56 research outputs found
Recent research in childhood education has demonstrated that experiences in nature are important in shaping early environmental consciousness (Hinds and Sparks 2008, Hussar and Horvath 2011, Cheng and Monroe 2012) and ultimately the expression of pro-environmental attitudes and behaviors during adulthood (Wells and Lekies 2006, Chawla and Cushing 2007, Collado et al. 2013). Increasingly, those experiences happen via written and electronic media (e.g., textbooks, computer screens) or in very anthropogenic environments (e.g., in parks and zoos) and less through direct contact with nature, a concept Louv (2005) referred to as âânature deficit disorder.ââ Even in schools where environmental education is prioritized, the extent of access to outdoor classroom activities or experiential learning opportunities can limit the degree to which children can observe, explore, and directly experience the natural world (Hudson 2001, Louv 2005, Ernst 2009). Interestingly, the same information technologies that might serve to limit contact with nature also have the potential to enhance and encourage interest and concern for the natural world (Blewitt 2011, Pearson et al. 2011). We believe this is an important paradox that warrants much further exploration and evaluation within educational and scientific communities
Low-field MRI: a report on the 2022 ISMRM workshop
In March 2022, the first ISMRM Workshop on Low-Field MRI was held virtually. The goals of this workshop were to discuss recent low field MRI technology including hardware and software developments, novel methodology, new contrast mechanisms, as well as the clinical translation and dissemination of these systems. The virtual Workshop was attended by 368 registrants from 24 countries, and included 34 invited talks, 100 abstract presentations, 2 panel discussions, and 2 live scanner demonstrations. Here, we report on the scientific content of the Workshop and identify the key themes that emerged. The subject matter of the Workshop reflected the ongoing developments of low-field MRI as an accessible imaging modality that may expand the usage of MRI through cost reduction, portability, and ease of installation. Many talks in this Workshop addressed the use of computational power, efficient acquisitions, and contemporary hardware to overcome the SNR limitations associated with low field strength. Participants discussed the selection of appropriate clinical applications that leverage the unique capabilities of low-field MRI within traditional radiology practices, other point-of-care settings, and the broader community. The notion of "image quality" versus "information content" was also discussed, as images from low-field portable systems that are purpose-built for clinical decision-making may not replicate the current standard of clinical imaging. Speakers also described technical challenges and infrastructure challenges related to portability and widespread dissemination, and speculated about future directions for the field to improve the technology and establish clinical value.Radiolog
Schmidt-hammer exposure ages from periglacial patterned ground (sorted circles) in Jotunheimen, Norway, and their interpretative problems
© 2016 Swedish Society for Anthropology and Geography Periglacial patterned ground (sorted circles and polygons) along an altitudinal profile at Juvflya in central Jotunheimen, southern Norway, is investigated using Schmidt-hammer exposure-age dating (SHD). The patterned ground surfaces exhibit R-value distributions with platycurtic modes, broad plateaus, narrow tails, and a negative skew. Sample sites located between 1500 and 1925 m a.s.l. indicate a distinct altitudinal gradient of increasing mean R-values towards higher altitudes interpreted as a chronological function. An established regional SHD calibration curve for Jotunheimen yielded mean boulder exposure ages in the range 6910 ± 510 to 8240 ± 495 years ago. These SHD ages are indicative of the timing of patterned ground formation, representing minimum ages for active boulder upfreezing and maximum ages for the stabilization of boulders in the encircling gutters. Despite uncertainties associated with the calibration curve and the age distribution of the boulders, the early-Holocene age of the patterned ground surfaces, the apparent cessation of major activity during the Holocene Thermal Maximum (HTM) and continuing lack of late-Holocene activity clarify existing understanding of the process dynamics and palaeoclimatic significance of large-scale sorted patterned ground as an indicator of a permafrost environment. The interpretation of SHD ages from patterned ground surfaces remains challenging, however, owing to their diachronous nature, the potential for a complex history of formation, and the influence of local, non-climatic factors
