341 research outputs found


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    Abstrak - Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan sistem reward serta faktor-faktor motivasi yang menyebabkan penurunan motivasi kerja karyawan Bengkel Mebel Keuskupan Agung Kupang Nusa Tenggara Timur, serta memberikan rekomendasi perbaikannya agar dapat kembali memotivasi semangat kerja karyawan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data primer yang menggunakan metode analisis data, observasi dan wawancara. Metode analisis data dengan menganalisis dokumen internal bengkel untuk memperoleh data yang relevan. Metode observasi dengan cara melakukan survey langsung ke tempat kerja untuk menganalisis problem atau masalah yang terjadi. Metode wawancara dilaksanakan secara face-to-face kepada ketua pelaksana dan karyawan selaku responden. Pertanyaan yang diajukan mengangkat permasalahan dan memancing pendapat dari responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa walaupun diberikan reward, motivasi kerja karyawan tetap bisa menurun karena pengaruh dari faktor-faktor seperti lingkungan kerja kurang kondusif seperti kebersihan tempat kerja yang tidak terjaga, hubungan kurang harmonis antar karyawan, fasilitas keselamatan kerja dan perlengkapan kerja yang tidak memadai, tingkat pendidikan yang rendah, usia karyawan yang tidak lagi produktif, masa kerja yang terlalu lama, kemampuan ekonomi yang tidak kunjung membaik, serta realisasi penjualan mebel yang kecil. Kata kunci: Sistem reward, Faktor-faktor motivasi, Karyawan, Kinerja Abstract - This study aims to determine the application of the reward system and motivational factors that cause to decreased employee motivation in Furniture Workshop Kupang East Nusa Tenggara, as well as provide improvement recommendations to remotivate employee morale. This study used a qualitative approach with a primary data collection techniques using data analysis, observation and interviews. Data analysis method by analyzing the internal documents to obtain relevant data. Observation method by doing directly to the workplace survey to analyze the problems that occur. Methods interviews conducted face-to-face to the chief executive and employees as respondents. The questions asked to raised and switch the opinion from the respondents.The results showed that even given rewards, employee motivation can still be decreased due to the influence of factors such as work environment less conducive workplace hygiene is not maintained, less harmonious relationship between employees, work safety facilities and equipment inadequate work, the level of low education, age of employees who are not productive, prolonged service to work, economic viability is not improved, and realization of sales furniture is low. Keywords: Reward system, Motivational Factors, Employee, Performanc


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    Abstrak - Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan sistem reward serta faktor-faktor motivasi yang menyebabkan penurunan motivasi kerja karyawan Bengkel Mebel Keuskupan Agung Kupang Nusa Tenggara Timur, serta memberikan rekomendasi perbaikannya agar dapat kembali memotivasi semangat kerja karyawan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data primer yang menggunakan metode analisis data, observasi dan wawancara. Metode analisis data dengan menganalisis dokumen internal bengkel untuk memperoleh data yang relevan. Metode observasi dengan cara melakukan survey langsung ke tempat kerja untuk menganalisis problem atau masalah yang terjadi. Metode wawancara dilaksanakan secara face-to-face kepada ketua pelaksana dan karyawan selaku responden. Pertanyaan yang diajukan mengangkat permasalahan dan memancing pendapat dari responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa walaupun diberikan reward, motivasi kerja karyawan tetap bisa menurun karena pengaruh dari faktor-faktor seperti lingkungan kerja kurang kondusif seperti kebersihan tempat kerja yang tidak terjaga, hubungan kurang harmonis antar karyawan, fasilitas keselamatan kerja dan perlengkapan kerja yang tidak memadai, tingkat pendidikan yang rendah, usia karyawan yang tidak lagi produktif, masa kerja yang terlalu lama, kemampuan ekonomi yang tidak kunjung membaik, serta realisasi penjualan mebel yang kecil. Kata kunci: Sistem reward, Faktor-faktor motivasi, Karyawan, Kinerja Abstract - This study aims to determine the application of the reward system and motivational factors that cause to decreased employee motivation in Furniture Workshop Kupang East Nusa Tenggara, as well as provide improvement recommendations to remotivate employee morale. This study used a qualitative approach with a primary data collection techniques using data analysis, observation and interviews. Data analysis method by analyzing the internal documents to obtain relevant data. Observation method by doing directly to the workplace survey to analyze the problems that occur. Methods interviews conducted face-to-face to the chief executive and employees as respondents. The questions asked to raised and switch the opinion from the respondents.The results showed that even given rewards, employee motivation can still be decreased due to the influence of factors such as work environment less conducive workplace hygiene is not maintained, less harmonious relationship between employees, work safety facilities and equipment inadequate work, the level of low education, age of employees who are not productive, prolonged service to work, economic viability is not improved, and realization of sales furniture is low. Keywords: Reward system, Motivational Factors, Employee, Performanc


