549 research outputs found

    Influence of functional rider and horse asymmetries on saddle force distribution during stance and in sitting trot

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    Asymmetric forces exerted on the horse's back during riding are assumed to have a negative effect on rider–horse interaction, athletic performance, and health of the horse. Visualized on a saddle pressure mat, they are initially blamed on a nonfitting saddle. The contribution of horse and rider to an asymmetric loading pattern, however, is not well understood. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of horse and rider asymmetries during stance and in sitting trot on the force distribution on the horse's back using a saddle pressure mat and motion capture analysis simultaneously. Data of 80 horse-rider pairs (HRP) were collected and analyzed using linear (mixed) models to determine the influence of rider and horse variables on asymmetric force distribution. Results showed high variation between HRP. Both rider and horse variables revealed significant relationships to asymmetric saddle force distribution (P < .001). During sitting trot, the collapse of the rider in one hip increased the force on the contralateral side, and the tilt of the rider's upper body to one side led to more force on the same side of the pressure mat. Analyzing different subsets of data revealed that rider posture as well as horse movements and conformation can cause an asymmetric force distribution. Because neither horse nor rider movement can be assessed independently during riding, the interpretation of an asymmetric force distribution on the saddle pressure mat remains challenging, and all contributing factors (horse, rider, saddle) need to be considered

    The contested and contingent outcomes of Thatcherism in the UK

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    The death of Margaret Thatcher in April 2013 sparked a range of discussions and debates about the significance of her period in office and the political project to which she gave her name: Thatcherism. This article argues that Thatcherism is best understood as a symbolically important part of the emergence of first-phase neoliberalism. It engages with contemporary debates about Thatcherism among Marxist commentators and suggests that several apparently divergent positions can help us now reach a more useful analysis of Thatcherism’s short- and long-term outcomes for British political economy. The outcomes identified include: an initial crisis in the neoliberal project in the UK; the transformation of the party political system to be reflective of the politics of neoliberalism, rather than its contestation; long-term attempts at the inculcation of the neoliberal individual; de-industrialisation and financial sector dependence; and a fractured and partially unconscious working class. In all long-term outcomes, the contribution of Thatcherism is best understood as partial and largely negative, in that it cleared the way for a longer-term and more constructive attempt to embed neoliberal political economy. The paper concludes by suggesting that this analysis can inform current debates on the left of British politics about how to oppose and challenge the imposition of neoliberal discipline today

    Radiosensitization by BRAF inhibitor therapy—mechanism and frequency of toxicity in melanoma patients

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    This study shows radiosensitization by BRAF inhibitors in clinical practice and ex vivo by fluorescence in situ hybridization of chromosomal breaks. Nevertheless, radiotherapy with concomitant BRAF inhibitor therapy is feasible with an acceptable increase in toxicity. Vemurafenib is a more potent radiosensitizer than dabrafenib in both the patient study and the ex vivo experiment

    Shared mental models and intra-team psychophysiological patterns: A test of the juggling paradigm

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    We explored implicit coordination mechanisms underlying the conceptual notion of "shared mental models" (SMM) through physiological (i.e., breathing and heart rates) and affective-cognitive (i.e., arousal, pleasantness, attention, self-efficacy, other's efficacy) monitoring of two professional jugglers performing a real-time interactive task of increasing difficulty. There were two experimental conditions: "individual" (i.e., solo task) and "interactive" (i.e., two jugglers established a cooperative interaction by juggling sets of balls with each other). In both conditions, there were two task difficulties: “easy” and “hard”. Descriptive analyses revealed that engaging in a dyadic cooperative motor task (interactive condition) required greater physiological effort (Median Cohen’s d = 2.13) than performing a solo motor task (individual condition) of similar difficulty. Our results indicated a strong positive correlation between the jugglers’ heart rate for the easy (r = .87) and hard tasks (r = .77). The relationship between the jugglers’ breathing rate was significant for the easy task (r = .73) but non-significant for the hard task. The findings are interpreted based on research on SMM and Theory of Mind. Practitioners should advance the notion of “shared-regulation” in the context of team coordination through the use of biofeedback training

    Movement asymmetries in horses presented for prepurchase or lameness examination

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    Background The increasing popularity of objective gait analysis makes application in prepurchase examinations (PPE) a logical next step. Therefore, there is a need to have more understanding of asymmetry during a PPE in horses described on clinical evaluation as subtly lame.Objectives The objective of this study is to objectively compare asymmetry in horses raising minor vet concerns in a PPE and in horses raising major vet concerns with that found in horses presented with subtle single-limb lameness, and to investigate the effect of age/discipline on the clinicians' interpretation of asymmetry on the classification of minor vet concerns in a PPE.Study Design Clinical case-series.Methods Horses presented for PPE (n = 98) or subjectively evaluated as single limb low-grade (1-2/5) lame (n = 24, 13 forelimb lame, 11 hindlimb lame), from the patient population of a single clinic, were enrolled in the study provided that owners were willing to participate. Horses undergoing PPE were assigned a classification of having minor vet concerns (n = 84) or major vet concerns (n = 14) based on findings during the dynamic-orthopaedic part of the PPE. Lame horses were only included if pain-related lameness was confirmed by an objective improvement after diagnostic analgesia exceeding daily variation determined for equine symmetry parameters using optical motion capture. Clinical evaluation was performed by six different clinicians, each with >= 8 years of equine orthopaedic experience. Vertical movement symmetry was measured using optical motion capture, simultaneously with the orthopaedic examination. Data were analysed using previously described parameters and mixed model analysis and least squares means were used to calculate differences between groups.Results There was no effect of age or discipline on the levels of asymmetry within PPE horses raising minor vet concerns. MinDiff and RUD of the head discriminated between forelimb lame and PPE horses raising minor vet concerns; MinDiff, MaxDiff, RUD of the Pelvis, HHDswing and HHDstance did so for hindlimb lameness. Two lameness patterns differentiated both forelimb and hindlimb lame from PPE horses with minor vet concerns: RUD Poll + MinDiff Withers - RUD Pelvis and RUD Pelvis + RUD Poll - MinDiff Withers. Correcting for vertical range of motion enabled differentiation of PPE horses with minor vet concerns from PPE horses with major vet concerns.Main Limitations Objective data only based on trot on soft surface, limited number of PPE horses with major vet concerns.Conclusions Combinations of kinematic parameters discriminate between PPE horses with minor vet concerns and subtly lame horses, though overlap exists

