93 research outputs found

    Tracking aid flows for development assistance for health.

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The global architecture for providing development assistance for health (DAH) has become increasing complex in the last decade, with many new funding agencies entering the health sector. This study presents a detailed picture of European Union (EU) and EU member state originating DAH between 2006 and 2009; with a specific focus on assessing the extent of complementarity of development assistance sourced from the EU. DESIGN: We use a combination of internal EU reporting systems, OECD-DAC creditor reporting system data and other data sources to estimate DAH flows. Our method uses a line by line project assessment in order to identify and categorise DAH flows. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: Our findings show a complex picture of DAH flows--from source, to channel of assistance, to channel of implementation--that is hard to track at the global level, and rarely comprehensively and regularly tracked at the country level. While the majority of EU DAH is focused on low and lower middle income countries there also remains much disparity between countries; and further analysis is required to better understand whether these imbalances are fair and efficient; or result in overlap. We also recommend investment in quality control of DAH tracking internally within donor agencies, and investment in the development of country based systems in order to enable countries and development partners better harmonise DAH flows

    Complete exon sequencing of all known Usher syndrome genes greatly improves molecular diagnosis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Usher syndrome (USH) combines sensorineural deafness with blindness. It is inherited in an autosomal recessive mode. Early diagnosis is critical for adapted educational and patient management choices, and for genetic counseling. To date, nine causative genes have been identified for the three clinical subtypes (USH1, USH2 and USH3). Current diagnostic strategies make use of a genotyping microarray that is based on the previously reported mutations. The purpose of this study was to design a more accurate molecular diagnosis tool.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We sequenced the 366 coding exons and flanking regions of the nine known USH genes, in 54 USH patients (27 USH1, 21 USH2 and 6 USH3).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Biallelic mutations were detected in 39 patients (72%) and monoallelic mutations in an additional 10 patients (18.5%). In addition to biallelic mutations in one of the USH genes, presumably pathogenic mutations in another USH gene were detected in seven patients (13%), and another patient carried monoallelic mutations in three different USH genes. Notably, none of the USH3 patients carried detectable mutations in the only known USH3 gene, whereas they all carried mutations in USH2 genes. Most importantly, the currently used microarray would have detected only 30 of the 81 different mutations that we found, of which 39 (48%) were novel.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Based on these results, complete exon sequencing of the currently known USH genes stands as a definite improvement for molecular diagnosis of this disease, which is of utmost importance in the perspective of gene therapy.</p

    Filière « Territoires, espaces, sociétés »

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    Participants : Isabelle Backouche, Juan Carlos Garavaglia, Nancy L. Green, Alexandra Laclau, Christian Lamouroux, Michèle de La Pradelle, Susanna Magri, Marie-Claude Maurel, Alain Musset, Daniel Nordman, Marie-Vic Ozouf-Marignier, Jacques Poloni-Simard, Paul-André Rosental, Annie Sevin, Annick Tanter-Toubon, Christian Topalov, Caroline Varlet, Nicolas Verdier, Françoise Vergneault-Belmont, François Weil, Pierre-Paul Zalio L’enseignement de la filière s’inscrit dans le cadre du séminaire bimen..

    Filière « Territoires, espaces, sociétés »

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    Participants : Isabelle Backouche, Juan Carlos Garavaglia, Nancy L. Green, Alexandra Laclau, Christian Lamouroux, Michèle de La Pradelle, Susanna Magri, Marie-Claude Maurel, Alain Musset, Daniel Nordman, Marie-Vic Ozouf-Marignier, Jacques Poloni-Simard, Paul-André Rosental, Annie Sevin, Annick Tanter-Toubon, Christian Topalov, Caroline Varlet, Nicolas Verdier, Françoise Vergneault-Belmont, François Weil, Pierre-Paul Zalio L’enseignement de la filière s’inscrit dans le cadre du séminaire bimen..

