252 research outputs found

    Large-p_T Inclusive pi^0 Cross Sections and Next-to-Leading-Order QCD Predictions

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    We review the phenomenology of pi^0 production at large transverse momentum in proton-induced collisions. Uncertainties in the next-to-leading-order predictions of Quantum Chromodynamics are discussed. The comparison with data reveals that the disagreement between theory and experiment lies essentially in an overall normalization factor. The situation for pi^0 production is contrasted with that of prompt-photon production in hadronic collisions.Comment: 21 pages (Latex), 13 figures (Postscript

    A critical phenomenological study of inclusive photon production in hadronic collisions

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    We discuss fixed target and ISR inclusive photon production and attempt a comparison between theory and experiments. The dependence of the theoretical predictions on the structure functions, and on the renormalization and factorization scales is investigated. The main result of this study is that the data cannot be simultaneously fitted with a single set of scales and structure functions. On the other hand, there is no need for an additional intrinsic kTk_{_T} to force the agreement between QCD predictions and experiments, with the possible exception of one data set. Since the data cover almost overlapping kinematical ranges this raises the question of consistency among data sets. A comparative discussion of some possible sources of experimental uncertainties is sketched.Comment: 22 pages, 3 tables, 10 figures, Late

    The reader's feeling and text-based emotions : the relationship between subjective self-reports, lexical ratings, and sentiment analysis

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    In this study, we examined how precisely a sentiment analysis and a word list-based lexical analysis predict the emotional valence (as positive or negative emotional states) of 63 emotional short stories. Both the sentiment analysis and the word list-based analysis predicted subjective valence, which however was predicted even more precisely when both analysis methods were combined. These results can, for example, contribute to the development of new technology-based teaching designs, in that positive or negative emotions in the texts or online-contributions of students can be assessed in automated form and transferred into instructional measures. Such instructional actions can, for example, be hints, learning support or feedback adapted to the students' emotional state

    Radiologische Diagnose des femoroazetabulÀren Impingements

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    Zusammenfassung: Beim femoroazetabulĂ€ren Impingement (FAI) bewirkt ein anatomisches MissverhĂ€ltnis zwischen proximalem Femur und Azetabulum eine frĂŒhzeitige AbnĂŒtzung der GelenkflĂ€chen. Um Symptome wie eingeschrĂ€nkte Beweglichkeit und Schmerzen zu beheben, aber auch um dem degenerativen Prozess vorzubeugen oder ihn zu verlangsamen, ist hĂ€ufig eine Operation notwendig. Dabei hĂ€ngt das Resultat vom prĂ€operativen Gelenkstatus ab - mit schlechten Ergebnissen bei bereits fortgeschrittener HĂŒftgelenkarthrose. Dies erklĂ€rt die Notwendigkeit einer akkuraten Diagnostik, um FrĂŒhstadien der GelenkschĂ€digung erkennen zu können. Die Diagnostik des FAI beinhaltet klinische Untersuchung, Röntgendiagnostik und Magnetresonanztomographie (MRT). Die Standardröntgen-radiologische Untersuchung beim FAI wird anhand von 2 Röntgenaufnahmen durchgefĂŒhrt, der a.p.-Beckenaufnahme sowie einer seitlichen Aufnahme des proximalen Femurs wie z.B. der"lateralen cross-table”- oder der Lauenstein-Aufnahme. Hierbei mĂŒssen Positionskriterien eingehalten werden, um Verzerrungsartefakte auszuschließen. Die MRT-Bildgebung ermöglicht eine Untersuchung der HĂŒfte in 3 Ebenen und sollte zudem radial geplante Sequenzen fĂŒr eine verbesserte Darstellung der randnahen Strukturen wie Labrum und peripherem Knorpel beinhalten. Die Verwendung von Kontrastmittel fĂŒr ein direktes MR-Arthrogramm (MRA) hat sich insbesondere fĂŒr die Darstellung von LabrumschĂ€den als vorteilhaft erwiesen. Die Datenlage in Hinblick auf die Knorpelbildgebung ist noch unklar. Weiterentwicklungen der Techniken werden in naher Zukunft die Diagnostik der HĂŒfte verbessern können. Hierzu zĂ€hlen u.a. biochemisch sensitive MRT-Anwendunge

