7 research outputs found

    Pengaruh literasi keuangan, experienced regret, risk tolerance, dan motivasi pada keputusan investasi keluarga dalam perspektif masyarakat Bali

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    This study aims to determine the effect of financial literacy, experienced regret, risk tolerance, and motivation on family investment decisions by taking samples of 105 Balinese residents. The investment decision investigated in this study is dealt with the decision to invest the money in capital market instruments and bank accounts. The analytical method used is a quantitative method using multiple linear regressions. The data were collected using a survey of questionnaire to the respondent. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling method and then continued using convenience sampling. The results of this study indicate that risk tolerance has positive influence on investment decisions of Balinese family. Meanwhile, financial literacy, experienced regret, and motivation do not affect significantly investment decisions of Balinese family. These results imply that Balinese people consider their risk tolerance as the main factor considered in making decision whether to put the money in bank accounts or capital market instruments

    Putusan Niet Ontvankelijke Verklaard dalam Perkara Cerai Gugat (Studi Kasus Putusan Nomor : 18/PDT.G/2022/PA.SMN Junto Putusan Nomor : 22/2022/PTA.YK)

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    Relations between people, situations often occur that give rise to legal relations. In this legal relationship, the parties will have rights and obligations that must be fulfilled. If one party feels that their rights have been violated or harmed, that party can file a lawsuit or claim their rights legally through the judiciary. The lawsuit must meet the terms and conditions set out in the HIR and RBg. If the lawsuit contains a formal defect, the judge can declare that the lawsuit is unacceptable (Niet Ontvankelijk Verklaard). The problem is whether the legal consequences and efforts in the Decision are declared unacceptable (N.O) in the contested divorce case Number 18/PDT.G/2022/PA.SMN and the factors that led to the Decision in case Number 18/PDT.G/2022 /PA.SMN declared unacceptable (N.O). This study aims to understand and analyze legal consequences, legal remedies, and the factors that led to the decision in the divorce case being sued Number 18/PDT.G/2022/PA.SMN declared unacceptable (N.O). The research method used is normative juridical research method (library research) which is descriptive analytical and analyzed qualitatively. The results of the study show that the legal consequence of a decision that is declared unacceptable (N.O) in case Number 18/PDT.G/2022/PA.SMN is that there is no object of claim in the decision that can be executed. This was due to the fact that the judge did not follow up on the lawsuit filed by the Plaintiff after he was not present at the trial even though he had been summoned 4 times. There was also a judge's mistake in the decision, because even though the plaintiff was not present at the trial, article 26 paragraph (1) PP 9/1975 and article 142 paragraph (1) KHI allow him to represent himself through his attorney. To overcome the losses arising from the N.O decision, the parties who feel aggrieved can take legal action in the form of appeals and remedial claims. The factor causing the lawsuit to be declared unacceptable (N.O) in the divorce case filed against Number 18/PDT.G/2022/PA.SMN was due to a wrong interpretation by the judge. This can have an impact on harm to the community at large, and may be related to the mindset of judges and the system of knowledge they have, which influences their pattern of thinking in interpreting or interpreting law in deciding a case. A mindset that is patterned as positivistic or non-positivistic can make a difference in the way judges interpret the law and decide a case practically


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    Since the establishment of the Bogor Botanical Garden (BBG) in 1817, the protection of the tree collections, even the loss of aging trees (> 100 years old), has been one of its most important tasks. Abiotic factors such as intense extreme events, i.e., heavy rainfall and strong winds, as well as biotic factors from human activities, pests and diseases, and the deterioration of the health of the plant collection with age, has threatened the survival of the old tree collections. As the BBG has many functions for conservation and human ecological activities, tree fall accidents have become a primary concern in preventing the loss of biodiversity and human life. Therefore, disaster map zonation is required to prevent and minimize such accident together with a prediction of which individual specimen is likely to fall. We examined the health of 154 to determine the falling probability of 1106 aged trees based on several factors that might cause the fall in the past and to make model predictions generated by nine supervised machine learning algorithms to get a binary value of falling probability and then classified into four categories (neglectable, low, moderate, and high probability of falling). Inverse Distance Weighted interpolation method was used to depict a zone map of trees prone to fall in BBG. We found 885 susceptible trees, of which 358 individual trees were highly susceptible to fall (red zone color), dominated by families from Fabaceae, Lauraceae, Moraceae, Meliaceae, Dipterocarpaceae, Sapindaceae, Rubiaceae, Myrtaceae, Araucariaceae, Malvaceae, and Anacardiaceae. This result was based on Random Forest model due to its highest accuracy among algorithms and its lowest false negative (FN) value. The FN value was important to minimize error calculation on aged trees that were not prone to fall but turned out to be prone to fall. The dominant factor contributing to high falling intensity was hollow and brittle on the tree trunks where many were found to have pests inside damaged parts such as termites, wood-borers, and bark-eaters. Several trees were found to have combined damages with more than a single causative factor that exacerbated tree’s health and increased falling probability