Phase Behavior of Aqueous Na-K-Mg-Ca-CI-NO3 Mixtures: Isopiestic Measurements and Thermodynamic Modeling
A comprehensive model has been established for calculating thermodynamic properties of multicomponent aqueous systems containing the Na{sup +}, K{sup +}, Mg{sup 2+}, Ca{sup 2+}, Cl{sup -}, and NO{sub 3}{sup -} ions. The thermodynamic framework is based on a previously developed model for mixed-solvent electrolyte solutions. The framework has been designed to reproduce the properties of salt solutions at temperatures ranging from the freezing point to 300 C and concentrations ranging from infinite dilution to the fused salt limit. The model has been parameterized using a combination of an extensive literature database and new isopiestic measurements for thirteen salt mixtures at 140 C. The measurements have been performed using Oak Ridge National Laboratory's (ORNL) previously designed gravimetric isopiestic apparatus, which makes it possible to detect solid phase precipitation. Water activities are reported for mixtures with a fixed ratio of salts as a function of the total apparent salt mole fraction. The isopiestic measurements reported here simultaneously reflect two fundamental properties of the system, i.e., the activity of water as a function of solution concentration and the occurrence of solid-liquid transitions. The thermodynamic model accurately reproduces the new isopiestic data as well as literature data for binary, ternary and higher-order subsystems. Because of its high accuracy in calculating vapor-liquid and solid-liquid equilibria, the model is suitable for studying deliquescence behavior of multicomponent salt systems
Importance des corrections radiométriques dues au relief pour les données SAR du satellite ERS-1 : applications à l'hydrologie
[Notes_IRSTEA]bibl., ill., graph. [Departement_IRSTEA]GT [TR1_IRSTEA]GMA1-Fonctionnement hydrologique des bassins et des réseaux hydrographiquesNational audienceThis paper deals with the retrieval of surface soil moisture (0-5 cm) from ERS-1 SAR images in a hilly semi-arid rangeland (Walnut Gulch watershed, Arizona). The main purpose is to enlighten the necessity of calibration of the raw image by correcting for the backscattering area of each pixel. The backscattering area is simulated using a digital elevation model (40m resolution) and the results show that the calibration coefficient has a 8 dB range over the watershed and that the calibrated backscattering coefficient is decreasing with the local incidence angle. The correlation between surface soil moisture measurements and backscattering coefficients is significantly improved when the calibrated data are used, giving a sensitivity of 0.19 dB/% soil moisture. Despite the spatial variability of other parameters affecting the backscattering coefficient (soil roughness, vegetation), this relationship can still be used to detect relative change in surface soil moisture from image ratio technique if we assume constant soil roughness and vegetation properties in time.Ce papier présente une méthode d'utilisation des images SAR du satellite ERS-1 pour la détermination de l'humidité de surface du sol (0-5 cm) en zone semi-aride, sur un bassin versant de l'Arizona (Walnut Gulch). Le principal objectif est de démontrer la nécessité de calibrer les données brutes de l'image en tenant compte de l'aire de rétrodiffusion de chaque pixel. Une nouvelle méthode de correction se basant sur une simulation d'aire à partir d'un MNT (ModÚle Numérique de Terrain) est ainsi testé et montre que le coefficient de calibration peut alors varier dans une gamme de 8 dB sur le bassin versant. L'analyse des résultats montre qu'il est également possible de tenir compte de la dépendance angulaire du coefficient de rétrodiffusion avec l'angle d'incidence local. La comparaison des rétrodiffusions brutes et calibrées avec des données de terrain d'humidité du sol permet de montrer l'amélioration de la relation humidité avec les données calibrées et d'en déduire une relation statistique. Une sensibilité de 0.19 dB/% d'humidité est aini déterminé. Malgré la variabilité spatiale d'autres paramÚtres influant sur le, tels que la rugosité du sol et la quantité de végétation, cette relation permet d'établir, en supposant ces paramÚtres stables dans le temps, des cartes d'évolution de l'humidité du sol à partir de ratios d'images entre différentes dates
Estimation de l'humidité du sol en zone semi-aride au moyen de données SAR ERS-1 dans le cadre d'une approche multi-capteur de suivi du bilan d'énergie
