438 research outputs found

    Powder removal from Ti-6Al-4V cellular structures fabricated via electron beam melting

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    Direct metal fabrication systems like electron beam melting (EBM) and direct metal laser sintering (also called selective laser melting) are gaining popularity. One reason is the design and fabrication freedom that these technologies offer over traditional processes. One specific feature that is of interest is mesh or lattice structures that can be produced using these powder-bed systems. One issue with the EBM process is that the powder trapped within the structure during the fabrication process is sintered and can be hard to remove as the mesh density increases. This is usually not an issue for the laser-based systems since most of them work at a low temperature and the sintering of the powder is less of an issue. Within the scope of this project, a chemical etching process was evaluated for sintered powder removal using three different cellular structures with varying mesh densities. All meshes were fabricated via EBM using Ti6Al4V Footnote Information powder. The results are promising, but the larger the structures, the more difficult it is to completely remove the sintered powder without affecting the integrity of the mesh structure

    Use of three-terminal impedance spectroscopy to characterize sodium-ion batteries at various stages of cycle life

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    The use of 3-terminal measurements to separate different impedance components of a prototype sodium-ion battery is outlined. By addition of a sodium metal reference electrode, the two electrode-electrolyte interfaces can be measured separately and changes monitored at various stages of battery cycle life. The impedance of a freshly-constructed cell is dominated by the blocking capacitance of the anode-electrolyte interface and the charge-transfer resistance at the cathode-electrolyte interface. The variation of these components during charge and discharge cycling provide a method to monitor evolution of cell performance

    Sugawara-type constraints in hyperbolic coset models

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    In the conjectured correspondence between supergravity and geodesic models on infinite-dimensional hyperbolic coset spaces, and E10/K(E10) in particular, the constraints play a central role. We present a Sugawara-type construction in terms of the E10 Noether charges that extends these constraints infinitely into the hyperbolic algebra, in contrast to the truncated expressions obtained in arXiv:0709.2691 that involved only finitely many generators. Our extended constraints are associated to an infinite set of roots which are all imaginary, and in fact fill the closed past light-cone of the Lorentzian root lattice. The construction makes crucial use of the E10 Weyl group and of the fact that the E10 model contains both D=11 supergravity and D=10 IIB supergravity. Our extended constraints appear to unite in a remarkable manner the different canonical constraints of these two theories. This construction may also shed new light on the issue of `open constraint algebras' in traditional canonical approaches to gravity.Comment: 49 page

    Defect chemistry and electrical properties of BiFeO3

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    BiFeO3 attracts considerable attention for its rich functional properties, including room temperature coexistence of magnetic order and ferroelectricity and more recently, the discovery of conduction pathways along ferroelectric domain walls. Here, insights into the defect chemistry and electrical properties of BiFeO3 are obtained by in situ measurements of electrical conductivity, σ, and Seebeck coefficient, α, of undoped, cation-stoichiometric BiFeO3 and acceptor-doped Bi1−xCaxFeO3−δ ceramics as a function of temperature and oxygen partial pressure pO2. Bi1−xCaxFeO3−δ exhibits p-type conduction; the dependencies of σ and α on pO2 show that Ca dopants are compensated mainly by oxygen vacancies. By contrast, undoped BiFeO3 shows a simultaneous increase of σ and α with increasing pO2, indicating intrinsic behavior with electrons and holes as the main defect species in almost equal concentrations. The pO2-dependency of σ and α cannot be described by a single point defect model but instead, is quantitatively described by a combination of intrinsic and acceptor-doped characteristics attributable to parallel conduction pathways through undoped grains and defect-containing domain walls; both contribute to the total charge transport in BiFeO3. Based on this model, we discuss the charge transport mechanism and carrier mobilities of BiFeO3 and show that several previous experimental findings can readily be explained within the proposed model

    Telephus on Paros: genealogy and myth in the 'new Archilochus' poem (P. Oxy. 4708)

