3,828 research outputs found

    On Infravacua and Superselection Theory

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    In the DHR theory of superselection sectors, one usually considers states which are local excitations of some vacuum state. Here, we extend this analysis to local excitations of a class of "infravacuum" states appearing in models with massless particles. We show that the corresponding superselection structure, the statistics of superselection sectors and the energy-momentum spectrum are the same as with respect to the vacuum state. (The latter result is obtained with a novel method of expressing the shape of the spectrum in terms of properties of local charge transfer cocycles.) These findings provide evidence to the effect that infravacua are a natural starting point for the analysis of the superselection structure in theories with long-range forces.Comment: LaTeX, 18 pages, spelling errors correcte

    Strittiges und Unbestreitbares in der Architekturentwicklung der DDR in den 50er Jahren

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    Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium vom 5. bis 7. Juli 1983 in Weimar an der Hochschule für Architektur und Bauwesen zum Thema: 'Das Bauhauserbe und die gegenwärtige Entwicklung der Architektur : zum 100. Geburtstag von Walter Gropius

    Art, Architecture and Public Space in New York, 1950–1970

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    In the decades after World War II there was much discussion about the need for collaboration between the architect and artist either as embodied in one or as distinctly different creative talents working closely but creatively independently together. Many saw little actual collaboration and questioned the relationship artistically or saw art as a cover for otherwise bland architecture. However, architects like Wallace K. Harrison, Gordon Bunshaft, and others worked regularly with artists like Josef Albers, Isamu Noguchi, Gyorgy Kepes or Richard Lippold. While many of those art installations remain today, they are under constant pressure because of real estate changes, renovations or simply neglect

    Moralidad y Estado en la filosofía política de Fichte

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    The philosophy of history of 1804 and 1805 enables Fichte to place his natural right, developed previously at Jena, against a diachronic background. This means that Fichte does not reason merely synchronically from a timeless conception of society and state. From a synchronic viewpoint, Fichte cannot solve the problem of the control of political power because he has to draw on the assumption of a virtuous ephorate. This assumption is not consistent with the Fichtean ideal of a philosophy of right completely independent from moral considerations. Thus, the control of government is possible only if at least a group of citizens can go beyond the mere rational egoism. This new temporal conception of the state leads Fichte to think that the problems of consistency of his theory of Jena are unavoidable, given that a society integrated by egoist individuals cannot be sustained. However, his later philosophy of history enables Fichte to state the inexorable annihilation of this type of community and gives place to an ensuing epoch, when citizens are not self-interested anymore.La filosofía de la historia de 1804 y 1805 permite a Fichte ubicar a su derecho natural, desarrollado previamente en Jena, en el marco de un trasfondo diacrónico. Esto significa que Fichte no razona meramente de modo sincrónico, es decir a partir de una concepción atemporal de la sociedad y el Estado. Desde un punto de vista sincrónico, Fichte no puede resolver el problema del control del poder político, porque debe recurrir al supuesto de un eforato virtuoso. Este supuesto no es consistente con el ideal fichteano de una filosofía del derecho completamente independiente de consideraciones morales. Por lo tanto, el control del gobierno es posible solamente si por lo menos un grupo de ciudadanos puede ir más allá del mero egoísmo racional. Esta concepción temporal nueva del Estado lleva a Fichte a pensar que los problemas de consistencia de esta teoría son inevitables, dado que una sociedad integrada por individuos egoístas no es sostenible. Sin embargo, esta filosofía tardía de la historia permite a Fichte afirmar la aniquilación inexorable de este tipo de comunidad y da lugar a la época siguiente, en la que los ciudadanos ya no son auto-interesados

    Forrás vagy búvópatak (Előadásvázlat)

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    National Kaohsiung Normal UniversityThe present article is dedicated to the historical analysis of the formant -t- appearing in the Sanskrit neuter s-stem nouns srótas- ‘stream’, rétas- ‘stream; (male) semen’, and †vétas- ‘reed; stick’, as well as the structure and derivation of these nouns. Already Hermann Hirt already proposed that the formant -t- in these nouns was related to the Indo-European t-stems, but alternative interpretations have been put forward as well. Among the existing theories regarding the origin of the formant -t- in these s-stems, Hirt’s theory appears to be the most plausible. A different interpretation regarding the structure and development of their root is proposed in this article, however. Hirt claimed that the normal grade of the root in these nouns was inherited from Indo-European, but an analysis of data suggests that late Indo-European t-stems built to roots of this structure must have had zero grade. The attested full grade must have been introduced only when the reformed roots *srut-, *rit- and *wit- (← **R-t-) were secondarily re-used to build new s-stem nouns

    The Vitality of Old Testament Traditions [review] / Brueggemann, Walter and Hans Walter Wolff.

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    Modern Reuse

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    The essay is part of an ongoing research work about the heritage of modernism, especially the relationship between material, information and message — projected on the genesis of values and a cultural practice of modern reuse, not least on our present legacy and an upcoming circular society. It examines narratives and developments of modernism, concerning the built environment and industry production, to question modern general principles, systems of values and socio-cultural interrelations. The examination is experimentally grounded on projects both in experimental architecture and discourse, which operate across research, practice and conceptual art — referring to the Bestandsverpflanzung (2008) and the current work with Bauhaus reuse from 2019

    Character-level Transformer-based Neural Machine Translation

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    Neural machine translation (NMT) is nowadays commonly applied at the subword level, using byte-pair encoding. A promising alternative approach focuses on character-level translation, which simplifies processing pipelines in NMT considerably. This approach, however, must consider relatively longer sequences, rendering the training process prohibitively expensive. In this paper, we discuss a novel, Transformer-based approach, that we compare, both in speed and in quality to the Transformer at subword and character levels, as well as previously developed character-level models. We evaluate our models on 4 language pairs from WMT'15: DE-EN, CS-EN, FI-EN and RU-EN. The proposed novel architecture can be trained on a single GPU and is 34% percent faster than the character-level Transformer; still, the obtained results are at least on par with it. In addition, our proposed model outperforms the subword-level model in FI-EN and shows close results in CS-EN. To stimulate further research in this area and close the gap with subword-level NMT, we make all our code and models publicly available