[Departement_IRSTEA]GT [TR1_IRSTEA]GMA1-Fonctionnement hydrologique des bassins et des rĂ©seaux hydrographiquesThis paper describes the preliminary results concerning surface soil moisture estimation using ERS-1 SAR data in the framework of the "Walnut Gulch 92" experiment. This experiment was conducted to investigate the potential use of combined visible-thermal-radar remote sensing data to monitor seasonal changes of biophysical parameters and of energy balance in semi-arid rangelands, such as the Walnut Gulch watershed, Arizona. The seven images used here (processed as MLD products by the CCRS) showed that radar backscatter so temporal trend followed quite well surface soil moisture Hs and rainfalls, despite some calibration problems. At this step of the study, a restricted vegetation data set did not allow us to accurately explain the observed radar signal. However, "water cloud model" with standard parameterization showed that vegetation attenuation of soil backscatter could result in a strong dispersion in the so /Hs relationship.L'expĂ©rimentation "Walnut Gulch 92" a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e dans une zone semi-aride de l'Arizona (bassin versant de Walnut Gulch) afin d'Ă©tudier les possibilitĂ©s offertes par la complĂ©mentaritĂ© de diffĂ©rents domaines spectraux (visible, thermique, radar) pour le suivi de paramĂštres biophysiques et du bilan d'Ă©nergie. Les aspects radar de l'Ă©tude prĂ©sentĂ©s ici ont montrĂ© une bonne corrĂ©lation entre l'Ă©volution de la rĂ©trodiffusion (sept images MLD du CCRS) et l'Ă©volution de l'humiditĂ© superficielle du sol Hs et de la pluviomĂ©trie, malgrĂ© certains problĂšmes de calibration des images. A cette Ă©tape de l'Ă©tude, certaines donnĂ©es de vĂ©gĂ©tation manquantes ont empĂȘchĂ© d'interprĂ©ter complĂštement le signal radar observĂ©. Cependant, l'utilisation d'un "modĂšle goutte d'eau" paramĂ©trĂ© de maniĂšre standard a montrĂ© que la vĂ©gĂ©tation pouvait attĂ©nuer de maniĂšre non nĂ©gligeable la rĂ©trodiffusion issue du sol et augmenter ainsi la dispersion de la relation so =f(Hs)
Optical-microwave synergy for estimating surface sensible heat flux over a semi-arid rangeland
This study reports the first results of the Walnut Gulch' 92 experiment concerning the combined use of radar backscattering (ERS-1) and thermal infrared (Landsat TM) data to estimate surface sensible heat flux. The purpose is to use the radar-thermal synergy to retrieve both vegetation and soil temperatures required by a two-layer type model. The first step investigates the potential use of ERS-1 SAR images for surface soil moisture monitoring of the watershed using five calibrated images acquired during the year 1992 (dry to wet conditions). Results show that despite the typical low level of biomass of semi-arid rangeland, an attenuation of the soil backscatter (up to 2 dB) can occur during the rainy season mainly due to the vegetation characteristics. A statistical relationship is then used to retrieve the volumetric surface soil moisture from ERS-1 backscattering (sensitivity of 0.23 dB / % moisture) with a resulting root mean square error (RMSE) of 1.3% of soil moisture. In a second step a semi-empirical approach based on energy balance relates soil temperature Ts to this estimated surface soil moisture with an accuracy of 1.3 °C. Vegetation temperature is then deduced from both Ts and Landsat TM composite temperature Tr in order to estimate sensible heat flux according to the two-layer model. To extend the validation data set, additional Ts and Tr values are also obtained from ground soil moisture measurements and thermal aircraft flights respectively. The overall low RMSE of 35 W/mÂČ obtained between ground and remote sensible heat flux confirms the potentiality of radar/thermal synergy over semi-arid sparse vegetation for energy fluxes estimate. / Nous Ă©tudions ici comment l'utilisation combinĂ©e de donnĂ©es radar (ERS-1) et infrarouge thermique (Landsat TM) permet d'estimer le flux de chaleur sensible sur le bassin versant de Walnut Gulch (Arizona) en 1992. L'objectif est d'utiliser la synergie radar-thermique pour retrouver les tempĂ©ratures du sol et de la vĂ©gĂ©tation requises par un modĂšle de flux Ă deux couches. Nous analysons dans un premier temps les potentialitĂ©s des images radar d'ERS-1 pour suivre l'humiditĂ© du sol du bassin versant Ă partir de 5 images radar calibrĂ©es acquises pendant l'annĂ©e 1992. Bien que cette steppe semi-aride soit caractĂ©risĂ©e par une vĂ©gĂ©tation peu dĂ©veloppĂ©e, une attĂ©nuation importante de la rĂ©trodiffusion du sol par la vĂ©gĂ©tation a