    A potent nonporphyrin class of photodynamic therapeutic agent: cellular localisation, cytotoxic potential and influence of hypoxia

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    We have developed a totally new class of nonporphyrin photodynamic therapeutic agents with a specific focus on two lead candidates azadipyrromethene (ADPM)01 and ADPM06. Confocal laser scanning microscopy imaging showed that these compounds are exclusively localised to the cytosolic compartment, with specific accumulation in the endoplasmic reticulum and to a lesser extent in the mitochondria. Light-induced toxicity assays, carried out over a broad range of human tumour cell lines, displayed EC50 values in the micro-molar range for ADPM01 and nano-molar range for ADPM06, with no discernable activity bias for a specific cell type. Strikingly, the more active agent, ADPM06, even retained significant activity under hypoxic conditions. Both photosensitisers showed low to nondeterminable dark toxicity. Flow cytometric analysis revealed that ADPM01 and ADPM06 were highly effective at inducing apoptosis as a mode of cell death. The photophysical and biological characteristics of these PDT agents suggest that they have potential for the development of new anticancer therapeutics

    Singlet oxygen luminescence as an in vivo photodynamic therapy dose metric: validation in normal mouse skin with topical amino-levulinic acid

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    Although singlet oxygen (1O2) has long been proposed as the primary reactive oxygen species in photodynamic therapy (PDT), it has only recently been possible to detect it in biological systems by its luminescence at 1270 nm. Having previously demonstrated this in vitro and in vivo, we showed that cell survival was strongly correlated to the 1O2 luminescence in cell suspensions over a wide range of treatment parameters. Here, we extend this to test the hypothesis that the photobiological response in vivo is also correlated with 1O2 generation, independent of individual treatment parameters. The normal skin of SKH1-HR hairless mice was sensitised with 20% amino-levulinic acid-induced protoporophyrin IX and exposed to 5, 11, 22 or 50 J cm−2 of pulsed 523 nm light at 50 mW cm−2, or to 50 J cm−2 at 15 or 150 mW cm−2. 1O2 luminescence was measured during treatment and the photodynamic response of the skin was scored daily for 2 weeks after treatment. As observed by other authors, a strong irradiance dependence of the PDT effect was observed. However, in all cases the responses increased with the 1O2 luminescence, independent of the irradiance, demonstrating for the first time in vivo an unequivocal mechanistic link between 1O2 generation and photobiological response

    Does lumbar spinal degeneration begin with the anterior structures? A study of the observed epidemiology in a community-based population

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background-</p> <p>Prior studies that have concluded that disk degeneration uniformly precedes facet degeneration have been based on convenience samples of individuals with low back pain. We conducted a study to examine whether the view that spinal degeneration begins with the anterior spinal structures is supported by epidemiologic observations of degeneration in a community-based population.</p> <p>Methods-</p> <p>361 participants from the Framingham Heart Study were included in this study. The prevalences of anterior vertebral structure degeneration (disk height loss) and posterior vertebral structure degeneration (facet joint osteoarthritis) were characterized by CT imaging. The cohort was divided into the structural subgroups of participants with 1) no degeneration, 2) isolated anterior degeneration (without posterior degeneration), 3) combined anterior and posterior degeneration, and 4) isolated posterior degeneration (without anterior structure degeneration). We determined the prevalence of each degeneration pattern by age group < 45, 45-54, 55-64, ≥65. In multivariate analyses we examined the association between disk height loss and the response variable of facet joint osteoarthritis, while adjusting for age, sex, BMI, and smoking.</p> <p>Results-</p> <p>As the prevalence of the no degeneration and isolated anterior degeneration patterns decreased with increasing age group, the prevalence of the combined anterior/posterior degeneration pattern increased. 22% of individuals demonstrated isolated posterior degeneration, without an increase in prevalence by age group. Isolated posterior degeneration was most common at the L5-S1 and L4-L5 spinal levels. In multivariate analyses, disk height loss was independently associated with facet joint osteoarthritis, as were increased age (years), female sex, and increased BMI (kg/m<sup>2</sup>), but not smoking.</p> <p>Conclusions-</p> <p>The observed epidemiology of lumbar spinal degeneration in the community-based population is consistent with an ordered progression beginning in the anterior structures, for the majority of individuals. However, some individuals demonstrate atypical patterns of degeneration, beginning in the posterior joints. Increased age and BMI, and female sex may be related to the occurrence of isolated posterior degeneration in these individuals.</p