712 research outputs found
Descent into Darkness
This personal narrative of a time with schizophrenia will cover one patientâs descent into madness and ultimate recovery from a period that felt like a sentence in a prison of hell and irrationality. Following a breakdown that led to the patientâs withdrawal from graduate school, this narrative covers the experience of madness that led to delusions and hallucinations which tyrannized the patientâs world. The narrative not only follows the breakdown of humanity that cursed the patientâs understanding but also provides for the highlights of recovery that brought about a return to intellectual activities and a full comprehension of experience in the world. Though this patientâs life was destroyed by schizophrenia, including the loss of all worldly goods and a career in academia, her experience of caring psychiatrists and a loving family redeemed her life and brought about solace and renewal at last
Kinematic Evolution of Simulated Star-Forming Galaxies
Recent observations have shown that star-forming galaxies like our own Milky
Way evolve kinematically into ordered thin disks over the last ~8 billion years
since z=1.2, undergoing a process of "disk settling." For the first time, we
study the kinematic evolution of a suite of four state of the art "zoom in"
hydrodynamic simulations of galaxy formation and evolution in a fully
cosmological context and compare with these observations. Until now, robust
measurements of the internal kinematics of simulated galaxies were lacking as
the simulations suffered from low resolution, overproduction of stars, and
overly massive bulges. The current generation of simulations has made great
progress in overcoming these difficulties and is ready for a kinematic
analysis. We show that simulated galaxies follow the same kinematic trends as
real galaxies: they progressively decrease in disordered motions (sigma_g) and
increase in ordered rotation (Vrot) with time. The slopes of the relations
between both sigma_g and Vrot with redshift are consistent between the
simulations and the observations. In addition, the morphologies of the
simulated galaxies become less disturbed with time, also consistent with
observations, and they both have similarly large scatter. This match between
the simulated and observed trends is a significant success for the current
generation of simulations, and a first step in determining the physical
processes behind disk settling.Comment: ApJ accepted; 6 pages; A pdf with full resolution figures can be
found at https://db.tt/8y4Vzaff (2.8M
Epigenetics in Social Insects: A New Direction for Understanding the Evolution of Castes
Epigenetic modifications to DNA, such as DNA methylation, can expand a genome's
regulatory flexibility, and thus may contribute to the evolution of phenotypic plasticity. Recent work has demonstrated the importance of DNA methylation in alternative queen
and worker âcastesâ in social insects, particularly honeybees. Social insects are an excellent system for addressing questions about epigenetics and evolution because: (1)
they have dramatic caste polyphenisms that appear to be tied to differential methylation,
(2) DNA methylation is widespread in various groups of social insects, and (3) there are
intriguing connections between the social environment and DNA methylation in many
species, from insects to mammals. In this article, we review research on honeybees, and,
when available, other social insects, on DNA methylation and queen and worker caste
differences. We outline a conceptual framework for the effects of methylation on caste
determination in honeybees that may help guide studies of epigenetic regulation in other
polyphenic taxa. Finally, we suggest future paths of study for social insect epigenetic
research, including the importance of comparative studies of DNA methylation on a
broader range of species, and highlight some key unanswered mechanistic questions
about how DNA methylation affects gene regulation
The Epoch of Disk Formation: z is Approximately l to Today
We present data on galaxy kinematics, morphologies, and star-formation rates over 0.1 less than z less than 1.2 for approximately 500 blue galaxies. These data show how systems like our own Milky-Way have come into being. At redshifts around 1, about half the age of the Universe ago, Milky-Way mass galaxies were different beasts than today. They had a significant amount of disturbed motions, disturbed morphologies, shallower potential wells, higher specific star-formation rates, and likely higher gas fractions. Since redshift approximately 1, galaxies have decreased in disturbed motions, increased in rotation velocity and potential well depth, become more well-ordered morphologically, and decreased in specific star-formation rate. We find interrelationships between these measurements. Galaxy kinematics are correlated with morphology and specific star-formation rate such that galaxies with the fastest rotation velocities and the least amounts of disturbed motions have the most well-ordered morphologies and the lowest specific star-formation rates. The converse is true. Moreover, we find that the rate at which galaxies become more well-ordered kinematically (i.e., increased rotation velocity, decreased disturbed motions) and morphologically is directly proportional to their stellar mass
