104 research outputs found


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    The basic trends in financial flows movement on the regional level have being examined in context of integration and globalization processes. The influence of financial flows on the financial potential of the region and its ability to develop own financial infrastructure have being analyzed. The directions for overcoming the negative influence of the institutional factors on the financial flows movement have being defined.The basic trends in financial flows movement on the regional level have being examined in context of integration and globalization processes. The influence of financial flows on the financial potential of the region and its ability to develop own financial infrastructure have being analyzed. The directions for overcoming the negative influence of the institutional factors on the financial flows movement have being defined

    In vitro Morphogenesis in Developmental Toxicity Testing: Assay Validation and the Search for Teratogenic Mechanisms.

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    Ph.D. Thesis. University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa 2018

    MiD51 Is Important for Maintaining Mitochondrial Health in Pancreatic Islet and MIN6 Cells

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    Background: Mitochondrial dynamics are important for glucose-stimulated insulin secretion in pancreatic beta cells. The mitochondrial elongation factor MiD51 has been proposed to act as an anchor that recruits Drp1 from the cytosol to the outer mitochondrial membrane. Whether MiD51 promotes mitochondrial fusion by inactivation of Drp1 is a controversial issue. Since both the underlying mechanism and the effects on mitochondrial function remain unknown, this study was conducted to investigate the role of MiD51 in beta cells. Methods: Overexpression and downregulation of MiD51 in mouse insulinoma 6 (MIN6) and mouse islet cells was achieved using the pcDNA expression vector and specific siRNA, respectively. Expression of genes regulating mitochondrial dynamics and autophagy was analyzed by quantitative Real-Time PCR, glucose-stimulated insulin secretion by ELISA, and cellular oxygen consumption rate by optode sensor technology. Mitochondrial membrane potential and morphology were visualized after TMRE and MitoTracker Green staining, respectively. Immunofluorescence analyses were examined by confocal microscopy. Results: MiD51 is expressed in insulin-positive mouse and human pancreatic islet and MIN6 cells. Overexpression of MiD51 resulted in mitochondrial fragmentation and cluster formation in MIN6 cells. Mitochondrial membrane potential, glucose-induced oxygen consumption rate and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion were reduced in MIN6 cells with high MiD51 expression. LC3 expression remained unchanged. Downregulation of MiD51 resulted in inhomogeneity of the mitochondrial network in MIN6 cells with hyperelongated and fragmented mitochondria. Mitochondrial membrane potential, maximal and glucose-induced oxygen consumption rate and insulin secretion were diminished in MIN6 cells with low MiD51 expression. Furthermore, reduced Mfn2 and Parkin expression was observed. Based on MiD51 overexpression and downregulation, changes in the mitochondrial network structure similar to those in MIN6 cells were also observed in mouse islet cells. Conclusion: We have demonstrated that MiD51 plays a pivotal role in regulating mitochondrial function and hence insulin secretion in MIN6 cells. We propose that this anchor protein of Drp1 is important to maintain a homogeneous mitochondrial network and to avoid morphologies such as hyperelongation and clustering which are inaccessible for degradation by autophagy. Assuming that insulin granule degradation frequently suppresses autophagy in beta cells, MiD51 could be a key element maintaining mitochondrial health

    Математическое моделирование воздействия лесных пожаров на здания и сооружения

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    Работа направлена на определение расстояний от очага горения лесного массива до деревянного строения, которые не приведут к зажиганию постройки. Объектом исследования является лесные пожары. Исходные данные для численных расчетов задавались в редакторе ввода MATLAB. В процессе исследования создавалась двухмерная математическая модель воздействия лесных пожаров на здания и сооружения. Она позволила определить безопасные расстояния от очага горения лесного массива до постройки.The work is aimed at determining the distances from the focus of burning the forest to the wooden structure, which will not lead to the ignition of the building. The object of the study is forest fires. The initial data for numerical calculations was specified in the MATLAB input editor. In the process of research, a two-dimensional mathematical model of the effect of forest fires on buildings and structures was created. It allowed to determine the safe distances from the focus of forest burning before construction

    Der Einfluss von MiD51 auf die mitochondriale Dynamik

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    Ziel war es, die mitochondriale Morphologie und die zelluläre Funktion von MIN6- und primären Inselzellen der Maus nach Überexpression von MiD51 zu untersuchen. Zusammenfassend konnte gezeigt werden, dass eine Überexpression von MiD51 in MIN6-Zellen und in primären Inselzellen zu einer signifikanten Verminderung der Glukose-stimulierten Insulinsekretion führt. MiD51 spielt somit eine grundlegende Rolle bei der Funktion von pankreatischen β-Zellen und in der Ausbildung der mitochondrialen Morphologie. Das mitochondriale Netzwerk zeigte Fragmentierung und Clusterbildung nach Überexpression von MiD51

    Continental response to active ridge subduction

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    [1] Apatite fission track ages from a ∼2000 m elevation transect from the Patagonian fold and thrust belt (47.5°S) allow us to quantify the denudational and orographic response of the upper plate to active ridge subduction. Accelerated cooling started at 17 Ma, predating the onset of ridge collision (14–10 Ma), and was followed by reheating between 10 and 6 Ma. Thermal modeling favors reheating on the order of 60°C at ∼28°C/Ma due to east-migration of a slab window after the ridge-trench collision. Final rapid cooling since 4 Ma of ∼18°C/Ma (geothermal gradient of 14°C/km) correlates with the presence of an orographic barrier and >1 km rock uplift in this region between 17.1 and 6.3 Ma. Increased precipitation and erosion since 4 Ma caused asymmetric exhumation, with 3–4 km on the leeside. Repeated crustal unroofing in response to active ridge subduction can explain the positive gravity anomaly south of the Chile Triple Junction