9 research outputs found

    Improving customer satisfaction in proactive service design: a Kano model approach

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    How to Develop a GDPR-Compliant Blockchain Solution for Cross-Organizational Workflow Management: Evidence from the German Asylum Procedure

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    Blockchain technology has the potential to resolve trust concerns in cross-organizational workflows and to reduce reliance on paper-based documents as trust anchors. Although these prospects are real, so is regulatory uncertainty. In particular, the reconciliation of blockchain with Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is proving to be a significant challenge. We tackled this challenge with the German Federal Office for Migration and Refugees. Here, we explain how we used Action Research to guide the Federal Office in creating a GDPR-compliant blockchain solution for the German asylum procedure. Moreover, we explain the architecture of the Federal Office’s solution and present two design principles for developing GDPR-compliant blockchain solutions for cross-organizational workflow management

    Mindfully going omni-channel: an economic decision model for evaluating omni-channel strategies

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    In the digital age, customers want to define on their own how to interact with organizations during their customer journeys. Thus, many organizations struggle to implement an omni-channel strategy (OCS) that meets their customers' channel preferences and can be operated efficiently. Despite this high practical need, research on omni-channel management predominantly takes a descriptive perspective. What is missing is prescriptive knowledge that guides organizations in the valuation and selection of an appropriate OCS. Most existing studies investigate single facets of omni-channel management in detail while neglecting the big picture. They also require customer journeys to follow sequential and organization-defined purchase decision processes. To address this research gap, we propose an economic decision model that considers online and offline channels, the opening and closing of channels, non-sequential customer journeys, and customers' channel preferences. Drawing from the principles of value-based management, the decision model recommends choosing the OCS with the highest contribution to an organization's long-term firm value. We applied and validated the decision model based on real-world data from a German bank

    Pushing the Frontiers of Service Research – A Taxonomy of Proactive Services

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    Rapid advancements in digital technologies and data analysis led to a new service type. With their push-rationale, proactive services (PAS) are pushing the frontiers of traditional and even digital or smart services. Such PAS anticipate consumer needs and address them proactively. For instance, a smart fridge replenishes groceries in line with the consumer’s preferences, based on anticipated demand, and without the consumer’s intervention. In this paper, we contribute to a better understanding of the PAS phenomenon. Therefore, we propose a literature-backed and empirically validated multi-layer taxonomy of PAS along the layers consumer, data, and interaction. Further, we compile a list of 45 PAS examples, demonstrate our taxonomy with three illustrative scenarios, and evaluate their understandability and applicability in seven interviews with domain and method experts. Based on gained insights on this rapidly emerging and important phenomenon, we highlight implications for both researchers and practitioners, and suggest future research directions


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    Mit der zunehmenden Digitalisierung von Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft ist die Vision der Industrie 4.0, einer intelligenten und vernetzten Produktion, entstanden. Inzwischen ist Digitalisierung für Unternehmen ein entscheidender Faktor, um zukunfts- und wettbewerbsfähig zu bleiben. Allerdings stellt diese Entwicklung insbesondere kleine und mittlere Unternehmen(KMU) vor große Herausforderungen. KMU sind zum Beispiel häufig damit konfrontiert, bestehende Anwendungssysteme aufzurüsten und individuelle Lösungen für die Digitalisierung zu entwickeln. Das durch die Bayerische Forschungsstiftung (BFS) geförderte konsortiale Forschungsprojekt »SmarDe’s@Work – Smart Devices in der Produktion« adressiert exakt diese Herausforderung und unterstützt KMU bei dem zielgerichteten Einsatz von Smart Devices in Produktionsprozessen. Hierzu wurden Smart Devices (z.B. Smartphones, Tablets, Smartwatches) in Produktionsprozessen zur Verbesserung der Kommunikation zwischen Menschen, Maschinen und Anwendungssystemen eingesetzt. Die Umsetzung von Industrie 4.0-Technologien wird für KMU dadurch maßgeblich erleichtert. Zentraler Bestandteil des Forschungsprojekts war die Entwicklung eines Demonstrators, bestehend aus einer Middleware und einer Client-Applikation, der in acht realweltlichen Anwendungsfällen implementiert und evaluiert sowie in fünf weiteren fiktiven Anwendungsfällen analysiert wurde. Die bisherigen Anwendungserfahrungen waren ausnahmslos positiv, sodass die am Forschungsprojekt beteiligten Unternehmen die Smart Devices sowie die zugehörige Software (Middleware und Client-Applikation) dauerhaft in ihren Produktionsprozessen einsetzen werden. Der entwickelte Demonstrator wurde auf der Open-Source-Plattform Github für interessierte Unternehmen zur individuellen Nutzung und Weiterentwicklung veröffentlicht. Die vorliegende Studie bietet Unternehmen und Mitarbeitern, insbesondere Führungskräften, die Möglichkeit, Einblick in dieses zukunftsweisende Forschungsprojekt zu erhalten, Ideen für die eigene Produktion zu sammeln sowie Synergieeffekte für das eigene Unternehmen zu schaffen. Darüber hinaus erhalten die Leser den Kontakt zu kompetenten Ansprechpartnern, die über eine große Expertise im Bereich Industrie 4.0 verfügen

    Using Blockchain to Coordinate Federal Processes: The Case of Germany's Federal Office for Migration and Refugees

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    (a)Situation faced: The German asylum procedure requires close cooperation and information exchange between various authorities at the municipal, state, and federal levels. Federal separation of competencies inhibits the delegation of process governance to a central authority such as the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF). This separation also leads to regional differences as federal laws govern the procedure's general steps, whereas state laws govern implementation. Moreover, existing solutions for cross-organizational collaboration are limited in terms of flexibility, security, and data quality. As a result, the exchange of certain data on asylum procedures still occurs using Excel spreadsheets and e-mails.(b)Action taken: Against this backdrop, the BAMF explored technological options that would support the decentralized governance of the asylum procedure. After a preliminary evaluation, the BAMF decided to explore a solution based on blockchain technology. Building upon a successful proof of concept, the BAMF initiated a pilot project with Saxony's central immigration authority. This project aims to develop a blockchain solution that supports the coordination of asylum procedures and can be easily adapted to local differences and functional requirements.(c)Results achieved: The use of the blockchain solution allows for efficient, secure, and timely distribution of status information. It supports communication and improves coordination between authorities. Despite an apparent conflict between blockchain principles and data privacy requirements, the BAMF's design complies with relevant regulation (notably the GDPR). As a first-of-its-kind project, it outlines best practices and provides valuable insights into opportunities and challenges arising from the use of blockchain in the public sector.(d)Lessons learned: The BAMF's case demonstrates that blockchain solutions can be promising alternatives when the delegation of process governance to a central party is not desirable and when federal principles of organization are to be reflected technologically. However, blockchain projects require special attention to managing know-how and capabilities, software development activities, stakeholders, the regulatory context, and cross-organizational governance