Women in Educational Leadership: Finding Common Ground
The purpose of this research project was to engage in self-reflective analysis of leadership development as an ongoing process of social action towards democratizing edlucation. Four White women connected by their work as educational leaders, teachers and administrators, engaged this topic by conducting a dialogical analysis of their experiences in leadership. They dialogued from what were technically different positions in the hierarchy at their University and implemented a research process to speak across or marginalize those technical differences to produce a text that explored the rich terrain of leading in which they shared experiences of growth, the conceptual frameworks that guide their leading, and their differing interpretations of gender\u27s role in the leadership process
The interference effect of concurrent working memory task on visual inhibitory control
We examined the interference between inhibitory control of a saccadic eye movement and a working memory task. This study was motivated by the observation that people are suscep-tible to cognitive errors when they are preoccupied. Subjects were instructed to make an anti-saccade, or to look in the opposite direction of a visual stimulus, thereby exercising inhibito-ry control over the reflexive eye movement towards a salient object. At the same time, the subjects were instructed to memorize a random sequence of digits that were read out to them, thereby engaging their working memory. We measured the success of an eye movement by rapidly switching between images and asking the subjects what they saw. We found that these concurrent cognitive tasks significantly degraded anti-saccade performance.We examined the interference between inhibitory control of a saccadic eye movement and a working memory task. This study was motivated by the observation that people are susceptible to cognitive errors when they are preoccupied. Subjects were instructed to make an anti-saccade, or to look in the opposite direction of a visual stimulus, thereby exercising inhibitory control over the reflexive eye movement towards a salient object. At the same time, the subjects were instructed to memorize a random sequence of digits that were read out to them, thereby engaging their working memory. We measured the success of an eye movement by rapidly switching between images and asking the subjects what they saw. We found that these concurrent cognitive tasks significantly degraded anti-saccade performance
The Rise and Fall of Star Formation Histories of Blue Galaxies at Redshifts 0.2 < z < 1.4
Popular cosmological scenarios predict that galaxies form hierarchically from the merger of many progenitor, each with their own unique star formation history (SFH). We use the approach recently developed by Pacifici et al. to constrain the SFHs of 4517 blue (presumably star-forming) galaxies with spectroscopic redshifts in the range O.2 < z < 1:4 from the All-Wavelength Extended Groth Strip International Survey (AEGIS). This consists in the Bayesian analysis of the observed galaxy spectral ' energy distributions with a comprehensive library of synthetic spectra assembled using state-of-the-art models of star formation and chemical enrichment histories, stellar population synthesis, nebular emission and attenuation by dust. We constrain the SFH of each galaxy in our sample by comparing the observed fluxes in the B, R,l and K(sub s) bands and rest-frame optical emission-line luminosities with those of one million model spectral energy distributions. We explore the dependence of the resulting SFH on galaxy stellar mass and redshift. We find that the average SFHs of high-mass galaxies rise and fall in a roughly symmetric bell-shaped manner, while those of low-mass galaxies rise progressively in time, consistent with the typically stronger activity of star formation in low-mass compared to high-mass galaxies. For galaxies of all masses, the star formation activity rises more rapidly at high than at low redshift. These findings imply that the standard approximation of exponentially declining SFHs wIdely used to interpret observed galaxy spectral energy distributions is not appropriate to constrain the physical parameters of star-forming galaxies at intermediate redshifts
Late Quaternary Marine and Terrestrial Environments, Northwestern Baffin Island, Northwest Territories
