38 research outputs found

    Exploring Students’ Weaknesses in Reading Through Diagnostic Test

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    This thesis is entitled “Exploring students’ weaknesses in reading through diagnostic test”. Reading is the ability to achieve the meaning from written material. Reading is a substantial skill that needs to be taught in junior high school based on the ministry of the national education’s policy. Diagnostic test is used to identify students’ strength and weaknesses. This research is aimed to know whether Diagnostic Test could identify the problems faced by the students’ in reading. This research utilized quantitative approach by using test as an instrument. The population of this research was the second year students of SMP Negeri 5 Banda Aceh, and the sample was the students of class VIII 1. To collect the data, the researcher gave a test to the students. To analyze the result of the test percentages formula was used. Based on the findings, diagnostic test could find out students problems in reading. The result indicated that most of student (less than 50%) in understanding reading text, functional, but have serious problems in understanding main idea, supporting idea, synonym words and the purpose of the text(100%)

    Pengaruh Metode Latihan Berbantuan Media Ular Tangga terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa di SMA Negeri 1 Teunom pada Materi Kesetimbangan Kimia

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    Mempelajari kimia seharusnya merupakan kegiatan yang menyenangkan, karena berkaitan dengan kehidupan sehari-hari. akan tetapi apa yang diharapkan umumnya berbeda dengan kenyataan yang terjadi. Hal ini terjadi karena kurang menariknya siswa dalam belajar. Misalnya mempelajari kesetimbangan kimia selama ini umumnya siswa menganggap bahwa materi ini sulit dipahami karena selain konsepnya yang rumit, yang dikatakan dengan kimia tentu saja tidak pernah lepas dari perhitungan, terutama pada materi kesetimbangan kimia akan sangat banyak dijumpai dengan berbagai permasalahan yang terkait. Bagi siswa menjadikan ia susah mengubah pemikirannya, bahwa belajar materi kesetimbangan memang mengalami kesulitan. Oleh karena itu peneliti menawarkan solusi pemecahannya dengan mengaplikasikan metode latihan berbantuan media ular tangga. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini yaitu: Apakah penerapan pembelajaran metode latihan berbantuan media ular tangga berpengaruh terhadap hasil belajar siswa SMA Negeri 1 Teunom pada materi kesetimbangan kimia? Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah quasi eksperiment dengan pengambilan sampel secara sampling purposive. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan tes hasil belajar. Hasil analisis uji t menunjukkan bahwa thitung > ttabel yaitu 7,14 >1,68. Sehingga terbukti bahwa ada pengaruh metode latihan berbantuan media ular tangga terhadap hasil belajar siswa di SMA Negeri 1 Teunom pada materi kesetimbangan kimia

    Peran Serta Masyarakat dalam Proses Penyusunan Analisis Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan Hidup

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      Environmental Impact Analysis or called EIA is a preventive measure to prevent environmental damage as well as a prerequisite for getting an environmental license. The EIA in its preparation should involve the society, but there are still many societies that have not been fully involved by investors/business actors and the government. Whereas the society has the right and obligation to keep environment. The lack of social involvement to result in further about an assessment of social participation in the process of preparing EIA. The written uses normative juridical methods in addressing issues related to guarantees of protection concerning society involvement in the process of preparing to EIA and the legal consequences of non-involvement of the society. Discussion results show that society involvement in the EIA compilation process has been protected and guaranteed its rights by regulation but the implications of the regulation are still minimal. Consequently, the involvement of the public with the implications of EIA documents may be submitted to the Administrative Court and investors/business actors shall be required to improve the phase of the non-involvement of the society in the process of preparing the EIA in accordance with the court's verdict. Keywords: Social Participation, Environmental Impact Analysis, Administrative Cour

    Analisis Metode dan Akurasi Arah Kiblat Masjid di Kabupaten Sidrap

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    Then it is considered necessary to re-check the position of Qibla direction Mosque in Pitu Riawa district of Kab. Sidrap with a total of 10 villages, However, the samples used only 5 mosques that can be an overview of the Qibla direction position located in the sub-district of Riawa, based on the method of measurement performed and the level of accuracy of qibla direction of the mosque by testing directly to the field using the instrument Qiblat Tracker as one of the qibla direction measurement instruments. Thus, it is found that the accuracy of the mosque in Pitu Riawa sub-district is still not accurate because the results of the measurements there are more than 7 degrees more than a few, there are even more than the from. Five mosques that have been measured can be the benchmark for the remaining five mosques that have not been tested in Pitu Riawa Kabupaten Sidrap Sub-district

