11 research outputs found

    Austerity, rationing and inequity: trends in children’s and young peoples’ services expenditure in England between 2010 and 2015

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    This article investigates local authority (LA) trends in expenditure on Children’s and Young Peoples’ services in England between 2010 and 2015, a period of government characterised by measures of fiscal austerity. We draw on a rationing framework to contextualise the levels and trends in expenditure under observation. The article analyses trends in various groupings of expenditure, using a latent growth modelling approach to identify significant trajectories in spending across LAs with different deprivation tertile membership. We find that although some kinds of children’s and young peoples’ services expenditure have been largely maintained during this period, preventive family support and early intervention services (such as Sure Start Children’s centres) have seen substantial reductions in expenditure, in contrast to the dominant narrative that children’s services have been protected. LAs in the most deprived tertile have faced the greatest cuts, mirroring other research findings on the distribution of austerity measures

    Austerity, poverty, and children's services quality in England : consequences for child welfare and public services

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    In England, the dominant policy narrative recognises no association between spending on children’s services and quality and a limited association between quality and deprivation. We combined 374 inspection outcomes between 2011 and 2019 with data on preventative and safeguarding expenditure and Indices of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) scores. A multilevel logistic regression model predicting ‘good’ or ‘outstanding’ judgements suggests each £100 increase in preventative spending per child was associated with a 69 per cent increase (95 per cent CI: 27.5 per cent, 124 per cent) in the odds of a positive inspection. A one-decile increase in deprivation was associated with a 16 per cent (95 per cent CI: −25 per cent, −5.7 per cent) decrease. Safeguarding expenditure was not associated with outcomes. Deprived communities have worse access to good-quality children’s services and government policies that have increased poverty and retrenched preventative services have likely exacerbated this inequality. Further, inattention to socioeconomic context in inspections raises concerns about their use in ‘take over’ policies

    Funding for preventative Children’s Services and rates of children becoming looked after : a natural experiment using longitudinal area-level data in England

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    Background Children in care face adverse health outcomes, throughout the life-course, relative to the general population. In England, over the last decade, the rate of children entering care has increased. The rate of change differs markedly for older and younger children, who may also experience different preventative services. These services have been subject to inequitable spending reductions due to fiscal policies trailing the 2008 recession. Objective To assess the impact of cuts to prevention on rates of preschool children and adolescents entering care between 2012 and 2019. Participants and Setting Children aged 1–4 and 16–17 years, across 150 English upper-tier local authorities. Methods Our outcomes were annual rates of children entering care, aged 1–4 and 16–17. Our exposures were Children’s Services prevention spend per child under 5, and per child over 12. Regression models were used to quantify, within areas, associations between trends in prevention spend and trends in rates of children entering care, controlling for employment and child poverty rates. Results We found no association between changes in prevention spend per child under 5 and changes in care entry for 1–4-year-olds. However, spending reductions per child over 12 were associated with rising rates of 16–17-year-olds entering care. Every £10 per child decrease in prevention spend was associated with an estimated additional 1.9 per 100,000 children aged 16–17 entering care the following year (95% CI 0.7 to 2.9), equivalent to 1 in 25 care entries in this age group between 2012 and 2019. Conclusion This study offers evidence that rising rates of older children entering care has partly been driven by cuts to prevention services catering to their needs. Policies to tackle adverse trends should promote reinvestment in youth services, placing ordinary help on a robust statutory footing

    Are child welfare intervention rates higher or lower in areas targeted for enhanced early years services?

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    Flying Start is an enhanced early years programme in Wales which is targeted at areas where a high proportion of households with children are recipients of income-related benefits or tax credits. Child protection interventions are known to be concentrated in more deprived areas. Flying Start could have the effect of reducing risk to children or, conversely, it could result in more children coming to the attention of social services. Administrative data were used to identify children in public care and on child protection registers in Wales on 31 March 2015 and to identify lower super output areas covered by Flying Start services. Child welfare intervention rates were examined, and a comparison was made between areas within deprivation quintiles where Flying Start was operating and areas where it was not. In areas where Flying Start services are provided, child welfare intervention rates are higher than in areas where they are not, after controlling for multiple deprivation. Further work is needed to establish why child welfare intervention rates are higher in Flying Start areas and what effect there might be longer term

    Improving inclusivity in robotics design : an exploration of methods for upstream co-creation

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    Disabled people are often involved in robotics research as potential users of technologies which address specific needs. However, their more generalised lived expertise is not usually included when planning the overall design trajectory of robots for health and social care purposes. This risks losing valuable insight into the lived experience of disabled people, and impinges on their right to be involved in the shaping of their future care. This project draws upon the expertise of an interdisciplinary team to explore methodologies for involving people with disabilities in the early design of care robots in a way that enables incorporation of their broader values, experiences and expectations. We developed a comparative set of focus group workshops using Community Philosophy, LEGO® Serious Play® and Design Thinking to explore how people with a range of different physical impairments used these techniques to envision a “useful robot”. The outputs were then workshopped with a group of roboticists and designers to explore how they interacted with the thematic map produced. Through this process, we aimed to understand how people living with disability think robots might improve their lives and consider new ways of bringing the fullness of lived experience into earlier stages of robot design. Secondary aims were to assess whether and how co-creative methodologies might produce actionable information for designers (or why not), and to deepen the exchange of social scientific and technical knowledge about feasible trajectories for robotics in health-social care. Our analysis indicated that using these methods in a sequential process of workshops with disabled people and incorporating engineers and other stakeholders at the Design Thinking stage could potentially produce technologically actionable results to inform follow-on proposals

    Efeitos de Fatores Ambientais na Reprodução de Tartarugas Environmental factors effects in turtles reproduction

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    Para as espécies de tartaruga que apresentam a determinação sexual dependente da temperatura da incubação o local e o momento da desova, exercem influências que vão além da definição do sexo dos embriões. A influência do local da desova se estende a todo o desenvolvimento embrionário afetando o comportamento e o tamanho dos filhotes. O momento em que ocorre a desova trará conseqüências ao ambiente térmico dos ninhos à medida que a temperatura e a umidade variam ao longo do ano. A umidade será decisiva nas trocas hídricas e gasosas entre os ovos e o meio afetando a absorção do vitelo e o crescimento dos embriões. As cheias e os alagamentos são importantes fatores de perda de ninhos nas espécies de tartaruga de água doce. A desova no momento adequado possibilita uma incubação segura, sem a interferência de alagamentos dos ninhos e conseqüente morte dos embriões. A predação dos ninhos varia de acordo com o local da desova, o tipo e a abundância de predadores e a profundidade da câmara de ovos. A escolha de pontos de desova no interior da vegetação, onde a taxa de predação é geralmente menor, nem sempre é a estratégia mais frequentemente adotada pelas tartarugas, uma vez que esse procedimento pode levar a uma maior exposição das fêmeas aos predadores, à diminuição do sucesso da eclosão ou a alterações na razão sexual provocadas por diferenças na temperatura da incubação.<br>Turtle species in which the sex determination is dependent of incubation temperature, the nest site and the laying moment will affect more than embryo sex determination. The influence of the laying site extends all over the embryonic development, affecting hatching weight and size. The time of the egg-laying will bring consequences to the nest thermal environment, as the temperature and humidity change throughout the year. The humidity will be decisive in gaseous and hydric exchanges between eggs and the environment, affecting yolk absorption and embryo growth. Floods and inundation are important factors related to nest loss in freshwater turtle species. Egg laying at the appropriated time makes a safe incubation possible, without the interference of nest inundation and subsequent embryo death. The nest predation varies according to the egg-laying site, type and abundance of predator and nest depth. The choice of areas in the middle of vegetation, where the predation rate is generally smaller, is not always the most used strategy by turtles, since this procedure can decrease the hatching success or provoke changes in sex ratio

    Comparative map for mice and humans.

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