94 research outputs found

    Micro-slip as a loss of determinacy in dry-friction oscillators

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    The hidden unstable orbits of maps with gaps

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    Advances in Rock Fabric Quantification and the Reconstruction of Progressive Dike Replacement in the Coastal Batholith of Central Chile

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    The Coastal Batholith of central Chile preserves structures that record the concentration, migration, transportation, and emplacement of magma during the progressive construction of a sheeted dike complex. This sheeted dike complex is divided into three main structural-geographic domains. The northwestern domain contains an abundance of deformed microgranitoid enclaves that host features that facilitated the concentration of melt during crystallization. The formation of interconnected dilational sites produced an array of lecocratic zones that may have formed larger dike networks that facilitated the transportation of melt-rich magma producing new magmatic units of similar mineralogy. The central domain is characterized by the presence of two tonalitic units that contain enclave swarms distinguished by their general packing arrangement and degree of elongation. Di erences in the fabric architecture of these enclave swarms are displayed by two separate three-dimensional fabric analyses using the Rf/ method, which indicates an abrupt transition from low-distortion oblate fabrics to more distorted prolate geometries. These changes are compared to the statistical alignment of feldspar phenocrysts that indicate general attening in both units with a higher degree of alignment within the XZ fabric plane for the younger tonalite. The third (southeastern) domain is distinguished by meter-scale, compositionally and texturally diverse sheeted dikes intercalated with biotite-rich migmatite screens of the host gneiss along the pluton margin. The need to process large quantities of fabric data from central Chile presented the opportunity to establish a comprehensive method for the quanti cation of three-dimensional rock fabrics following the Rf/ and Fry methods. In order to test the utility of this procedure, a three-dimensional synthetic model of known strain shape, magnitude, and orientation was processed. The results of this assessment indicate that the procedure accurately calculated the expected state of strain within a small margin of error. Finally, a natural example is presented to test the method\u27s ability to quantify the fabrics of deformed rocks. This example is a \lineation much greater than foliation (L\u3e\u3eS) metagranite augen gneiss from the Coastal Batholith of central Chile. This analysis resulted in calculated fabric ellipsoids from both the Rf/ and Fry methods that clearly display signi cantly prolate geometries at moderate distortions. The development of the three-dimensional rock fabric quanti cation procedure highlighted the need to teach analytical strain techniques in three-dimensions. To allow for this application, an interactive R script (FRY3D) was created speci cally to aid in the instruction and visualization of three-dimensional strain calculation at the advanced undergraduate and graduate levels. This tutorial was presented to a structural geology course of 20 students at the undergraduate level with a two part semi-quantitative concept assessment before and after the presentation. The results of this assessment indicate a positive increase in student\u27s understanding of three-dimensional nite strain. Finally, a simple examination of analytical error associated with the Panozzo projection technique for strain analysis is presented and indicates relationships among population size, strain magnitude, and initial fabric. My results suggest that this method is most robust when applied to sections containing greater than approximately 125 lines. Moreover, the magnitude-dependent error indicates that the method may be better suited for rocks deformed at low to moderate strains. I recommend an adaption to the initial conditional assumptions for this method that lines exhibit an initial radial symmetry when recentered to a common point

    Mindfulness meditation targets transdiagnostic symptoms implicated in stress-related disorders: Understanding relationships between changes in mindfulness, sleep quality, and physical symptoms

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    Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) is an 8-week meditation program known to improve anxiety, depression, and psychological well-being. Other health-related effects, such as sleep quality, are less well established, as are the psychological processes associated with therapeutic change. This prospective, observational study (n=213) aimed to determine whether perseverative cognition, indicated by rumination and intrusive thoughts, and emotion regulation, measured by avoidance, thought suppression, emotion suppression, and cognitive reappraisal, partly accounted for the hypothesized relationship between changes in mindfulness and two health-related outcomes: sleep quality and stress-related physical symptoms. As expected, increased mindfulness following the MBSR program was directly correlated with decreased sleep disturbance (r=-0.21, p=0.004) and decreased stress-related physical symptoms (r=-0.38, p<0.001). Partial correlations revealed that pre-post changes in rumination, unwanted intrusive thoughts, thought suppression, experiential avoidance, emotion suppression, and cognitive reappraisal each uniquely accounted for up to 32% of the correlation between the change in mindfulness and change in sleep disturbance and up to 30% of the correlation between the change in mindfulness and change in stress-related physical symptoms. Results suggest that the stress-reducing effects of MBSR are due, in part, to improvements in perseverative cognition and emotion regulation, two “transdiagnostic” mental processes that cut across stress-related disorders


