Grain legume agronomy programme.


Lupin agronomy, Series l - Growth factor interactions. 82GE18, 82GE19, 82N038, 82N18, 82MA13. Lupin agronomy, Series 2 - Harvest index response to density 82GE20, 82M24. Lupin agronomy, nutrition, 82GE21, 82MA14, 82M017. Erregulla lupin rotation plots, 81M027, 81M029, 81M030. Grain legumes for wheatbelt rotations, 81GE6,81TS3, 81ME3, 81M05, 81MO14. Grain legume species trials, 81E30, 82NA31, 82JE23, 82E26, 82LG28. Low rainfall, medium soils pH 5.5 to 7.0, 82ME41, 82ES35, 82ES36, 82TS25, 82ME39. Sites that failed, 82GE23, 82ME40, 82JE18. Field pea agronomy, 82LG27, 82LG26. Oat/lupin mixtures for grain feed 82Bu9, 82Bu10, 82AL34. Oat/pea mixtures for hay, 82PE21, 82KA37. Fababean nodulation, 82MD16, 82MN25

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