968 research outputs found

    Preserving Value in the Post-BAPCPA Era — An Empirical Study

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    Through the use of a multivariate regression model, this article studies the effect on debtor reorganization values of the shortened reorganization timeframe imposed by the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act (“BAPCPA”). The study shows that BAPCPA is positively correlated at a statistically significant level with higher reorganization recoveries. This result is attributed to the increased proportion of prepackaged and prenegotiated bankruptcies observed in the post-2005 era, as these “fast-track” bankruptcy cases entail lower costs and better preserve the firm’s value

    Dating victimization among chilean university students: Gender roles and christian spirituality

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    IndexaciĂłn: Scopus.This correlational-multivariate, cross-sectional quantitative study differentially determined by sex the prevalence of dating victimization by violence, the self-perception of victimization, and the attempt to ask for help to end a problematic relationship, as well as analyzing the explanatory weight of the attitudes to gender roles and Christian spirituality on these variables. The study sample, non-probabilistic and by convenience, was comprised of 759 Chilean university students. 63.9% were women and the average age was 20.5 years (SD=1.69). Men report suffering more physical violence and violence by coercion, and women have more tools to perceive their situation of victimization and to ask for help. Transcendent attitudes are a protective factor, stereotypes a risk factor, and the influence of religion is paradoxical. However, the explanatory power of these variables is low. In conclusion, dating violence is a problem present in the study sample, with the experience of victimization being different for men and women.https://revistas.usb.edu.co/index.php/IJPR/article/view/484

    On the sensitivity of HeI singlet lines to the FeIV model atom in O stars

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    Recent calculations and analyses of O star spectra have revealed discrepancies between theory and observations, and between different theoretical calculations, for the strength of optical HeI singlet transitions.We investigate the source of these discrepancies. Using a non-LTE radiative transfer code we have undertaken detailed test calculations for a range of O star properties. Our principal test model has parameters similar to those of the O9V star, 10 Lac. We show that the discrepancies arise from uncertainties in the radiation field in the HeI resonance transition near 584Angs. The radiation field at 584Angs. is influenced by model assumptions, such as the treatment of line-blanketing and the adopted turbulent velocity, and by the FeIV atomic data. It isshown that two FeIV transitions near 584Angs can have a substantial influence on the strength of the HeI singlet transitions. Because of the difficulty of modeling the HeI singlet lines, particularly in stars with solar metalicity, the HeI triplet lines should be preferred in spectral analyses. These lines are much less sensitive to model assumptions.Comment: 7 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Absolute-Magnitude Distributions and Light Curves of Stripped-Envelope Supernovae

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    The absolute visual magnitudes of three Type IIb, 11 Type Ib and 13 Type Ic supernovae (collectively known as stripped-envelope supernovae) are studied by collecting data on the apparent magnitude, distance, and interstellar extinction of each event. Weighted and unweighted mean absolute magnitudes of the combined sample as well as various subsets of the sample are reported. The limited sample size and the considerable uncertainties, especially those associated with extinction in the host galaxies, prevent firm conclusions regarding differences between the absolute magnitudes of supernovae of Type Ib and Ic, and regarding the existence of separate groups of overluminous and normal-luminosity stripped-envelope supernovae. The spectroscopic characteristics of the events of the sample are considered. Three of the four overluminous events are known to have had unusual spectra. Most but not all of the normal luminosity events had typical spectra. Light curves of stripped-envelope supernovae are collected and compared. Because SN 1994I in M51 was very well observed it often is regarded as the prototypical Type Ic supernova, but it has the fastest light curve in the sample. Light curves are modeled by means of a simple analytical technique that, combined with a constraint on E/M from spectroscopy, yields internally consistent values of ejected mass, kinetic energy, and nickel mass.Comment: 39 pages, 14 figures, 7 tables; Accepted to A

    Low noise 400 W coherently combined single frequency laser beam for next generation gravitational wave detectors

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    Design studies for the next generation of interferometric gravitational wave detectors propose the use of low-noise single-frequency high power laser sources at 1064 nm. Fiber amplifiers are a promising design option because of their high output power and excellent optical beam properties. We performed filled-aperture coherent beam combining with independently amplified beams from two low-noise high-power single-frequency fiber amplifiers to further scale the available optical power. An optical power of approximately 400 W with a combining efficiency of more than 93% was achieved. The combined beam contained 370 W of linearly polarized TEM00-mode and was characterized with respect to the application requirements of low relative power noise, relative beam pointing noise, and frequency noise. The noise performance of the combined beam is comparable to the single amplifier noise. This represents, to our knowledge, the highest measured power in the TEM00-mode of single frequency signals that fulfills the low noise requirements of gravitational wave detectors

    The ACS Nearby Galaxy Survey Treasury VII. The NGC 4214 Starburst and the Effects of Star Formation History on Dwarf Morphology

