114 research outputs found

    Atomistic origins of high-performance in hybrid halide perovskite solar cells

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    The performance of organometallic perovskite solar cells has rapidly surpassed that of both conventional dye-sensitised and organic photovoltaics. High power conversion efficiency can be realised in both mesoporous and thin-film device architectures. We address the origin of this success in the context of the materials chemistry and physics of the bulk perovskite as described by electronic structure calculations. In addition to the basic optoelectronic properties essential for an efficient photovoltaic device (spectrally suitable band gap, high optical absorption, low carrier effective masses), the materials are structurally and compositionally flexible. As we show, hybrid perovskites exhibit spontaneous electric polarisation; we also suggest ways in which this can be tuned through judicious choice of the organic cation. The presence of ferroelectric domains will result in internal junctions that may aid separation of photoexcited electron and hole pairs, and reduction of recombination through segregation of charge carriers. The combination of high dielectric constant and low effective mass promotes both Wannier-Mott exciton separation and effective ionisation of donor and acceptor defects. The photoferroic effect could be exploited in nanostructured films to generate a higher open circuit voltage and may contribute to the current-voltage hysteresis observed in perovskite solar cells.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Selective AKR1C3 inhibitors do not recapitulate the anti-leukaemic activities of the pan-AKR1C inhibitor medroxyprogesterone acetate

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    Background: We and others have identified the aldo-keto reductase AKR1C3 as a potential drug target in prostate cancer, breast cancer and leukaemia. As a consequence, significant effort is being invested in the development of AKR1C3-selective inhibitors. Methods: We report the screening of an in-house drug library to identify known drugs that selectively inhibit AKR1C3 over the closely related isoforms AKR1C1, 1C2 and 1C4. This screen initially identified tetracycline as a potential AKR1C3-selective inhibitor. However, mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance studies identified that the active agent was a novel breakdown product (4-methyl(de-dimethylamine)-tetracycline (4-MDDT)). Results: We demonstrate that, although 4-MDDT enters AML cells and inhibits their AKR1C3 activity, it does not recapitulate the anti-leukaemic actions of the pan-AKR1C inhibitor medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA). Screens of the NCI diversity set and an independently curated small-molecule library identified several additional AKR1C3-selective inhibitors, none of which had the expected anti-leukaemic activity. However, a pan AKR1C, also identified in the NCI diversity set faithfully recapitulated the actions of MPA. Conclusions: In summary, we have identified a novel tetracycline-derived product that provides an excellent lead structure with proven drug-like qualities for the development of AKR1C3 inhibitors. However, our findings suggest that, at least in leukaemia, selective inhibition of AKR1C3 is insufficient to elicit an anticancer effect and that multiple AKR1C inhibition may be required

    Principles of Chemical Bonding and Band Gap Engineering in Hybrid Organic–Inorganic Halide Perovskites

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    The performance of solar cells based on hybrid halide perovskites has seen an unparalleled rate of progress, while our understanding of the underlying physical chemistry of these materials trails behind. Superficially, CH3NH3PbI3 is similar to other thin-film photovoltaic materials: a semiconductor with an optical band gap in the optimal region of the electromagnetic spectrum. Microscopically, the material is more unconventional. Progress in our understanding of the local and long-range chemical bonding of hybrid perovskites is discussed here, drawing from a series of computational studies involving electronic structure, molecular dynamics, and Monte Carlo simulation techniques. The orientational freedom of the dipolar methylammonium ion gives rise to temperature-dependent dielectric screening and the possibility for the formation of polar (ferroelectric) domains. The ability to independently substitute on the A, B, and X lattice sites provides the means to tune the optoelectronic properties. Finally, ten critical challenges and opportunities for physical chemists are highlighted

    Efficient amplitude-modulated pulses for triple- to single-quantum coherence conversion in MQMAS NMR