    Decay Tree Detection in Bogor Botanic Gardens Collection Using Sonic Tomograph Technology

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    Bogor Botanic Gardens is an ex-situ plant conservation area in Indonesia. Since BBG is 103 years old, many collections are 100 years old or older. These antique collections may sustain damage, such as broken or collapsing, endangering visitors and employees. As a result, monitoring tree health at BBG is a critical task. According to the tree health monitoring data, 73 of 244 trees were further checked using the PiCUS Sonic Tomograph. Trees from the Fabaceae (31%) and Myrtaceae (10%) families were the most frequently checked. Walnuts trees from the Burseraceae family had the most specimens (47,94%). The PST effectively provides an immediate picture of the stem condition by calculating solid and decaying wood percentage values

    Decay Tree Detection in Bogor Botanic Gardens Collection Using Sonic Tomograph Technology

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    Bogor Botanic Gardens is an ex-situ plant conservation area in Indonesia. Since BBG is 103 years old, many collections are 100 years old or older. These antique collections may sustain damage, such as broken or collapsing, endangering visitors and employees. As a result, monitoring tree health at BBG is a critical task. According to the tree health monitoring data, 73 of 244 trees were further checked using the PiCUS Sonic Tomograph. Trees from the Fabaceae (31%) and Myrtaceae (10%) families were the most frequently checked. Walnuts trees from the Burseraceae family had the most specimens (47,94%). The PST effectively provides an immediate picture of the stem condition by calculating solid and decaying wood percentage values


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    Eksistensi busana pada dasarnya sebagai penutup, pelindung, dan bentuk kesopanan, tetapi kini sudah menjadi bagian dari lifestyle (gaya hidup). Dengan fashion seseorang bisa menunjukan kualitas gaya hidup mereka. Pamor dan status seseorang pun ikut terdongkrak naik saat memakai fashion yang sedang populer. Hadirnya linimasa Instagram seolah memfasilitasi kreasi busana tersebut dengan berbagai mode dan kombinasi. Sementara kehidupan santriwati yang dipersepsikan sederhana dan lugu, nyatanya kontras saat dijumpai di jejaring sosial Instagram yang merupakan wadah ekspresi tanpa batas. Oleh karena itu, santriwati merasa leluasa tanpa ketakutan untuk memposting foto pribadi mereka dengan bergaya sebagaimana yang tidak biasa dilakukan di dunia real. Dari deskripsi di atas, penelitian ini mengambil fokus kajian tentang konstruksi citra dan identitas santriwati Pondok Pesantren Ali Maksum, serta bagaimana pengaruh penggunaan instagram pada perubahan gaya busana santriwati Pondok Pesantren Ali Maksum Krapyak Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan mengkombinasikan data yang diperoleh dari instragram, dengan bentuk penyajiannya deskriptif kualitatif. Adapun sumber data primer dalam penelitian ini berupa beberapa postingan dari instagram santriwati dan hasil wawancara di lapangan. Teknik analisis yang digunakan berupa analisis netrografi yakni dengan menyelidiki postingan instagram sebagai narasumber. Selanjutnya, data yang sudah diperoleh dianalisis dengan perspektif teori hiperrealitas Jean Baudrillar. Informan utama dalam penelitian ini mengambil sample lima anak santriwati. Ke-lima sample tersebut dipilih berdasarkan penggunaan linimasa instagram yang intensitasanya lebih sering dibandingkan santriwati lain di Pondok Pesantren Ali Maksum Krapyak. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan, bahwa penggunaan instagram oleh santriwati adalah sebagai media aktualisasi diri santriwati di media sosial. Penggunaan instagram tersebut bertujuan ingin tampil dan menunjukkan bahwa dunia pesantren tidak selalu identik konvensional dalam berbusana, akan tetapi bisa mengikuti model fashion yang sedang berkembang. Sementara, penggunaan instagram bagi santriwati berpengaruh pada perubahan mode busana santriwati yang terkesan modis dan fashionable saat tampil di jejaring sosial instagram. Pengaruh penggunaan instagram juga berpengaruh pada berkembangnya pandangan santriwati terhadap busana yang tidak hanya busana sebagai pelindung tubuh, tetapi sudah menjadi bagian dari life style yang mendukung penampilan santriwati, dimana santriwati saat ini tidak mengkonsumsi sesuatu berdasarkan kebutuhan akan tetapi mereka mengkonsumsi sesuatu karena adanya nilai, simbol, dan prestise