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    We present deep Hubble Space Telescope Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 (WFPC2) optical observations obtained as part of the ACS Nearby Galaxy Survey Treasury (ANGST) as well as early release Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) ultra-violet and infrared observations of the nearby dwarf starbursting galaxy NGC 4214. Our data provide a detailed example of how covering such a broad range in wavelength provides a powerful tool for constraining the physical properties of stellar populations. The deepest data reach the ancient red clump at M_F814W -0.2. All of the optical data reach the main sequence turnoff for stars younger than ~300 Myr, and the blue He burning sequence for stars younger than 500 Myr. The full CMD-fitting analysis shows that all three fields in our data set are consistent with ~75% of the stellar mass being older than 8 Gyr, in spite of showing a wide range in star formation rates at the present day. Thus, our results suggest that the scale length of NGC 4214 has remained relatively constant for many Gyr. As previously noted by others, we also find the galaxy has recently ramped up production, consistent with its bright UV luminosity and its population of UV-bright massive stars. In the central field we find UV point sources with F336W magnitudes as bright as -9.9. These are as bright as stars with masses of at least 52-56 M_sun and ages near 4 Myr in stellar evolution models. Assuming a standard IMF, our CMD is well-fitted by an increase in star formation rate beginning 100 Myr ago. The stellar populations of this late-type dwarf are compared with those of NGC 404, an early-type dwarf that is also the most massive galaxy in its local environment. The late-type dwarf appears to have a similar high fraction of ancient stars, suggesting that these dominant galaxies may form at early epochs even if they have low total mass and very different present-day morphologies.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Phase II trial of the antiangiogenic agent IM862 in metastatic renal cell carcinoma

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    IM862 is a naturally occurring dipeptide (L-glu-L-trp) with immunomodulatory and antiangiogenic properties. A significant anticancer activity has been reported recently in AIDS-related Kaposi's sarcoma, a tumour of endothelial cell origin. The high vascularity and responsiveness to immunotherapy of renal cell carcinoma (RCC) makes such a tumour a potential target for IM862. In all, 25 patients were accrued in a prospective phase II trial using a standard two-step design. The main inclusion criteria were WHO performance status 3 months, normal marrow, kidney and liver functions. IM862 was given intranasally at a dose of 20 mg three times daily. Each cycle consisted of 8 consecutive weeks of treatment. All 25 patients were fully evaluable for response and 24 for toxicities. Median age was 62 years (range 42-76), median WHO PS was 1 (0-2). No grade 2 or 3 toxicities related to the study drug have been recorded. Eight patients had stable disease (SD) and 17 progressed while on treatment. Median survival was 7.9 months (range 2.7-20). Median time to progression was 1.9 months (range 1.2-12.6). Median duration of SD was 6 months (range 5.2-12.6+). Analysis of blood angiogenic markers showed a significant decrease of plasma vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) levels after 4 and 8 weeks of therapy. Treatment with IM862 has no toxicity, but does not lead to any significant objective responses in metastatic RCC. IM862 should not be further evaluated as a single agent at these doses and schedule for this population of patients. The decrease in VEGF levels warrants further investigation of IM862 as an antiangiogenic therapy

    Plasma Levels of Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor and d-Dopachrome Tautomerase Show a Highly Specific Profile in Early Life.

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    Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) is a pleiotropic, constitutively expressed, pro-inflammatory cytokine and an important regulator of immune responses. d-dopachrome tautomerase (DDT), a newly described member of the MIF protein superfamily, shares sequence homology and biological activities with MIF. We recently reported that high expression levels of MIF sustain innate immune responses in newborns. Here, we elected to further characterize age-dependent MIF expression and to define whether DDT shares a similar expression profile with MIF. Therefore, we delineated the circulating concentrations of MIF and DDT throughout life using a large cohort of 307 subjects including fetuses, newborns, infants, children, and adults. Compared to levels measured in healthy adults (median: 5.7 ng/ml for MIF and 16.8 ng/ml for DDT), MIF and DDT plasma concentrations were higher in fetuses (median: 48.9 and 29.6 ng/ml), increased further at birth (median: 82.6 and 52.0 ng/ml), reached strikingly elevated levels on postnatal day 4 (median: 109.5 and 121.6 ng/ml), and decreased to adult levels during the first months of life. A strong correlation was observed between MIF and DDT concentrations in all age groups (R = 0.91, P < 0.0001). MIF and DDT levels correlated with concentrations of vascular endothelial growth factor, a protein upregulated under low oxygen tension and implicated in vascular and lung development (R = 0.70, P < 0.0001 for MIF and R = 0.65, P < 0.0001 for DDT). In very preterm infants, lower levels of MIF and DDT on postnatal day 6 were associated with an increased risk of developing bronchopulmonary dysplasia and late-onset neonatal sepsis. Thus, MIF and DDT plasma levels show a highly specific developmental profile in early life, supporting an important role for these cytokines during the neonatal period

    Science and Film-making

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    The essay reviews the literature, mostly historical, on the relationship between science and film-making, with a focus on the science documentary. It then discusses the circumstances of the emergence of the wildlife making-of documentary genre. The thesis examined here is that since the early days of cinema, film-making has evolved from being subordinate to science, to being an equal partner in the production of knowledge, controlled by non-scientists
