309 research outputs found

    Scenario implementation and impact indicator calculation in dynamic input-output modeling

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    Input-output modeling allows to study the possible impacts to environmental and socioeconomic areas from decisions surrounding sustainability and business competitiveness. By way of two case studies, this report identifies challenges and presents methods for scenario implementation and indicator development. Data availability is a challenge for IOA, and must be considered in both indicator development and scenario modelling. Through the first case study on "Waste-to-Energy and Municipal Solid Waste management systems in Circular Economy," we discuss how to translate a general scenario description into an input-output model by determining the type and amount of monetary changes required within the tables. The second case study on "Veikart for grønn konkurransekraft i norske kommuner og regioner" demonstrates how impact indicators may be evaluated and formulas identified for calculation from input-output analysis.publishedVersio

    Supermassive Black Hole Feedback

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    Understanding the processes that drive galaxy formation and shape the observed properties of galaxies is one of the most interesting and challenging frontier problems of modern astrophysics. We now know that the evolution of galaxies is critically shaped by the energy injection from accreting supermassive black holes (SMBHs). However, it is unclear how exactly the physics of this feedback process affects galaxy formation and evolution. In particular, a major challenge is unraveling how the energy released near the SMBHs is distributed over nine orders of magnitude in distance throughout galaxies and their immediate environments. The best place to study the impact of SMBH feedback is in the hot atmospheres of massive galaxies, groups, and galaxy clusters, which host the most massive black holes in the Universe, and where we can directly image the impact of black holes on their surroundings. We identify critical questions and potential measurements that will likely transform our understanding of the physics of SMBH feedback and how it shapes galaxies, through detailed measurements of (i) the thermodynamic and velocity fluctuations in the intracluster medium (ICM) as well as (ii) the composition of the bubbles inflated by SMBHs in the centers of galaxy clusters, and their influence on the cluster gas and galaxy growth, using the next generation of high spectral and spatial resolution X-ray and microwave telescopes.Comment: 10 pages, submitted to the Astro2020 decada

    Continuum Halos in Nearby Galaxies -- an EVLA Survey (CHANG-ES) -- II: First Results on NGC 4631

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    We present the first results from the CHANG-ES survey, a new survey of 35 edge-on galaxies to search for both in-disk as well as extra-planar radio continuum emission. The motivation and science case for the survey are presented in a companion paper (Paper I). In this paper (Paper II), we outline the observations and data reduction steps required for wide-band calibration and mapping of EVLA data, including polarization, based on C-array test observations of NGC 4631. With modest on-source observing times (30 minutes at 1.5 GHz and 75 minutes at 6 GHz for the test data) we have achieved best rms noise levels of 22 and 3.5 μ\muJy beam1^{-1} at 1.5 GHz and 6 GHz, respectively. New disk-halo features have been detected, among them two at 1.5 GHz that appear as loops in projection. We present the first 1.5 GHz spectral index map of NGC 4631 to be formed from a single wide-band observation in a single array configuration. This map represents tangent slopes to the intensities within the band centered at 1.5 GHz, rather than fits across widely separated frequencies as has been done in the past and is also the highest spatial resolution spectral index map yet presented for this galaxy. The average spectral index in the disk is αˉ1.5GHz=0.84±0.05\bar\alpha_{1.5 GHz}\,=\,-0.84\,\pm\,0.05 indicating that the emission is largely non-thermal, but a small global thermal contribution is sufficient to explain a positive curvature term in the spectral index over the band. Two specific star forming regions have spectral indices that are consistent with thermal emission. Polarization results (uncorrected for internal Faraday rotation) are consistent with previous observations and also reveal some new features. On broad scales, we find strong support for the notion that magnetic fields constrain the X-ray emitting hot gas.Comment: Accepted to the Astronomical Journal, Version 2 changes: Added acknowledgement to NRA

    High-spectral-resolution Observations of the Optical Filamentary Nebula Surrounding NGC 1275

