12 research outputs found

    A Case Study of How Ninth Grade Mathematics Students Construct Knowledge during a Productive Failure Model

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    The purpose of this qualitative study was to explain how ninth grade mathematics students at a rural high school in Georgia constructed knowledge through student talk when problem solving using Kapur’s (2012) productive failure design. An embedded case study design was used to understand how a group of students constructed knowledge through their use of talk, persistence during the task, and use of prior knowledge while working on a productive failure modeled task. Triangulation resulted from the collected data from multiple sources, which included videotaping, interviewing, and analyzing student artifacts. Utilization of the constructivist perspectives of Vygotsky (1934/1962), Piaget (1971), and Freire (1970/2012) served as a framework for analyzing the data. Analysis of the findings resulted in an understanding of how students persisted during a productive failure-modeled task and revealed three main themes: (a) the group’s processes of interaction, (b) the roles the group members played during the task, and (c) the problem solving approaches the group utilized during the task. An interactive model of persistent problem solving was created to explain how the group utilized the three main themes in order to initiate their prior knowledge, chose different methods for solving, and persevered during the task

    A Methodological Review of the Articles Publishes in Georgia Educational Researcher from 2003-2010

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    Methodological reviews, reviews that concentrate on research methods rather than research outcomes, have been used in a variety of fields to improve research practice, inform debate, and identify islands of practice. In this article, we report on the results of a methodological review of all of the articles published in Georgia Educational Researcher from 2003-2010. We examined the methodological characteristics, authorial characteristics, and methodological quality of those articles using quantitative content analysis. The major findings were that (a) the proportions of the type and traditions of articles published in Georgia Educational Researcher were similar to the proportions in education research articles in general, (b) case study research and correlational research were most prominent, (c) a few universities accounted for most of the articles published, (d) male and female authors’ articles were published in equitable proportions, and (e) there were no statistically significant differences in methodological quality between genders, university affiliations, types of research, or years of publication. We end with a few suggestions for improving the quality of qualitative research articles in the Georgia Educational Researcher

    Tcf3 promotes cell migration and wound repair through regulation of lipocalin 2

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    Ovaj završni rad govori o različitim tehnikama motivacije koje se primjenjuju radi poticanja zaposlenika na učinkovito i uspješno obavljanje zadataka unutar poduzeća. U radu su spomenute različite tehnike motivacije te pojašnjene i definirane svaka od njih. Također, rad govori i općenito o motivaciji, zašto je ona važna i kako uspješno motivirati zaposlenike. Spomenute su i različite individualne karakteristike pojedinca te kako su one povezane sa samom motivacijom pojedinca. Također, prilikom govora o motivaciji važno je spomenuti i vodstvo te kako ono utječe na poslovanje i motiviranost zaposlenika te obratiti pažnju na kvalitetnu i uspješnu suradnju između nadređenog i podređenog

    Rapid deployment of SARS-CoV-2 testing: The CLIAHUB.

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