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    The discovery of the new ‘Telephus Elegy’ in 2005 has transformed our knowledge of Archilochus by providing the first surviving example of his use of myth. Yet scholars have found the choice and handling of the Telephus myth surprising. This article will explore the significance that Telephus had for a Parian and/or Thasian audience, and will use this to investigate the political and rhetorical impact of his presentation in the poem. It argues that Archilochus emphasises the aspects of Telephus’ story that connect him most closely with local myth, and that he does so to enhance the poem’s central message: criticism and implicit mockery of the mythological battle, and by implication, of contemporary Parian military strategy

    Pion-photon and photon-pion transition form factors in light-cone formalism

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    We derive the minimal Fock-state expansions of the pion and the photon wave functions in light-cone formalism, then we calculate the pion-photon and the photon-pion transition form factors of γ∗π0→γ\gamma ^{\ast}\pi ^{0}\to \gamma and γ∗γ→π0\gamma ^{\ast}\gamma \to \pi ^{0} processes by employing these quark-antiquark wave functions of the pion and the photon. We find that our calculation for the γ∗γ→π0\gamma ^{\ast}\gamma \to \pi ^{0} transition form factor agrees with the experimental data at low and moderately high energy scale. Moreover, the physical differences and inherent connections between the transition form factors of γ∗π0→γ\gamma ^{\ast}\pi ^{0}\to \gamma and γ∗γ→π0 \gamma ^{\ast}\gamma \to \pi ^{0} have been illustrated, which indicate that these two physical processes are intrinsically related. In addition, we also discuss the π0→γγ\pi ^{0}\to \gamma \gamma form factor and the decay width Γ(π→γγ) \mathit{\Gamma}(\pi \to \gamma \gamma) at Q2=0Q^{2}=0.Comment: 20 pages, 2 figure

    Strings on conifolds from strong coupling dynamics, part I

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    A method to solve various aspects of the strong coupling expansion of the superconformal field theory duals of AdS_5 x X geometries from first principles is proposed. The main idea is that at strong coupling the configurations that dominate the low energy dynamics of the field theory compactified on a three sphere are given by certain non-trivial semi-classical configurations in the moduli space of vacua. We show that this approach is self-consistent and permits one to express most of the dynamics in terms of an effective N=4 SYM dynamics. This has the advantage that some degrees of freedom that move the configurations away from moduli space can be treated perturbatively, unifying the essential low energy dynamics of all of these theories. We show that with this formalism one can compute the energies of strings in the BMN limit in the Klebanov-Witten theory from field theory considerations, matching the functional form of results found using AdS geometry. This paper also presents various other technical results for the semiclassical treatment of superconformal field theories.Comment: 52 pages, JHEP3 styl

    Heavy quarkonium 2S states in light-front quark model

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    We study the charmonium 2S states ψ′\psi' and ηc′\eta_c', and the bottomonium 2S states Υ′\Upsilon' and ηb′\eta_b', using the light-front quark model and the 2S state wave function of harmonic oscillator as the approximation of the 2S quarkonium wave function. The decay constants, transition form factors and masses of these mesons are calculated and compared with experimental data. Predictions of quantities such as Br(ψ′→γηc′)(\psi' \to \gamma \eta_c') are made. The 2S wave function may help us learn more about the structure of these heavy quarkonia.Comment: 5 latex pages, final version for journal publicatio

    SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine design enabled by prototype pathogen preparedness

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    A vaccine for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is needed to control the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) global pandemic. Structural studies have led to the development of mutations that stabilize Betacoronavirus spike proteins in the prefusion state, improving their expression and increasing immunogenicity1. This principle has been applied to design mRNA-1273, an mRNA vaccine that encodes a SARS-CoV-2 spike protein that is stabilized in the prefusion conformation. Here we show that mRNA-1273 induces potent neutralizing antibody responses to both wild-type (D614) and D614G mutant2 SARS-CoV-2 as well as CD8+ T cell responses, and protects against SARS-CoV-2 infection in the lungs and noses of mice without evidence of immunopathology. mRNA-1273 is currently in a phase III trial to evaluate its efficacy
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