1,696 research outputs found

    Transient behavior of surface plasmon polaritons scattered at a subwavelength groove

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    We present a numerical study and analytical model of the optical near-field diffracted in the vicinity of subwavelength grooves milled in silver surfaces. The Green's tensor approach permits computation of the phase and amplitude dependence of the diffracted wave as a function of the groove geometry. It is shown that the field diffracted along the interface by the groove is equivalent to replacing the groove by an oscillating dipolar line source. An analytic expression is derived from the Green's function formalism, that reproduces well the asymptotic surface plasmon polariton (SPP) wave as well as the transient surface wave in the near-zone close to the groove. The agreement between this model and the full simulation is very good, showing that the transient "near-zone" regime does not depend on the precise shape of the groove. Finally, it is shown that a composite diffractive evanescent wave model that includes the asymptotic SPP can describe the wavelength evolution in this transient near-zone. Such a semi-analytical model may be useful for the design and optimization of more elaborate photonic circuits whose behavior in large part will be controlled by surface waves.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure

    Fine-Structure FeII* Emission and Resonant MgII Emission in z = 1 Star-Forming Galaxies

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    We present a study of the prevalence, strength, and kinematics of ultraviolet FeII and MgII emission lines in 212 star-forming galaxies at z = 1 selected from the DEEP2 survey. We find FeII* emission in composite spectra assembled on the basis of different galaxy properties, indicating that FeII* emission is prevalent at z = 1. In these composites, FeII* emission is observed at roughly the systemic velocity. At z = 1, we find that the strength of FeII* emission is most strongly modulated by dust attenuation, and is additionally correlated with redshift, star-formation rate, and [OII] equivalent width, such that systems at higher redshifts with lower dust levels, lower star-formation rates, and larger [OII] equivalent widths show stronger FeII* emission. We detect MgII emission in at least 15% of the individual spectra and we find that objects showing stronger MgII emission have higher specific star-formation rates, smaller [OII] linewidths, larger [OII] equivalent widths, lower dust attenuations, and lower stellar masses than the sample as a whole. MgII emission strength exhibits the strongest correlation with specific star-formation rate, although we find evidence that dust attenuation and stellar mass also play roles in the regulation of MgII emission. Future integral field unit observations of the spatial extent of FeII* and MgII emission in galaxies with high specific star-formation rates, low dust attenuations, and low stellar masses will be important for probing the morphology of circumgalactic gas.Comment: 29 pages, 22 figures, 2 tables; accepted to Ap

    The Persistence of Cool Galactic Winds in High Stellar Mass Galaxies Between z~1.4 and ~1

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    We present an analysis of the MgII 2796, 2803 and FeII 2586, 2600 absorption line profiles in coadded spectra of 468 galaxies at 0.7 < z < 1.5. The galaxy sample, drawn from the Team Keck Treasury Redshift Survey of the GOODS-N field, has a range in stellar mass (M_*) comparable to that of the sample at z~1.4 analyzed in a similar manner by Weiner et al. (2009; W09), but extends to lower redshifts and has specific star formation rates which are lower by ~0.6 dex. We identify outflows of cool gas from the Doppler shift of the MgII absorption lines and find that the equivalent width (EW) of absorption due to outflowing gas increases on average with M_* and star formation rate (SFR). We attribute the large EWs measured in spectra of the more massive, higher-SFR galaxies to optically thick absorbing clouds having large velocity widths. The outflows have hydrogen column densities N(H) > 10^19.3 cm^-2, and extend to velocities of ~500 km/s. While galaxies with SFR > 10 Msun/yr host strong outflows in both this and the W09 sample, we do not detect outflows in lower-SFR (i.e., log M_*/Msun < 10.5) galaxies at lower redshifts. Using a simple galaxy evolution model which assumes exponentially declining SFRs, we infer that strong outflows persist in galaxies with log M_*/Msun > 10.5 as they age between z=1.4 and z~1, presumably because of their high absolute SFRs. Finally, using high resolution HST/ACS imaging in tandem with our spectral analysis, we find evidence for a weak trend (at 1 sigma significance) of increasing outflow absorption strength with increasing galaxy SFR surface density.Comment: Submitted to ApJ. 25 pages, 19 figures, Figure 2 reduced in resolution. Uses emulateapj forma

    Low-ionization Line Emission from Starburst Galaxies: A New Probe of Galactic-Scale Outflows

