308 research outputs found

    Library 2.0 - crossing or burning bridges over the digital divide?

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    This paper describes a qualitative case study on the effect of the Library 2.0 model on the digital divide. It’s inspired by the new question of the public libraries place in the modern information society and uses three Scandinavian texts on the organizational, patron and society perspective. Interviews with a chief librarian in charge of an adaption to the Library 2.0 in a Swedish public library and two of its patrons have been conducted to learn more about the subject. Conclusions reached include the value of considering the digital divide in theory and practice, differences in reactions to ICT development in libraries, the importance of public libraries for the development of digital skills

    Helseovervåking i lakseoppdrett : en viktig del av helsestyringen

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    Mortality represents a major challenge in the salmon farming industry. In Norway the mortality in the marine phase of the salmon production cycle has been 15-20% annually the recent years. This situation is not sustainable for the fish, the farmers or society. To prevent mortality throughout the production cycle, fish-groups at risk of deteriorating health must be identified early, regarding both disease development and stage in the production cycle. Hence, robust population health monitoring methods are needed, which will provide farmers with information to make knowledge-based decisions to improve fish health. The aim of the thesis was to investigate monitoring methods that can be used to improve fish health management in salmon farming. This was approached through four studies investigating mortality patterns, cause-specific mortality classification, gill mucous cell count and gill mucus microbial composition, respectively, as potential factors relevant to monitoring fish health status in salmon farming. Mortality patterns in salmon farming were investigated through a retrospective study of fish-groups from two commercial fish farming companies, describing the cause-specific mortality during the production cycle and investigating sources of variation in mortality between the hatchery, marine farm, and the fish-group. Most of the variation in mortality was attributed to the fish-group. Based on the information from the cause-specific mortality registrations, smolt-related mortality was found to be the major cause of death during the first six months of production, while handling and treatment was the overall dominating cause of death in the full production cycle. However, this varied extensively between the fish-groups. The second study further explored the system of cause-specific mortality and suggested a unique classification code. A system for classifying causes of mortality based on underlying cause was created for salmon farming inspired by the human mortality classification system. The proposed standard has a three-level hierarchical structure of mortality causes. This accommodates different levels of details when mortality causes are registered and enhance the information possible to retrieve from the system. To target early responses of the immune system, variation in gill mucous cell count was studied as a potential method of monitoring health status. Salmon presmolt from six commercial hatcheries was sampled and mucous cells were histologically quantified based on certain criteria. The counts varied among both fish and farms. When “farm” was included as an independent variable in a regression model the proportion of variation in mucous cell counts explained by the model was twice as high compared to when only fish size was included. This indicates that the variation depends on farm-related factors. A subset of the fish (from four recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) facilities) included in the study of mucous cells was also sampled for gill mucus for microbial composition analyses using 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Quantification of extracted bacterial DNA in the gill mucus samples showed low levels in general, but fish from one farm had considerably more bacterial DNA compared to the others. Samples from the same farm were also compositionally different based on beta diversity metrics, compared to the others as one group. Assessed by the Shannon index as an outcome in a regression model, sources of variation attributed most variation to the individual fish, suggesting gill microbial structure was linked to the individual fish. No associations between gill microbial diversity and specific production parameters were detected. In conclusion, cause-specific mortality classification was found to identify important causes of mortality in the production cycle, thus providing farmers with substantial health information with limited effort and at little cost. The tool can further be applied at desired level of detail and adapted to the needs of each farmer. Novel methods of gill mucous cell count and microbial composition identifies variation among farms and individual fish for the different measured parameters. This variation can potentially be exploited to detect early signs of reduced health in the fish. However, further studies are necessary to establish the causal association between these factors and fish health before they can be used in systematic monitoring of health in salmon farming.Dødelighet i oppdrettsnæringen er en stor utfordring i dag. Norsk lakseoppdrett har de siste årene hatt mellom 15 og 20% dødelighet i sjøfasen. Dette er ikke bærekraftig, hverken for fisken, oppdretterne eller samfunnet. For å forebygge dødelighet gjennom produksjonssyklusen må fiskegrupper som har økt risiko for dårligere helse identifiseres tidlig. Derfor er robuste overvåkingsmetoder på populasjonsnivå nødvendige, det vil gi oppdretterne nyttig informasjon for å kunne ta kunnskapsbaserte avgjørelser i arbeidet med å forbedre helsesituasjonen til fisken. Målet med doktorgraden var å undersøke overvåkingsmetoder som kan brukes til å forbedre helsestyringen i oppdrettsnæringen. Dette ble gjort ved å undersøke mulige faktorer som kan gi informasjon om helsestatus, henholdsvis dødelighetsmønster, årsaks-spesifikk dødelighetsklassifisering, slimceller på gjellene og mikrobiell sammensetting på gjellenes slimlag