Paleoenvironmental data were analyzed from terrestrial, lake, and marine sediments collected near Arctic Bay, Baffin Island, N.W.T. Eighteen new radiocarbon dates provide chronological control, superseding earlier results. Spuriously old dates were obtained from both sandy peats and low-organic lake sediments. The most reliable dates were from marine shells and foraminifera. They indicate that dĂ©glaciation was underway by 9000 BP rather than 16,000 BP. Over the period of the record, the local environment was characterized by a high arctic pollen assemblage dominated by grass, sedge, and willow; a middle Holocene warm period is indicated by increased willow, herb, and moss values. Sea-ice conditions were severe enough to inhibit the growth of diatoms until ca. 6300 BP and ice proximal and deglacial conditions prevailed in the fiords until ca. 6000 BP. Diatom productivity increased between 3000 BP and 2500 BP, suggesting warmer surface waters and less sea ice. After 2000 BP diatom accumulation decreased sharply, due to a cooling of climate. The foraminifera indicate a major change in bottom water conditions ca. 4000 BP as the benthic species shift from a calcareous to an arenaceous assemblage.On a procĂ©dĂ© Ă l'analyse des donnĂ©es palĂ©oenvironnementales tirĂ©es de sĂ©diments terrestres, marins et lacustres, prĂšs de Arctic Bay. Dix-huit nouvelles dates au radiocarbone ont permis d'Ă©tablir une nouvelle chronologie. Les dates les plus anciennes, et les moins fiables, ont Ă©tĂ© obtenus dans des tourbes sableuses et des sĂ©diments lacustres Ă basse teneur organique. Les dates les plus sĂ»res proviennent de coquillages marins et des foraminifĂšres. Elles indiquent que la dĂ©glaciation Ă©tait en cours dĂšs 9000 BP plutĂŽt qu'Ă 16 000 BP. Pendant la pĂ©riode relevĂ©e, l'environnement dans le haut Arctique Ă©tait caractĂ©risĂ© au niveau local par un assemblage pollinique dominĂ© par l'herbe, le carex et le saule; Ă l'HolocĂšne moyen, les valeurs croissantes du saule, de l'herbe et de la mousse reflĂštent une pĂ©riode chaude. La densitĂ© de la glace marine Ă©tait assez forte pour empĂȘcher la croissance des diatomĂ©es jusqu'Ă 6300 BP; la dĂ©glaciation s'est poursuivie jusque vers 6000 BP dans les fjords. La reproduction des diatomĂ©es a augmentĂ© entre 3000 et 2500 BP en raison de tempĂ©ratures de surface plus chaudes et une diminution des glaces marines. AprĂšs 2000 BP, l'accumulation des diatomĂ©es a dĂ©cru abruptement en raison d'un refroidissement climatique. Les foraminifĂšres dĂ©montrent un changement important survenu dans l'Ă©tat des eaux profondes vers 4000 BP puisqu'il y a eu remplacement des espĂšces benthoniques Ă test calcaire par des espĂšces Ă test agglutinĂ©.Man hat PalĂąoumweltdaten von Erd-, See- und Meeres-Sedimenten analysiert, die man in der NĂąhe der Arctic Bay, lnsel Baffin, Nordwest-Territorien gesammelt hat. Achtzehn neue Radiocarbondaten liefern eine chronologische Kontrolle und ersetzen so fruhere Resultate. Faische alte Daten hat man sowohi aus sandigem Ton1 wie auch aus Seesedimenten mit niedrigem organischem Gehalt gewonnen. Die zuver-lĂ ssigsten Daten stammen von Meeres-muscheln und Foraminiferen. Sie zeigen, dass die Enteisung urn 9000 v.u.Z. und nicht um 16,000 v.u.Z. im Gange war. Liber den Zeitraum des Belegs charakterisierte sich die lokale Umwelt durch eine Pollen-Zusammensetzung der hohen Arktis, die von Gras, Schilfgras und Weide beherrscht war; auf eine warme PĂ©riode wĂąhrend des mittleren HolozĂ ns weisen zunehmende Weiden-, Gras- und Mooswerte. Die Meereseisbedingungen waren streng genug, um das Wachstum von Diatomeen bis etwa 6300 v.u.Z. zu verhindern und Proximaleis und Enteisungsbedingungen herrschten in den Fjords bis etwa 6000 v.u.Z. vor. Die Reproduktion von Diatomeen nahm zwischen 3000 v.u.Z. und 2500 v.u.Z. zu, was auf wĂ rmeres OberflĂ chenwasser und weniger Meereseis schliessen lĂ sst. Nach 2000 v.u.Z. nahm die Diatomeen-Akkumulation wegen einer Klimaabkuhlung plĂŽtzlich ab. Die Foraminiferen zeigen einen betrĂ chtlichen Wechsel der Bedingungen im tiefen Wasser um etwa 4000 v.u.Z., wenn die benthonischen Spezies von einer kalkartigen zu einer sandigen Zusammensetzung ubergehen
z~2: An Epoch of Disk Assembly
We explore the evolution of the internal gas kinematics of star-forming
galaxies from the peak of cosmic star-formation at to today.
Measurements of galaxy rotation velocity , which quantify ordered
motions, and gas velocity dispersion , which quantify disordered
motions, are adopted from the DEEP2 and SIGMA surveys. This sample covers a
continuous baseline in redshift from to , spanning 10 Gyrs. At
low redshift, nearly all sufficiently massive star-forming galaxies are
rotationally supported (). By , the percentage of
galaxies with rotational support has declined to 50 at low stellar mass
() and 70 at high stellar mass
(). For , the percentage
drops below 35 for all masses. From to now, galaxies exhibit
remarkably smooth kinematic evolution on average. All galaxies tend towards
rotational support with time, and it is reached earlier in higher mass systems.
This is mostly due to an average decline in by a factor of 3 since a
redshift of 2, which is independent of mass. Over the same time period,
increases by a factor of 1.5 for low mass systems, but does not
evolve for high mass systems. These trends in and with
time are at a fixed stellar mass and should not be interpreted as evolutionary
tracks for galaxy populations. When galaxy populations are linked in time with
abundance matching, not only does decline with time as before, but
strongly increases with time for all galaxy masses. This enhances the
evolution in . These results indicate that is a
period of disk assembly, during which the strong rotational support present in
today's massive disk galaxies is only just beginning to emerge.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, submitted to Ap
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