    An examination of business occupier relocation decision making : distinguishing small and large firm behaviour

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    This paper explores how business occupiers decide whether and where to relocate. It captures the experience and behaviour of a range of sizes and types of business occupier and subjects their decision-making processes to detailed scrutiny. A linear three-stage decision model is used to sequence and structure interviews with individuals who have intimate involvement with the relocation of 28 firms and organizations in Tyne and Wear, in the north-east of England. The 'constant comparative' method is used to analyse the interview data, from which emerges 18 key concepts, comprising 51 characteristic components. Using an axial approach, these are organized into 10 cross-cutting themes that represent the main areas of consideration or influence on the thinking of the people involved in determining whether a firm or organization should relocate and, if so, where to. The resulting analysis finds that organizations adopt varying degrees of sophistication when making relocation decisions; small firms are more inclined to make decisions based on constrained information; larger organizations adopt a more complex approach. Regardless of firm size, key individuals exert considerable influence over the decision-making process and its outcome

    A critical phenomenological study of inclusive photon production in hadronic collisions

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    Abstract. We discuss fixed target and ISR inclusive photon production and attempt a comparison between theory and experiments. The dependence of the theoretical predictions on the structure functions, and on the renormalization and factorization scales is investigated. The main result of this study is that the data cannot be simultaneously fitted with a single set of scales and structure functions. On the other hand, there is no need for an additional primordial k T to force the agreement between QCD predictions and experiments, with the possible exception of one data set. Since the data cover almost overlapping kinematical ranges this raises the question of consistency among data sets. A comparative discussion of some possible sources of experimental uncertainties is sketched

    IDEST: International Database of Emotional Short Texts

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    We introduce a database (IDEST) of 250 short stories rated for valence, arousal, and comprehensibility in two languages. The texts, with a narrative structure telling a story in the first person and controlled for length, were originally written in six different languages (Finnish, French, German, Portuguese, Spanish, and Turkish), and rated for arousal, valence, and comprehensibility in the original language. The stories were translated into English, and the same ratings for the English translations were collected via an internet survey tool (N = 573). In addition to the rating data, we also report readability indexes for the original and English texts. The texts have been categorized into different story types based on their emotional arc. The texts score high on comprehensibility and represent a wide range of emotional valence and arousal levels. The comparative analysis of the ratings of the original texts and English translations showed that valence ratings were very similar across languages, whereas correlations between the two pairs of language versions for arousal and comprehensibility were modest. Comprehensibility ratings correlated with only some of the readability indexes. The database is published in osf.io/9tga3, and it is freely available for academic research.This project was conducted as a part of E-READ COST action (IS1404). The first author received project funding from the Academy of Finland (decision number 334266). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Torn between two targets: German police officers talk about the use of force

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    Considering earlier research into police use of force as well as the judicial and practical frame of police work in Germany, the article presents the results of an empirical study on the individual and collective legitimization of the use of force by German police officers. There are numerous justifications for the use of force expressed by focus group participants in eight German Federal States who were responding to a hypothesized scenario. In the discussions observed within the groups, reference is first made to the state’s duty to prosecute alleged offences and the measures or formal actions to do this—hence, the legal authority to use force. In the course of the discussions, however, it became obvious that illegal violence may occur, although it was not perceived as such by the officers. Overall, and after an intensive analysis of the focus group discussions, it can be stated that use of force (whether legal or not) depends on the police officer’s perception of the resistance of the person being engaged with. In this regard, different social–cultural or physical–material factors can be identified. They have different influences on the individual legitimization of police actions, intertwined with the perception of the situation as constructed by the officer. Three ways of perceiving the situation can be deduced, resulting in different patterns of justification for the use of force
