31 research outputs found

    Análisis de la distribución espacial de los accidentes de transporte terrestre atendidos por el Servicio Móvil de Urgencia (SAMU-192), en un municipio de la región nordeste de Brasil

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    Se describen las características epidemiológicas de las víctimas de accidentes de transporte terrestre atendidas por el Servicio Móvil de Urgencia (SAMU-192) y se localizan las áreas de mayor densidad de accidentes en el municipio de Olinda (Pernambuco, Brasil). Se empleó la estimación de densidad kernel para la detección de aglomerados espaciales de accidentes. En 2015 se registraron 724 accidentes. El 73,48% de las personas afectadas fueron del sexo masculino, y de entre 20 y 39 años de edad. Hubo un predominio de los accidentes con motocicletas (54,97%). Los aglomerados de accidentes se localizaron en las principales vías de tránsito y, los atropellamientos, cercanos a las terminales de ómnibus. El análisis espacial se mostró como un instrumento relevante para la identificación de los aglomerados de accidentes y una aplicación eficaz de las medidas de prevención y la mejora en la seguridad del tránsito vehicular.This study describes the epidemiological characteristics of road accident victims attended by the Brazilian Mobile Emergency Service (SAMU-192) and located in the areas of highest accident density in the municipality of Olinda, (Pernambuco, Brazil). Kernel density estimation was used to detect spatial agglomerations of accidents. In 2015, 724 accidents occurred; of these, 73.48% of the victims were males aged 20- 39 years. There was a predominance of accidents involving motorcycles (54.97%). Accident clusters were detected in the main traffic corridors, with run-over accidents located near bus terminals. Spatial analysis proved to be a relevant instrument for the identification of accident clusters and the application of effective prevention and traffic safety improvement measures

    Global energy governance : a review and research agenda

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    Over the past few years, global energy governance (GEG) has emerged as a major new field of enquiry in international studies. Scholars engaged in this field seek to understand how the energy sector is governed at the global level, by whom and with what consequences. By focusing on governance, they broaden and enrich the geopolitical and hard-nosed security perspectives that have long been, and still are, the dominant perspectives through which energy is analysed. Though still a nascent field, the literature on GEG is thriving and continues to attract the attention of a growing number of researchers. This article reviews the GEG literature as it has developed over the past 10 years. Our aim is to highlight both the progress and limitations of the field, and to identify some opportunities for future research. The article proceeds as follows. First, it traces the origins of the GEG literature (section “Origins and roots of GEG research”). The subsequent sections deal with the two topics that have received the most attention in the GEG literature: Why does energy need global governance (section “The goals and rationale of global energy governance”)? And, who governs energy (section “Mapping the global energy architecture”)? We then address a third question that has received far less attention: How well or poor is energy governed (section “Evaluating global energy governance”)? In our conclusions (section “Conclusions and outlook”), we reflect on the current state of GEG, review recent trends and innovations, and identify some questions that warrant future consideration by scholars. This article is published as part of a thematic collection on global governance

    ‘Other’ Posts in ‘Other’ Places: Poland through a Postcolonial Lens?

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    Postcolonial theory has tended to focus on those spaces where European colonialism has had a territorial and political history. This is unsurprising, as much of the world is in this sense ‘postcolonial’. But not all of it. This article focuses on Poland, often theorised as peripheral to ‘old Europe’, and explores the application of postcolonial analyses to this ‘other’ place. The article draws upon reflections arising from a study of responses to ethnic diversity in Warsaw, Poland. In doing so we conclude that postcolonialism does indeed offer some important insights into understanding Polish attitudes to other nationalities, and yet more work also needs to be done to make the theoretical bridge. In the case of Poland we propose the ‘triple relation’ be the starting point for such work

    O Brasil na nova cartografia global da religião

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    Este artigo analisa as mudanças sociais, econômicas, culturais e religiosas que fizeram do Brasil um polo importante de produção do sagrado numa emergente cartografia global. Esta cartografia é policêntrica e entrecortada por uma miríade de redes transnacionais e multi-direcionais que facilitam o rápido movimento de pessoas, ideias, imagens, capitais e mercadorias. Entre os vetores que vamos examinar estão: imigrantes brasileiros que na tentativa de dar sentido ao processo deslocamento e de manter ligações transnacionais com o Brasil levam suas crenças, práticas, identidades religiosas para o estrangeiro, missionários e outros "entrepreneurs" religiosos, o turismo espiritual de estrangeiros que vão ao Brasil em busca de cura ou desenvolvimento espiritual, e as indústrias culturais, a mídia e a Internet que disseminam globalmente imagens do Brasil como uma terra exótica onde o sagrado faz parte intrínseca de sua cultura e natureza

    Beyond National Models: Comparing migrant integration regimes

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    Since the 1990s, the notion of national models of integration and citizenship has been a very popular one in the comparative literature on Europe and has offered some advantages for research on the incorporation of immigrants and their offspring. Different typologies suggested a correlation between the institutional and ideological logics in countries such as Britain, the Netherlands, France and Germany, and the policies of migrants’ integration in these countries, along complex discussions comparing models of multiculturalism, republicanism, and ethnic exclusion, and their possible convergence. However, despite its success, the notion of models has tended to become a non-reflexive tool, the career of which has been deeply rooted in the evolution of the politics that have agitated Western European public debates about immigration, multiculturalism and Islam over the last three decades. In the social science literature, this has led to instances where a model is blamed for the success or failure of a specific policy approach. In turn, in the 2000s, a new discussion emphasized the limits of the notion. This chapter proposes a return to these discussions and highlights some of the key problems of models that have affected comparative research on migration, integration and multiculturalism