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    Limbah berupa cairan akibat pembusukan sampah / air lindi di Tempat Pembuangan Akhir (TPA) Jatibarang Semarang mengandung logam berat Timbal (Pb) yang berasal dari sampah plastik, tinta pada kertas, batu baterai dll yang dapat mencemari lingkungan. Penggunaan zeolit merupakan salah satu teknologi yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk menghilangkan bahan cemaran dalam air lindi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh variasi dosis zeolit (5 gram, 10 gram, 15 gram, 20 gram, 25 gram) terhadap kadar logam timbal (Pb) pada air lindi TPA Jatibarang Semarang. Jenis penelitian ini adalah true eksperiment dengan rancangan pretest and posttest with control group design. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh air lindi TPA Jatibarang, kemudian diambil sampel pada bagian inlet IPAS TPA.Analisis data dengan uji one way ANOVA atau uji Kruskal-wallis (α= 0,05). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kadar awal Pb adalah 0,1011 mg/l, hal ini menunjukkan kadar timbal masih diatas baku mutu (0,1 mg/l). Sedangkan rata-rata suhu dan pH air lindi sebelum perlakuan adalah 260C dan 8,31. Penurunan kadar Pb pada dosis 5 gram, 10 gram, 15 gram, 20 gram, dan 25 gram berturut-turut sebagai berikut: -16,12%, -10,97%, - 3,22%, -3,22% dan 0%.Uji Kruskal-Wallis menunjukkan nilai p=0,710 yang berarti tidak ada perbedaan penurunankadar Pb pada variasi dosis zeolit. Hal ini disebabkan karena terjadi desorpsi Pb dari zeolit dan zeolit mengadsorp logam lain yang lebih reaktif,sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemberian variasi dosis zeolit tidak berpengaruh terhadap kadar logam timbal (Pb) pada air lindi TPA Jatibarang Semarang. Kata Kunci: Air lindi, Kadar timbal (Pb),Zeolit,TPA Jatibarang Semaran

    Modifiable Disease Risk, Readiness to Change, and Psychosocial Functioning Improve With Integrative Medicine Immersion Model

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    Background—Stroke, diabetes, and coronary heart disease (CHD) remain leading causes of death in the United States and are largely attributable to lifestyle behaviors. Integrative medicine can provide a supportive partnership that focuses on improving health by identifying and implementing lifestyle changes based upon personal values and goals. Objective—This prospective observational study was designed to assess the effectiveness of an integrative medicine intervention on modifiable disease risk, patient activation, and psychosocial risk factors for stroke, diabetes, and CHD. Design—Sixty-three adults participated in a 3-day comprehensive, multimodal health immersion program at Duke Integrative Medicine, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina. Participants received follow-up education, physician support, and telephonic health coaching between the immersion program and the endpoint 7 to 9 months later. Primary Outcome Measures—Psychosocial functioning, readiness to change health behaviors, and risk of developing diabetes, stroke, and CHD were assessed at baseline and endpoint. Results—Although cardiac risk remained unchanged (P = .19) during the study period, risk of diabetes (P = .02) and stroke (P \u3c .01) decreased significantly. Perceived stress remained unchanged, but improvements were seen in mood (P \u3c .05) and relationship satisfaction (P \u3c . 004). Patients became more activated towards self-management of health (PPPP= .006) following the intervention. Conclusion—An integrative health model can help patients become more engaged in self management of health and support them in making and maintaining healthy lifestyle changes. These findings provide support for use of an integrative health model in adult disease risk reduction

    Metamorphism of the Sierra de Maz and implications for the tectonic evolution of the MARA terrane

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    The Mesoproterozoic MARA terrane of western South America is a composite igneous-metamorphic complex that is important for Paleozoic paleogeographic reconstructions and the relative positions of Laurentia and Gondwana. The magmatic and detrital records of the MARA terrane are consistent with a Laurentian origin; however, the metamorphic and deformation records lack sufficient detail to constrain the correlation of units within the MARA terrane and the timing and mechanisms of accretion to the Gondwana margin. Combined regional mapping, metamorphic petrology, and garnet and monazite geochronology from the Sierra de Maz of northwest Argentina suggest that the region preserves four distinct litho-tectonic units of varying age and metamorphic conditions that are separated by middle- to lower-crustal ductile shear zones. The Zaino and Maz Complexes preserve Barrovian metamorphism and ages that are distinct from other units within the region. The Zaino and Maz Complexes both record metamorphism ca. 430–410 Ma and show no evidence of the regional Famatinian orogeny (ca. 490–455 Ma). In addition, the Maz Complex records an earlier granulite facies event at ca. 1.2 Ga. The Taco and Ramaditas Complexes, in contrast, experienced medium- and low-pressure upper amphibolite to granulite facies metamorphism, respectively, between ca. 470–460 Ma and were later deformed at ca. 440–420 Ma. The Maz shear zone that bounds the Zaino and Maz Complexes records sinistral oblique to sinistral deformation between ca. 430–410 Ma. The data suggest that at least some units in the MARA terrane were accreted by translation, and the Gondwana margin of northwest Argentina transitioned from a dominantly convergent margin to a highly oblique margin in the Silurian

    Alcohol and HIV Disease Progression: Weighing the Evidence

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    Heavy alcohol use is commonplace among HIV-infected individuals; however, the extent that alcohol use adversely impacts HIV disease progression has not been fully elucidated. Fairly strong evidence suggests that heavy alcohol consumption results in behavioral and biological processes that likely increase HIV disease progression, and experimental evidence of the biological effect of heavy alcohol on simian immunodeficiency virus in macaques is quite suggestive. However, several observational studies of the effect of heavy alcohol consumption on HIV progression conducted in the 1990s found no association of heavy alcohol consumption with time to AIDS diagnosis, while some more recent studies showed associations of heavy alcohol consumption with declines of CD4 cell counts and nonsuppression of HIV viral load. We discuss several plausible biological and behavioral mechanisms by which alcohol may cause HIV disease progression, evidence from prospective observational human studies, and suggest future research to further illuminate this important issue
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