93 research outputs found

    Geometric Singular Perturbation Approach to Steady-State Poisson--Nernst--Planck Systems

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    This is the published version, also available here: http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/S0036139903420931.Boundary value problems of a one-dimensional steady-state Poisson--Nernst--Planck (PNP) system for ion flow through a narrow membrane channel are studied. By assuming the ratio of the Debye length to a characteristic length to be small, the PNP system can be viewed as a singularly perturbed problem with multiple time scales and is analyzed using the newly developed geometric singular perturbation theory. Within the framework of dynamical systems, the global behavior is first studied in terms of limiting fast and slow systems. It is rather surprising that a complete set of integrals is discovered for the (nonlinear) limiting fast system. This allows a detailed description of the boundary layers for the problem. The slow system itself turns out to be a singularly perturbed one, too, which indicates that the singularly perturbed PNP system has three different time scales. A singular orbit (zeroth order approximation) of the boundary value problem is identified based on the dynamics of limiting fast and slow systems. An application of the geometric singular perturbation theory gives rise to the existence and (local) uniqueness of the boundary value problem

    On the continuation of an invariant torus in a family with rapid oscillations

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    This is the published version, also available here: http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/S0036141098338740.A persistence theorem for attracting invariant tori for systems subjected to rapidly oscillating perturbations is proved. The singular nature of these perturbations prevents the direct application of the standard persistence results for normally hyperbolic invariant manifolds. However, as is illustrated in this paper, the theory of normally hyperbolic invariant manifolds, when combined with an appropriate continuation method, does apply

    Poisson–Nernst–Planck Systems for Ion Channels with Permanent Charges

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    This is the published version, also available here: http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/060657480.Ionic channels and semiconductor devices use atomic scale structures to control macroscopic flows from one reservoir to another. The one‐dimensional steady‐state Poisson‐Nernst‐Planck (PNP) system is a useful representation of these devices, but experience shows that describing the reservoirs as boundary conditions is difficult. We study the PNP system for two types of ions with three regions of piecewise constant permanent charge, assuming the Debye number is large, because the electric field is so strong compared to diffusion. Reservoirs are represented by the outer regions with permanent charge zero. If the reciprocal of the Debye number is viewed as a singular parameter, the PNP system can be treated as a singularly perturbed system that has two limiting systems: inner and outer systems (termed fast and slow systems in geometric singular perturbation theory). A complete set of integrals for the inner system is presented that provides information for boundary and internal layers. Application of the exchange lemma from geometric singular perturbation theory gives rise to the existence and (local) uniqueness of the solution of the singular boundary value problem near each singular orbit. A set of simultaneous equations appears in the construction of singular orbits. Multiple solutions of such equations in this or similar problems might explain a variety of multiple valued phenomena seen in biological channels, for example, some forms of gating, and might be involved in other more complex behaviors, for example, some kinds of active transport

    Synchronization, stability and normal hyperbolicity

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    Synchronization is studied in the framework of invariant manifold theory. Normal hyperbolicity and its persistence are applied to give general results on synchronization and its stability. Simple numerics illustrate the importance of the stability issue

    Effects of (Small) Permanent Charge and Channel Geometry on Ionic Flows via Classical Poisson--Nernst--Planck Models

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    In this work, we examine effects of permanent charges on ionic flows through ion channels via a quasi-one-dimensional classical Poisson--Nernst--Planck (PNP) model. The geometry of the three-dimensional channel is presented in this model to a certain extent, which is crucial for the study in this paper. Two ion species, one positively charged and one negatively charged, are considered with a simple profile of permanent charges: zeros at the two end regions and a constant Q0Q_0 over the middle region. The classical PNP model can be viewed as a boundary value problem (BVP) of a singularly perturbed system. The singular orbit of the BVP depends on Q0Q_0 in a regular way. Assuming Q0|Q_0| is small, a regular perturbation analysis is carried out for the singular orbit. Our analysis indicates that effects of permanent charges depend on a rich interplay between boundary conditions and the channel geometry. Furthermore, interesting common features are revealed: for Q0=0Q_0=0, only an average quantity of the channel geometry plays a role; however, for Q00Q_0\neq 0, details of the channel geometry matter; in particular, to optimize effects of a permanent charge, the channel should have a short and narrow neck within which the permanent charge is confined. The latter is consistent with structures of typical ion channels

    The Poiseuille flow of the full Ericksen-Leslie model for nematic liquid crystals: The general Case

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    In this work, we study the Cauchy problem of Poiseuille flow of the full Ericksen-Leslie model for nematic liquid crystals. The model is a coupled system of two partial differential equations: One is a quasi-linear wave equation for the director field representing the crystallization of the nematics, and the other is a parabolic PDE for the velocity field characterizing the liquidity of the material. We extend the work in [Chen, et. al. {\em Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal.} {\bf 236} (2020), 839-891] for a special case to the general physical setup. The Cauchy problem is shown to have global solutions beyond singularity formation. Among a number of progresses made in this paper, a particular contribution is a systematic treatment of a parabolic PDE with only H\"older continuous diffusion coefficient and rough (worse than H\"older) nonhomogeneous terms