    Peran Pemerintah Banyuwangi terhadap Bangunan Pinggir Pantai

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    Banyuwangi is a regency in East Java which focuses to transforming the regency into a tourism city, especially in the coastal tourism. As the development has sustained, it persuades investors to explore coastal tourism as a new business area. Consequently, the development of tourism in Banyuwangi regency generates new tourism places. On the other hand, however, there are further problems in areas of coastal tourism which were previously established. Watu Dodol Beach for instance, the beach has a lot of traditional outlets as business activities as results of coastal tourism with more than 37 years without any administrative documents. This paper is aimed to revisit the response of Government of Banyuwangi toward permanent buildings at beach’s borders according to administrative procedures according to Government Bylaw (Perda) Number 9 Year 2014 on Building. There are some critical notes to outline implications of such bylaw with the following dispute settlement. As mentioned by such bylaw, the absence of administrative documents on the establishment of outlets will impose the Government to issue reminder in writing, restrictions of building, postponement of activities, revocation of building permits (IMB), revocation of feasible function standard (SLF) and dismantling of buildings. As a result, the dispute settlement provided to address such administrative sanction comprises litigation and non-litigation processes. Keywords: Government of Banyuwangi, Building, Coastal Touris

    Development Futures in Kenya and Tanzania Beyond 2015

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    On the road towards the post-2015 development framework, the “Development Futures in Kenya and Tanzania Beyond 2015” book presents views from Kenya and Tanzania to complement the post-2015 debate that thus far has taken place mostly at the international policy circles. The book is based on over fifty interviews in Kenya, Tanzania and Finland and ten workshops carried out in the first half of 2013. The research has been commissioned by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland and has been carried out under the BEYOND 2015 project (Kenya and Tanzania Beyond 2015: Exploring domestic debates and envisioning development futures)

    Cockroaches, locusts, and envenomating arthropods: a promising source of antimicrobials

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    Objective(s): To present a brief overview of various natural sources of antimicrobials with the aim of highlighting invertebrates living in polluted environments as additional sources of antimicrobials. Materials and Methods: A PubMed search using antibacterials, antimicrobials, invertebrates, and natural products as keywords was carried out. In addition, we consulted conference proceedings, original unpublished research undertaken in our laboratories, and discussions in specific forums.Results: Representative of a stupefying 95% of the fauna, invertebrates are fascinating organisms which have evolved strategies to survive germ-infested environments, yet they have largely been ignored. Since invertebrates such as cockroaches inhabit hazardous environments which are rampant with pathogens, they must have developed defense mechanisms to circumvent infections. This is corroborated by the presence of antimicrobial molecules in the nervous systems and hemolymph of cockroaches. Antimicrobial compounds have also been unraveled from the nervous, adipose, and salivary glandular tissues of locusts. Interestingly, the venoms of arthropods including ants, scorpions, and spiders harbor toxins, but also possess multiple antimicrobials.Conclusion: These findings have rekindled the hopes for newer and enhanced therapeutic agents derived from a plentiful and diverse resource to combat fatal infectious diseases. Such antimicrobials from unusual sources can potentially be translated into clinical practice, however intensive research is needed over the next several years to realize these expectations

    Malmö was the start of an incredibly fulfilling journey for me

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    I vividly remember that day in May of 2002 when Oscar Hemer, the head of the Communication for Development (ComDev) Program at Malmö University, sent me an email telling me that I had been selected for the Masters degree programme at the university. I was in my office in Nairobi, having had a particularly frustrating day, and contemplating whether a career in the United Nations was really worth the trouble. Oscar’s email jolted me. I felt a rush of adrenaline followed by a sobering reality check. After having been accepted by several universities to do post-graduate degrees, I inevitably had to decline the offers because I simply couldn’t raise the fees