14 research outputs found

    FedML-HE: An Efficient Homomorphic-Encryption-Based Privacy-Preserving Federated Learning System

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    Federated Learning trains machine learning models on distributed devices by aggregating local model updates instead of local data. However, privacy concerns arise as the aggregated local models on the server may reveal sensitive personal information by inversion attacks. Privacy-preserving methods, such as homomorphic encryption (HE), then become necessary for FL training. Despite HE's privacy advantages, its applications suffer from impractical overheads, especially for foundation models. In this paper, we present FedML-HE, the first practical federated learning system with efficient HE-based secure model aggregation. FedML-HE proposes to selectively encrypt sensitive parameters, significantly reducing both computation and communication overheads during training while providing customizable privacy preservation. Our optimized system demonstrates considerable overhead reduction, particularly for large foundation models (e.g., ~10x reduction for ResNet-50, and up to ~40x reduction for BERT), demonstrating the potential for scalable HE-based FL deployment

    Kick Bad Guys Out! Zero-Knowledge-Proof-Based Anomaly Detection in Federated Learning

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    Federated learning (FL) systems are vulnerable to malicious clients that submit poisoned local models to achieve their adversarial goals, such as preventing the convergence of the global model or inducing the global model to misclassify some data. Many existing defense mechanisms are impractical in real-world FL systems, as they require prior knowledge of the number of malicious clients or rely on re-weighting or modifying submissions. This is because adversaries typically do not announce their intentions before attacking, and re-weighting might change aggregation results even in the absence of attacks. To address these challenges in real FL systems, this paper introduces a cutting-edge anomaly detection approach with the following features: i) Detecting the occurrence of attacks and performing defense operations only when attacks happen; ii) Upon the occurrence of an attack, further detecting the malicious client models and eliminating them without harming the benign ones; iii) Ensuring honest execution of defense mechanisms at the server by leveraging a zero-knowledge proof mechanism. We validate the superior performance of the proposed approach with extensive experiments

    FedMLSecurity: A Benchmark for Attacks and Defenses in Federated Learning and LLMs

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    This paper introduces FedMLSecurity, a benchmark that simulates adversarial attacks and corresponding defense mechanisms in Federated Learning (FL). As an integral module of the open-sourced library FedML that facilitates FL algorithm development and performance comparison, FedMLSecurity enhances the security assessment capacity of FedML. FedMLSecurity comprises two principal components: FedMLAttacker, which simulates attacks injected into FL training, and FedMLDefender, which emulates defensive strategies designed to mitigate the impacts of the attacks. FedMLSecurity is open-sourced 1 and is customizable to a wide range of machine learning models (e.g., Logistic Regression, ResNet, GAN, etc.) and federated optimizers (e.g., FedAVG, FedOPT, FedNOVA, etc.). Experimental evaluations in this paper also demonstrate the ease of application of FedMLSecurity to Large Language Models (LLMs), further reinforcing its versatility and practical utility in various scenarios

    Secure Publish-Process-Subscribe System for Dispersed Computing

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    Publish-subscribe protocols enable real-time multi-point-to-multi-point communications for many dispersed computing systems like Internet of Things (IoT) applications. Recent interest has focused on adding processing to such publish-subscribe protocols to enable computation over real-time streams such that the protocols can provide functionalities such as sensor fusion, compression, and other statistical analysis on raw sensor data. However, unlike pure publish-subscribe protocols, which can be easily deployed with end-to-end transport layer encryption, it is challenging to ensure security in such publish-process-subscribe protocols when the processing is carried out on an untrusted third party. In this work, we present XYZ, a secure publish-process-subscribe system that can preserve the confidentiality of computations and support multi-publisher-multi-subscriber settings. Within XYZ, we design two distinct schemes: the first using Yao\u27s garbled circuits (the GC-Based Scheme) and the second using homomorphic encryption with proxy re-encryption (the Proxy-HE Scheme). We build implementations of the two schemes as an integrated publish-process-subscribe system. We evaluate our system on several functions and also demonstrate real-world applications. The evaluation shows that the GC-Based Scheme can finish most tasks two orders of magnitude times faster than the Proxy-HE Scheme while Proxy-HE can still securely complete tasks within an acceptable time for most functions but with a different security assumption and a simpler system structure

    P3V: Privacy-Preserving Path Validation System for Multi-Authority Sliced Networks

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    In practical operational networks, it is essential to validate path integrity, especially when untrusted intermediate nodes are from numerous network infrastructures operated by several network authorities. Current solutions often reveal the entire path to all parties involved, which may potentially expose the network structures to malicious intermediate attackers. Additionally, there is no prior work done to provide a systematic approach combining the complete lifecycle of packet delivery, i.e., path slicing, path validation and path rerouting, leaving these highly-intertwined modules completely separated. In this work, we present a decentralized privacy-preserving path validation system 3 that integrates our novel path validation protocol with an efficient path slicing algorithm and a malice-resilient path rerouting mechanism. Specifically, leveraging Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge proofs, our path validation protocol XOR-Hash-NIZK protects the packet delivery tasks against information leakage about multi-hop paths and potentially the underlying network infrastructures. We implemented and evaluated our system on a state-of-the-art 5G Dispersed Computing Testbed simulating a multi-authority network. Our results show that while preserving the privacy of paths and nodes and enhancing the security of network service, our system optimizes the performance trade-off between network service quality and security/privacy

    Cold-induced FOXO1 nuclear transport aids cold survival and tissue storage

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    Abstract Cold-induced injuries severely limit opportunities and outcomes of hypothermic therapies and organ preservation, calling for better understanding of cold adaptation. Here, by surveying cold-altered chromatin accessibility and integrated CUT&Tag/RNA-seq analyses in human stem cells, we reveal forkhead box O1 (FOXO1) as a key transcription factor for autonomous cold adaptation. Accordingly, we find a nonconventional, temperature-sensitive FOXO1 transport mechanism involving the nuclear pore complex protein RANBP2, SUMO-modification of transporter proteins Importin-7 and Exportin-1, and a SUMO-interacting motif on FOXO1. Our conclusions are supported by cold survival experiments with human cell models and zebrafish larvae. Promoting FOXO1 nuclear entry by the Exportin-1 inhibitor KPT-330 enhances cold tolerance in pre-diabetic obese mice, and greatly prolongs the shelf-life of human and mouse pancreatic tissues and islets. Transplantation of mouse islets cold-stored for 14 days reestablishes normoglycemia in diabetic mice. Our findings uncover a regulatory network and potential therapeutic targets to boost spontaneous cold adaptation