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    We present new high-spectral-resolution observations (R = λ/Δλ = 7000) of the filamentary nebula surrounding NGC 1275, the central galaxy of the Perseus cluster. These observations have been obtained with SITELLE, an imaging Fourier transform spectrometer installed on the Canada–France–Hawai Telescope with a field of view of 11′×11′ , encapsulating the entire filamentary structure of ionized gas despite its large size of 80 kpc × 50 kpc. Here, we present renewed fluxes, velocities, and velocity dispersion maps that show in great detail the kinematics of the optical nebula at [S ii] λ6716, [S ii] λ6731, [N ii] λ6584, Hα (6563 Å), and [N ii] λ6548. These maps reveal the existence of a bright flattened disk-shaped structure in the core extending to r ∼10 kpc and dominated by a chaotic velocity field. This structure is located in the wake of X-ray cavities and characterized by a high mean velocity dispersion of 134 km s−1. The disk-shaped structure is surrounded by an extended array of filaments spread out to r ∼ 50 kpc that are 10 times fainter in flux, remarkably quiescent, and have a uniform mean velocity dispersion of 44 km s−1. This stability is puzzling given that the cluster core exhibits several energetic phenomena. Based on these results, we argue that there are two mechanisms that form multiphase gas in clusters of galaxies: a first triggered in the wake of X-ray cavities leading to more turbulent multiphase gas and a second, distinct mechanism, that is gentle and leads to large-scale multiphase gas spreading throughout the core

    Global dataset on seagrass meadow structure, biomass and production

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    Seagrass meadows provide valuable socio-ecological ecosystem services, including a key role in climate change mitigation and adaption. Understanding the natural history of seagrass meadows across environmental gradients is crucial to deciphering the role of seagrasses in the global ocean. In this data collation, spatial and temporal patterns in seagrass meadow structure, biomass and production data are presented as a function of biotic and abiotic habitat characteristics. The biological traits compiled include measures of meadow structure (e.g. percent cover and shoot density), biomass (e.g. above-ground biomass) and production (e.g. shoot production). Categorical factors include bioregion, geotype (coastal or estuarine), genera and year of sampling. This dataset contains data extracted from peer-reviewed publications published between 1975 and 2020 based on a Web of Science search and includes 11 data variables across 12 seagrass genera. The dataset excludes data from mesocosm and field experiments, contains 14271 data points extracted from 390 publications and is publicly available on the PANGAEA® data repository (10.1594/PANGAEA.929968; Strydom et al., 2021). The top five most studied genera are Zostera, Thalassia, Cymodocea, Halodule and Halophila (84 % of data), and the least studied genera are Phyllospadix, Amphibolis and Thalassodendron (2.3 % of data). The data hotspot bioregion is the Tropical Indo-Pacific (25 % of data) followed by the Tropical Atlantic (21 %), whereas data for the other four bioregions are evenly spread (ranging between 13 and 15 % of total data within each bioregion). From the data compiled, 57 % related to seagrass biomass and 33 % to seagrass structure, while the least number of data were related to seagrass production (11 % of data). This data collation can inform several research fields beyond seagrass ecology, such as the development of nature-based solutions for climate change mitigation, which include readership interested in blue carbon, engineering, fisheries, global change, conservation and policy

    The ASTRO-H X-ray Observatory

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    The joint JAXA/NASA ASTRO-H mission is the sixth in a series of highly successful X-ray missions initiated by the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS). ASTRO-H will investigate the physics of the high-energy universe via a suite of four instruments, covering a very wide energy range, from 0.3 keV to 600 keV. These instruments include a high-resolution, high-throughput spectrometer sensitive over 0.3-2 keV with high spectral resolution of Delta E < 7 eV, enabled by a micro-calorimeter array located in the focal plane of thin-foil X-ray optics; hard X-ray imaging spectrometers covering 5-80 keV, located in the focal plane of multilayer-coated, focusing hard X-ray mirrors; a wide-field imaging spectrometer sensitive over 0.4-12 keV, with an X-ray CCD camera in the focal plane of a soft X-ray telescope; and a non-focusing Compton-camera type soft gamma-ray detector, sensitive in the 40-600 keV band. The simultaneous broad bandpass, coupled with high spectral resolution, will enable the pursuit of a wide variety of important science themes.Comment: 22 pages, 17 figures, Proceedings of the SPIE Astronomical Instrumentation "Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2012: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray