49 research outputs found

    Dinamika Pembentukan Kata Bahasa Indonesia

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    Bahasa Indonesia sebagai salah satu bahasa di dunia tidak mungkin mempertahankan kemurnian dan kemandiriannya. Bahkan, bahasa Indonesia tergolong bahasa yang tidak murni karena dari awal kelahirannya tidak ada bahasa Indonesia. Istilah Indonesia baru muncul belakangan. Tilikan terhadap dinamika pembentukan kata bahasa Indonesia bertolak dari dua sudut pandang. Pertama, sudut pandang internal, yaitu sudut pandang yang terfokus pada kaidah pembentukan kata yang ada dalam sistem bahasa Indonesia. Kedua, sudut pandang eksternal, yaitu sudut pandang  yang menekankan pembentukan kata dari pengaruh bahasa lain, baik asing maupun lokal. Proses pembentukan kata secara internal yang lazim terjadi dalam bahasa Indonesia mencakup: afiksasi, reduplikasi, pemajemukan, pemendekan, dan derivasi balik. Dari beberapa pembentukan kata ini, tidak semua dianalisis tetapi hanya dikhususkan pada pembentukan kata yang dinamis (mengalami pasang surut). Hasil pengkajian membuktikan bahwa pembentukan kata dalam bahasa Indonesia dewasa ini, senantiasa mengalami dinamika. Kecenderungan dinamika mengarah pada munculnya afiks asing atau afiks bahasa serumpun, penanggalan afiks, munculnya leksikal baru, dan menyusutnya pemakaian kata yang sebelumnya sangat tinggi. Di sisi lain, ada kecenderungan bahwa morfem unik berubah menjadi morfem bebas. Kata Kunci: Proses pembentukan kat


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    Purpose of the study: Language is a productive communication tool for teachers to interact with learners. The use of non-verbal Language in speaking becomes strong support when the speech event takes place. This study aims to determine the elements of kinesics and politeness of the Language of the instructor in learning. Methodology: The method used in this study uses descriptive methods. The subjects involved in the research were one lecturer in Indonesian language courses andMahasaraswati university students who were taking Indonesian language courses. The study was conducted in 6 different classes for three meetings. Main Findings: The results showed that non-verbal Language is inherent and contributes to the application of the instructor’s politeness principle in learning. Utilization of kinesics in the politeness of Language perfects a speech that is based on the politeness of Language so that the care of speech harmony can be sustained and to the success in maintaining the face of the speech partner especially emotional closeness between learners and instructors. Application of this study: Learning includes embedded values ​​and imprinted into a role model for learners. The attitude that is no less important and inherent in the instructor’s self is the kinesic attraction that causes the learner’s pleasure and comfort when learning takes place. Novelty/Originality of this study: Research in Indonesian has not yet led to politeness in Language. The utilization of non-verbal Language in speaking becomes strong support when the speech event takes place, this is because Language is the main communication tool for interaction in learning

    Penilaian Keterampilan Berbicara dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia sebagai Bahasa Asing

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    This article entitled Penilaian Keterampilan Berbicara dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia sebagai Bahasa Asing. The aim of this research is to assess learners' speaking skill in learning Indonesian language after an active learning process had been done that motivates the learners to actively involved, thus the learners can dominate the learning activity and can achieve the basic competency which contained in the lesson plan. The main theory of this research is a rubric design theory proposed by Airasian (2005). The data was collected by using observation and test methods. The techniques used in this articles are check list, written test, and spoken test. The result of this research showed that 80% of the learners actively involved and the aim of learning activity was attained. The learners' achievement of grammar comprehension is 60% and the comprehension of learning topics that were given in active learning process is 85%. Some factors that obstructed the learners in both aspects mentioned above are the inability of the learners in differentiating and comparing the grammar of their mother language and the Indonesian grammar, the learners' activities and schedules that made them unable to attend the whole ten meetings before the assessment process by using check list technique, written and spoken test was done

    Pemaliq Words of Human Death within the Society of Sasak-Indonesia: A Linguistic Anthropology Study

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    This study aimed to describe the world’s view and cultural values conceptualized by the community of Sasak on pemaliq words of human death. Non-participatory observation and in-depth interview methods were used to collect the data. The data were analyzed using a qualitative descriptive approach. It applied Miles and Huberman analysis model consisting of data collection, data reduction, data display, and conclusion. The results of the study showed that pemaliq words of human death used by the Sasak community in Sigar Penjalin Village, North Lombok Regency, Indonesia, reflected the perspective of the ancestors in understanding the nature of death. It means those who experience death are the physical matters, while the human spirits keep on living and they are in a holy place, namely in alam alus (subtle world). The Sasak community of Sigar Penjalin Village forbid the use of matѐ ‘died’ as a word for human death, not only it is considered impolite, but it is believed in bringing tulah manuh ‘misfortune’ to those who are using that particular word. Therefore, the ancestors of the Sasak community in Sigar Penjalin Village is in practice of using certain words as a way of avoidance, namely the word adѐq ‘nonexistence’, ngѐnangang ‘leaving’, and ulѐq ‘returning home’ (euphemistic words), in which all are used to represent the word matѐ ‘died’. Cultural values reflected in the use of those words, namely the values of religiosity, consciousness, and politeness

    Pengaruh Pengalaman dan Proses Reviu pada Pertimbangan Auditor dalam Menilai Penyajian Laporan Keuangan Pemerintah (Studi pada Inspektorat Daerah di Provinsi Bali)

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    This study aims to obtain an empirical evidence of the influence of auditor experience and review on auditors judgement in assessing the financial statement of local government. This has been an important issue because the role of local insprectorat auditor has not been effective in performing the review tasks. Using the field experiment with factorial design 2 x 2, this study examined 90 local insprectorat auditors in Bali Province. The collected data were analized using ANOVA to know the difference effect of experience and review and their interactions on auditors judgement. This study shows some empirical findings. Firstly, the experienced auditors can make better judgements. Secondly, auditors who doing the review can increase the quality of their judgements. Thirdly, the difference level of experience and the difference treatment in doing the review process affect the auditors judgments. However, there is no interaction effect between experience and review on auditors judgments


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    Dialek Bali Aga (DBA) merupakan salah satu dialek bahasa Bali yang umumnya tersebar di daerah pegunungan di Bali dan di Kecamatan Nusa Penida. Pada masa lalu penutur DBA, yang sering menganggap diri sebagai penduduk asli pulau Bali ini, bersikap divergen secara sosial dan linguistik terhadap msyarakat tutur bahasa Bali Dialek Bali Dataran (DBD). Sikap divergen ini menyebabkan DBA berkembang secara berbeda dengan DBD sehingga menjadi dialek tersendiri. Modernisasi dan kemajuan di berbagai bidang membuat masyarakat tutur DBA semakin dinamis dan dalam dinamikanya mereka banyak berinteraksi dengan masyarakat tutur DBD. Dalam interaksi ini sikap divergen mereka, baik secara sosial maupun linguistic, mulai mencair. Mereka menguasai DBD dan bahkan ada fenomena DBA di beberapa wilayah mulai terdesak oleh DBD. Di desa Bali Aga Pedawa, keterdesakan DBA Pedawa (DBAP) menimbulkan keprihatinan di kalangan pemuka masyarakat karena desa Pedawa memiliki kekhasan budaya yang merupakan bagian dari identitas masyarakat Pedawa. Jika transmisi antargenerasi DBAP, yang merupakan bahasa ibu masyarakat Pedawa, terputus, maka dikahawatirkan generasi mendatang tidak dapat mengenali budaya yang merupakan jati dirinya. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang menerapkan metode simak dan cakap ini dapat diketahui bahwa beberapa penelitian kebahasaan yang dilakukan di desa Pedawa, baik oleh peneliti Indonesia mau pun asing, ternyata memiliki dampak penting bagi masyarakat di desa itu, yakni menumbuhkan kesadaran masyarakat akan peran penting bahasa ibu mereka. Dalam beberapa periode belakangan mulai ada geliat revitalisasi bahasa di desa ini, yang ditandai dengan munculnya rasa bangga dan sikap positif terhadap DBAP, meluasnya ranah pakai DBAP, misalnya acara rapat yang dahulu sempat menggunakan DBD atau bahasa Indonesia, mulai beralih kembali ke DBAP. Di kalangan generasi muda dan usia dewasa muda, DBAP bahkan mewarnai percakapan mereka di media sosial. Pengenalan budayabudaya tradisional asli, seperti upacara mesangih massal, ngangkid massal, rumah adat tradisional Pedawa dan lain-lain, melalui berbagai media, menyebabkan kosakata DBAP yang menyangkut budaya, rumah, dan perundagian makin dikenal secara luas. Geliat kebahasaan yang beriringan dengan geliat revitalisasi budaya ini sangat menunjang pengembangan desa Pedawa dalam sebagai objek pariwisata. Meningkatnya vitalitas DBAP ini, sekaligus dapat menunjang pendidikan di tingkat sekolah dasar dan menunjang layanan kesehatan, utamanya di kalangan lansia, yang umumnya monolingual, bahkan monolektal. Sebagai sebuah dialek dengan kekhasannya dan kekhasan budaya yang diwahanainya, DBAP ikut menunjang program pendidikan multikultural di Indonesia

    Living Tongue: The Proposal Speech in West Sulawesi, Indonesia

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    This article discusses about the marriage proposal speech through the linguistic anthropology perspective. Specifically, it elaborates the characteristics of the marriage proposal speech of Pakkado community in West Sulawesi especially on the aspects of parallelism and metaphor. The rationality of this study is to provide a better understanding of marriage proposal speech which is in line with the cultural aspect of the speakers.This research used participant observation method. The techniques used were recording and field note taking. The result of this study contributes in two factors: ethnography and academic. Ethnographically, the marriage proposal speeches which are dialectically produced by the community are very heterogeneous. Theoretically, the speech is not only referential, but also indexically non-referential. The result showed that the proposal speech displayed varieties of metaphor and parallelism, Keywords: Pakkado proposal speech, metaphor, parallelism DOI: 10.7176/RHSS/11-6-04 Publication date:March 31st 202

    Aquifer porosity prediction base on resistivity data and water conductivity

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    The research of aquifer porosity prediction based on resistivity data and water conductivity was conducted. The research was a case of study that conducted at Desa Bugbug, Karangasem Regency in Bali. Resistivity data were taken by geoelectric tools set off. Water conductivity data was obtained by directly measuring the water conductivity of the wells drilled based on geoelectric data. In regard the measurement results was obtained 26.5 ohm.m of resistivity aquifer and the water conductivity was 0.02 s/m so that the aquifer porosity based on the calculation was 39.9%. The implications of this calculation were to obtain data that serves as a soil porosity aquifer, e.g. as the soil porosity at existing wells site, it was enough conducted resistivity measurements on the spot and measure the conductivity of wells water. Thus the process was expected to be more practical


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    Abstract: Balinese language is divided into two dialects, namely Bali Dataran(DBD), and Bali Aga (DBA) dialect. The DBD variation happens vertically, but not in DBA. Some vocabularies in DBD that are classified into low(Tak-Alus/TA) are classified as common variants in DBA. This research aims to explore the Balinese personal pronoun variations in DBD  which  DBA in  Sembiran(DS), and Seraya Timur(DST). The results, by applying the dialectology theory and correlation method or metode padan, showed that the personal pronouns of DS and DST varied lexically and phonologically. Lexically, the personal pronoun of first person singular in DBD /(ti)tiyaŋ/(A), /(i)–caŋ/ and /yaŋ/(TA) was realized as /oke/ and /kaka/ in DS also /(b)–iba/, /uke/, and /wane/ in DST. The second person singular /ragane/(A), /cai/ /ɲai/, and /ibə/(TA) in DBD, were realized as /cai/, /ɲai/, and /ŋko/ in DS also /cai/ and /ɲai/ in DST; and the third person singular /idə/, /dane/(A) and /(i) –yə/(TA) in DBD, were realized as /ya/, in DS and DST. Meanwhile phonologically, the realization of phoneme /a/ at the end of the word in DBD was realized as /ə/, in DS and DST was /a/.  permalink/DOI: dx.doi.org/10.17977/um015v46i12018p073  

    Bangunan tradisional Bali serta fungsinya

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    Bali dikenal dunia luar adalah karena keunikannya. Unik tidaklah harus berarti lebih baik dari pada yang lain. Dalam penilaian unik terkandung suatu maksud bahwa Bali lain dari pada yang lain, Bali mempunyai suatu nilai-nilai khusus dan di daerah lain tidak dijumpai hal semacam itu. Oleh karena keistimewaan Bali terletak dalam keunikan Budayanya maka seharusnya Bali dikembangkan secara khusus; dalam arti pola-pola dasar masyarakat Hindu di Bali hendaknyalah tetap menjadi pola dasar pengembangan Bali dalam mengikuti modernisasi.lebih lanjut lagi, didalam buku ini berusaha untuk menjelaskan dan memperlengkap penjelasan mengenai bangunan tradisional Bali serta fungsinya untuk meningkatkan wawasan serta pengetahuan tentang budaya daerah