    Model for reflection and transmission matrices of nanowire end facets

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    Nanowires show a large potential for various electrooptical devices, such as light emitting diodes, solar cells and nanowire lasers. We present a direct method developed to calculate the modal reflection and transmission matrix at the end facets of a waveguide of arbitrary cross section, resulting in a generalized version of the Fresnel equations. The reflection can be conveniently computed using Fast Fourier Transforms. We demonstrate that the reflection is qualitatively described by two main parameters, the modal field confinement and the average Fresnel reflection of the plane waves constituting the waveguide mode.Comment: 11 pages,14 figure

    Kitaroiden efektilaitteiden toiminta

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    Tiivistelmä. Tässä työssä tarkastellaan kitaroiden efektilaitteiden toimintaa. Työ keskittyy enemmän analogisten efektien toimintaan, joilla sähkökitarasta saatavaa signaalia voidaan muokata, mutta digitaalisia vaihtoehtoja käydään myös teorian kannalta läpi. Lopussa tarkastellaan muutamaa efektipedaalia tarkemmin. Tutkittavat efektit ovat wah-wah, distortion, overdrive, phaser, flanger, chorus, delay ja reverb. Efektejä tutkitaan signaalin näkökulmasta: millainen on efektin tekemä muokkaus signaaliin, miten muokkaus tapahtuu ja mikä on elektroninen piiri, joka mahdollistaa kyseisen muokkauksen. Efektilaitteita tarkastellaan LTspice XVII -simulointiohjelman avulla.The function of guitars’ effect devices. Abstract. In this thesis the function of guitars’ effect devices is examined. This thesis focuses more on the analogue effects, that are used to modify the signal that comes from an electric guitar, but digital alternatives are also studied in theory’s perspective. Lastly, a few effects pedals are examined in more detail. The studied effects are wah-wah, distortion, overdrive, phaser, flanger, chorus, delay, and reverb. The effects are inspected from the signal’s perspective: what is the modification made by the effect, how the modification occurs and what is the electric circuit that performs the modification. The effects units are explored with the help of LTspice XVII simulation program

    Studi Faktor Pemanfaatan dan Limbah Pemanenan Kayu di Hutan Alam Papua Barat

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    Pemanenan kayu mempunyai peranan penting dalam menentukan kualitas produksi kayu bulat. Dua hal penting dalam proses pemanenan kayu adalah faktor pemanfaatan dan limbah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi sebaran, bentuk, dan kondisi limbah pemanenan serta menghitung besarnya faktor pemanfatan kayu dan faktor residu akibat pemanenan kayu. Penelitian dilakukan di dua areal pengusahaan hutan alam di Kabupaten Wasior dan Nabire, Provinsi Papua Barat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor pemanfaatan kayu pada IUPHHK-HA yang menerapkan teknik Reduced Impact Logging (RIL) cenderung lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan IUPHHK-HA yang pemanenan kayunya masih dilakukan secara konvensional. Faktor pemanfaatan kayu berkisar antara 86,2 – 87,8% dengan rata-rata 86,9%, dan faktor residu berkisar 12,3 – 13,8% atau rata-rata 13,1%. Besarnya volume kayu yang dimanfaatkan rata-rata 4,578 m3/pohon dari potensi batang bebas cabang sebesar 5,293 m3/pohon. Volume limbah berkisar antara 0,548 – 0,664 m3/pohon atau rata-rata 0,564 m3/pohon. Secara umum, sebagian besar limbah penebangan berupa kayu yang cacat (65,1%), pecah (23,3%), dan paling rendah adalah limbah yang kondisinya masih baik (11,6%)

    Effects of substrate annealing on the gold-catalyzed growth of ZnO nanostructures

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    The effects of thermal substrate pretreatment on the growth of Au-catalyzed ZnO nanostructures by pulsed laser deposition are investigated. C-plane sapphire substrates are annealed prior to deposition of a thin Au layer. Subsequent ZnO growths on substrates annealed above 1,200°C resulted in a high density of nanosheets and nanowires, whereas lower temperatures led to low nanostructure densities. Separate Au film annealing experiments at 700°C showed little variation in the size and density of the Au catalyst droplets with substrate annealing temperature. The observed variation in the density of nanostructures is attributed to the number of surface nucleation sites on the substrate, leading to a competition between nucleation promoted by the Au catalyst and surface nucleation sites on the rougher surfaces annealed below 1,200°C