Ă©tĂ© observĂ©e pendant la saison humide (jusqu'Ă 2 dB). Une relation empirique est alors calibrĂ©e pour retrouver l'humiditĂ© de surface du sol (sensibilitĂ© de 0.23 dB / % d'humiditĂ©) avec un Ă©cart-type rĂ©siduel de 1.3% d'humiditĂ©. La tempĂ©rature de surface du sol Ts est ensuite dĂ©duite de l'humiditĂ© de surface par une approche semi-empirique basĂ©e sur le bilan d'Ă©nergie avec une prĂ©cision de 1.3°C. La tempĂ©rature de la vĂ©gĂ©tation est alors obtenue en combinant l'estimation de Ts et la tempĂ©rature composite Tr mesurĂ©e par Landsat TM, ce qui permet finalement l'estimation du flux de chaleur sensible par le modĂšle Ă deux couches. Des donnĂ©es issues de prĂ©lĂšvements au sol (humiditĂ© de surface) et de vols avions (thermique) sont Ă©galement utilisĂ©es pour accroitre le jeu de donnĂ©es. Le flux de chaleur sensible estimĂ© par cette approche multi-capteur montre un bon accord avec les mesures effectuĂ©es sur le terrain (Ă©cart-type rĂ©siduel de 35 W.m-2)
Synergie optique - micro-ondes pour l'estimation du flux de chaleur sensible d'une steppe semi-aride
[Departement_IRSTEA]GT [TR1_IRSTEA]GMA1-Fonctionnement hydrologique des bassins et des rĂ©seaux hydrographiquesInternational audienceThis study reports the first results of the Walnut Gulch' 92 experiment concerning the combined use of radar backscattering (ERS-1) and thermal infrared (Landsat TM) data to estimate surface sensible heat flux. The purpose is to use the radar-thermal synergy to retrieve both vegetation and soil temperatures required by a two-layer type model. The first step investigates the potential use of ERS-1 SAR images for surface soil moisture monitoring of the watershed using five calibrated images acquired during the year 1992 (dry to wet conditions). Results show that despite the typical low level of biomass of semi-arid rangeland, an attenuation of the soil backscatter (up to 2 dB) can occur during the rainy season mainly due to the vegetation characteristics. A statistical relationship is then used to retrieve the volumetric surface soil moisture from ERS-1 backscattering (sensitivity of 0.23 dB / % moisture) with a resulting root mean square error (RMSE) of 1.3% of soil moisture. In a second step a semi-empirical approach based on energy balance relates soil temperature Ts to this estimated surface soil moisture with an accuracy of 1.3 °C. Vegetation temperature is then deduced from both Ts and Landsat TM composite temperature Tr in order to estimate sensible heat flux according to the two-layer model. To extend the validation data set, additional Ts and Tr values are also obtained from ground soil moisture measurements and thermal aircraft flights respectively. The overall low RMSE of 35 W/mÂČ obtained between ground and remote sensible heat flux confirms the potentiality of radar/thermal synergy over semi-arid sparse vegetation for energy fluxes estimate.Nous Ă©tudions ici comment l'utilisation combinĂ©e de donnĂ©es radar (ERS-1) et infrarouge thermique (Landsat TM) permet d'estimer le flux de chaleur sensible sur le bassin versant de Walnut Gulch (Arizona) en 1992. L'objectif est d'utiliser la synergie radar-thermique pour retrouver les tempĂ©ratures du sol et de la vĂ©gĂ©tation requises par un modĂšle de flux Ă deux couches. Nous analysons dans un premier temps les potentialitĂ©s des images radar d'ERS-1 pour suivre l'humiditĂ© du sol du bassin versant Ă partir de 5 images radar calibrĂ©es acquises pendant l'annĂ©e 1992. Bien que cette steppe semi-aride soit caractĂ©risĂ©e par une vĂ©gĂ©tation peu dĂ©veloppĂ©e, une attĂ©nuation importante de la rĂ©trodiffusion du sol par la vĂ©gĂ©tation a Ă©tĂ© observĂ©e pendant la saison humide (jusqu'Ă 2 dB). Une relation empirique est alors calibrĂ©e pour retrouver l'humiditĂ© de surface du sol (sensibilitĂ© de 0.23 dB / % d'humiditĂ©) avec un Ă©cart-type rĂ©siduel de 1.3% d'humiditĂ©. La tempĂ©rature de surface du sol Ts est ensuite dĂ©duite de l'humiditĂ© de surface par une approche semi-empirique basĂ©e sur le bilan d'Ă©nergie avec une prĂ©cision de 1.3°C. La tempĂ©rature de la vĂ©gĂ©tation est alors obtenue en combinant l'estimation de Ts et la tempĂ©rature composite Tr mesurĂ©e par Landsat TM, ce qui permet finalement l'estimation du flux de chaleur sensible par le modĂšle Ă deux couches. Des donnĂ©es issues de prĂ©lĂšvements au sol (humiditĂ© de surface) et de vols avions (thermique) sont Ă©galement utilisĂ©es pour accroitre le jeu de donnĂ©es. Le flux de chaleur sensible estimĂ© par cette approche multi-capteur montre un bon accord avec les mesures effectuĂ©es sur le terrain (Ă©cart-type rĂ©siduel de 35 W.m-2)
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