    Alteridad, etnicidad y racismo en la búsqueda de orígenes de personas adoptadas. El caso de España

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    En España, la búsqueda de orígenes de las personas adoptadas, motivada por la necesidad de comunicar la historia previa a los/las menores provenientes principalmente de China, Rusia, Etiopía y Vietnam, transita entre lo biológico y lo cultural. Las adopciones internacionales introducen en el contexto de la adopción un replanteamiento de las nociones origen e identidad e incorporan las de etnicidad y raza. En este artículo, mediante el análisis crítico de discurso de un trabajo etnográfico, se subraya la importancia de repensar qué se está entendiendo por “orígenes”, tanto institucional como académicamente, y cuáles son las consecuencias —tanto teóricas como metodológicas y prácticas— de esta conceptualización en la construcción de otredad y diferencia en las personas adoptadas, en función de su procedenciaIn Spain, the search for the origins of adopted people, driven by the need to communicate the prior history of minors coming mainly from China, Russia, Ethiopia and Vietnam, moves between the biological and the cultural. International adoptions introduce a rethinking of the notions of origin and identity and incorporate those of ethnicity and race into the context of adoption. In this article, through the critical discourse analysis of an ethnographic paper, we highlight the importance of rethinking what is being understood as “origins”, both institutionally as well as academically, and what are the consequences —both theoretically as well as methodologically and practically— of this conceptualization in the construction of otherness and difference in adopted people, based on their provenance.El presente artículo se inscribe en el Proyecto I+D+i, “Menores migrantes en el arco mediterráneo: movilidad, sistemas de acogida e integración” (DER2017-89623-R), financiado por el Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad del Gobierno de España

    Contraintes et libertés dans la Grande-Bretagne du 18e siècle. Édité par Paul-Gabriel Boucé, 1988

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    Weil Françoise. Contraintes et libertés dans la Grande-Bretagne du 18e siècle. Édité par Paul-Gabriel Boucé, 1988. In: Dix-huitième Siècle, n°22, 1990. Voyager, explorer. p. 462

    Pierre Clair : Libertinage et incrédules (1665-1715 ?), 1983

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    Weil Françoise. Pierre Clair : Libertinage et incrédules (1665-1715 ?), 1983. In: Dix-huitième Siècle, n°18, 1986. Littératures françaises. p. 514

    Réimpressions et contrefaçons à la fin du XVIIIe siècle

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    Si une « nouveauté » au XVIIIe siècle a du succès, le premier tirage est vite épuisé, et on réimprime. Qui réimprime ? Parfois le premier éditeur, parfois un des imprimeurs de province ou de l’étranger comme la Société typographique de Neuchâtel, spécialisée dans les contrefaçons. Mais qu’entend-on par contrefaçon ? Encore aujourd’hui le débat n’est pas clos : faut-il la limiter aux pays où il existe des privilèges, c’est-à-dire à la France et éventuellement à la Hollande ? Il n’existe aucun signe caractéristique d’une contrefaçon, seul un examen attentif des exemplaires, en particulier des ornements typographiques, permet de les distinguer. L’article discute des contrefaçons d’ouvrages français privilégiés et parus sans privilège français, celles d’ouvrages parus sous leur véritable adresse en Hollande ou en Suisse respectivement, et les contrefaçons d’ouvrages parus sous fausse adresseIn the eighteenth century when a “new” book met with great success, it soon became out of print and had to be printed again. But by whom? Sometimes the original publisher or a provincial or foreign printer like the Société typographique de Neuchâtel specialized in pirated editions. What exactly is a pirated edition? The question remains open. Is it limited to countries with privileges like France and possibly the Netherlands? Pirated editions have no typical marks. The only way to distinguish them is to examine each copy thoroughly and particularly the typographic ornaments and decoration. This article looks into pirated editions of French works with or without privileges, of works with genuine addresses of publication, in the Netherlands or in Switzerland, as well as works with fake addresse

    Les gazettes manuscrites avant 1750

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    Il faut le dire et le redire : tout ce qui nous est parvenu manuscrit ne fut pas pour autant interdit ; tout ce qui nous est parvenu manuscrit n’est pas pour autant inédit. Je me limiterai aujourd’hui à un essai de mise au point sur les « nouvelles à la main ». Tout d’abord une explication : j’ai préféré adopter l’expression de « gazette manuscrite » parce que les termes de « nouvelles » et de «nouvellistes» évoquent tout aussi bien les nouvellistes oraux, ceux des cafés et des promenades, do..