2,823 research outputs found

    The Local Group: The Ultimate Deep Field

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    Near-field cosmology -- using detailed observations of the Local Group and its environs to study wide-ranging questions in galaxy formation and dark matter physics -- has become a mature and rich field over the past decade. There are lingering concerns, however, that the relatively small size of the present-day Local Group (∼2\sim 2 Mpc diameter) imposes insurmountable sample-variance uncertainties, limiting its broader utility. We consider the region spanned by the Local Group's progenitors at earlier times and show that it reaches 3′≈73' \approx 7 co-moving Mpc in linear size (a volume of ≈350 Mpc3\approx 350\,{\rm Mpc}^3) at z=7z=7. This size at early cosmic epochs is large enough to be representative in terms of the matter density and counts of dark matter halos with Mvir(z=7)≲2×109 M⊙M_{\rm vir}(z=7) \lesssim 2\times 10^{9}\,M_{\odot}. The Local Group's stellar fossil record traces the cosmic evolution of galaxies with 103≲M⋆(z=0)/M⊙≲10910^{3} \lesssim M_{\star}(z=0) / M_{\odot} \lesssim 10^{9} (reaching M1500>−9M_{1500} > -9 at z∼7z\sim7) over a region that is comparable to or larger than the Hubble Ultra-Deep Field (HUDF) for the entire history of the Universe. It is highly complementary to the HUDF, as it probes much fainter galaxies but does not contain the intrinsically rarer, brighter sources that are detectable in the HUDF. Archaeological studies in the Local Group also provide the ability to trace the evolution of individual galaxies across time as opposed to evaluating statistical connections between temporally distinct populations. In the JWST era, resolved stellar populations will probe regions larger than the HUDF and any deep JWST fields, further enhancing the value of near-field cosmology.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures; MNRAS Letters, in pres

    One-Loop Self Energy and Renormalization of the Speed of Light for some Anisotropic Improved Quark Actions

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    One-loop corrections to the fermion rest mass M_1, wave function renormalization Z_2 and speed of light renormalization C_0 are presented for lattice actions that combine improved glue with clover or D234 quark actions and keep the temporal and spatial lattice spacings, a_t and a_s, distinct. We explore a range of values for the anisotropy parameter \chi = a_s/a_t and treat both massive and massless fermions.Comment: 45 LaTeX pages with 4 postscript figure

    Perturbative calculation of improvement coefficients to O(g^2a) for bilinear quark operators in lattice QCD

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    We calculate the O(g^2 a) mixing coefficients of bilinear quark operators in lattice QCD using a standard perturbative evaluation of on-shell Green's functions. Our results for the plaquette gluon action are in agreement with those previously obtained with the Schr\"odinger functional method. The coefficients are also calculated for a class of improved gluon actions having six-link terms.Comment: 14 pages, REVTe

    One-Loop Matching of the Heavy-Light A_0 and V_0 Currents with NRQCD Heavy and Improved Naive Light Quarks

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    One-loop matching of heavy-light currents is carried out for a highly improved lattice action, including the effects of dimension 4 O(1/M) and O(a) operators. We use the NRQCD action for heavy quarks, the Asqtad improved naive action for light quarks, and the Symanzik improved glue action. As part of the matching procedure we also present results for the NRQCD self energy and for massless Asqtad quark wavefunction renormalization with improved glue.Comment: 25 pages, 3 eps-figure

    The M81 Group Dwarf Irregular Galaxy DDO 165. II. Connecting Recent Star Formation with ISM Structures and Kinematics

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    We compare the stellar populations and complex neutral gas dynamics of the M81 group dIrr galaxy DDO 165 using data from the HST and the VLA. Paper I identified two kinematically distinct HI components, multiple localized high velocity gas features, and eight HI holes and shells (the largest of which spans ~2.2x1.1 kpc). Using the spatial and temporal information from the stellar populations in DDO 165, we compare the patterns of star formation over the past 500 Myr with the HI dynamics. We extract localized star formation histories within 6 of the 8 HI holes identified in Paper I, as well as 23 other regions that sample a range of stellar densities and neutral gas properties. From population synthesis modeling, we derive the energy outputs (from stellar winds and supernovae) of the stellar populations within these regions over the last 100 Myr, and compare with refined estimates of the energies required to create the HI holes. In all cases, we find that "feedback" is energetically capable of creating the observed structures in the ISM. Numerous regions with significant energy inputs from feedback lack coherent HI structures but show prominent localized high velocity gas features; this feedback signature is a natural product of temporally and spatially distributed star formation. In DDO 165, the extended period of heightened star formation activity (lasting more than 1 Gyr) is energetically capable of creating the observed holes and high velocity gas features in the neutral ISM.Comment: The Astrophysical Journal, in press. Full-resolution version available on request from the first autho

    A combinatorial approach to gene expression analysis: DNA microarrays.

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    The microarray technology is based on analytical tools that parallelize the quantitative and qualitative analysis of nucleic acids, proteins and tissue sections one of its more recent evolutions-. By miniaturizing the size of the reaction and sensing area, microarrays allow to assess at the activity of thousands of genes in a given tissue or cell line at once in a rapid and quantitative way, and to carry out serial comparative tests in multiple samples. These tools, that stem from the innovations resulting from the technological improvements and knowledge arising from the genome sequencing projects, can be considered as a combinatorial technique that can rapidly provide significant information about complex cellular pathways and processes within one or few ‘‘mass scale’’ and comprehensive testing of a biological sample’s composition

    The M81 Group Dwarf Irregular Galaxy DDO 165. I. High Velocity Neutral Gas in a Post-Starburst System

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    We present new multi-configuration VLA HI spectral line observations of the M81 group dIrr post-starburst galaxy DDO 165. The HI morphology is complex, with multiple column density peaks surrounding a large region of very low HI surface density that is offset from the center of the stellar distribution. The bulk of the neutral gas is associated with the southern section of the galaxy; a secondary peak in the north contains ~15% of the total HI mass. These components appear to be kinematically distinct, suggesting that either tidal processes or large-scale blowout have recently shaped the ISM of DDO 165. Using spatially-resolved position-velocity maps, we find multiple localized high-velocity gas features. Cross-correlating with radius-velocity analyses, we identify eight shell/hole structures in the ISM with a range of sizes (~400-900 pc) and expansion velocities (~7-11 km/s). These structures are compared with narrow- and broad-band imaging from KPNO and HST. Using the latter data, recent works have shown that DDO 165's previous "burst" phase was extended temporally (>1 Gyr). We thus interpret the high-velocity gas features, HI holes, and kinematically distinct components of the galaxy in the context of the immediate effects of "feedback" from recent star formation. In addition to creating HI holes and shells, extended star formation events are capable of creating localized high velocity motion of the surrounding interstellar material. A companion paper connects the energetics from the HI and HST data.Comment: The Astrophysical Journal, in press. Full-resolution version available on request from the first autho

    Correlation functions at small quark masses with overlap fermions

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    We report on recent work on the determination of low-energy constants describing Delta{S}=1 weak transitions, in order to investigate the origins of the Delta{I}=1/2 rule. We focus on numerical techniques designed to enhance the statistical signal in three-point correlation functions computed with overlap fermions near the chiral limit.Comment: Talk presented at Lattice2004(weak), Fermilab, 21-26 June 2004, 3 pages, 2 figure
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