684 research outputs found

    Kac-Moody Symmetries of Ten-dimensional Non-maximal Supergravity Theories

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    A description of the bosonic sector of ten-dimensional N=1 supergravity as a non-linear realisation is given. We show that if a suitable extension of this theory were invariant under a Kac-Moody algebra, then this algebra would have to contain a rank eleven Kac-Moody algebra, that can be identified to be a particular real form of very-extended D_8. We also describe the extension of N=1 supergravity coupled to an abelian vector gauge field as a non-linear realisation, and find the Kac-Moody algebra governing the symmetries of this theory to be very-extended B_8. Finally, we discuss the related points for the N=1 supergravity coupled to an arbitrary number of abelian vector gauge fields

    On an asymptotic estimate of the nn-loop correction in perturbative QCD

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    A recently proposed method of estimating the asymptotic behaviour of QCD perturbation theory coefficients is critically reviewed and shown to contain numerous invalid mathematical operations and unsubstantiated assumptions. We discuss in detail why this procedure, based solely on renormalization group (RG) considerations and analyticity constraints, cannot lead to such estimates. We stress the importance of correct renormalization scheme (RS) dependence of any meaningful asymptotic estimate and argue that the unambiguous summation of QCD perturbation expansions for physical quantities requires information from outside of perturbation theory itself.Comment: PRA-HEP-92/17, Latex, 20 pages of text plus 5 figures contained in 5 separate PS files. Four of them (corresponding to Figs.1,2,3,5) are appended at the end of this file, the (somewhat larger one) corresponding to Fig.4 can be obtained from any of the mentioned E-mail addresses upon request. E-mail connections: J. Chyla - [email protected]) or h1kchy@dhhdesy3 P. Kolar - [email protected]

    Pure type I supergravity and DE(10)

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    We establish a dynamical equivalence between the bosonic part of pure type I supergravity in D=10 and a D=1 non-linear sigma-model on the Kac-Moody coset space DE(10)/K(DE(10)) if both theories are suitably truncated. To this end we make use of a decomposition of DE(10) under its regular SO(9,9) subgroup. Our analysis also deals partly with the fermionic fields of the supergravity theory and we define corresponding representations of the generalized spatial Lorentz group K(DE(10)).Comment: 28 page

    Lifetime of Two-Dimensional Electrons Measured by Tunneling Spectroscopy

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    For electrons tunneling between parallel two-dimensional electron systems, conservation of in-plane momentum produces sharply resonant current-voltage characteristics and provides a uniquely sensitive probe of the underlying electronic spectral functions. We report here the application of this technique to accurate measurements of the temperature dependence of the electron-electron scattering rate in clean two-dimensional systems. Our results are in qualitative agreement with existing calculations.Comment: file in REVTEX format produces 11 pages, 3 figures available from [email protected]

    Anomaly-Free Gauged R-Symmetry in Local Supersymmetry

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    We discuss local \R-symmetry as a potentially powerful new model building tool. We first review and clarify that a U(1)U(1) \R-symmetry can only be gauged in local and not in global supersymmetry. We determine the anomaly-cancellation conditions for the gauged \R-symmetry. For the standard superpotential these equations have {\it no} solution, independently of how many Standard Model singlets are added to the model. There is also no solution when we increase the number of families and the number of pairs of Higgs doublets. When the Green-Schwarz mechanism is employed to cancel the anomalies, solutions only exist for a large number of singlets. We find many anomaly-free family-independent models with an extra SU(3)cSU(3)_c octet chiral superfield. We consider in detail the conditions for an anomaly-free {\it family dependent} U(1)R U(1)_R and find solutions with one, two, three and four extra singlets. Only with three and four extra singlets do we naturally obtain sfermion masses of order the weak-scale. For these solutions we consider the spontaneous breaking of supersymmetry and the RR-symmetry in the context of local supersymmetry. In general the U(1)RU(1)_R gauge group is broken at or close to the Planck scale. We consider the effects of the \R-symmetry on baryon- and lepton-number violation in supersymmetry. There is no logical connection between a conserved \R-symmetry and conserved \R-parity. For conserved \R-symmetry we have models for all possibilities of conserved or broken \R-parity. Most models predict dominant effects which could be observed at HERA.Comment: 29 pages, latex, including 3 tables. Final version accepted for publication in NPB. Slight revision of supersymmetry breaking and dropped sub-section on mu problem, which will appear expaned elsewher

    Gravitational Duality in MacDowell-Mansouri Gauge Theory

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    Strong-weak duality invariance can only be defined for particular sectors of supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories. Nevertheless, for full non-Abelian non-supersymmetric theories, dual theories with inverted couplings, have been found. We show that an analogous procedure allows to find the dual action to the gauge theory of gravity constructed by the MacDowell-Mansouri model plus the superposition of a Θ\Theta term.Comment: 9 pages, LaTeX, no figure