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    Abstrak - Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan sistem reward serta faktor-faktor motivasi yang menyebabkan penurunan motivasi kerja karyawan Bengkel Mebel Keuskupan Agung Kupang Nusa Tenggara Timur, serta memberikan rekomendasi perbaikannya agar dapat kembali memotivasi semangat kerja karyawan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data primer yang menggunakan metode analisis data, observasi dan wawancara. Metode analisis data dengan menganalisis dokumen internal bengkel untuk memperoleh data yang relevan. Metode observasi dengan cara melakukan survey langsung ke tempat kerja untuk menganalisis problem atau masalah yang terjadi. Metode wawancara dilaksanakan secara face-to-face kepada ketua pelaksana dan karyawan selaku responden. Pertanyaan yang diajukan mengangkat permasalahan dan memancing pendapat dari responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa walaupun diberikan reward, motivasi kerja karyawan tetap bisa menurun karena pengaruh dari faktor-faktor seperti lingkungan kerja kurang kondusif seperti kebersihan tempat kerja yang tidak terjaga, hubungan kurang harmonis antar karyawan, fasilitas keselamatan kerja dan perlengkapan kerja yang tidak memadai, tingkat pendidikan yang rendah, usia karyawan yang tidak lagi produktif, masa kerja yang terlalu lama, kemampuan ekonomi yang tidak kunjung membaik, serta realisasi penjualan mebel yang kecil. Kata kunci: Sistem reward, Faktor-faktor motivasi, Karyawan, Kinerja Abstract - This study aims to determine the application of the reward system and motivational factors that cause to decreased employee motivation in Furniture Workshop Kupang East Nusa Tenggara, as well as provide improvement recommendations to remotivate employee morale. This study used a qualitative approach with a primary data collection techniques using data analysis, observation and interviews. Data analysis method by analyzing the internal documents to obtain relevant data. Observation method by doing directly to the workplace survey to analyze the problems that occur. Methods interviews conducted face-to-face to the chief executive and employees as respondents. The questions asked to raised and switch the opinion from the respondents.The results showed that even given rewards, employee motivation can still be decreased due to the influence of factors such as work environment less conducive workplace hygiene is not maintained, less harmonious relationship between employees, work safety facilities and equipment inadequate work, the level of low education, age of employees who are not productive, prolonged service to work, economic viability is not improved, and realization of sales furniture is low. Keywords: Reward system, Motivational Factors, Employee, Performanc

    Energy-Economy Analysis: Linking the Macroeconomic and Systems-Enginering Approaches

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    A necessary condition for an internally controlled soft-linking of two models is a common, formalised language describing the areas of overlap between the models. This principle is discussed and demonstrated for the softlinking of the macroeconomic and system-engineering models in the scenario work of the Environmentally Compatible Energy Strategies (ECS) Project at IIASA. The Reference Energy System (RES) can describe how the models identify their relevant system in the overlapping areas. Using RES as the common language, a Clearing House is set up to develop the soft-linking procedures and to control the quality of the linking. The procedures permit an interpretation of a key parameter describing energy efficiency improvements in the macroeconomic model into results obtained by the systems-engineering model. Other insights emerge into the "top-down versus bottom-up approaches", which is a label sometimes used to describe the two alternative modelling perspectives. It is illustrative to discuss the insights in term of fallacies that may result from a reliance on one single perspective. We identify here the "reductionist" and the "black box" fallacies

    An Effect of Sub-Lethal Doses of Cryolite on Mexican Bean Beetle Larvae, Epilachna Varivestis

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    Author Institution: Cornell University, Ithaca, New Yor

    Inner Automorphisms of Finite Semifields

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    EnUnlike finite fields, finite semifields possess inner automorphisms. A further surprise is that even noncommutative semifields possess inner automorphisms. We compute inner automorphisms and automorphism groups for semifields quadratic over the nucleus, the Hughes-Kleinfeld semifields and the Dickson commutative semifields

    Energy Technology Learning - Key to Transform into a Low - Carbon Society

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    The Cabbage Root Aphid

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    Author Institution: Texas Agricultural Experiment Station and Texas Agricultural Extension Service, Weslac