground-based experiments. The ground-based results show good qualitative correlation with the LEO flight results, thus validating the simulation fidelity of the ground-based facility in terms of reproducing LEO flight results

    Differences in Shame Across Ethnic Groups in the United States

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    There are various theories that can be used to understand the self-conscious emotion of shame. Because shame is a function of social appraisal, culture plays a significant role in the experience and expression of shame. A review of the literature reveals that mainstream culture impacts the experience of shame among minority groups, and that its related to different social norms for each group. Minimal empirical research on shame and minority groups suggest that we know little about the experience of shame among African Americans, Asian Americans and Hispanic/Latino/a Americans other that the various social contexts that trigger it


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    Six cycles of reciprocal recurrent selection (RRS) between Line 8 (Duroc) and Line 9 (Beltsville No. 1) were completed at the Fort Reno Livestock Research Center, E1 Reno, Oklahoma. A randomly mated control line was maintained. Each cycle of selection required three seasons. Selection of purebred pigs (born in the second season) was based on the mean 21-d litter weight of their maternal and paternal half-sib crossbred gilts that were born in the first season and farrowed in the third season (XB21DLWT). On the average, 5.8 maternal and paternal half-sib gilts contributed to the mean XB21DLWT for each purebred individual. The average potential selection differential for XB21DLWT was 5.64 kg, but only 70.2% of this value was realized in the initial selection (3.95 kg). Disease problems and unsoundness were the primary reasons for this discrepancy. The potential, initial, final and weighted final standardized selection differentials for females averaged 61, 60, 55 and 47%, respectively, of the corresponding differentials for males. Standardized selection differentials were similar for Line 8 and Line 9. The estimate of realized heritability for XB21DLWT was .076 ± .319 for the average of 8 x 9 and 9 x 8 gilts. Environmental trends, estimated from control data, were not significant for any of the traits evaluated. The genetic change in reproductive ability of 8 x 9, 9 x 8 and their unweighted average was estimated by regressing the deviation of the line mean from the control mean on generation number. In general, estimates of genetic change for litter size, litter weight and average pig weight/litter at 0, 21 and 42 d of age were not significant, but all estimates were favorable. The estimated genetic change for 21-d litter weight was 1.04 ± 1.25 kg/cycle of selection. Based on these results and considering the complexity of RRS, the increase in generation interval and the expected decline in purebred performance that theoretically should accompany successful RRS, it seems doubtful that RRS can be more beneficial than selection based on purebred performance as a method to improve productivity of crossbred gilts


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    This paper reports estimates of correlated genetic change in reproductive performance of purebred gilts producing two-way cross litters and purebred sows producing purebred litters as well as postweaning performance of two-way cross and purebred pigs produced during reciprocal recurrent selection (RRS) between Line 8 (Duroc) and Line 9 (Beltsville No. 1) for 21-d litter weight production of crossbred gilts. A randomly mated control line developed from a crossbred foundation was maintained to monitor environmental change. Data were adjusted for age of dam, inbreeding of dam, inbreeding of litter (or pig) and linear and quadratic effects of day born within season. The traits evaluated were: litter size, litter weight and average pig weight/litter at birth and weaning (42 d); postweaning average daily gain; age at 90.7 kg and backfat thickness at 90.7 kg. Two data sets were analyzed; the first set included seven seasons of data with purebred gilts producing two-way cross litters, and the second set included seven seasons of data with purebred sows producing purebred litters. No estimates of environmental trend were significant in either set of data. In the first data set, only the estimate of genetic change in backfat thickness of two-way cross pigs was significant and it was in the desired direction. All other estimates were small and did not approach significance. In the second data set, estimates of genetic trend were greater in Line 9 than in Line 8. Estimates of genetic trend in Line 9 were significant for average pig weight at birth, age at 90.7 kg and backfat probe at 90.7 kg, and approached significance for litter size at weaning and average daily gain. The estimates were undesirable for preweaning traits and desirable for postweaning traits. The estimates of genetic trend in Line 8 were of the same sign as those in Line 9, but only the estimate for backfat thickness was significant. The decrease in size of purebred litters in Line 9, and to some degree Line 8, suggests an accelerated accumulation of homozygosity beyond that accounted for by adjustment for pedigree inbreeding. The fact that Line 9 showed a greater decrease than Line 8 suggests that most of the increase in level of reproduction of crossbred gilts may have resulted from genetic change in Line 9 rather than Line 8, or that favorable alleles were being fixed in Line 8 and unfavorable alleles in Line 9

    Preoperative language mapping using navigated TMS compared with extra-operative direct cortical stimulation using intracranial electrodes: A case report

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    Highlights 1. rTMS provides a non-invasive means of performing pre-operative language mapping. 2. Sensitivity and specificity in epilepsy patients is lower than reported in tumour surgery. 3. Future methodological improvements may improve this

    The Evolution of Critical Thinking Skills in Library Instruction, 1986-2006: A Selected and Annotated Bibliography and Review of Selected Programs

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    Undergraduate students are increasingly being asked to conduct higher-level research in their areas of study. In order to address undergraduate needs, many academic librarians, especially those charged with crafting instruction, take critical thinking as a given in the teaching of information literacy skills. However, this review of the literature has revealed that though there was some discussion of critical thinking in a library context in the mid-1980’s, the concept did not really take hold until the 1990’s when higher education reform began to appear on many campuses. Additionally, the literature regarding critical thinking skills during this period exhibits four themes: a lack of agreement, among librarians and others, on what critical thinking is and how it can be defined; the importance of subject and course integration in the teaching of critical thinking skills in libraries; the necessity of reaching undergraduate students; and the special challenges of teaching critical thinking skills in an age when technology is changing so rapidly