    The Free Energy Of Hot Gauge Theories

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    The total perturbative contribution to the free-energy of hot SU(3) gauge theory is argued to lie significantly higher than the full result obtained by lattice simulations. This then suggests the existence of large non-perturbative corrections even at temperatures a few times above the critical temperature. Some speculations are then made on the nature and origin of the non-perturbative corrections. The analysis is then carried out for quantum chromodynamics, SU(Nc)SU(N_c) gauge theories, and quantum electrodynamics, leading to a conjecture and one more speculation.Comment: Revised Journal version;25 pages Latex and 11 .eps figures in separate file. Requires epsf.st

    Selectivity and functional diversity in arbuscular mycorrhizas of co-occurring fungi and plants from a temperate deciduous woodland

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    1 The arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi colonizing plants at a woodland site in North Yorkshire (UK) have been characterized from the roots of five plant species (Rubus fruticosus agg. L., Epilobium angustifolium L., Acer pseudoplatanus L., Ajuga reptans L. and Glechoma hederacea L.), and identified using small-subunit rRNA (SSUrRNA) gene amplification and sequencing. 2 Interactions between five plant species from the site and four co-occurring glomalean fungi were investigated in artificial one-to-one AM symbioses. Three of the fungi were isolated from the site; the fourth was a culture genetically similar to a taxon found at the site. Phosphorus uptake and growth responses were compared with non-mycorrhizal controls. 3 Individual fungi colonized each plant with different spatial distribution and intensity. Some did not colonize at all, indicating incompatibility under the conditions used in the experiments. 4 Glomus hoi consistently occupied a large proportion of root systems and outperformed the other fungi, improving P uptake and enhancing the growth of four out of the five plant species. Only G. hoi colonized and increased P uptake in Acer pseudoplatanus, the host plant with which it associates almost exclusively under field conditions. Colonization of all plant species by Scutellospora dipurpurescens was sparse, and beneficial to only one of the host plants (Teucrium scorodonia). Archaeospora trappei and Glomus sp. UY1225 had variable effects on the host plants, conferring a range of P uptake and growth benefits on Lysimachia nummularia and T. scorodonia, increasing P uptake whilst not affecting biomass in Ajuga reptans and Glechoma hederacea, and failing to form mycorrhizas with A. pseudoplatanus. 5 These experimental mycorrhizas show that root colonization, symbiont compatibility and plant performance vary with each fungus-plant combination, even when the plants and fungi naturally co-exist. 6 We provide evidence of physical and functional selectivity in AM. The small number of described AM fungal species (154) has been ascribed to their supposed lack of host specificity, but if the selectivity we have observed is the general rule, then we may predict that many more, probably hard-to-culture glomalean species await discovery, or that members of species as currently perceived may be physiologically or functionally distinct

    A Study of Ultraviolet Renormalon Ambiguities in the Determination of \as from τ\tau Decay

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    The divergent large-order behaviour of the perturbative series relevant for the determination of \as from τ\tau decay is controlled by the leading ultraviolet (UV) renormalon. Even in the absence of the first infrared (IR) renormalon, an ambiguity of order Λ2/mτ2\Lambda^2/m_\tau^2 is introduced. We make a quantitative study of the practical implications of this ambiguity. We discuss the magnitude of UV renormalon corrections obtained in the large-NfN_f limit, which, although unrealistic, is nevertheless interesting to some extent. We then study a number of improved approximants for the perturbative series, based on a change of variable in the Borel representation, such as to displace the leading UV renormalon singularity at a larger distance from the origin than the first IR renormalon. The spread of the resulting values of \as(m^2_\tau) obtained by different approximants, at different renormalization scales, is exhibited as a measure of the underlying ambiguities. Finally, on the basis of mathematical models, we discuss the prospects of an actual improvement, given the signs and magnitudes of the computed coefficients, the size of \as(m^2_\tau) and what is known of the asymptotic properties of the series. Our conclusion is that a realistic estimate of the theoretical error cannot go below \delta\as(m^2_\tau) \sim \pm 0.060, or \delta\as(m^2_{\sss Z}) \sim \pm 0.006.Comment: 32 pages, epsfig.sty

    Generalized Parton Distributions at x->1

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    Generalized parton distributions at large xx are studied in perturbative QCD approach. As x1x\to 1 and at finite tt, there is no tt dependence for the GPDs which means that the active quark is at the center of the transverse space. We also obtain the power behavior: Hqπ(x,ξ,t)(1x)2/(1ξ2)H_q^\pi(x,\xi,t)\sim (1-x)^2/(1-\xi^2) for pion; Hq(x,ξ,t)(1x)3/(1ξ2)2H_q(x,\xi,t)\sim (1-x)^3/(1-\xi^2)^2 and Eq(x,ξ,t)(1x)5/(1ξ2)3f(ξ)E_q(x,\xi,t)\sim (1-x)^5/(1-\xi^2)^3f(\xi) for nucleon, where f(ξ)f(\xi) represents the additional dependence on ξ\xi.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure