1,474 research outputs found

    „Unter dem Banner des Asianismus“:: Transnationale Dimensionen des japanischen Asianismus-­Diskurses der Taishƍ-Zeit (1912–1926)

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    “Under the banner of Asianism”: transnational dimensions of Japanese Asianism discourse during the Taishƍ period (1912–1926) This article investigates the background and dynamics of the emergence and establishment of Asianism (Ajiashugi) as a contested key concept in mainstream political discourse in Japan during the 1910s and 1920s. Mainly focusing on the influence of Chinese and “Western” conceptions of Asianism on the debate in Japan, it analyses the Japanese “embrace of Asia” during the Taishƍ period (1912–1926) in a transnational politico-intellectual context. Initially, not only claims for Asian unity were largely rejected but Japanese “Asianity” as such was disputed by a majority of public opinion leaders. After the First World War, however, Japanese intellectuals increasingly began to embrace the idea of Asia and to propose Asianism as a political principle in opposition, or complementary to, the predominant doctrines of the time, such as nationalism, internationalism, or imperialism. While the self-affirmative call for an “Asia for the Asians” appealed to participants in this debate beyond national and ideological borders, the mere adoption of “Western” Orientalist rhetoric by Japanese and Chinese proponents of Asianism obstructed a full-scale conceptual emancipation from “the West”

    Imagined Territoriality:: Visual Portrayals of ‘Asia’ in the Age of Nationalism in East Asia

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    Dieser Artikel untersucht die Darstellung ‚Asiens‘ als kulturell-politische Einheit in visuellen Imaginationen von TerritorialitĂ€t und politischen Karikaturen, die ĂŒberwiegend in den 1930er und 1940er Jahren in Japan und China entstanden. Auf den ersten Blick stehen diese Portraits vor allem fĂŒr eine asianistische Agenda, die asiatische KommonalitĂ€t in Abgrenzung zum ‚Westen‘ betont. Visionen eines geeinten Asiens enthielten oft jedoch auch sehr explizite AnsprĂŒche auf ZentralitĂ€t oder FĂŒhrerschaft einer bestimmten Nation. Im Kontext des japanischen Imperialismus nimmt zwar meist Japan diese Rolle ein, allerdings zeigen Darstellungen ‚Asiens‘ aus Kollaborationsgebieten, dass auch anderen Nationen diese Rolle zugeschrieben werden konnte, solange dies innerhalb der asianistischen Metanarrative erfolgte. Damit ergĂ€nzten visuelle Imaginationen anderweitig verbreitete nationalistische Konzeptionen des Asianismus, wie sie vor allem seit den 1930er Jahren verstĂ€rkt propagiert wurden. Gegen dieses imperialistisch-hegemoniale Erbe des Asianismus nutzen Intellektuelle und transnationale Initiativen in Ostasien heute u.a. visuelle Darstellungen alternativer TerritorialitĂ€t, um zur Überwindung des gespaltenen Geschichtsbewusstseins und nationaler Chauvinismen beizutragen

    Remembering or Overcoming the Past?: "History Politics," Asian Identity and Visions of an East Asian Community

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    Introduction:: National and Regional Belonging in Twentieth-Century East Asia

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    Die Konzepte von Nation und belonging sind entscheidend, um die Geschichte Ostasiens im zwanzigsten Jahrhundert als Periode der Entstehung von Nationen und der Neuverhandlung von ZugehörigkeitsgefĂŒhlen zu verstehen. Diskursive Verbindungen zwischen beiden Konzepten können mindestens bis ins neunzehnte Jahrhundert zurĂŒckverfolgt werden. Begegnungen mit dem westlichen „Anderen” seit dieser Zeit hatten einen wichtigen Einfluss auf Vorstellungen und Formierungen von Nationalstaaten in Ostasien. WĂ€hrend der Aufstieg des Nationalismus eigentlich nationale Abgrenzung von Nachbarn suggeriert, vereinigten Anti-Kolonialismus und Anti-Imperialismus eine wachsende Zahl von Asiaten im Kampf fĂŒr Gleichheit und Selbstbestimmung. Dieser Kampf beeinflusste nicht nur die Zwischenkriegszeit, sondern charakterisierte auch die Epoche der Dekolonisation nach 1945. Dementsprechend diente vielen asiatischen Akteuren nicht nur die Nation, sondern auch die supranationale Region als Referenzpunkt fĂŒr die Ausbildung eines ZugehörigkeitsgefĂŒhls. Dieses basierte oft auf kulturellen Elementen wie Religion, Sprache, Werten und Abstammungsmythen. Zahlreiche rĂ€umliche Vorstellungen von KommonalitĂ€t trugen dementsprechend zur gleichzeitigen Ausbreitung von Nationalismus und Regionalismus bei. Dieser Artikel vermittelt einen Überblick ĂŒber die Bedeutung der Konzepte von Nation und belonging fĂŒr die Geschichte Ostasiens im zwanzigsten Jahrhundert und diskutiert theoretische AnsĂ€tze, die zum VerstĂ€ndnis des Zusammenhangs der Konzepte dienen. Abschließend stellt er die fĂŒnf Fallstudien dieser Ausgabe vor

    Prospects for natural SUSY

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    As we anticipate the first results of the 2016 run, we assess the discovery potential of the LHC to `natural supersymmetry'. To begin with, we explore the region of the model parameter space that can be excluded with various centre-of-mass energies (13 TeV and 14 TeV) and different luminosities (20 fb−1^{-1}, 100 fb−1^{-1}, 300 fb−1^{-1} and 3000 fb−1^{-1}). We find that the bounds at 95% CL on stops vary from mt~1≳900m_{\tilde{t}_1}\gtrsim 900 GeV expected this summer to mt~1≳1500m_{\tilde{t}_1}\gtrsim 1500 GeV at the end of the high luminosity run, while gluino bounds are expected to range from mg~≳1700m_{\tilde{g}}\gtrsim 1700 GeV to mg~≳2500m_{\tilde{g}}\gtrsim 2500 GeV over the same time period. However, more pessimistically we find that if no signal begins to appear this summer, only a very small region of parameter space can be discovered with 5-σ\sigma significance. For this conclusion to change, we find that both theoretical and systematic uncertainties will need to be significantly reduced.Comment: 19 pages, 13 figures, minor changes, Phys.Rev.D versio

    CheckMATE 2: From the model to the limit

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    We present the latest developments to the CheckMATE program that allows models of new physics to be easily tested against the recent LHC data. To achieve this goal, the core of CheckMATE now contains over 60 LHC analyses of which 12 are from the 13 TeV run. The main new feature is that CheckMATE 2 now integrates the Monte Carlo event generation via Madgraph and Pythia 8. This allows users to go directly from a SLHA file or UFO model to the result of whether a model is allowed or not. In addition, the integration of the event generation leads to a significant increase in the speed of the program. Many other improvements have also been made, including the possibility to now combine signal regions to give a total likelihood for a model.Comment: 53 pages, 6 figures; references updated, instructions slightly change

    Evaluation of the statistical cloud scheme in the ECHAM5 model using satellite data

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    An evaluation of a statistical cloud scheme taking into account subgrid-scale variability for water vapour and cloud condensate in the ECHAM5 general circulation model of the atmosphere is presented. Three-dimensional modelled water vapour, cloud liquid water and cloud ice were distributed stochastically into subcolumns of each grid box and vertically integrated to total water path (TWP). Thus the lower atmosphere is emphasized in the evaluation of TWP due to its exponential profile. The edited model dataset was compared with the globally analyzed distribution of TWP measured by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) satellite instrument. The results show that the mean TWP and mean cloud cover are on average relatively well simulated. However, large deficiencies are revealed by the evaluation of both variance and skewness of the probability density function (PDF). Systematically negative deviations of variance are found for almost all regions of the globe. Skewness of theTWPis overestimated in the Tropics and underestimated at high latitudes. Moreover, sensitivity experiments were performed to reveal the deficiencies in the parametrization leading to the observed deviations of variance and skewness of TWP. It was found that the positive bias in skewness in the Tropics can be reduced by modifying the influence of convection on the PDF

    Construction of 2-factors in the middle layer of the discrete cube

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    Define the middle layer graph as the graph whose vertex set consists of all bitstrings of length 2n+12n+1 that have exactly nn or n+1n+1 entries equal to 1, with an edge between any two vertices for which the corresponding bitstrings differ in exactly one bit. In this work we present an inductive construction of a large family of 2-factors in the middle layer graph for all n≄1n\geq 1. We also investigate how the choice of certain parameters used in the construction affects the number and lengths of the cycles in the resulting 2-factor
