11,828 research outputs found

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    Bigger, faster, stronger! An overview of anabolic androgenic steroids and their use and impact on the sport industry

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    The use of anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) in sport is no longer confined to the power disciplines and has become a wide-spread issue throughout the general population. AAS are synthetic versions of the male hormone testosterone and display both anabolic and androgenic properties. It is the anabolic properties that are responsible for the muscle binding characteristics and are the main attraction for users. The primary purpose of this review was to provide an overview of the use of AAS in the sports industry by outlining the history of AAS use, the role of AAS in the Olympic success of Soviet athletes and the German Democratic Republic. Furthermore, case studies of the high profile cases of Ben Johnson, Marion Jones and Lance Armstrong were also examined along with the consequences of their drug use. Also outlined are the reasons for AAS use, the variety of ways in which they are used and short and long-term adverse side effects associated with their use. This research has highlighted problems with previous AAS literature as there is a lack of research into the long-term side effects of AAS use

    Inequality of opportunity and economic development

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    Just as equality of opportunity becomes an increasingly prominent concept in normative economics, the authors argue that it is also a relevant concept for positive models of the links between distribution and aggregate efficiency. Persuasive microeconomic evidence suggests that inequalities in wealth, power, and status have efficiency costs. These variablescapture different aspects of people's opportunity sets, for which observed income may be a poor proxy. One implication is that the cross-country literature on income inequality and growth may have been barking up the wrong tree, and that alternative measures of the relevant distributions are needed. The authors review some of the detailed microeconomic evidence, and then suggest three research areas where further work is needed.Economic Theory&Research,Inequality,ICT Policy and Strategies,Poverty Impact Evaluation,Primary Education

    Using visualization for visualization : an ecological interface design approach to inputting data

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    Visualization is experiencing growing use by a diverse community, with continuing improvements in the availability and usability of systems. In spite of these developments the problem of how first to get the data in has received scant attention: the established approach of pre-defined readers and programming aids has changed little in the last two decades. This paper proposes a novel way of inputting data for scientific visualization that employs rapid interaction and visual feedback in order to understand how the data is stored. The approach draws on ideas from the discipline of ecological interface design to extract and control important parameters describing the data, at the same time harnessing our innate human ability to recognize patterns. Crucially, the emphasis is on file format discovery rather than file format description, so the method can therefore still work when nothing is known initially of how the file was originally written, as is often the case with legacy binary data. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd

    Engineering calculations for communications satellite systems planning

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    A procedure is described that was used to calculate minimum required satellite separations based on total link carrier to interference requirements. Also summarized are recent results with a switching algorithm for satellite synthesis problems. Analytic solution value bounds for two of the satellite synthesis models studied are described. Preliminary results from an empirical study of alternate mixed integer programming models for satellite synthesis are presented. Research plans for the near future are discussed

    Property -- According to Locke

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    IN the history of ideas the names of John Locke and George Sutherland stand somewhat apart. The one was the author of a celebrated chapter on property ; 1the other was the voice of the United States Supreme Court in the declaration of the invalidity of the minimum wage law; and nearly a quarter of a millenium separates the two intellectual events. The passing of the crowded years belies a causal connection between them; a likeness in thought, and even an occasional turn of expression, betokens more than a coincidence. A comparison of the documents indicates that had it not been for the philosopher, the jurist would not have written as he did. Yet the bond-unless it be through the imperfect medium of Blackstone-is not personal influence. For Locke was only more plausible than other writers of his outlook and generation in setting down what they in common believed, and Sutherland spoke much as other justices might have done on that historic occasion-and had spoken before. The connection lies rather in a continuing stream of thought, comprehending both utterances, in which the principles of Locke and the dicta of Mr. Justice Sutherland are alike symbols

    Graduate and Postgraduate Medical Study

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    The majority of physicians recognize that they must remain continuously as students of medicine and devote no small amount of time and means to this end. The physician who does not, will soon find that the march of medicine has progressed far while he has been indolently standing by

    Grain legume agronomy programme.

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    Lupin agronomy, Series l - Growth factor interactions. 82GE18, 82GE19, 82N038, 82N18, 82MA13. Lupin agronomy, Series 2 - Harvest index response to density 82GE20, 82M24. Lupin agronomy, nutrition, 82GE21, 82MA14, 82M017. Erregulla lupin rotation plots, 81M027, 81M029, 81M030. Grain legumes for wheatbelt rotations, 81GE6,81TS3, 81ME3, 81M05, 81MO14. Grain legume species trials, 81E30, 82NA31, 82JE23, 82E26, 82LG28. Low rainfall, medium soils pH 5.5 to 7.0, 82ME41, 82ES35, 82ES36, 82TS25, 82ME39. Sites that failed, 82GE23, 82ME40, 82JE18. Field pea agronomy, 82LG27, 82LG26. Oat/lupin mixtures for grain feed 82Bu9, 82Bu10, 82AL34. Oat/pea mixtures for hay, 82PE21, 82KA37. Fababean nodulation, 82MD16, 82MN25

    Part 4 Field pea agronomy

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    Time of planting effect and rate of seeding effect. Field Pea Agronomy 1972 Effeot of time of planting The 1972 season started late (end of May) and with a dry September forced the plants to an early maturity. Delaying seeding from May until July did not have much effect on grain yields. The best yields were produced with seeding done on the 30th June. Earlier sown treatments had greater weed competition. The varieties White Brunswick and Derrimut were early enough to produce higher yields with July time of planting. At Kulikup, where reproductive observations were made, delaying the planting from May until June reduced the vegetative stage in each variety. However delaying seeding from June until July allowed the vegetative stage of each variety to increase. When seeding late-July, the varieties were probably unable to accumulate sufficient low temperatures 72A7, 72A8, 72BR14, 72M4, 72MT32, 72MT33
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