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    We study the kinematically narrow, low-ionization line emission from a bright, starburst galaxy at z = 0.69 using slit spectroscopy obtained with Keck/LRIS. The spectrum reveals strong absorption in MgII and FeII resonance transitions with Doppler shifts of -200 to -300 km/s, indicating a cool gas outflow. Emission in MgII near and redward of systemic velocity, in concert with the observed absorption, yields a P Cygni-like line profile similar to those observed in the Ly alpha transition in Lyman Break Galaxies. Further, the MgII emission is spatially resolved, and extends significantly beyond the emission from stars and HII regions within the galaxy. Assuming the emission has a simple, symmetric surface brightness profile, we find that the gas extends to distances > ~7 kpc. We also detect several narrow FeII* fine-structure lines in emission near the systemic velocity, arising from energy levels which are radiatively excited directly from the ground state. We suggest that the MgII and FeII* emission is generated by photon scattering in the observed outflow, and emphasize that this emission is a generic prediction of outflows. These observations provide the first direct constraints on the minimum spatial extent and morphology of the wind from a distant galaxy. Estimates of these parameters are crucial for understanding the impact of outflows in driving galaxy evolution.Comment: Submitted to ApJL. 6 pages, 4 figures. Uses emulateapj forma

    The DEEP2 Redshift Survey: Lyman Alpha Emitters in the Spectroscopic Database

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    We present the first results of a search for Lyman-alpha emitters (LAEs) in the DEEP2 spectroscopic database that uses a search technique that is different from but complementary to traditional narrowband imaging surveys. We have visually inspected ~20% of the available DEEP2 spectroscopic data and have found nine high-quality LAEs with clearly asymmetric line profiles and an additional ten objects of lower quality, some of which may also be LAEs. Our survey is most sensitive to LAEs at z=4.4-4.9 and that is indeed where all but one of our high-quality objects are found. We find the number density of our spectroscopically-discovered LAEs to be consistent with those found in narrowband imaging searches. The combined, averaged spectrum of our nine high-quality objects is well fit by a two-component model, with a second, lower-amplitude component redshifted by ~420 km/s with respect to the primary Lyman-alpha line, consistent with large-scale outflows from these objects. We conclude by discussing the advantages and future prospects of blank-sky spectroscopic surveys for high-z LAEs.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Cryogenic On-Orbit Liquid Depot Storage, Acquisition, and Transfer satellite (COLD-SAT) feasibility study

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    The Cryogenic On-Orbit Liquid Depot Storage, Acquisition, and Transfer Satellite (COLD-SAT) is an experimental spacecraft launched from an expendable launch vehicle which is designed to investigate the systems and technologies required for efficient, effective, and reliable management of cryogenic fluid in the reduced gravity space environment. The COLD-SAT program will provide the necessary data base and provide low-g proving of fluid and thermal models of cryogenic storage, transfer, and resupply concepts and processes. A conceptual approach was developed and an overview of the results of the 24 month COLD-SAT Phase A feasibility is described which includes: (1) a definition of the technology needs and the accompanying experimental 3 month baseline mission; (2) a description of the experiment subsystem, major features and rationale for satisfaction of primary and secondary experiment requirements using liquid hydrogen as the test fluid; and (3) a presentation of the conceptual design of the COLD-SAT spacecraft subsystems which support the on-orbit experiment with emphasis on areas of greatest challenge

    Electromagnetic Polarisability of the Nucleon in Chiral Perturbation Theory

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    We compute the polarisability of the nucleon to leading order in chiral perturbation theory. The contributions from kaons and baryon resonances as intermediate states are included in addition to the contribution from pions and nucleons that had been previously computed. The isoscalar operators are dominated by the infrared behaviour of pion loops giving rise to a 1/mπ1/m_{\pi} coefficient. In contrast, the isovector operators are dominated by loops involving kaons, giving a 1/mk1/m_{k} coefficient, and further demonstrates that the strange quark is an important component of the nucleon. In addition, the inclusion of the decuplet of baryon resonances as intermediate states substantially modifies the result found from the octet baryons alone for the isoscalar polarisability.Comment: 11 pages (uses harvmac, figures available upon request) , UCSD/PTH 92-30, QUSTH-92-0

    Collective modes and correlations in one-component plasmas

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    The static and time-dependent potential and surface charge correlations in a plasma with a boundary are computed for different shapes of the boundary. The case of a spheroidal or spherical one-component plasma is studied in detail because experimental results are available for such systems. Also, since there is some knowlegde both experimental and theoretical about the electrostatic collective modes of these plasmas, the time-dependent correlations are computed using a method involving these modes.Comment: 20 pages, plain TeX, submitted to Phys. Rev.
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