325 research outputs found

    Werken de KRW- en Natura 2000-criteria voor sloten en veenplassen?

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    Toepassing van de Kaderrichtlijn Water en de normen conform Natura 2000 vragen om een evaluatie van de effectiviteit. De KRW blijkt een correct middel om maatregelen te nemen, maar in de hoogste klasse is het onderscheid (te) gering. Worden de doelen van de Natura 2000-habitats 'evenwichtige laagveensystemen met daarmee verbonden laagveenverlanding' ook gehaald? Onderzoek van waterplanten in twee Natura 2000-habitats, namelijk laagveenplassen en -sloten, toont duidelijk aan dat essentiele schakels in de systemen niet meer voldoende aanwezig zijn. De waarnemingen bestaan vrijwel geheel uit losse individuele planten, indien al aanwezig. Losse krabbenscheerplanten in een zee grof hoornblad vormen geen eindstadium van verlanding in veenplassen zoals de criteria voor Natura 2000 aangeve

    The politics of vulnerability and resilience

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    Much conceptual confusion exists over the concepts of vulnerability and (social) resilience, reinforced by the different paradigms (the article identifies four) and disciplinary traditions underlying their use. While since the 1980s the social construction of "vulnerability" as a driver for disaster received considerable attention, in recent years we have seen increased attention to people's capacities and resilience. The currently popular "complexity" approach to risk moreover appears to offer ways of breaking through entrenched vulnerabilities. Resilience however is also a political project which, we argue, also has its dark, conservative overtones and overlooks structural sources of vulnerability that continue to affect hazard-prone actors. We may therefore need to conceive resilience as the potential for social transformation after disaster

    Liquid drops attract or repel by the inverted Cheerios effect

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    European Union Grant CIG 618335. S.K. acknowledges financial support from NWO through VIDI Grant 11304. A.P. and J.H.S. acknowledge financial support from European Research Council Consolidator Grant 616918

    Value chain development in Fragile Settings

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    Attitudes of Older Adults in a Group-Based Exercise Program Toward a Blended Intervention:A Focus-Group Study

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    Ageing is associated with a decline in daily functioning and mobility. A physically active life and physical exercise can minimize the decline of daily functioning and improve the physical-, psychological- and social functioning of older adults. Despite several advantages of group-based exercise programs, older adults participating in such interventions often do not meet the frequency, intensity or duration of exercises needed to gain health benefits. An exercise program that combines the advantages of group-based exercises led by an instructor with tailored home-based exercises can increase the effectiveness. Technology can assist in delivering a personalized program. The aim of the study was to determine the susceptibility of older adults currently participating in a nationwide group-based exercise program to such a blended exercise program. Eight focus-groups were held with adults of 55 years of age or older. Two researchers coded independently the remarks of the 30 participants that were included in the analysis according to the three key concepts of the Self Determination Theory: autonomy, competence and relatedness. The results show that maintaining self-reliance and keeping in touch with others were the main motives to participate in the weekly group-based exercises. Participants recognized benefits of doing additional home-based exercises, but had concerns regarding guidance, safety and motivation. Furthermore, some participants strongly rejected the idea to use technology to support them in doing exercises at home, but the majority was open to it. Insights are discussed how these findings can help design novel interventions that can increase the wellbeing of older adults and preserve an independent living.
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