14 research outputs found

    Decisions and transitions: meeting the needs of the ‘knowledge economy’

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    Governments worldwide have focused attention on improving educational attainment in order to meet the labour demands of the knowledge economy. I explore decisions taken concerning further and higher education among seventy-one students from a highly successful comprehensive school in North East England, and argue that the postulated links between attainment, higher education, and secure well-paid employment are more complicated than policy documents suggest. Instead, I argue for a greater understanding among policy makers of the specificity of place and of the impact of relative differences in economic, social, and cultural capital.

    Would Harry and Hermione have done better in single-sex classes? A review of single-sex teaching in coeducational secondary schools in the United Kingdom

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    The gender agenda in many North American, Western European, and Aus-tralasian countries has undergone a “boy turn ” in the past decade amid grow-ing concerns about boys ’ apparent “underachievement ” relative to girls. One aspect of this turn has been the resurrection of interest in single-sex classes in coeducational public state schools. This article reviews these developments from an international perspective, particularly focusing on the experiences of a number of United Kingdom secondary schools involved in the 4-year Rais-ing Boys ’ Achievement Project. The article suggests that, while single-sex classes have the potential to raise the achievement levels of both boys and girls and to have a positive impact on the atmosphere and ethos for learning, these gains will be achieved only if the initiative is developed within gender-relational contexts rather than situated within recuperative masculinity policies

    Heading for Adulthood: OT Interventions to Increase Function in Adolescents with TBI

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    What interventions within the scope of occupational therapy practice improve participation in daily occupations for adolescents with traumatic brain injury (TBI)? Objectives By the end of this presentation participants will be able to: Define Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), the prevalence in adolescents and its impact on adolescent\u27s daily occupations Describe the role of occupational therapy in adolescent TI rehabilitation Identify and describe evidence based interventions that increase participation in daily occupations for adolescents post-TB

    Book reviews

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