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    We thank EPSRC (EP/E041825/1 and EP/J501542/1) for support, for the award of a studentship to H.C. We also thank the ERC (EU FP7 Consolidator Grant 614290 “EXONMR”).The conversion between multiple- and single-quantum coherences is integral to many nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiments of quadrupolar nuclei. This conversion is relatively inefficient when effected by a single pulse, and many composite pulse schemes have been developed to improve this efficiency. To provide the maximum improvement, such schemes typically require time-consuming experimental optimization. Here, we demonstrate an approach for generating amplitude-modulated pulses to enhance the efficiency of the triple- to single-quantum conversion. The optimization is performed using the SIMPSON and MATLAB packages and results in efficient pulses that can be used without experimental reoptimisation. Most significant signal enhancements are obtained when good estimates of the inherent radio-frequency nutation rate and the magnitude of the quadrupolar coupling are used as input to the optimization, but the pulses appear robust to reasonable variations in either parameter, producing significant enhancements compared to a single-pulse conversion, and also comparable or improved efficiency over other commonly used approaches. In all cases, the ease of implementation of our method is advantageous, particularly for cases with low sensitivity, where the improvement is most needed (e.g., low gyromagnetic ratio or high quadrupolar coupling). Our approach offers the potential to routinely improve the sensitivity of high-resolution NMR spectra of nuclei and systems that would, perhaps, otherwise be deemed "too challenging".Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Comparative analysis of cellulose preparation techniques for use with <sup>13</sup>C, <sup>14</sup>C, and <sup>18</sup>O Isotopic Measurements

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    A number of operationally defined methods exist for pretreating plant tissues in order to measure C, N, and O isotopes. Because these isotope measurements are used to infer information about environmental conditions that existed at the time of tissue growth, it is important that these pretreatments remove compounds that may have exchanged isotopes or have been synthesized after the original formation of these tissues. In stable isotope studies, many pretreatment methods focus on isolating "cellulose" from the bulk tissue sample because cellulose does not exchange C and O isotopes after original synthesis. We investigated the efficacy of three commonly applied pretreatment methods, the Brendel method and two variants of the Brendel method, the Jayme-Wise method and successive acid/base/acid washes, for use on three tissue types (wood, leaves, roots). We then compared the effect of each method on C and O isotope composition (C-13, C-14, O-18), C and N content, and chemical composition of the residue produced (using C-13 nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)). Our results raised concerns over use of the Brendel method as published, as it both added C and N to the sample and left a residue that contains remnant lipids and waxes. Furthermore, this method resulted in O-18 values that are enriched relative to the other methods. Modifying the Brendel method by adding a NaOH step (wash) solved many of these problems. We also found that processed residues vary by tissue type. For wood and root tissues, the C-13 NMR spectra and the O-18 and C-13 data showed only small differences between residues for the Jayme-Wise and modified Brendel methods. However, for leaf tissue, C-13 NMR data showed that Jayme-Wise pretreatments produced residues that are more chemically similar to cellulose than the other methods. The acid/base/acid washing method generated C-13 NMR spectra with incomplete removal of lignin for all tissues tested and both isotopic, and C-13 NMR results confirmed that this method should not be used if purified cellulose is desired

    Comparative analysis of cellulose preparation techniques for use with 13C, 14C, AND 18O isotopic measurements.

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    A number of operationally defined methods exist for pretreating plant tissues in order to measure C, N, and O isotopes. Because these isotope measurements are used to infer information about environmental conditions that existed at the time of tissue growth, it is important that these pretreatments remove compounds that may have exchanged isotopes or have been synthesized after the original formation of these tissues. In stable isotope studies, many pretreatment methods focus on isolating "cellulose" from the bulk tissue sample because cellulose does not exchange C and O isotopes after original synthesis. We investigated the efficacy of three commonly applied pretreatment methods, the Brendel method and two variants of the Brendel method, the Jayme-Wise method and successive acid/base/acid washes, for use on three tissue types (wood, leaves, roots). We then compared the effect of each method on C and O isotope composition (13C, 14C, 18O), C and N content, and chemical composition of the residue produced (using 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)). Our results raised concerns over use of the Brendel method as published, as it both added C and N to the sample and left a residue that contains remnant lipids and waxes. Furthermore, this method resulted in 18O values that are enriched relative to the other methods. Modifying the Brendel method by adding a NaOH step (wash) solved many of these problems. We also found that processed residues vary by tissue type. For wood and root tissues, the 13C NMR spectra and the 18O and 13C data showed only small differences between residues for the Jayme-Wise and modified Brendel methods. However, for leaf tissue, 13C NMR data showed that Jayme-Wise pretreatments produced residues that are more chemically similar to cellulose than the other methods. The acid/base/acid washing method generated 13C NMR spectra with incomplete removal of lignin for all tissues tested and both isotopic, and 13C NMR results confirmed that this method should not be used if purified cellulose is desired