558 research outputs found

    Phase-Insensitive Scattering of Terahertz Radiation

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    The nonlinear interaction between Near-Infrared (NIR) and Terahertz pulses is principally investigated as a means for the detection of radiation in the hardly accessible THz spectral region. Most studies have targeted second-order nonlinear processes, given their higher efficiencies, and only a limited number have addressed third-order nonlinear interactions, mainly investigating four-wave mixing in air for broadband THz detection. We have studied the nonlinear interaction between THz and NIR pulses in solid-state media (specifically diamond), and we show how the former can be frequency-shifted up to UV frequencies by the scattering from the nonlinear polarisation induced by the latter. Such UV emission differs from the well-known electric-field-induced second harmonic (EFISH) one, as it is generated via a phase-insensitive scattering, rather than a sum- or difference-frequency four-wave-mixing process

    Aperiodic quantum XXZ chains: Renormalization-group results

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    We report a comprehensive investigation of the low-energy properties of antiferromagnetic quantum XXZ spin chains with aperiodic couplings. We use an adaptation of the Ma-Dasgupta-Hu renormalization-group method to obtain analytical and numerical results for the low-temperature thermodynamics and the ground-state correlations of chains with couplings following several two-letter aperiodic sequences, including the quasiperiodic Fibonacci and other precious-mean sequences, as well as sequences inducing strong geometrical fluctuations. For a given aperiodic sequence, we argue that in the easy-plane anisotropy regime, intermediate between the XX and Heisenberg limits, the general scaling form of the thermodynamic properties is essentially given by the exactly-known XX behavior, providing a classification of the effects of aperiodicity on XXZ chains. We also discuss the nature of the ground-state structures, and their comparison with the random-singlet phase, characteristic of random-bond chains.Comment: Minor corrections; published versio

    Spontaneous photon production in time-dependent epsilon-near-zero materials

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    Quantum field theory predicts that a spatially homogeneous but temporally varying medium will excite photon pairs out of the vacuum state. However, this important theoretical prediction lacks experimental verification due to the difficulty in attaining the required nonadiabatic and large amplitude changes in the medium. Recent work has shown that in epsilon-near-zero (ENZ) materials it is possible to optically induce changes of the refractive index of the order of unity, in femtosecond time scales. By studying the quantum field theory of a spatially homogeneous, time-varying ENZ medium, we theoretically predict photon-pair production that is up to several orders of magnitude larger than in non-ENZ time-varying materials. We also find that while in standard materials the emission spectrum depends on the time scale of the perturbation, in ENZ materials the emission is always peaked at the ENZ wavelength. These studies pave the way to technologically feasible observation of photon-pair emission from a time-varying background with implications for quantum field theories beyond condensed matter systems and with potential applications as a new source of entangled light

    Low-Temperature Scaling Regime of Random Ferromagnetic-Antiferromagnetic Spin Chains

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    Using the Continuous Time Quantum Monte Carlo Loop algorithm, we calculate the temperature dependence of the uniform susceptibility, and the specific heat of a spin-1/2 chain with random antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic couplings, down to very low temperatures. Our data show a consistent scaling behavior in both quantities and support strongly the conjecture drawn from the approximative real-space renormalization group treatment. A statistical analysis scheme is developed which will be useful for the search scaling behavior in numerical and experimental data of random spin chains.Comment: 4 pages and 3 figure

    SL(2,R)-invariant IIB Brane Actions

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    We give a universal SL(2,R)-invariant expression for all IIB p-brane actions with p=-1,1,3,5,7,9. The Wess-Zumino terms in the brane actions are determined by requiring (i) target space gauge invariance and (ii) the presence of a single Born-Infeld vector. We find that for p=7 (p=9) brane actions with these properties only exist for orbits that contain the standard D7-brane (D9-brane). We comment about the actions for the other orbits.Comment: 15 pages, additional references and remarks in subsection on 3-branes, accepted for publication in JHE

    Kaon Condensation in the Bound-State Approach to the Skyrme Model

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    We explore kaon condensation using the bound-state approach to the Skyrme model on a 3-sphere. The condensation occurs when the energy required to produce a KK^- falls below the electron fermi level. This happens at the baryon number density on the order of 3--4 times nuclear density.Comment: LaTeX format, 15 pages. 3 Postscript figures, compressed and uuencode

    Percolation Transition in the random antiferromagnetic spin-1 chain

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    We give a physical description in terms of percolation theory of the phase transition that occurs when the disorder increases in the random antiferromagnetic spin-1 chain between a gapless phase with topological order and a random singlet phase. We study the statistical properties of the percolation clusters by numerical simulations, and we compute exact exponents characterizing the transition by a real-space renormalization group calculation.Comment: 9 pages, 4 encapsulated Postscript figures, REVTeX 3.

    The Low-Energy Fixed Points of Random Quantum Spin Chains

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    The one-dimensional isotropic quantum Heisenberg spin systems with random couplings and random spin sizes are investigated using a real-space renormalization group scheme. It is demonstrated that these systems belong to a universality class of disordered spin systems, characterized by weakly coupled large effective spins. In this large-spin phase the uniform magnetic susceptibility diverges as 1/T with a non-universal Curie constant at low temperatures T, while the specific heat vanishes as T^delta |ln T| for T->0. For broad range of initial distributions of couplings and spin sizes the distribution functions approach a single fixed-point form, where delta \approx 0.44. For some singular initial distributions, however, fixed-point distributions have non-universal values of delta, suggesting that there is a line of fixed points.Comment: 19 pages, REVTeX, 13 figure

    Density Matrix Renormalization Group Study of the Haldane Phase in Random One-Dimensional Antiferromagnets

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    It is conjectured that the Haldane phase of the S=1 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chain and the S=1/2S=1/2 ferromagnetic-antiferromagnetic alternating Heisenberg chain is stable against any strength of randomness, because of imposed breakdown of translational symmetry. This conjecture is confirmed by the density matrix renormalization group calculation of the string order parameter and the energy gap distribution.Comment: 4 Pages, 7 figures; Considerable revisions are made in abstract and main text. Final accepted versio