6 research outputs found

    The analysis of passenger air transport development in Poland over the period 2010-2018

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    Purpose: The aim of the conducted research was analysis of data regarding aviation activities in the field of passenger transport at Polish airports over the period 2010-2018. Design/Methodology/Approach: The Analysis of the air travel segment referring passenger transport in Polish airports is based on available literature, analysis and statistical documentation of the air transport market for the years 2010-2018. Findings: The Polish market of air services continues to be in a state of flux. The pace at which changes occur results from a combination of external and internal factors, which precondition the behaviour of air carriers and customers, and the operation of airports. When analysing air transport development forecast, we can see a further upward trend in the number of activities of all market participants. That said, in the near future we should be expecting an expansion of connections, erection of state-of-the-art infrastructure, new air services, and above all a growth of importance of Poland on the aviation map of Europe. Practical Implications: Having regard to data included in the study, without a doubt the Polish aviation market should be considered a strongly developing one, having enormous potential ensuing not only from population mobility different EU standards, but also from demographic potential of Poland, gradual wealth gaining of the Polish society, and Poland’s geographic location. Originality/Value: A comparative analysis of the potential of selected air carriers and airports with respect to the volume of transported passengers and flights performed.peer-reviewe

    Process management in food supply chains : a case study

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    Purpose: The aim of this article is to identify processes in the horses feed supply chains implemented for the needs of sporting stables, together with an indication of the factors determining their efficient management and to propose methods to improve the process. Design/Approach: The research was conducted using qualitative methods. As part of the research procedure, process analysis was carried out using the method of mapping processes in the horse feed supply chain. To analyse and evaluate the examined processes were presented in the form of graphical maps developed using the iGrafx software. Findings: The results of the study indicate that the coordination and integration of logistics processes has a significant impact on the efficiency of the feed supply chain. It is necessary to focus process management on building partnerships in the supply chain to ensure high quality horse nutrition. Practical Implications: The results can be used to improve the supply chain, which is important for owners, breeders, trainers, and animal caregivers - as well as sports, insurance, or veterinary institutions. Nutritional issues are subject to detailed analysis in the event of success and at the time of occurrence of health problems ending with surgical intervention or death of the horse. Originality/Value: Due to the growing importance of these issues for the efficient operation of the feed chain for horses, it is necessary to understand and promote the aspect of coherent, integrated process management in the scientific and practical dimension. An important element of breeding and training activities is the proper recognition of individual elements and relationships in feed supply chains, as well as the factors determining them.peer-reviewe

    Environmental impact of air transport

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    Purpose: The investigations focus on environmental impact of air transport. The main purpose of the study was to present the core actions performed by the KrakĂłw - Balice airport, the first airport in Poland to join the Partnership for implementing sustainable development objectives (2018), in full respect of the principles of sustainable development and the natural environment around the airport. Design/Methodology/Approach: The analysis of the actions pursued by the Polish airport within the framework of sustainable development is based on the available scientific literature and sustainable development reports issued by the studied airport between 2016 and 2018. Findings: Rapid development of air transport over the last 50 years has not gone unnoticed by the natural environment. Studies in the field have demonstrated negative effects both locally, around airports, and globally, considering climate change issues and air pollution. Practical Implications: Continuing developments in air transport entail not only an economic advantage but also stimulated investments in state-of-the-art technologies. With an increased application of know-how and innovative approaches of other sectors, there will be new opportunities to address the issue of environmental impact of air transport. However, the impact of air transport activities on climate change, noise levels, and air quality is deemed to grow year by year, which has an effect on health and life quality of the society. Originality/Value: A presentation of core actions undertaken by the airport to protect the natural environment. The variety of currently introduced activities continue to generate passenger air transport demand, which leads to a general increase of its environmental impact. Given the above, we continue to explore ways to meet environmental challenges, whilst ensuring a long-term success of air transport.peer-reviewe

    The supply chain of the mining industry : the case of copper mining

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    Purpose: The aim of this article is to identify processes and recognise determinants in the copper mining industry supply chain creation and activity taking into account the influence of COVID-19 pandemic. Design/Approach: The research was conducted using qualitative methods. As part of the research procedure, process analysis was carried out using the method of mapping processes in the mining industry supply chain (on the example of copper mining). To analyse and evaluate the examined processes were presented in the form of graphical maps developed using the ADONIS software. A case study was used to show the specificity of the studies case (copper mining supply chain) and accompanying phenomena. Findings: The results of the study indicate that the coordination and integration of logistics processes has a significant impact on the mining supply chain. It is necessary to point out that the mining processes are separate from production processes. The individual tier of copper mining supply chain has their specific determinants that can be identified in the following groups: natural and geological, political, economic, legislative, social, environmental, and technological. The COVID-19 pandemic increased the intensity of the search for new technologies, human security, remote communication processes and process tracking tools; it also increased the need for cooperation and searching for cooperative solutions regarding sustainable development and the circular economy. Practical Implications: The results can be used to improve the operation of the supply chain. The conducted analyses have significant practical implications for the design of efficiency, security, and resilience of supply chains. Originality/Value: The comprehensive analysis of the supply chain creates opportunities for comprehensive improvement of both the entire system and its individual components.peer-reviewe

    The impact of Covid-19 on air transport operation in Poland

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    Purpose: The subject matter of the research was the effect of the COVID - 19 pandemic on the operation of air transport in Poland. The primary research objective was to present the key actions the aviation industry had to undertake to address new challenges. Design/Approach: The analysis of the economic consequences having an impact on the operation of passenger air transport and actions undertaken at Polish airports in the new situation based on available literature, statistical data, and aviation market reports. Findings: The rapid spread of the SARS CoV-2 virus initially resulted in a decreased demand for air transport and ultimately led to flight suspension and airport closure. Past observations and statistical data analyses clearly demonstrate that the aviation industry has changed due to the pandemic. Practical Implications: Continuing developments in air transport entail not only an economic advantage but also stimulated investments in state-of-the-art technologies. Through an increased application of expert knowledge and innovative approaches of many sectors, there will be new opportunities to address the issue of the impact of crises on air transport. Originality/Value: The indication of key actions undertaken by the aviation industry in Poland to mitigate the effects of the pandemics, which are long-term and will guarantee successful air transport into the future.peer-reviewe